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Posts on Wednesday, February 28, 2024

White House: President Biden ‘Passes
a Cognitive Test Every Day’
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 11:10:37 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden “passes a cognitive test every day” due to the rigors of the job, said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday, as she attempted to fend off reporters’ questions about Biden’s mental fitness. Jean-Pierre presided over a White House press briefing just hours after the president returned from his annual physical. She said that a cognitive test was not part of the annual checkup, despite concerns about Biden’s acuity.“If you look at what this president — he passes a cognitive test every day, every day, as he moves from one topic to another topic, understanding the granular level of these topics …
In Their Own Words: Hear How CCP Propagandists
Are Using TikTok to Indoctrinate America’s Youth
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 10:40:46 PM Post Reply
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using TikTok as a “modern day Trojan Horse” to inject its propaganda into the minds of America’s youth, according to restricted Chinese military journals uncovered in Peter Schweizer’s new book: Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans. In Blood Money, Schweizer, a Breitbart News senior contributor and the President of the Government Accountability Institute, strategists themselves, who tout using TikTok in “information-driven mental warfare” against the United States. As Schweizer notes, TikTok is run by the company ByteDance, which is “wedded to the Chinese Communist Party military-intelligence-industrial complex.”reveals the words of Chinese
RFK Jr. Weighs in on Who the Next Senate
GOP Leader Should Be
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 10:17:40 PM Post Reply
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (I) chimed in on Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) deciding to step down in November as Senate GOP leader. Kennedy posted on X that it's time to put leaders in power "who won't kowtow to the military contractors or push us deeper into foreign conflicts." We need representation who will prioritize American wellness over all else. I believe Rand Paul would be an incredible successor. He’s shown great judgment and has the grit to put hardworking Americans first. (X) For some time, there was speculation that Kennedy would select one of the following as his running mate:
Donald Trump is STRIPPED from Illinois
Republican primary ballots as judge orders
him to be disqualified over his 'role
in January 6 riots' - marking third state
to try to ban former president
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 10:14:11 PM Post Reply
An Illinois state judge has kicked former President Donald Trump off the Illinois' Republican presidential primary ballot due to his alleged role in the January 6 Capitol riots. Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter ruled in favor of Illinois voters who argued Trump should be disqualified from the state's mid-March primary ballot, as well as the November 5 general election ballot. Voters brought their case over Trump's behavior on January 6, 2021, when he allegedly violated the anti-insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment.
The Possible Return of Donald Trump Sends
Deep State into Tailspin
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 9:44:46 PM Post Reply
The intelligence community is reportedly “on edge” over former President Donald Trump’s potential return to the White House and what it may mean for those who oppose him. Politico — the outlet that published a debunked article implying the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation — interviewed 18 former officials and analysts who worked in the sprawling bureaucracy as either appointees or career officials, with the majority wanting to snipe at Trump anonymously, allegedly to “avoid provoking backlash.” The piece cites Trump critic Fiona Hill — a Russia analyst and former intelligence official who served under George Bush and Barack Obama and went from the liberal think tank Brookings Institution
Breaking: Radical Illinois Judge Kicks
President Trump Off the State’s Ballot
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 9:35:39 PM Post Reply
A corrupt Cook County judge has ordered the Illinois Board of Elections to remove Donald Trump from ballots statewide for the March 19 primary. As ABC 7 News Chicago reports, Democrat Judge Tracie Porter stripped Trump from the Illinois ballot one month after the Illinois State Board of Elections dismissed the anti-Trump challenge in a unanimous and bipartisan vote. Porter claimed Trump violated the 14th Amendment’s Insurrection Clause as her excuse for removing him from the ballot. We all know Trump did not commit insurrection or any other federal crime. “The court also realizes the magnitude of this decision and its impact on the upcoming primary
Biden Reportedly Refuses to Confront China
Over Fentanyl Due to His Ties to the Communist Country
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/28/2024 9:19:17 PM Post Reply
The southern border has seen enormous amounts of fentanyl pouring into the United States with millions of illegal migrants, thanks to President Joe Biden’s reckless open border policies. In 2023 alone, Border Patrol agents seized enough fentanyl to kill every American in the country, confiscating 2,700 pounds of fentanyl— which did not include the amount seized at ports of entry. According to the president of the GAI, Peter Schweizer, Biden refuses to confront China about their production of fentanyl that ends up in the hands of illegal migrants because of the president’s ties to the communist country.
Illegal Alien Murder Victim Spotlight:
Two-Year-Old Maryland Boy Shot Dead
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/28/2024 9:11:10 PM Post Reply
In what is becoming a grim pattern in a nation suffering under the Biden Administration's mass migration policies, another innocent young person has lost his life at the hands of illegal aliens. On the afternoon of Thursday, Feb. 8., Jeremy Poou-Caceres, who had just celebrated his second birthday, was walking with his mother in the 1400 block of Kanawha Street in Langley Park, Md. Suddenly, a shootout broke out, and the pair were caught in the crossfire. When the smoke cleared, Rose Carceras was hospitalized with a non-life-threatening wound to her leg. Her toddler son was taken to Children's National Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
SCOTUS Justice Jackson Just Said the Dumbest
Thing About Guns and I Can't Stop Laughing
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/28/2024 8:44:29 PM Post Reply
Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson must have fallen asleep last night watching a vintage '80s Chuck Norris movie as part of her preparation to hear oral arguments today in the Garland v. Cargill bumpstock ban lawsuit because her understanding of firearms is even less realistic than your typical Cannon Films production. While I don't have the transcript yet for you — arguments are going on as I write this column — the Firearms Policy Coalition has been doing the good work of posting highlights to Twitter/X. (Don't miss the update below from the official transcript.) When it was time for the Biden Department of Justice to present its side to the Court,
How Corrupt Is Gavin Newsom? So Corrupt
That It’s Positively Staggering.
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/28/2024 8:38:56 PM Post Reply
If President Dementia finally falters for good and Vice President Cackler is somehow persuaded to allow herself to be eased into a comfortable and lucrative retirement, and if the persistent rumors about a Michelle Obama presidential campaign prove to be just that — rumors — the Commissar of the California Soviet Socialist Republic, Gavin Newsom, is waiting in the wings. In 2028, he won’t have so many people ahead of him in the Democrat food chain, and he could conceivably turn out to be the occupant of the Oval Office someday. But some of his recent dealings in the tarnished Golden State may end up derailing his ambitions
Republicans Who Backed McConnell’s Ukraine
Boondoggle Don’t Deserve To Replace Him
Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 8:37:27 PM Post Reply
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is stepping down as party leader at the end of this year, which means the bid to replace America’s least popular politician is off to the races.(snip)“One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” McConnell said, after having spent nearly 40 years in Congress getting rich from American taxpayers.
Bud Light's Super Bowl Hail Mary Was a
Massive Flop, New Data Shows
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 8:32:05 PM Post Reply
As anyone even halfway aware of Bud Light’s financial woes since putting Dylan Mulvaney on one their cans predicted, their attempt to reclaim their domination of the beer market via funny Super Bowl ads did not have the intended result. If anything, it was a waste of a $7 million plus brand rehabilitation effort. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that, despite the astronomical amounts of money Anheuser-Busch expended on the prime ad space of the Super Bowl, the company’s attempt to boost their flagging sales “barely moved the needle.”
Congressional leaders strike partial budget
deal, avert weekend government shutdown
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 8:11:27 PM Post Reply
Top congressional leaders on Capitol Hill struck a partial budget deal to temporarily avert a government shutdown on Wednesday. Leaders including House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., secured an agreement for six funding bills, four of which were to expire Friday. Those bills and their corresponding agencies, which included agriculture, veterans affairs and housing, will now remain funded through March 8. The rest of the government's funding will be extended to March 22. "We are in agreement that Congress must work in a bipartisan manner to fund our government,"
Illinois judge rules Trump should be removed
from Republican primary ballot over Jan.
6 riot
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 8:04:39 PM Post Reply
An Illinois judge ruled Wednesday that former President Donald Trump should be taken off of the state's ballot for the primary election, citing the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The decision came from the Circuit Court of Cook County, and the judge put the order on pause in anticipation of an appeal. The ruling said that "based on engaging in insurrection on January 6, 2021...his name should be removed from the ballot." NBC News has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment. The Illinois GOP primary takes place March 19. The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments regarding a similar Colorado ruling that said Trump should be removed
Biden’s doctor says there are no new
concerns with the president’s health
and he remains fit to serve
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 7:34:56 PM Post Reply
Washington — President Joe Biden is fit for duty, his doctor reported Wednesday following the president’s annual physical, in what is expected to be the last update on Biden’s health before November’s election. Dr. Kevin O’Connor said in a memo there are “no new concerns” with the president’s health revealed by this year’s physical. The White House said earlier Wednesday that no cognitive test was administered as O’Connor did not find it necessary. “The President feels well and this year’s physical identified no new concerns. He continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations,” O’Connor wrote.
Supreme Court will decide if Trump is
immune from prosecution: Justices agree
to take up case and delay Jack Smith's
election interference trial
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 7:04:12 PM Post Reply
The Supreme Court announced Wednesday that it will decide if Donald Trump is immune from prosecution his federal election interference case – on a timetable that keeps his trial on hold for months. The high court announced in a brief ruling that it would hear oral arguments in the case during the week of April 22, and keep Trump's January 6 case being tried in Washington, DC paused until then. It is hearing the case in an expedited fashion, setting up back-and-forth legal briefs between Trump's lawyers and the government this month. But just by agreeing to take the case the court pushed back Trump's case at least until the summer.
Illegal Alien Charged with Child Rape,
Violent Armed Robbery in Louisiana
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 6:59:29 PM Post Reply
An illegal alien is accused of raping a 14-year-old girl before carrying out a violent armed robbery in Kenner, Louisiana. Angel Matias Castellanos-Orellana, a 19-year-old illegal alien from Honduras, was arrested on February 25 by the Kenner Police Department after he allegedly committed an armed robbery and stabbed the victim, who is recovering at a nearby hospital. Along with armed robbery and aggravated battery, Castellanos-Orellana has been charged with first-degree rape and aggravated assault after police allege he raped and assaulted a 14-year-old girl in the area.
‘Abuse of Public Power’: AOC Defends
Hunter Biden Against Probe
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 3:47:58 PM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) defended Hunter Biden while he was behind closed doors testifying before the House impeachment inquiry on Wednesday. Ocasio-Cortez’s defense of Hunter highlights her change in political disposition from a once lefty populist turned establishment protectorate of the Bidens. “What we just witnessed over the last hour was, I think, a deep sea fishing expedition,” the Democrat congresswoman alleged. “The Republican case has completely fallen apart over the last several weeks.” Hunter is a material witness in the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, who denied involvement in the Biden business at least nine times.
US issues 'increased caution' warning
for people traveling to Mexico during
Spring Break - as partygoers heading to
Cancun and Tulum are warned about 'unregulated
drinks and synthetic drugs' in country
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 3:38:22 PM Post Reply
The US has issued a warning for spring breakers who plan to travel to Mexico to exercise 'increased caution.' As partygoers head to Cancun and Tulum, the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Mexico have warned people about 'unregulated drinks and synthetic drugs' in the county. The message, posted on Monday said: 'Travel Smart – Be Informed: Each year, thousands of U.S. citizens visit Mexico during spring break.' It added that 'while the vast majority travel safely,' tourists should still consider the list of specific advisories including, crime, drugs, pharmaceuticals, drownings, and more.
A California federal court bars feds from
prosecuting white supremacists while ignoring Antifa.
Posted by Beardo 2/28/2024 3:35:28 PM Post Reply
In 2017, Antifa and its anarcho-Marxist allies and a few small white supremacist groups engaged in violent activity at political rallies. However, the Department of Justice prosecuted only the white supremacists under the Anti-Riot Act of 1968. A federal court has finally called foul on this unconstitutional government bias. The decision, by Judge Cormac J. Carney (a George W. Bush nominee), is in United States of America v. Rundo et al. The defendants, both self-avowed white supremacists, moved to dismiss the charges against them under the Anti-Riot Act because the government violated the equal protection clause when it failed to prosecute anarcho-Marxists for identical activity.
‘CSI: NY’ star Gary Sinise ‘has
been so strong’ after son’s death
as celebs reach out
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 3:11:51 PM Post Reply
Gary Sinise is receiving support from fellow stars following the death of his son, McCanna Anthony Sinise, who died from cancer at the age of 33. The actor made the news public on Tuesday with a post on his Gary Sinise Foundation website, noting that Mac passed away Jan. 5 and was laid to rest Jan. 23. “Like any family experiencing such a loss, we are heartbroken and have been managing as best we can,” the 68-year-old wrote under a photo of Mac, captioned: “In Honor & Memory McCanna Anthony ‘Mac’ Sinise, 1990-2024.”
Group of Illegal Aliens Asked Whether
They Prefer Biden or Trump in Charge of
the Border — Any Guesses?
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 1:59:34 PM Post Reply
"Fox & Friends Weekend" co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy recently ventured to an Indian reservation on the Arizona-Mexico border, which she described as a "soft shelter" and the first stop for illegal aliens supposedly heading to processing centers, to get a sense of why they came to the country — and who they prefer as president of the United States. "Who is best for illegal immigration? Donald Trump or Joe Biden?" Campos-Duffy asked a group of five adult male illegals. Every one of them answered, without hesitation: "Joe Biden." Of course, they prefer Biden in charge of the border, as in "Well, duh!"
Denver Government May Furlough American
Staff To Put Illegals On Its Payroll
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 1:57:01 PM Post Reply
As Denver faces a budget crisis due to 40,000 illegal immigrants arriving in the last year, the city is warning hourly workers that they may be furloughed, while also considering hiring illegal immigrants to work for the city, The Daily Wire has learned. A spokeswoman for Denver mayor Mike Johnston told The Daily Wire that the budget crisis was caused by illegal immigrants being unable to work, causing them to be a drain on taxpayer dollars. The idea was to solve that by having them work directly for the city, she said. She said that a full-time salary funded by taxpayers was “not necessarily” more costly than social services.
Dem. mayor of Athens, Georgia, is shouted
down after Laken Riley UGA campus murder:
'You have blood on your hands'
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 1:50:54 PM Post Reply
Furious residents of Athens heckled their Democratic mayor after the brutal murder of Laken Riley on the University of George campus. Mayor Kelly Girtz was interrupted on Wednesday morning as he held a briefing to discuss public safety in Athens after the nursing student was allegedly beaten to death by undocumented migrant Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26. As he tried to deny that Athens is a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants, the crowd started shouting at the mayor. A man in the crowd repeatedly shouted: 'You're a liar.' He added: 'You're the one who is guilty and got blood on your hands for this murder, sir!'
Whole Lotta Lyin’ Goin’ On replies
Posted by Garnet 2/28/2024 1:45:10 PM Post Reply
Attorney Terrence Bradley testified yesterday in the hearing on the possible disqualification of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and Special Counsel Nathan Wade in the “conspiracy so immense” charges against President Trump et al. pending in Georgia state court. Bradley is Wade’s former law partner and lawyer in his divorce proceeding. He knows when the Willis/Wade romance began because Wade told him. Indeed, as Techno Fog notes, Bradley has previously stated in text messages to Ashleigh Merchant (attorney for defendant Michael Roman) that: (1) the relationship between Willis and Wade started before he was appointed special prosecutor,
Mitch McConnell, 82, to STEP DOWN as Republican
Senate leader after serving for almost
20 years
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 1:44:17 PM Post Reply
A tearful Mitch McConnell has announced he will be stepping down as the longest-serving Senate leader in history and admitted 'father time remains undefeated.' The Republican senator, who turned 82 last week, choked up on the Senate floor as he revealed he will leave the position he's served in for almost 18 years in November after a 'painful time' that included the death of his sister-in-law. McConnell has battled constant calls to step down in recent months over his support for sending more aid to Ukraine and is the last member of the Republican leadership not to have endorsed Donald Trump's 2024 presidential bid.
Body Language Experts Think Fani Willis
Wearing Her Dress Backwards Was the Least
of Her Problems
Posted by Garnet 2/28/2024 1:34:50 PM Post Reply
Fani Willis wearing her dress backwards was the least of her worries while on the stand answering to ethics complaints in Fulton County, Ga., last week. Body language experts say the Fulton County top prosecutor has much bigger issues than simply storming the hearing, sashaying down the aisle, and demanding her surprised underlings let her testify. Willis' dress punctuated the absurdity of the story the sashaying DA tried to peddle. She spun yarns to explain why she did nothing wrong because she paid in cash. If you saw this slow-motion train crash, you know Willis didn't help her cause as she tried to prove that she wasn't misusing her office
Trump lawyers say he’s prepared to post
$100 million bond while appealing staggering
fraud penalty
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 1:13:34 PM Post Reply
NEW YORK — Donald Trump’s lawyers asked a New York appellate court Wednesday to halt collection of the former president’s $454 million civil fraud judgment while he appeals. Trump’s lawyers said in a court filing that he is prepared to post a $100 million appeal bond rather than a bond covering the full amount, which would have automatically paused enforcement. They said a provision in Judge Arthur Engoron’s Feb. 16 ruling that bans Trump, his company, and co-defendants from obtaining loans from New York banks for three years would make it impossible for him to obtain a bond covering the full judgment.
Biden Announces Unannounced Hospital Visit
Because He's Fine and Nothing Makes Sense Anymore
Posted by Hazymac 2/28/2024 12:45:13 PM Post Reply
It's officially unofficial that Presidentish Joe Biden will make an unannounced visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center now that the announcement has been made by the White House. Literally every lead sentence I write at the top of a story about Biden is more absurd than the previous one — and we still have at least 10 more months of this nonsense to go. Some — such as yours truly and the not-awful members of the White House Press Corpse [sic] (and I'm looking at you, Peter Doocy) — are more concerned with the alleged president's cognitive health than we are about his physical health.
McConnell will step down as the Senate
Republican leader
Posted by plomke 2/28/2024 12:36:25 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history who maintained his power in the face of dramatic convulsions in the Republican Party for almost two decades, will step down from that position in November. McConnell, who turned 82 last week, was set to announce his decision Wednesday in the well of the Senate, a place where he looked in awe from its back benches in 1985 when he arrived and where he grew increasingly comfortable in the front row seat afforded the party lea
Houston Fails to Prosecute Thousands of
Crimes Due to 'Lack of Personnel'
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 11:56:58 AM Post Reply
Something is definitely amiss at the police department in Houston, Texas, and it's a problem that's been brewing since well before the border invasion began. Houston has one of the highest per capita crime rates of any city of any size in the country, but amazingly, that's not the entirety of the problem. The Houston Police Department is investigating crimes and bringing charges as they should be, though it's more difficult to keep up during the current era of soaring crime rates. But in the cases where they do manage to launch an investigation, roughly ten percent of those cases have been suspended without a resolution, with the department
She's In, She's Out, She's BACK IN! replies
Posted by Hazymac 2/28/2024 11:46:38 AM Post Reply
"Just when I thought I was out," former and now once again Democrat presidential candidate Marianne Williamson might have complained to the press on Wednesday, "they pull me back in!" Following the surprisingly strong finish by "Uncommitted" in Tuesday's Michigan Democrat primary, the author and activist released a video statement on Twitter/X. In it, she said, "As of today, I am unsuspending my campaign for the president of the United States... I had suspended it because I was losing the horse race, but something so much more important than the horse race is at stake here, and we must respond.” “We’re not going to defeat the fascist [Donald Trump]
Politicized Prosecutions Are A Warning
Shot Across The Bow For All Americans
Posted by mc squared 2/28/2024 11:38:13 AM Post Reply
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul knows she has spooked her state’s business community. That’s why she went on a talk show last week to calm their very legitimate fears that they would be next. If former President Donald Trump can be prosecuted and fined hundreds of millions of dollars for a common business practice, who is safe? Hochul said New Yorkers are generally “honest people, and they’re not trying to hide their assets and they’re following the rules… This judge determined that Donald Trump did not follow the rules.” Hence the $355 million fine levied by the court.
Trump Stands to Make Billions in Truth
Social Merger Deal
Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 11:34:03 AM Post Reply
A potential merger involving former President Donald Trump’s social media platform Truth Social can take the company public and will give him access to $3.5 billion in funds—a deal which his political rivals are looking to thwart. On Feb. 14, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved the merger between Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) and Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). TMTG is the owner of social media platform Truth Social. Once DWAC merges with TMTG, it can go public, with President Trump holding 78.75 million shares in the combined entity. DWAC shares were trading at around $45 as of 1:45 p.m. EST on Feb. 27,
Lara Logan outs Corporate Media-Government Collusion replies
Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 11:16:43 AM Post Reply
The following is a transcript of the above video, but I urge everyone to watch this video. It is chilling. It is important. And it is truth. Transcript. Senator Ron Johnson: Our next presenter is Ms. Lara Logan. Lara Logan is an award-winning investigative journalist, former 60 Minutes correspondent and Chief Foreign Correspondent and Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent for 60 Minutes(snip) I was asked to testify on media censorship and the First Amendment, the importance of free speech. (snip) these are the worst of times for the media in this country. We live in the age of information warfare where propaganda is not simply a weapon, it is the entire 
This will blow your mind: new stunning
revelation about judge in Trump’s E.
Jean Carroll “rape” case leaks out…
Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 11:05:32 AM Post Reply
By now, we all realize that our government and many of our so-called “esteemed institutions” are steeped in massive corruption. Yet, even so, the sheer audacity of this corruption can still stun even the most jaded among us. That’s what has happened with the recent developments in the so-called “rape case” involving E. Jean Carroll, (video)In a move that baffles the mind, the judge, without any concrete evidence, has suggested that Trump might be guilty of an alleged “rape” t(snip) (snip)this is the same judge appointed by Bill Clinton, of all womanizing people, who had previously dismissed charges against the notoriously controversial Prince Andrew.
US Army: We'll Solve Our Recruiting Woes
by Slashing 24K Positions
Posted by mc squared 2/28/2024 11:01:27 AM Post Reply
We’ve reported on the recruiting problems plaguing the United States armed forces. To put it bluntly, it hasn’t been going well. So what to do if you’re the U.S. Army? Stop with the focus on “woke” like DEI and transgender issues? Treat the military with respect? Nah. If you’re operating under the Biden administration, you simply cut your numbers. It’s easier than solving the problem. To wit, the Army on Tuesday released an “Army Force Structure Transformation” paper that announced a force reduction of 24,000 positions – roughly five percent of the force. Problem solved.
Demo-rats replies
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 10:58:38 AM Post Reply
Yes, the “c” in Democrat today is either silent or should be dropped totally from the party name. Demolishing America is what they’re all about nowadays, and only anti-American traitors would do that. Thus, Demo/rats is a much more accurate descriptor for these destructive vermin. So, what are some of the most problematic examples to date? Demo/rat demolition of national security: When a country’s borders are permeable, national security is compromised. United States’ borders today are nearly nonexistent, and that has been true since the current Demo/rat occupant of the White House moved in three years ago.
Michigan Takes a U-Turn Back to the Rust Belt replies
Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 10:53:28 AM Post Reply
No state in modern times has transitioned from a worker freedom state to one that forces workers to join a union and pay dues to labor bosses. All the momentum across the country in the last two decades has been in the opposite direction: allowing workers the right to choose a union — or not. That’s why what happened last week in Lansing, Michigan, is such a tragic setback for workers’ rights and for the economic competitiveness of the state(snip) Thanks to a corrupt deal between the labor bosses, the Democratic state legislature and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan will no longer be a right-to-work state.
In Big Victory Against Lawfare, DC Court
Of Appeals Smacks Down Jeff Clark Subpoena
Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 10:47:40 AM Post Reply
Trump-era Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark won a big victory against Democrat lawfare on Monday when the D.C. Court of Appeals ruled he did not have to comply with a subpoena issued by the D.C. Bar’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel. The appeals court denied the D.C. Bar’s attempt to enforce its subpoena against Clark because it “infringes on Mr. Clark’s Fifth Amendment right not to be compelled to be a witness against himself.” (snip) The victory for Clark serves as a shocking blow to Democrats, who have tried to disbar more than 100 attorneys who agreed to work on election integrity cases following the 2020 presidential election.
Nikki Haley Is The Media’s Useless Idiot replies
Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 10:43:24 AM Post Reply
Nobody can blame Nikki Haley for continuing her not-a-chance-in-heaven campaign for president — she has nothing to lose and lots of money to gain — but it’s helpful to remember that if not for the media’s white-hot hatred for Donald Trump, they would have absolutely razed her life and family months ago. Literally, the only reason she’s even still able to show her face in public is because the media know her candidacy is of zero consequence.
Lee Zeldin Drops a Truth Bomb on CNN Following
Michigan Primary – Trump Beat ALL Democrats
Combined (Video)
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 10:39:27 AM Post Reply
Former Congressman Lee Zeldin went on CNN on Tuesday night after President Trump’s latest victory in the Michigan primary. Deep state plant Nikki Haley could only must 28% of the primary vote even with her Democrat voter base. Lee Zeldin noted that President Trump received more votes in Michigan than all Democrat primary votes COMBINED. Zeldin added, “It’s possible that the ENTIRE blue wall gets painted red this November.” CNN did NOT want to hear that and promptly cut him off.
Republicans slam Athens mayor for running
a ‘sanctuary city,’ but the city
denies being one
Posted by snakeoil 2/28/2024 10:02:50 AM Post Reply
ATHENS, Ga. - The City of Athens has been thrust into the national debate on immigration after the killing of Augusta State nursing student, 22-year-old Laken Riley. Police arrested Jose Ibarra, 26, on murder charges over the weekend. Federal investigators said Ibarra is originally from Venezuela, but crossed the southern border illegally in 2022. On Monday, the political fallout began.
Venezuela Homicide Rate Lowest in 22 Years
As Its Gangs Migrate Here
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 9:27:54 AM Post Reply
The homicide rate in Venezuela has dropped like a rock. The numbers are shocking, actually, in how high they remain and how much they have fallen. More than a 25% drop in about a year, according to the Venezuela Violence Observatory. Suicides are up, though, which isn't such good news. The explanation for this sudden drop in the murder rate doesn't require a great deal of research. All you need to do is read the news and you will see story after story about Venezuelan illegal immigrants committing crimes in the United States. (Bloomberg) -- Venezuela’s rate of violent deaths dropped to its lowest level in more than
Why Children Need Risk, Fear, and Excitement
in Play
Posted by Judy W. 2/28/2024 9:11:00 AM Post Reply
We parents are caught in a paradox. We desperately want to keep our children safe and ensure their success. We are also often terrified that they will get hurt and that they will fail—so we do everything we can to prevent that from happening. Yet many of those very efforts to manage our fears have paradoxically reduced our children’s safety and their odds of success. For over two decades, I have researched children’s development, injury prevention, and outdoor risky play. I have learned that when we prioritize children’s play(especially the kind of play that involves some risk and lack of supervision) and the freedom to play how they choose,
There's More Than One DNC Plant in Fani
Willis' Office, and This One Is Married
to a Top GA Politician
Posted by FlyRight 2/28/2024 8:23:46 AM Post Reply
Just how politicized is Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' office and her prosecution of Donald Trump and 18 other Republicans? It's been obvious since day one that this prosecution is all about politics, but in the last few days we've learned specific details about Willis' conflicts of interest and her office's apparent collusion with the White House. However, there's now even more unethical behavior to report out of Willis' office. In May 2022, right around the time Willis seated a grand jury to investigate Donald Trump, a new part-time employee showed up at the office. Her title was innocuous enough: Records and Documents Supervisor.
Trump Promises to Protect Christians From Persecution replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/28/2024 8:17:22 AM Post Reply
Speaking to an audience of devoted fans at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville last Friday, Donald Trump said if re-elected president he will "... create a new federal task force on fighting anti-Christian bias. ... Its mission will be to investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment and persecution against Christians in America."Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of the mega First Baptist Church in Dallas, said Trump's speech " was the most powerfully pro-Christian speech I've ever heard from any president. He will win the Christian vote in a landslide!"
Dems failed to take the House, so they’re
rewriting rules with toxic map proposal
Posted by Mercedes44 2/28/2024 8:09:03 AM Post Reply
The House majority ran through New York in 2022. The red wave that pundits predicted never made its way ashore nationally, but it definitely washed over the landscape here in New York. Running as one team, we campaigned hard and flipped many House seats from Democrat to Republican in purple, suburban districts. New Yorkers were able to cast their votes in some of the most competitive races in the country, and we ultimately decided control of the House of Representatives.
The obvious reason behind Trump’s undying
political strength is somehow still dumbfounding
ignorant Big Media elites
Posted by Mercedes44 2/28/2024 7:58:25 AM Post Reply
It is not my habit to read Paul Krugman’s screeds, much less recommend them, but every dog has its day. And Krugman’s latest piece commands attention because of what he inadvertently reveals about elite ignorance. Under the headline “The Mystery of White Rural Rage,” the New York Times columnist approvingly cites a book that details the decline of rural America. Spoiler alert: Technology gets the blame. But Krugman, an economist, quickly adds, “I still don’t get the politics” of rural Americans, and later writes, “I still find it hard to understand” recent voting patterns.
Putin’s Rollback of Reagan’s Victory replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/28/2024 7:55:36 AM Post Reply
On March 5, 1946, Winston Churchill made his famous post-World War II speech in which he observed how “an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe… this is certainly not the Liberated Europe we fought to build up.” That “iron curtain” would become literal with the construction of the Berlin Wall which would not come down until November 9, 1989. Events would then snowball. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics would formally dissolve on December 26, 1991,
Even Biden's Own People Are Betting That
Trump Wins
Posted by RockyTCB 2/28/2024 5:57:51 AM Post Reply
This headline says much more than the Politico editors intended: “Federal agencies scramble to finish Biden’s rules — and protect his legacy from Trump.” The story is about how, if regulators can get rules finalized by April, it won’t be so easy for Donald Trump and congressional Republicans to overturn them, as they did with the regulations Barack Obama imposed just before leaving office. Federal law – the 1996 Congressional Review Act, to be specific – lets Congress vote to overturn regulations within "60 congressional session days" of when they are finalized. After that, it becomes nearly impossible to get rid of them.
The obvious reason behind Trump’s undying
political strength is somehow still dumbfounding
ignorant Big Media elites
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 5:04:36 AM Post Reply
It is not my habit to read Paul Krugman’s screeds, much less recommend them, but every dog has its day. And Krugman’s latest piece commands attention because of what he inadvertently reveals about elite ignorance. Under the headline “The Mystery of White Rural Rage,” the New York Times columnist approvingly cites a book that details the decline of rural America. Spoiler alert, technology gets the blame. But Krugman, an economist, quickly adds, “I still don’t get the politics” of rural Americans, and later writes “I still find it hard to understand” recent voting patterns.
Jewish Students Threatened and Assaulted
at UC Berkeley Speech by IDF Soldier –
Jews Forced to Evacuate Building Through Tunnels
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 4:37:14 AM Post Reply
Pro-Palestinian goons threatened and assaulted Jewish students at UC Berkeley during their campus speaking event, “Israel at War” at the far left school. The violent pro-Palestinian mob pounded on doors, assaulted Jewish students, broke glass windows, and forced the Jewish students to flee through tunnels for their own safety. The Jewish students were forced to flee the building through a campus tunnel to escape the violent leftist mob.
Illegal El Salvadoran migrant accused
of killing 2-year-old Maryland boy was
released from jail TWICE following repeated
theft charges and order to leave the country
Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 4:34:55 AM Post Reply
An illegal migrant from El Salvador was arrested in Maryland and charged with murder in the case of a two-year-old who was shot and killed this month. Nilson Trejo-Granados, 25, was charged by the Prince George County Police Department with first and second-degree murder this week. The illegal migrant is the fifth person arrested in connection to the tragic death of toddler Jeremy Poou Caceres, who met his end while out on a walk in the park with his mother.
NY Attorney General Letitia James Gloats
over Fining Trump $354.8M
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 12:11:46 AM Post Reply
New York Attorney General Letitia James, who ran for office vowing to take down former President Donald Trump, has been gloating on X about the $354.8 million fine imposed on him since she won against him in a county court two weeks ago. Trump is planning to appeal the judgment in the civil fraud case, which accused him of inflating his net worth to get favorable bank loans, which he paid back. However, Trump must first pay the $354.8 million fine ordered by Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron before he can appeal. He is also being charged interest that is expected to reach $100 million. James has been posting
Ex-Obama Staffers Now Questioning Biden's
Age, Stability
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 12:02:18 AM Post Reply
The parade of people who are openly discussing the physical and mental decline of the nation's oldest-ever president continues to grow. And those voices are not all coming from the Fox News Channel or other conservative outlets. This week their ranks were joined by two former aides to President Barack Obama who worked directly with Joe Biden when he was the veep. Appearing on the "Pod Save America" podcast, Jon Favreau, Obama's chief speechwriter, expressed concern and exasperation over Biden's recent appearances. Favreau called Biden's age "a very real issue." He referred to him as "frail" and "mumbly" while also referencing the way Biden "shuffles" around and is unsteady
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