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Enter the “When will Joe drop out?”
pool and win a free drinking hike in Aspen
with me!

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 7/6/2024 10:36:19 AM

I like to hike, and I do a lot of it here around Aspen. I also like to see mean old Joe Biden and his hillbilly grifter family humiliated. And I like to drink wine. And I like interacting with my readers. I figured out a tasty blend of these amusing activities. But first, here’s my take on the election. Last night’s softball interview with Democrat flack George Stephanopoulos did little to quell the calls for Joe to drop out in the wake of last week’s catastrophic 90-minute cognitive test, a test on which he crashed and burned and his ashes were buried.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: earlybird 7/6/2024 10:49:12 AM (No. 1750894)
I love Glenn Beaton! This should be your must read...
6 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: woodenleg 7/6/2024 10:56:46 AM (No. 1750899)
After a symbolic fight......he does not get the nomintion.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: mc squared 7/6/2024 10:59:57 AM (No. 1750903)
As late as possible. No chance for vetting, debates, or to examine qualifications.
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: J. Arthur Brown 7/6/2024 11:10:46 AM (No. 1750913)
Biden will attend a NATO conference next week. This will allow him to be "presidential" and out of sight for a few days.
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mc squared 7/6/2024 11:13:14 AM (No. 1750915)
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: privateer 7/6/2024 11:41:05 AM (No. 1750939)
NATO conference? A perfect opportunity for the most convincing Latex Biden to die---or at least appear to---very publicly, and on camera. Then what's left of the actual Malarkey Biden will be spirited away to a hidden location in a country with no extradition treaty. Witch Doctor Jill will follow after the official festivities, to begin spending their ill-gotten billions on whatever upholstery material is locally in vogue.
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: rytwng 7/6/2024 12:17:49 PM (No. 1750994)
When Jill says so.
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Maggie2u 7/6/2024 1:13:37 PM (No. 1751030)
Hey, I guessed August 7th, at 7:15 am. Also, if I win, Glenn takes my adult son on his hike because he's fit and funny. poster #6, They hide him in the same place where Jeffrey Epstein is.
2 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 7/6/2024 3:55:04 PM (No. 1751128)
I want Biden surgically excised from the Presidency, and from the 2024 race. The reality is, if he is not fit to serve as of January, he is not fit to serve now. Dumping Biden will be the hard part because his closest people will probably fight it. Hunter needs to be pardoned after all. The removal process can be contentious and if Biden fights it, it could get ugly. If he does fight, I suspect all dem donor money will dry up. If he fights enough, it could end up requiring a 2/3 vote of each chamber to force him out. Can you imagine 2/3 of the Congress agreeing on something? Following Biden's removal, the easiest path for dems is for Kamala to assume the presidency and, as much as feasible, become the dem nominee (many rules and different for each state). They could try to pick someone else but they would lose the Black women's vote if they do and that would be the end of dem hopes for 2024. It would also shatter the fragile coalition of the dem party. Pass the popcorn.
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Enter the “When will Joe drop out?”
pool and win a free drinking hike in Aspen
with me!
9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/6/2024 10:36:19 AM Post Reply
I like to hike, and I do a lot of it here around Aspen. I also like to see mean old Joe Biden and his hillbilly grifter family humiliated. And I like to drink wine. And I like interacting with my readers. I figured out a tasty blend of these amusing activities. But first, here’s my take on the election. Last night’s softball interview with Democrat flack George Stephanopoulos did little to quell the calls for Joe to drop out in the wake of last week’s catastrophic 90-minute cognitive test, a test on which he crashed and burned and his ashes were buried.
News flash! Biden’s family decides four
more years of a Biden presidency would
be good for them
16 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/2/2024 11:45:47 AM Post Reply
In the aftermath of Joe Biden’s catastrophic, no-good, debate/debacle last week, he met with his trusted advisors to decide whether to drop out of the race. You might ask, who are those trusted advisors? Barack Obama and Michelle? Hillary Clinton and Bill? Surely, seasoned Democrat politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, right? Maybe some big donors and fundraisers and pollsters? No, no, no, no, no, no way, and hell no. He instead met with his family. Before you think how sweet, let’s review the curricula vitae of this crew. First, there’s First Son, Hunter. His resume shows most recently a felony gun conviction for which he’s awaiting sentencing
Joe and Jill are goners who won’t go 15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/30/2024 8:24:47 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden just delivered the worst televised debate performance in history. It started in his opening remarks when he hurriedly regurgitated a canned speech like a nervous 11th grader in speech class, it continued into the early stages when he repeatedly suffered brain freezes in describing, for example, how he “beat Medicare,” and finally ended mercifully with a forgettable conclusion. Even – especially – Democrats were stunned by his awkward, rambling incoherency and open-mouthed, vacant stares into space. If this were a fight, a TKO would have been called in the first round. If this were softball, the Ten-Run Rule would have been invoked in the first inning.
There’s a reason they won’t release
Joe’s cognitive test
11 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/28/2024 5:40:23 AM Post Reply
I’m almost young enough to be Joe Biden’s son. (But I’m not.) When I see the doctor for my annual physical, she typically tells me at the outset that she wants me to remember three arbitrary words – something like “elephant, ice and automobile” – and intends to ask me what the three words are at the end of my examination. I always see it as a challenge. At the end, I’ll remind her impishly, “Didn’t you intend to ask me what the three words are?” “Oh, right,” she’ll reply. That’s my cue:
The death of Europe is greatly exaggerated 9 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/27/2024 2:29:50 PM Post Reply
You hear that Europe is: *Overrun with jihading Muslims; *Running out of energy; *Violent; and *Dysfunctional; I spent the last month hiking and trekking in France, Austria and Germany. This was the latest of my many escapades off the beaten track – and on the Beaton track – for my favorite activity that’s done standing up. Namely, walking. (See, e.g. HERE) I concluded in a non-scientific sort of way that the death of Europe has been greatly exaggerated. It’s something like the Notre Dame. It caught fire, and might have been a goner, but it’s still with us and will be for a very long time. More specifically:
Expect both candidates to do better than
you expect
12 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/24/2024 12:00:57 PM Post Reply
The debates will be interesting this time, because both candidates have the opportunity to change some minds. Joe Biden could change some minds that have decided he’s too old to be president. Donald Trump could change some minds that have decided he’s too much a jerk. Will they succeed? Probably, to some extent. In Biden’s case, it’s because expectations are extraordinarily low. Even Democrats think he’s too old. Republicans think he’s so old that he’s likely to forget where he is (as he appears to do from time to time), fall down (as he has done several times on camera), and perhaps sniff Trump’s hair. Biden will exceed those expectations.
Brandon will pardon Hunter – after the election 15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 6/12/2024 11:58:23 AM Post Reply
In the most open-and-shut case since Al Capone was found guilty of failing to pay taxes on his gangster profits, a jury found Hunter Biden guilty on all three charges for lying on a gun purchase form in saying he was not addicted to drugs. The prosecution presented a mountain of evidence that Hunter committed the crimes, while Hunter’s defense team presented barely anything to rebut that evidence or otherwise exculpate him. Their Hail Mary strategy was “jury nullification” where an unethical jury allows its passion or prejudice to set free a defendant they know to be guilty. See, Simpson, Orenthal James.
Hung jury is most likely outcome 16 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/29/2024 10:57:01 PM Post Reply
The travesty of a political show-trial against Donald Trump has finally been submitted to the jury of five men, five women and two lawyers in ultra-blue Manhattan. A conviction takes unanimity. So does an acquittal. A hung jury takes only at least one dissenter. Expect them to decide that they can’t decide. It’ll be a hung jury. Stage-rants produced by White House staff-kids (remember Biden’s weird State of the Union shout-fest?) and delivered by eighty-year-old Robert DeNiro outside the courtroom won’t change that.
The emperor has no clothes – and no pulse 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/23/2024 5:05:30 PM Post Reply
A 19th century Dane named Hans Christian Andersen (a fine fellow despite his hateful middle name) published a story about an emperor who was conned into buying “new clothes.” He was told by the con men that the “new clothes” could be seen only by people who were not stupid. The reason the con men told the emperor that was because these “new clothes” he’d paid for were nonexistent. Not willing to reveal his stupidity, the emperor pretended to see the “new clothes” presented to him. He pantomimed putting on the nonexistent “new clothes,” and then paraded about the city in them.
Biden tells Black graduates that America
hates Blacks, and assumes they’re stupid
enough to believe him
8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/22/2024 8:54:29 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden sank to a new low last week. He was the keynote speaker at the graduation ceremony for a Black college called Morehouse College. (Consider the irony of a serial plagiarist, story-telling fabulist, and academic cheat being a graduation speaker.) Rather than presenting a message of hope and change, as Barack Obama did at a Morehouse graduation ceremony some years ago, Biden did a race-baiting imitation of Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. Here’s a sampling:
Trump should insist that both candidates
take a post-debate drug test
15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/17/2024 6:20:19 PM Post Reply
Failing in his efforts to bribe or dope people into voting for him, and falling even further behind in the battleground states, a desperate Joe Biden has agreed to a high-risk gambit that must give his handlers nightmares. He has agreed to debate Donald Trump. Of course, that doesn’t mean Biden actually will. His word is worth nothing, as people around the country and the world will tell you – most recently the Israelis. It’s quite possible that he’ll find an excuse to back out, and it’s possible that he already has the excuse pre-planned. But the dates for the debates have been set, and the first is only six weeks away.
Biden bribes and dopes youngsters into
voting for someone quadruple their age
and half their cognition
3 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/12/2024 1:46:12 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is doing poorly with Blacks, Hispanics, men (at least the ones with balls), and young people. This is unusual. Democrats have long suffered from a gender gap where they are unable to get their proportionate share of male votes, but Biden is doing much worse than usual with Blacks, Hispanics and young people. Polls show his support with each is down double digits from recent years. With young people, it’s worse than that – it appears likely that a majority of 18–30-year-olds may vote against him. He’s not exactly an inspirational figure with the aviator glasses, sneakers, hair plugs, stumbling gait, bumbling words, and luminescent teeth caps.
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Expecting people to be on time is part
of ‘white supremacy culture,’ Duke
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62 replies
Posted by mc squared 7/9/2024 12:34:25 PM Post Reply
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MSNBC Host Calls For Biden Aides To Be
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Posted by Hazymac 7/9/2024 4:00:48 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell has called for allowing Joe Biden to have aides with him on stage to speak for him and help him sound coherent. Yes, really. This is where we are now. O’Donnell said that it would be good to “Allow the candidates to have as many staff as they want, join them on the stage throughout the debate, and make sure that all of them have microphones.” He added that “the candidates should be allowed to turn to their staff and confer with them about anything at any time in the debate.” “And we should be able to hear everything they say. So we can hear if the candidate has competent
Democrat NBC Neurologist Lands a DEATH
BLOW on Biden Narrative: 'He Definitely
Has It'
33 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/9/2024 6:35:42 PM Post Reply
Did you have this on your 2024 Bingo card? I sure didn't. A Democrat neurologist who treats Parkison's patients went on NBC News — NBC NEWS!! — to talk about Joe Biden's condition — and it was very, very bad for the president. Dr. Tom Pitts works with Parkinson's patients in a clinical setting in Dayton, Ohio. His specialty is listed as Neurology Clinical Interpretation, and although he has never met Biden, he said he could diagnose him with Parkinson's disease "from across the mall" — it's that obvious. "Oh, yeah, I see [patients like Biden] 20 times a day in the clinic. I mean, it's ironic because
White House admits Parkinson’s expert
has examined Biden – but says only for
his annual physicals
29 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 7/9/2024 5:53:44 AM Post Reply
The White House admitted Monday that a Parkinson’s expert who’s visited the executive mansion eight times in as many months has evaluated President Biden — but said the exams only took place during the president’s annual physicals. The revelation was disclosed in a letter from Biden’s personal physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor hours after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to explain the flurry of recent visits from the Parkinson’s specialist, Dr. Kevin Cannard. “Dr. Cannard was the neurological specialist that examined President Biden for each of his annual physicals,” O’Connor wrote in the letter.
Retailers now charging upwards of 35%
interest on credit cards
24 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/9/2024 10:05:41 AM Post Reply
SAN DIEGO — Interest rates on retail credit cards are on the rise, and the numbers may surprise you. Macy’s just sent letters to its card users announcing the interest rate on their Macy's card is jumping to 34.49%. Industry experts told CBS 8 the increase is part of a nationwide trend. “I mean, I follow this so closely that I'm not shocked, but on the face of it, yeah, that's a really high interest rate," said Ted Rossman, a senior industry analyst at Bankrate. Rossman says retail stores already have the highest APRs, and those rates have been climbing
Chuck Schumer Has a New Plan to Throw
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23 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/9/2024 5:01:33 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has a new plan to ensure Donald Trump spends the rest of his days in prison. Amid the battle over Joe Biden's senility among Democrats, Schumer moved to a different topic, pledging to legislatively declare Trump's actions surrounding January 6th as "unofficial." That comes after the Supreme Court delivered a mixed opinion on the matter in late June, stating that "official" acts are indeed subject to presidential immunity while "unofficial" acts are not. That set up a long legal battle whereby the special counsel prosecuting Trump must litigate each action to determine what category they fall under. Naturally, Democrats were not pleased
Dem senators ask DOJ to investigate Clarence
Thomas for possible tax law violations
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/10/2024 1:24:41 AM Post Reply
Two Democratic senators are asking Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel to investigate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for possible tax law violations. Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) sent the letter to Garland last week asking him to appoint a special counsel “to investigate possible violations of federal ethics and tax laws.” The two lawmakers pointed to public reporting over the last year which found Thomas failed to disclose multiple luxury trips and gifts from billionaire friends.
“He Has a Team” – WHOA! Karine Jean-Pierre
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Nuke in Middle of the Night (VIDEO)
22 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/9/2024 9:17:04 PM Post Reply
White House reporters on Tuesday continued to pepper Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre with questions about Biden’s cognitive decline. Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked KJP who the Pentagon contacts if they detect an incoming nuke late at night past Joe Biden’s “8 pm window.” According to The New York Times, Biden recently told Democrat governors that his ‘health is fine,’ “it’s just my brain.” Biden is also reported to have told the governors that he needs to get more sleep, work fewer hours and not do events after 8 p.m. Peter Doocy asked Karine Jean-Pierre about Biden’s early bedtime and the ‘3 am phone call.’ “Well, [Biden] also said he’s the sharpest before 8 pm,
France Just Committed Suicide 22 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 12:40:42 PM Post Reply
"Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last," is how Winston Churchill, just months away from becoming Britain's wartime Prime Minister, described the appeasement that led to World War II. "All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. "The same could be said of France's snap election, in which everyone from French Stalinists to the country's business interests banded together to defeat the country's "far right" at the polls. But the far right is not the threat, and the crocodile snapping at everyone's heels is the accelerating Islamification of France.
America Last: NYC Mayor Blows Another
$2.6 Million Taxpayer’s Money on Pre-Paid
Debit Cards for Illegal Aliens — Bringing
Total Spending to a Whopping $2 Billion
22 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 7:12:08 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams’s administration has reportedly injected another $2.6 million of the city’s budget into a controversial program that distributes pre-paid debit cards to illegal immigrants. According to the Office of the NY State Comptroller (OSC), by May 31, 2024, the city reported spending $1.47 billion in Fiscal Year 2023 and $2.72 billion in Fiscal Year 2024 on expenses related to “asylum seekers.” This latest cash infusion brings the total expenditure on this initiative to an eye-watering $2 billion, according to the New York Post.
Software Expert: Thousands of Duplicate
Ballots Were Counted in Georgia 2020 Election (VIDEO)
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/9/2024 6:59:55 PM Post Reply
On Tuesday software expert Phillip Davis testified that thousands of duplicate ballots were counted in the 2020 election in Georgia. Davis testified on how election workers were cheating by counting ballots numerous times using different tabulators. Phillip Davis: You’ll see that they took batches from tabulator 794, batches 8 through 11. They brought it to tabulator 791. They then started grabbing pieces of those four batches. And with those four pieces, they met up brand new batches for tabulator 794. Some of the ballots were in reverse order. They were from multiple batches. In the very first one, you can see that they took batch 22, 20 ballots in reverse,
Over 100 People Were Shot in Chicago Last
Weekend. Here's Who the Mayor Blamed.
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/9/2024 4:09:18 PM Post Reply
This week, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) blamed late President Richard Nixon (R) for rampant violence in his city. Nixon died in 1994. Over Independence Day weekend, over 100 people were shot in the Windy City. Nineteen of these shootings were fatal, according to multiple reports. Johnson’s response to that was to blame a former president instead of acknowledging that the city’s soft-on-crime policies, among other things, contributed to the fatal shootings. “Black death has been unfortunately accepted in this country for a very long time. We had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes and people mocked President Johnson. And we ended up with Richard Nixon.
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