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'Doom Pixie' Greta Thunberg Wins Antisemite
of the Week Award
Posted by Hazymac 9/16/2024 10:34:27 AM Post Reply
There is a great irony in a certain autistic Swedish teenager who wants to save the planet from the evils of fossil fuel but is, at the same time, willing to turn over a significant portion of that planet to Bronze Age barbarians who care as much about the environment as they do women's rights. But that's the case. The Swedish teenager in question is the Swedish Doom Pixie, Greta Thunberg, and in recognition of her support of Hamas, she has been named "Antisemite of the Week" by a group called StopAntisemitism. "Climate activist Greta Thunberg was named 'Antisemite of the Week' by a Jewish group following her arrest at