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Hung jury is most likely outcome

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Posted By: Big Bopper, 5/29/2024 10:57:01 PM

The travesty of a political show-trial against Donald Trump has finally been submitted to the jury of five men, five women and two lawyers in ultra-blue Manhattan. A conviction takes unanimity. So does an acquittal. A hung jury takes only at least one dissenter. Expect them to decide that they can’t decide. It’ll be a hung jury. Stage-rants produced by White House staff-kids (remember Biden’s weird State of the Union shout-fest?) and delivered by eighty-year-old Robert DeNiro outside the courtroom won’t change that.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 5/29/2024 11:12:52 PM (No. 1727520)
Seems likely to me, too.
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Safari Man 5/29/2024 11:16:21 PM (No. 1727521)
New York jury will want Trump hung.
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: NYbob 5/29/2024 11:21:20 PM (No. 1727524)
I would be amazed if any NYC rat voter could ever admit this was lawfare and acquit the Orange man bad. They just don't have it in them, even though a ' justice ' system this corrupt could ruin each one of them on a whim. It would be nice to be wrong, but this is NYC and a full NOT guilty acquittal is not likely with this group and this ' court '.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: texaspast 5/29/2024 11:53:47 PM (No. 1727536)
Actually, in my opinion, a hung jury would be worse than a 'guilty' verdict. With a hung jury, the prosecutor could elect to re-try, starting the whole process over from the beginning. Far from being a good thing for Trump, that would tie him up in the courtroom for at least another two-three months, and the jerkwad of a judge would continue the gag order on Trump!
11 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 5/30/2024 12:05:06 AM (No. 1727540)
FTA: 5 men, 5 women, and 2 lawyers. Are the lawyers neither male nor female???
15 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: NotaBene 5/30/2024 12:12:27 AM (No. 1727542)
We wish.
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 5/30/2024 12:46:34 AM (No. 1727551)
Nope, Bragg wants 45 politically drawn hung disemboweled and quartered. He wants 45's head on display for future politicians to see.
10 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 5/30/2024 1:06:57 AM (No. 1727553)
"The left always overreaches. They can’t help themselves. At the core, they’re totalitarians. They don’t want to achieve policy goals. They simply want to impose their will on the rest of us." The Left/Biden doesn't want justice. They/Biden want a conviction.
16 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Omen55 5/30/2024 2:04:37 AM (No. 1727557)
Those 2 lawyers work for law firms. If they vote to acquit their careers there would be over.
13 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: mifla 5/30/2024 3:12:42 AM (No. 1727568)
Only if one or more jurors have the backbone to withstand all of the pressure that will be brought down on them during and after the trial. The members of the OJ jury who thought he was guilty eventually caved to the others on the jury. We shall see.
11 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Mcscow sailor 5/30/2024 7:45:27 AM (No. 1727649)
The jury instructions will produce a de facto hung jury, even if a guilty vote is made. The predicate crime (if any) has to be established by all twelve. The judge said, in essence, make it up. You don’t have to agree on the predicate crime. Send him some bananas. He is saying we know you done wrong, we don’t know what, and the jury will come back with a verdict that you done wrong, somewhere, somehow…and then we get to hang you.
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: lynngirl122 5/30/2024 8:54:33 AM (No. 1727686)
The jurors do not have to reveal publicly how they voted so why are we assuming the two lawyers' careers would be over.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: franq 5/30/2024 9:34:48 AM (No. 1727712)
All rules, method, and decorum got thrown out the window when this "trial" began. This layman wonders if what #11 states is even legal. But legal or not, it may affect the outcome. Look at how many rules are violated in a typical election. Polls open late, newscasters calling states before all results are in, mules transporting fake ballots. A rule to a leftist means nothing. This is also by definition.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: rfr46 5/30/2024 9:45:31 AM (No. 1727715)
Any juror who votes to acquit will be outed by one or more other jurors, and his or her life will be ruined.
4 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: KTWO 5/30/2024 12:09:12 PM (No. 1727798)
My guess is that some jurors don't want a verdict at all. i.e. a hung jury. A hung jury would allow you to forever say you were not responsible for the outcome. And who really wants to be responsible about any aspect of this mess? Who wants to return to work and face some hostile colleagues or deal with neighbors, relatives, and friends who know you were on the jury?
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Reply 16 - Posted by: pensom2 5/30/2024 4:46:32 PM (No. 1727933)
If the two lawyers work for law firms and they vote to convict, they'll have egg on their faces when the appellate court throws out the case for multiple flawed rulings by the judge. Even in lefty New York City, law firms respect lawyers who display integrity. You know that after any guilty verdict, the knowledgeable lawyers--even the lefty's--will be rolling their eyes at the abusive stupidity of Judge Merchan's mismanagement of this trial.
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Hung jury is most likely outcome 16 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/29/2024 10:57:01 PM Post Reply
The travesty of a political show-trial against Donald Trump has finally been submitted to the jury of five men, five women and two lawyers in ultra-blue Manhattan. A conviction takes unanimity. So does an acquittal. A hung jury takes only at least one dissenter. Expect them to decide that they can’t decide. It’ll be a hung jury. Stage-rants produced by White House staff-kids (remember Biden’s weird State of the Union shout-fest?) and delivered by eighty-year-old Robert DeNiro outside the courtroom won’t change that.
The emperor has no clothes – and no pulse 4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/23/2024 5:05:30 PM Post Reply
A 19th century Dane named Hans Christian Andersen (a fine fellow despite his hateful middle name) published a story about an emperor who was conned into buying “new clothes.” He was told by the con men that the “new clothes” could be seen only by people who were not stupid. The reason the con men told the emperor that was because these “new clothes” he’d paid for were nonexistent. Not willing to reveal his stupidity, the emperor pretended to see the “new clothes” presented to him. He pantomimed putting on the nonexistent “new clothes,” and then paraded about the city in them.
Biden tells Black graduates that America
hates Blacks, and assumes they’re stupid
enough to believe him
8 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/22/2024 8:54:29 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden sank to a new low last week. He was the keynote speaker at the graduation ceremony for a Black college called Morehouse College. (Consider the irony of a serial plagiarist, story-telling fabulist, and academic cheat being a graduation speaker.) Rather than presenting a message of hope and change, as Barack Obama did at a Morehouse graduation ceremony some years ago, Biden did a race-baiting imitation of Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. Here’s a sampling:
Trump should insist that both candidates
take a post-debate drug test
15 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/17/2024 6:20:19 PM Post Reply
Failing in his efforts to bribe or dope people into voting for him, and falling even further behind in the battleground states, a desperate Joe Biden has agreed to a high-risk gambit that must give his handlers nightmares. He has agreed to debate Donald Trump. Of course, that doesn’t mean Biden actually will. His word is worth nothing, as people around the country and the world will tell you – most recently the Israelis. It’s quite possible that he’ll find an excuse to back out, and it’s possible that he already has the excuse pre-planned. But the dates for the debates have been set, and the first is only six weeks away.
Biden bribes and dopes youngsters into
voting for someone quadruple their age
and half their cognition
3 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/12/2024 1:46:12 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is doing poorly with Blacks, Hispanics, men (at least the ones with balls), and young people. This is unusual. Democrats have long suffered from a gender gap where they are unable to get their proportionate share of male votes, but Biden is doing much worse than usual with Blacks, Hispanics and young people. Polls show his support with each is down double digits from recent years. With young people, it’s worse than that – it appears likely that a majority of 18–30-year-olds may vote against him. He’s not exactly an inspirational figure with the aviator glasses, sneakers, hair plugs, stumbling gait, bumbling words, and luminescent teeth caps.
Will the terrorist sympathizers be awarded
honorary PhDs?
4 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 5/3/2024 12:37:08 PM Post Reply
For months, “mostly peaceful” protesters have harassed and harangued Jewish students at what used to be our best universities, all on the grounds that, this time, Jews on the other side of the world are defending themselves against barbarians right out of the 11th century. The protesters’ mini-pogroms are not retribution for the Jewish students’ support of Israel – the protesters have no idea of whether those Jewish students support Israel or not – but are retribution for Jews being Jewish. This has happened before.
I’m rooting for the protesters 7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/29/2024 5:40:33 PM Post Reply
At places we used to call institutions of higher learning, ignorant kids who don’t know any better and their ignorant professors who should, but also don’t, are trespassing in support of the raping, beheading, kidnapping, burning alive hostage takers of Hamas. It’s a revolting scene. Even in Nazi Germany they tried to hide their atrocities. In contrast, Hamas posts them on the internet, and their sympathizers at American universities embrace both the terrorists and their terror like the latest hula hoop fad. (Watch out, trannies, you’re so-o-o-o 2023. And watch out, BLM, you’re so-o-o-o 2021.)
The Supreme Court is likely to uphold
immunity for Trump
10 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/28/2024 11:33:18 AM Post Reply
Immunity for actions in the executive branch of government is a long-standing tradition in democratic government. Police officers have typically enjoyed immunity so long as their action is a colorable exercise of their authority. Likewise, officials in administrative agencies cannot be sued for their official actions – you can’t bring criminal charges against an FDA official on the grounds your daughter was denied a life-saving drug that the official refused to approve. You can’t charge a governor with manslaughter on the grounds that there was a traffic accident because he neglected to close a highway during a snowstorm
MTG belongs on MTV 11 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/21/2024 6:38:16 PM Post Reply
There are some things to admire about firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene, sometimes dubbed “MTG.” After earning a Business degree from the University of Georgia, she and her then-husband took over her father’s contracting business. She quit in a few years and began serious CrossFit training and co-founded a CrossFit gym. After becoming interested in politics, she won a seat in the House of Representatives. It goes downhill from there. She ran for Congress as a staunch supporter of Donald Trump, and won, but he didn’t return the favor; he did not endorse here.
The Manhattan case against Trump is a travesty 5 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/15/2024 6:11:37 PM Post Reply
“Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” – LAVRENTIY BERIA, JOSEPH STALIN’S SECRET POLICE CHIEF The facts of the case starting this week are simple. It’s the legal theories that are convoluted. Donald Trump paid a porn star named Stormy Daniels to stay quiet about their affair. (Leave aside for a moment whether it’s possible to have an “affair” with a porn star, and leave aside whether Stormy blackmailed him into making the payment.) Despite the opprobrious term “hush money,” this type of payoff is perfectly legal and happens all the time. In fact, it’s the most frequent outcome of a sexual harassment case,
Iran humiliates itself 3 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/14/2024 10:52:01 AM Post Reply
After months of saber-rattling, the “death-to-Israel” crowd in Tehran (an affiliate of the “death-to-America” crowd in Dearborn) finally made good on their threat to attack Israel. The Mullah Maniacs launched something over 300 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles toward Tel Avi. (Notably, none of these aircraft were piloted – even the Iranians are not that stupid.) The Israelis along with Americans, Brits and other allies shot down 99% of them. The other 1% caused hardly any damage. No deaths or even injuries were reported. It turns out the Iranian war machine is at about the level of . . . those sabers they were rattling.
Who the heck does the Commie Pope think
they is?
7 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 4/10/2024 1:17:37 PM Post Reply
Now when the radical priest come to get me released We was all on the cover of Newsweek PAUL SIMON, ME AND JULIA Let’s start with a different Pope. Let’s start with the Pope who came of age in Poland while it was enslaved for decades under the Soviet Union after WWII. He’s the Pope who went home after the Sistine Chapel routine to accept the adoration of literally millions of his countrymen. He’s the Pope who helped bring down the tyranny of the Soviets who knew all about military power but nothing about the spiritual kind.
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Posted by Imright 6/1/2024 7:36:52 AM Post Reply
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