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Latest Posts by RockyTCB:

Are Dems Out Of Options To Stop Trump? replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/22/2024 8:56:34 AM Post Reply
Two impeachments, 88 felony counts (with guilty verdicts on 34 of them), a massive fine, two assassination attempts, unrelentingly hostile media coverage, a last-minute candidate switcheroo, and Donald Trump is still showing signs that he will win the election in two weeks. So, what do Democrats still have up their sleeve to stop Trump? They must have something. Back in May, we asked what the Democrats’ Plan B was if their lawfare campaign against Trump failed, and offered five options – four of which have come to pass. Here is what we said then.
Even Dem Voters Show Signs Of ‘Buyer’s
Remorse’ Over Party’s Unprecedented
Electoral Moves: I&I/TIPP Poll
Posted by RockyTCB 10/21/2024 8:54:55 AM Post Reply
As Election Day looms and polls tighten up, a solid majority of Americans remain unhappy with the Democratic Party’s machinations to remove President Joe Biden as its candidate and replace him with Vice President Kamala Harris. And it’s not strictly partisan. Many Democrats are also upset at how the party switched candidates, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. As Harris continues to struggle, the national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,240 registered voters indicates lingering widespread disappointment with the Democratic Party’s maneuvers to get rid of the age-impaired Biden last July. The poll asked voters whether they agreed or disagreed
Drug Costs Explode As Kamalanomics Massively Backfires replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/17/2024 8:55:19 AM Post Reply
Go to Kamala Harris’ campaign website and among the very short list of alleged achievements is this: “She cast the deciding vote to lower drug prices and cap insulin prices for our seniors.” The only problem is that drug costs for seniors have skyrocketed since Harris signed that bill. Harris is pointing to the criminally misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act,” which got zero Republican votes, and which was supposed to lower the cost of prescription drugs by giving, as Harris puts it, “Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices with Big Pharma.”
‘Progressive’ California At War With Progress replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/16/2024 9:03:34 AM Post Reply
Much has been made, as it should have been, about the stark differences with Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the once-great NASA’s pathetic woke-DEI-politically correct existence. Musk wins on merit, but in California, that’s not what counts. So Musk has been vilified because he dared to leave the progressive plantation. SpaceX has been launching rockets from the Vandenberg Air Force base in Santa Barbara County for more than a decade. It wants to increase the number of annual launches from six to 36, and maybe even more. The Air Force has no problem with the plans. The California Coastal Commission does. It voted 6-4 last week to block the increase.
Noncitizens Will Vote In November, The
Only Question Is How Many?
Posted by RockyTCB 10/15/2024 9:04:29 AM Post Reply
Eight years ago, the mainstream media told us in no uncertain terms that noncitizens don’t vote in American elections. “There is no evidence,” they said. The likely number “is zero.” They were provably wrong then – there’d been multiple accounts of noncitizens who’d registered and voted in elections. In the years since, the evidence of this problem has piled up higher. But the media are still at it. It’s “extremely rare,” they say. It never “affects the outcome of a race.” Republicans are looking to “blame illegals” if Donald Trump loses, etc. Here’s one example of the disconnect. An audit of Texas
Harris’ Latest Health Care Plan’s
Spending Will Bankrupt America
Posted by RockyTCB 10/10/2024 8:33:35 AM Post Reply
Those who have suffered through Obamacare, with its soaring premiums, longer waits for care and millions still left without insurance, should beware. Because Vice President Kamala Harris, if elected, has something equally bad in store for you. Originally, Harris’ put forward a grab bag of “fixes” for Obamacare, which has now been in force for 14 years. Among her recent ideas, according to CNN, include “making permanent the enhanced Obamacare premium subsidies; broadening the $35 monthly cap on insulin and $2,000 annual limit on out-of-pocket costs to all Americans, not just Medicare enrollees; speeding up Medicare drug price negotiations;
Kamala The Tax Cutter? I&I/TIPP Poll Finds
Trump Losing The Messaging Battle With Harris
Posted by RockyTCB 10/8/2024 7:56:01 AM Post Reply
Of all the results from the latest I&I/TIPP poll, the most unsettling has to be that voters think Kamala Harris is at least as much of a fiscal and economic conservative as Donald Trump. Our latest poll, taken of 997 likely voters, finds that more voters say they trust Harris (who’s already announced $4 trillion in tax hikes) than Trump to cut taxes by a 48%-45% margin. Among the crucial independent voters, the margin is even greater – 49% to 36%. That’s not all. More trust Harris to bring about energy independence, 48%-47%. Trump is essentially tied with Harris on growing
Trump Vs. Harris Still Knotted Up, But
Voters Prefer Trump Policies On Big Election
Issues: I&I/TIPP Poll
Posted by RockyTCB 10/7/2024 7:21:57 AM Post Reply
With less than a month to go before the election, who has the edge in the presidential race, Democrat Kamala Harris or Republican Donald Trump? Disappointing as it might be to both sides, the race remains too close to call. But Trump has a solid lead when it comes to voter trust in dealing with the nation’s most serious issues, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. First, the big question we’ve asked each month since beginning our presidential poll: “If the presidential election were held today, and the following were the candidates, for whom would you vote?”
That ‘70s Show replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/4/2024 9:35:37 AM Post Reply
A widening war in the Middle East that includes a literally more explosive Iran. Russians and Ukranians killing each other for no reason in a conflict in which the former has threatened a nuclear strike. A belligerent China menacing Taiwan. A dockworker strike (possibly resolved?) that could thrash an economy already ravaged by inflation. A migrant stream that is more invasion than immigration. Rising antisemitism. Are we back in the 1970s, when the world felt unstable and the future appeared grim? The words typed above would have not been applicable in late 2019, as Donald Trump was about to complete his third year in office. Then came
Is Anyone Here Competent? Responses To
Hurricane, Port Strike, Add To White House Failures
Posted by RockyTCB 10/3/2024 8:31:05 AM Post Reply
Hurricane Helene has wrought deadly and destructive havoc across the South and Appalachia, killing dozens and doing billions in property damage. Fast on Helene’s heels, we now have another disaster hitting the U.S.: The longshoreman strike that now threatens to shut down much of the U.S. economy. And very conspicuously, Joe Biden did nothing about it. No jawboning. No ideas. No attempt to cool tempers and bridge differences to get a deal. Apparently, Biden’s leaving it to others as he whiles away the remainder of his only term as president at his beloved Rehoboth Beach vacation home. Kind of like his administration’s reaction to the devastation from Hurricane Helene
Beyond ‘Defining’ To Shining: 5 Ways
JD Vance Flipped The Script
Posted by RockyTCB 10/2/2024 9:24:07 AM Post Reply
Every candidate drools for the proverbial “defining moment” that leaves such an indelible impression that the rest of a debate or oration is rendered an afterthought. Sometimes, however, a line, a quip, or even an aura goes beyond simply defining to truly shining – rising to the level of political lore and perhaps turning an entire campaign. Ronald Reagan, of course, was the world champion in the category: [snip] If one John David Vance was not elevated to that dimension in Tuesday night’s debate against Democratic VP hopeful Tim Walz, he came darn close – by flipping the script in five respects:
Silent Majority: Poll Finds Independents
Are Far More Conservative Than They're
Willing To Admit
Posted by RockyTCB 9/30/2024 8:32:00 AM Post Reply
If conservatives want to win elections, they don’t need to rile up the base, they need to convince independents to say in public what they believe in private – that they agree with conservatives on most issues and that Democrats are the wildly out-of-touch extremists. That, at least, is one way to read a fascinating new survey from Populace, a non-partisan think tank in Massachusetts, which figured out a way to discern what 20,000 Americans think privately and compare that to what they are willing to say publicly. It turns out that there are often wide gaps between the two, which Populace calls the “Social Pressure Index.”