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France Just Committed Suicide

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 7/9/2024 12:40:42 PM

"Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last," is how Winston Churchill, just months away from becoming Britain's wartime Prime Minister, described the appeasement that led to World War II. "All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. "The same could be said of France's snap election, in which everyone from French Stalinists to the country's business interests banded together to defeat the country's "far right" at the polls. But the far right is not the threat, and the crocodile snapping at everyone's heels is the accelerating Islamification of France.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 7/9/2024 12:51:09 PM (No. 1753045)
Going farther left always causes collapse, and always gets a snapback effect. They question now is how far do they fall, how bad does it get before the snapback happens, and will they go into chaos or find some stabile and sane point? Given the history of the French Revolution, things could get pretty seriously ugly for quite a while. I hope they hold it together thru this fall, we're going to be spending some time in the south of France looking at Roman amphitheaters.
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 7/9/2024 1:02:50 PM (No. 1753054)
France presents a lesson for us here in the United States. Will we take it? Islam is incompatible with western civilization.
54 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Vaquero45 7/9/2024 1:04:49 PM (No. 1753055)
I just added France to the list of places I'll never return to - along with Canada and Mexico.
25 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Newtsche 7/9/2024 1:06:20 PM (No. 1753059)
"It's a far far better thing we do (plug in willfully ignorant virtue signaling here)..."
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: LadyHen 7/9/2024 1:18:50 PM (No. 1753068)
A huge part of the problem is that many African countries (which are also Muslim countries) were French colonies and then part of the French Community and had and even now to some degree still do have almost unfettered immigration to the l'Hexagone (continental France). Many areas in Paris and most of the large cities in the South of France are littered with both legal and illegal Algerians or other African Muslims. They do NOT assimilate. They have no intention of being anything other than what they are, 7th century savages. Many many French see this as the death of their country but the siren call of "free stuff" will forever conquer all reason in enough people to destroy all hope of a France for the French that is until Islam really does conquer France as it has conquered Britain. While it pains me greatly to say it as I love France and her indigenous people dearly, see those Christian and Roman sites in France now is my advice. In 20 years they may very well be a mosque or a pile of blown up rubble.
31 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: planetgeo 7/9/2024 1:19:48 PM (No. 1753072)
It's not just the French. Pretty much all of Western Civilization is surrendering to the barbarians. Including the U.S.
33 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: LadyHen 7/9/2024 1:38:31 PM (No. 1753083)
#1 We too will be in the South of France (along with the Bordeaux region) this fall for an extended train based trip. We are avoiding any big Southern cities for security reasons, home basing in more modest sized towns in more rural areas that feature Christian history and architecture (and a good train station). We are doing day trips via train to larger towns with Roman sites though we will also hire a guide for to see Pont Du Gard and the town of Uzes and maybe visit a winery or two. We have very good cancel for any reason travel insurance though, something I highly recommend.. just in case.
13 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: FJB 7/9/2024 1:45:26 PM (No. 1753085)
Sweet Barry picked Hussein for a reason. And he/she is not letting his Marxocrat Traitors go anywhere in 2024. MAGA Vet.
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: FJB 7/9/2024 1:50:25 PM (No. 1753087)
Correction. Obama intentionally picked Hussein for a phony "middle" name as he began deliberately destroying our nation. What suckers Democrats are. MAGA
16 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: mseegal 7/9/2024 1:54:32 PM (No. 1753089)
The French stock market is down 1.56% just today. This is what 90% income tax on the rich will do.
15 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Venturer 7/9/2024 2:06:02 PM (No. 1753094)
How many American celebrities fled to France? That 90% income tax may prove to be a little rough on them. I really don't care , just don't let them come back here.
23 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: DVC 7/9/2024 2:07:10 PM (No. 1753097)
Accurate analysis, #5. My wife and I have traveled in France since the early 1970s, and enjoyed the chateaus, the food (sometimes overrate,but often quite good) and mostly, the people, although in Paris it isn't uncommon for a Frenchman to go out of their way to be rude to foreigners. I saw more of this in the 70s and 80s than recently, though. Their history with North African provinces and historic unfettered immigration from there is a bottomless pit of destruction for the country. And yes, see all the Roman sites now while you can. There are magnificent cathedrals to be seen, also. A recent third visit to Chartre cathedral was a wonderful treat as they had cleaned centuries of grime and soot from candles and oil lamps from the interior and it was far more magnificent in it's original, cleaned glory. And we'd like to see Notre Dame again. We've been many times, and want to see it after the restoration. We lucked into a midday practice session on the great organ one time in the 80s, and sat enthralled for a 30 demonstration of the world's finest acoustics. As a teen I first lived in Italy, and became aware of how advanced Roman technology was 2000 years ago. As an adult engineer, I have an even greater appreciation for the engineering and architecture of ancient Romans, wherever they were. And they are everywhere. I came across a stone bridge over a 100 foot wide small river in Armenia. There was no longer a road on the far side, just a mountainside, and a bit of a path, apparently landslides over the centuries having mostly obscured the road. But it was almost two modern lanes wide, all stone, and the surface today was dirt...apparently washed down from the hills above, with grass and flowers. Yet the stone arch stood strong. When I asked local Armenian friends, they said with the wave of a hand "Oh, that was built by the Romans, it's very old, but we only use it to go fishing and hiking on the other side. There's nothing over there now." Even remote, unimportant bridges were built to stand for 1500 to 2000 years, without maintenance, withstanding the elements and man's depredations for amazing time periods. So many Roman ruins are now in ruins not because of the ravages of time, but more because 40 generations of people have said..."Hey, I know were we can get some stones already cut to size for that project...." And an ancient wall, building, amphitheater or bridge became a 'Home Depot' without a checkout line. Many Roman structures still part of a home, a church or a wall in Scotland, England, France, Italy and Spain. But many are amazingly intact, and some in regular use.
20 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: FJB 7/9/2024 3:01:30 PM (No. 1753122)
Thank you, DVC. MAGA.
11 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: privateer 7/9/2024 3:17:03 PM (No. 1753132)
12's just went in my 'Great Comments' folder...with his others. And, FTA: The NPF "wants to lower France’s retirement age and vastly expand government spending on social welfare, environmental protection, and health care," according to the Washington Post.' I can't remember who said it, but: you can have a welfare state, or uncontrolled immigration---but not both.
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: danu 7/9/2024 3:19:03 PM (No. 1753133)
#3-don't forget san freakcisco. :(
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: voxpopuli 7/9/2024 3:53:42 PM (No. 1753153)
"..accelerating Islamification of France.." too late for minne/mogad-apolis they own it
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Reply 17 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 7/9/2024 4:22:16 PM (No. 1753171)
Today's French elites would rather lose to today's invaders than lose an election to the country's "far right." The same can be said about today's American elites, plus all the non-elite idiots we've spawned.
10 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: davew 7/9/2024 4:40:57 PM (No. 1753188)
Macron is betting that he can hold out until September, when he will beg the EU in Brussels for more money so France can increase its debt. If the EU caves and gives him the money, Macro will be able to feed the alligators on the left and prevent being devoured. If they demand austerity, the alligators and yellow jackets will unite and have Macron and his party for lunch. The right needs to see which path causes more damage, rampant inflation or civil unrest, and pick up what's left of the country in 2027. They dodged a bullet by losing and need to be patient while the other factions devour each other.
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Reply 19 - Posted by: JHHolliday 7/9/2024 4:57:46 PM (No. 1753202)
Glad I saw Notre Dame Cathedral when I did. It will probably be a mosque in a few years. Also saw the American Cemetery in Normandy. Those thousands of crosses on our soldiers' graves will also be uprooted and/ or defaced in the near future. There are Stars of David there too and black crosses at the German Cemetery that won't be allowed to survive the coming vandalism.
9 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Scribelus 7/9/2024 6:28:05 PM (No. 1753257)
“The last time I saw Paris Her heart was young and gay. No matter what they do to her I’ll remember her that way.” Then it was the Nazis. Now, the Islamic horde.
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Reply 21 - Posted by: Boomerdeplorable 7/9/2024 6:31:11 PM (No. 1753259)
So much for French fashion " How do I look in this burka"
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Reply 22 - Posted by: LadyHen 7/9/2024 8:21:02 PM (No. 1753305)
Bingo #18. France lives on debt. It has for so long no one even gives lip service to doing anything about it anymore. Now, I know, I know.. "LadyHen, the US is no different!" But our economy at least has been such a boon to the world, such a colossus that no one dare deny us credit. We know none of it can last but France will go first. And this new Commie regime should it get it's way will accelerate the decline to lightspeed.
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France Just Committed Suicide 22 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 12:40:42 PM Post Reply
"Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last," is how Winston Churchill, just months away from becoming Britain's wartime Prime Minister, described the appeasement that led to World War II. "All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. "The same could be said of France's snap election, in which everyone from French Stalinists to the country's business interests banded together to defeat the country's "far right" at the polls. But the far right is not the threat, and the crocodile snapping at everyone's heels is the accelerating Islamification of France.
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 12:12:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 7:21:53 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 7:14:08 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 7:12:08 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/9/2024 7:10:30 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/8/2024 9:28:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/8/2024 9:22:13 PM Post Reply
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Has Heated Exchange About Parkinsons Doctor
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/8/2024 6:55:39 PM Post Reply
Several reports have recently surfaced about a neurologist who specializes in Parkinson’s disease visiting the White House at least eight times in the past eight months. ABC News was the most recent outlet to report on the issue {SEE HERE}. […] The doctor, Kevin Cannard, is a neurologist and “movement disorders specialist” who works at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. According to the logs, prior to July of 2023 he had only visited the White House once in November of 2022. (link)
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14 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/8/2024 6:31:14 AM Post Reply
The president of the National Education Association (NEA) was mocked over the weekend for giving a "totally unhinged" speech that reminded critics of a comedy skit from a famous American TV show. NEA President Becky Pringle banged on the podium, flailed her hands in the air and screamed about winning "all the things" repeatedly at the NEA's Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA) in Philadelphia. X critics compared the moment to an iconic scene with Dwight Schrute from "The Office." During the screechy speech, Pringle called for transformative social justice change in the education system in the pursuit of equity.
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Posted by 4250Luis 7/8/2024 6:29:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/10/2024 1:24:41 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 7/10/2024 1:42:53 PM Post Reply
All rise, and please honor The First Lady of the United States of America, DOCTOR Jill Biden! You may genuflect, bow, curtsy, or kneel in proper homage to the woman who holds no office but is married to the president of the United States of America. She is a person for whom you did not vote but to whom you must pay homage, respect, and, indeed, worship because she married Joey from Scranton. And, it must be added, she now runs the country alongside her crackhead stepson. Please remove your hats and remain standing. In 2022, Jill Biden raised her scepter to Salieri at the U.S. Marine Corps Band
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Posted by Moritz55 7/10/2024 11:06:55 AM Post Reply
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NEA Mussolini Demands ‘All the Things’
in Unhinged Speech
16 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/10/2024 5:25:36 PM Post Reply
At the annual assembly of the National Education Association (NEA) in Philadelphia last weekend, President Becky Pringle addressed representatives of the three-million-member labor union with a bombastic speech that sparked social media comparisons to Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. In her heavily political speech, Pringle raised such progressive issues as LGBTQ rights, unrestricted abortion, equity and inclusion. She shouted about the union having “worked hard to rid ourselves of a tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt [Trump] White House,” about resisting any “scheme” such as school vouchers to “drain resources from our beloved public schools."
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Posted by OhioNick 7/10/2024 6:45:12 PM Post Reply
France is on the verge of a “financial crisis” and consequent economic decline after the surprise success of a hard left coalition in this weekend’s elections, the country’s outgoing finance minister Bruno Le Maire has warned. [SNIP] In a possible hint at future chaos, riot police clashed with left-wing demonstrators in Paris on Sunday evening. The hastily assembled Popular Front (NFP) - spearheaded by left-wingers including former Presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon - is pledging to increase public spending by £125 billion if they successfully form a government. They have also proposed a 90 percent tax on incomes over £340,000 a year.
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Posted by Imright 7/10/2024 4:07:11 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Liberal US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has introduced articles of impeachment against conservative Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, her office said Wednesday. The effort stands no chance of advancing in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. To remove an official through this process, the House must vote to impeach and the Senate then must vote to convict. (Photo) Democrats for years have criticized the court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, over rulings that advanced causes popular on the right. These have included rolling back abortion rights, expanding gun rights, rejecting race-conscious collegiate admissions and ruling that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution
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