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California Gov. Gavin Newsom praises Nikki
Haley for helping Democrats make the case
against Trump: ‘One of our better surrogates’

Original Article

Posted By: 4250Luis, 2/24/2024 5:09:05 AM

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has become one of the “better surrogates” for Democrats in 2024, California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday. Haley, who is Donald Trump’s last remaining GOP primary rival, has attacked the former president throughout the race, arguing that the 77-year-old is too old to serve another term White House and warning that his “chaos” will hurt Republican chances at the ballot boxes in November. “I think she’s one of our better surrogates, so I hope she stays in [the GOP primary race],” Newsom, 56, told CNN host Jake Tapper, arguing that her criticisms of the former president are “spot on.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 5 handicap 2/24/2024 6:01:59 AM (No. 1664161)
Haley is like the Houthis for Iran... Not good for much more than throwing bombs! Enabling and comforting America's opposition!
40 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DiegoDude 2/24/2024 6:10:50 AM (No. 1664166)
Haley probably thanked him for saying this.
36 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: coyote 2/24/2024 7:07:20 AM (No. 1664180)
Gavin, you haven't made the case against Trump, he has made the case against you and the Dem party. That is what prompts your insane hatred of the man.
50 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 2/24/2024 7:19:38 AM (No. 1664187)
Could you imagine the damage she could do if you were veep? Who is right mind never thought that she could be a good second in command?
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: jalo1951 2/24/2024 7:21:30 AM (No. 1664190)
The kiss of death from Gavin. Maybe she should just flip and go democrat because not sure too many conservatives will vote for her. I don't mind a fighter (one reason I support Trump) but a stupid fighter I can not support. Trump just needs to ignore her and attack FJB. She really is a non issue.
42 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: seamusm 2/24/2024 7:36:40 AM (No. 1664200)
Damned with faint praise or a useful idiot? Not sure I can tell WHAT Haley is. But she has cursed her future with OUR GOP.
29 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 2/24/2024 7:39:03 AM (No. 1664203)
And that comment is why IF she was the ONLY one running against Biden now or in the future I wouldn't vote her! She is another Pence/Liz Cheney as far as I am concerned. FJB and Haley too. MAGA
44 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: philsner 2/24/2024 7:51:56 AM (No. 1664210)
Therefore, all Trump supporters will immediately switch to Haley.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Californian 2/24/2024 7:57:04 AM (No. 1664212)
I'll give him credit for honesty, lol.
13 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Venturer 2/24/2024 8:09:29 AM (No. 1664230)
She could have retired from the race with some semblance of dignity, and some political influence in the republican party. She destroyed and further chance with success as a Republican. She has committed political suicide.
33 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: bighambone 2/24/2024 8:10:39 AM (No. 1664232)
So does Fox News, notice that Haley has been touted by Fox News all along, while ensuring that half or more of their political guests to be Democrats who they allow to put out leftist and socialist Democrat political propaganda on the Fox News Channel. They say that Haley has a lot of campaign cash, if that is true, you can safely bet that a lot of that money was contributed to Haley by Democrat entities and individuals as an undercover effort to assist Haley to knock of Trump through the Republican primary process, that so far has not been successful. If Haley is nominated by the wimpy Republicans to be the Republican Presidential Nominee, those supposed Democrat Haley supporters would immediately disappear, and instead use their money to assist the leftist and socialist Democrats in stomping Haley into the political dust during the run up to the November General Election.
12 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 2/24/2024 8:30:04 AM (No. 1664256)
Rule #1 for any Republican running for office is to present themselves as a REAL ALTERNATIVE to the Democrats. If the Democrats consider you a surrogate, you certainly offer no alternative. Why vote for the surrogate when I can have the real thing and vote Democrat? That's why the only real alternative to the Democrats is DONALD TRUMP. A vote for Haley is a vote for a continuation of the last four years. If you really want that, just vote Biden. Newsom says what the Democrats are thinking. Amazing how often the Democrats telegraph their intentions if one listens closely.
22 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: MissNan 2/24/2024 8:34:34 AM (No. 1664260)
Nikki and Newsom….two peas out of the same rotten pod.
23 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: chumley 2/24/2024 9:02:31 AM (No. 1664282)
Congratulations to her. She has gone from "worth a look" a year ago to beyond unacceptable Liz Cheney today. Such a massive self destruction has to have been on purpose on someone's part.
26 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Safari Man 2/24/2024 9:27:39 AM (No. 1664313)
Dimocrats are already print ins the bumper stickers: Newsom/Haley 2024
6 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: udanja99 2/24/2024 9:30:57 AM (No. 1664318)
In the next hour or so, hubby and I are going out to vote for Trump in the SC primary today. I can’t wait to not vote for Trikki Nikki.
23 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: anniebc 2/24/2024 9:36:38 AM (No. 1664323)
I got my vote in Thursday, poster 16. I can't wait to hear how badly she got smoked. She was polling at 35 percent with PDT at over 65 percent. And, her hometown is in shambles; that place is like a ghost town, and nobody likes her there either. Quit, Nimrata, quit!
11 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: hershey 2/24/2024 10:23:05 AM (No. 1664356)
Greasy let the cat out of the bag on her...'surrogate'....says it all....MAGA...Trump 2024!!!!!
7 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: udanja99 2/24/2024 11:04:04 AM (No. 1664378)
Update: I’m waiting to vote and have never seen a line this long in all the years I have voted at this precinct. Trump is absolutely going to demolish Nikki.
13 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: smokincol 2/24/2024 11:46:45 AM (No. 1664407)
that's called "rubbing your nose in it"
0 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: DVC 2/24/2024 12:13:12 PM (No. 1664429)
Yep, Haley is now a Dem asset. She will NEVER get my vote, not even for dog catcher.
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 2/24/2024 12:39:40 PM (No. 1664456)
#4, well he was guilty of selecting Mike Pence. Along with a few other backstabbing SOB's
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Reply 23 - Posted by: DVC 2/24/2024 12:43:28 PM (No. 1664462)
The term "rented mule" seems to fit Haley....for rent and more a mule than an elephant.
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Starboard_side 2/24/2024 12:50:12 PM (No. 1664469)
She's simply doing what the people who are funding her "campaign" are telling her to say.
3 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: MickTurn 2/24/2024 6:17:59 PM (No. 1664600)
I see Hair Gel BOY knows Nikki very well!
0 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: bighambone 2/24/2024 6:20:18 PM (No. 1664602)
#22, remember at the time Trump was elected he was not a DC career guy and relied on advise and references from the wimpy establishment DC Republicans for appointments to fill out almost all the positions in his administration. That did not work out as those wimpy Republicans collapsed during the Trump years anytime the situation got rough. You can be sure that Trump learned his lesson and that will not happen after he is elected in November.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by 4250Luis 3/5/2024 5:06:39 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 3/2/2024 12:11:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 3/2/2024 12:04:06 PM Post Reply
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21 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 3/2/2024 9:22:42 AM Post Reply
MTA chief Janno Lieber said Friday that like it or not, congestion pricing is happening — as about 100 New York City firefighters and scores of other foes showed up at a public hearing in Manhattan to protest it. While the hearing was the transit agency’s second in two days to supposedly listen to the public over the proposed back-breaking new $15 Midtown toll, Lieber told reporters during a break that any attempts to halt the plan are DOA at this point. “This is frequently represented like I went on a drinking binge and came up with this idea in funding the MTA,’’
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Posted by 4250Luis 3/2/2024 9:19:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:10:52 AM Post Reply
The House Judiciary Committee is calling CBS on the carpet over the firing of veteran reporter Catherine Herridge, who was probing the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and the subsequent seizure of her personal records, The Post has learned. In a scathing letter sent to CBS News President Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews on Friday — obtained exclusively by The Post — Rep. Jim Jordan, who chairs the committee, demanded the network reveal who at CBS or parent-company Paramount Global “made the decision to terminate” Herridge. The committee said it also wants to know why her confidential files were “seized” as part of the termination.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom praises Nikki
Haley for helping Democrats make the case
against Trump: ‘One of our better surrogates’
26 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:09:05 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has become one of the “better surrogates” for Democrats in 2024, California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday. Haley, who is Donald Trump’s last remaining GOP primary rival, has attacked the former president throughout the race, arguing that the 77-year-old is too old to serve another term White House and warning that his “chaos” will hurt Republican chances at the ballot boxes in November. “I think she’s one of our better surrogates, so I hope she stays in [the GOP primary race],” Newsom, 56, told CNN host Jake Tapper, arguing that her criticisms of the former president are “spot on.”
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Things He's Ever Seen
15 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:07:24 AM Post Reply
This segment was low-hanging fruit, but it’s always a good reminder to know your enemy's thoughts and end game. The Left's agenda items are often televised on MSNBC and CNN. MSNBC is by far the worst of the two, and ex-NBC News reporter Heidi Przybyla, now with Politico, demonstrated that Thursday night with her screed against Christianity. Of course, it was framed under the guise of Christian nationalism. Still, the commentary was very much grounded in mainstream concepts about where rights come from, as Thomas Jefferson is the person who wrote about what Przybyla found unsettling (via Mediaite):
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Posted by OhioNick 3/5/2024 3:22:59 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 3/5/2024 1:20:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 3/5/2024 10:51:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ConservativeYankee 3/5/2024 7:41:25 PM Post Reply
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Michelle Obama FINALLY breaks her silence
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in 2024 as disgruntled Democrats urge
her to run instead of 81-year-old Biden
30 replies
Posted by Imright 3/5/2024 11:16:48 AM Post Reply
Michelle Obama has ruled herself out as a presidential candidate, putting to bed speculation that she would jump in at the last minute to give Democrats an alternative to aging Joe Biden. The former first lady maintains a star power within Democratic politics, despite largely removing herself from the political scene in recent years. 'As former First Lady Michelle Obama has expressed several times over the years, she will not be running for president,' said Crystal Carson, director of communications for her office, told NBC News.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 3/5/2024 10:55:17 PM Post Reply
MSNBC national affairs analyst John Heilemann said on Tuesday’s “Deadline” that he believed former President Donald Trump voters have a “lack of energy.” Heilemann said, “Doing the first three early state primaries which I love, historically love, have done them all, love doing that, love. love. It was so depressing doing these and for a million reasons not just because Trump was going to win and what it said about the Republican Party or that it was a foregone conclusion, but just the lack of energy out in the world. The kind of flaccid acquiescence of everybody out there. You hear about it on the Democratic side.
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27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 3/5/2024 4:40:08 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Tuesday will launch a new task force to take on "unfair and illegal" corporate pricing, which Biden sees as a major reason why consumers are not yet feeling the impact of cooling inflation rates and a strong economy. The task force will be jointly led by the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice, two agencies at the forefront of the Biden administration's aggressive regulatory agenda over the past three years. "We're excited to be co-chairing the president's new Strike Force on Unfair and Illegal Pricing, which builds on the FTC's far-reaching work to promote competition and tackle unlawful business practices that are inflating costs
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27 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/5/2024 11:50:10 AM Post Reply
Appearing alongside Vice President Kamala Harris in Selma, Alabama, on Sunday, Garland called voter ID laws and other voter integrity laws “discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary.” The two were speaking at an event commemorating the fifty-ninth anniversary of the Bloody Sunday attacks on civil rights marchers in Selma Garland recalled the history of voting rights for black Americans since the end of slavery, which he said has “never been steady” into the present day charging that voter ID laws have made it harder “for millions of eligible voters to vote and to elect the representatives of their choice.”
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25 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 3/6/2024 6:01:48 AM Post Reply
Each side in today’s often-angry political debate over the upcoming presidential election seems convinced that its candidate has a clear advantage. But, as of now, neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump has an obvious edge in the popular vote as we enter the final eight months of the 2024 election season, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Despite being widely criticized for his lackluster campaign and showing continuing signs of age-related mental impairment, Biden holds a slender 43% to 42% lead over Trump. The online national poll of 1,246 registered voters was taken
House Dems Prep an “Insurrection”
Bill Barring Trump from Taking Office
25 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/5/2024 8:47:47 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court didn’t dig into the weeds of the entire insurrection debate, but one obvious issue with the various efforts to remove Trump from the ballot in various states was that insurrection had been left entirely to Democrat state officials to define. That kind of nonsense however won’t fly in an actual legislative process. Now that the Supreme Court blocked state officials from announcing that Trump can’t be on the ballot because he’s an “insurrectionist”, House members are now trying to play the same game. Congress will have to try and act,” Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, told Axios. What he’s saying: Raskin,
Jonathan Turley 'astonished' Fani Willis,
Nathan Wade have not stepped aside as
case gets 'worse by the day'
24 replies
Posted by Moritz55 3/6/2024 9:43:49 AM Post Reply
There is a new twist in the Fani Willis-Nathan Wade legal saga after a co-chief deputy district attorney for Cobb County claimed key witness Terrence Bradley lied about his knowledge of Willis and Wade's relationship. While there has been no ruling on Willis' disqualification, legal scholar Jonathan Turley questioned on "America's Newsroom" Tuesday why the pair has not "stepped aside" as their legal quagmire worsens "by the day." JONATHAN TURLEY: It was painful to watch. It had that look of a hostage tape, where he was just saying, 'I know nothing, I heard nothing. If I said anything, I didn't mean it.'
MSNBC anchors mock Virginia voters for
calling immigration their top issue and
laugh over concerns with flood of migrants
into US
23 replies
Posted by Imright 3/6/2024 2:47:39 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchors Jen Psaki, Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow joked about Virginia voters' concerns over immigration during the Super Tuesday election coverage at the left-leaning network. In Virginia, which in recent elections has become a swing state, early exit polls indicated immigration was the top issue for Republican primary voters, reported MSNBC. While discussing those exit poll results on air, anchors from the liberal network mocked voters from the Old Dominion state for their concerns.
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