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Jack Smith Asks DC Judge Boasberg to Decide
What Trump Classified Doc Evidence to
Show Florida Judge

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 3/2/2024 9:19:02 AM

Julie Kelly essentially notes that Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is asking DC Judge James Boasberg to decide what evidence should be given to Florida Judge Aileen Cannon. Julie Kelly (Via Twitter) – “It appears that records related to the grand jury proceedings in DC on the classified docs case remain under seal and have not been transmitted to Judge Cannon or defense. Recall that almost the entire investigation into the classified docs matter took place in Washington DC–not southern FLA even though it is the controlling jurisdiction since the alleged “crime” of retaining classified records/national defense info happened at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: thefield 3/2/2024 9:41:11 AM (No. 1668790)
One Federal Judge to rule on what another Federal Judge can see. This will not go down well. Smith is a determined idiot.
34 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Birddog 3/2/2024 10:00:25 AM (No. 1668813)
"Money Laundering/Evidence Laundering"...Smacks of collusion/coordination. That s all RICO stuff. And YES, RICO statutes can and should apply to corrupt use of Govt office and funds.
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Alecto2 3/2/2024 10:25:36 AM (No. 1668835)
No conflicts of interest here! "DC Judge" just says it all.
19 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: MickTurn 3/2/2024 11:00:20 AM (No. 1668864)
This punk might want to be very careful Judge Shopping while the case is under the control of a Florida Federal Judge...She might just sanction his sorry Azz straight into PRISON!
12 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: dwa 3/2/2024 11:24:28 AM (No. 1668885)
At some point I would think Judge Cannon would say that the case was dismissed with prejudice because of all the BS prosecutorial misconduct of Smith and his team.
21 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Starboard_side 3/2/2024 11:47:10 AM (No. 1668913)
Wow, so he's withholding evidence? Would that be considered interfering into a political proceeding?
13 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: FleetUSA 3/2/2024 11:50:26 AM (No. 1668915)
Remember Boasberg signed off on all the bad FISA warrants.
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Birddog 3/2/2024 11:52:47 AM (No. 1668918)
If Cannon dismisses with just moves it all out of Fla. The DC case still lives. In another case the anti-trumpers filed in Hawaii...They are not afraid to Venue shop, though Cannon is the 1st "Other Court" to call them out over it. Cannon isn't "Pro-Trump", but isn't shy about "Noticing" that the prosecution and other Judges are CLEARLY anti-Trump. It would be interesting to see the demographic breakdown of the Florida Grand Jury, how many are "currently Floridian" but spent the majority of their lives as NY/DC/NJ/Chicago/Philly residents. Of the Fla local FBI many come from "Away"?
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 3/2/2024 12:04:26 PM (No. 1668924)
LOL! Ask a DC judge....who are apparently ALL prevent a judge who is ON THE CASE what the judge can see? I'm thinking that this isn't going to go over well at all. And Smith is entirely illegitimate, none of his actions are legal. He has no legitimate authority.
14 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: chance_232 3/2/2024 12:39:20 PM (No. 1668958)
Easy fix. FL judge orders Smith to produce all of the records by a date certain. Failure to do so will result in dismissing the case with prejudice.
11 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: danu 3/2/2024 4:27:51 PM (No. 1669097)
brilliant tactic: like sticking his hand into a jarful of scorpions. burn baby burn.
1 person likes this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: skacmar 3/2/2024 5:06:36 PM (No. 1669124)
So Jack Smith doesn't like the potential ruling by Judge Cannon in Florida; so he keeps Judge Boesderg on retainer in DC when he needs a ruling to go his way. Smith is the on who should be on trial given his history.
4 people like this.

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Posted by 4250Luis 3/2/2024 12:11:13 PM Post Reply
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Jack Smith Asks DC Judge Boasberg to Decide
What Trump Classified Doc Evidence to
Show Florida Judge
12 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 3/2/2024 9:19:02 AM Post Reply
Julie Kelly essentially notes that Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is asking DC Judge James Boasberg to decide what evidence should be given to Florida Judge Aileen Cannon. Julie Kelly (Via Twitter) – “It appears that records related to the grand jury proceedings in DC on the classified docs case remain under seal and have not been transmitted to Judge Cannon or defense. Recall that almost the entire investigation into the classified docs matter took place in Washington DC–not southern FLA even though it is the controlling jurisdiction since the alleged “crime” of retaining classified records/national defense info happened at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach.
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Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:10:52 AM Post Reply
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California Gov. Gavin Newsom praises Nikki
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Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:09:05 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has become one of the “better surrogates” for Democrats in 2024, California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Friday. Haley, who is Donald Trump’s last remaining GOP primary rival, has attacked the former president throughout the race, arguing that the 77-year-old is too old to serve another term White House and warning that his “chaos” will hurt Republican chances at the ballot boxes in November. “I think she’s one of our better surrogates, so I hope she stays in [the GOP primary race],” Newsom, 56, told CNN host Jake Tapper, arguing that her criticisms of the former president are “spot on.”
Why a Catholic Bishop Said This MSNBC
Segment Was One of the Most Disturbing
Things He's Ever Seen
15 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:07:24 AM Post Reply
This segment was low-hanging fruit, but it’s always a good reminder to know your enemy's thoughts and end game. The Left's agenda items are often televised on MSNBC and CNN. MSNBC is by far the worst of the two, and ex-NBC News reporter Heidi Przybyla, now with Politico, demonstrated that Thursday night with her screed against Christianity. Of course, it was framed under the guise of Christian nationalism. Still, the commentary was very much grounded in mainstream concepts about where rights come from, as Thomas Jefferson is the person who wrote about what Przybyla found unsettling (via Mediaite):
Nikki Haley’s popularity has plummeted
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21 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:05:02 AM Post Reply
Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley told Fox News this week that she sees herself as Republican voters’ alternative to frontrunner Donald Trump — if the former president’s legal challenges and GOP voters turn against him. Her one problem: Republican primary voters no longer see her that way. According to January’s national NBC News poll, 34% of Republican primary voters view Haley in a positive light, versus 36% who have a negative opinion of her (a -2 net rating).
Russia to retaliate for US sanctions against
Nord Stream 2
8 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/24/2024 5:03:23 AM Post Reply
The Russian government has vowed to retaliate against U.S. sanctions on a new Russia-Germany pipeline, work on which was suspended on Saturday. U.S. President Donald Trump signed legislation last week that provides for sanctions against individuals and companies involved with the vessels laying the Nord Stream 2 pipeline under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. The move prompted a Swiss company that operates ships laying sections of the pipeline to suspend the work.
Eagle-eyed residents reveal sophisticated
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4 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/19/2024 5:53:56 AM Post Reply
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Want to Stop Iran's Regime? Hit the IRGC Assets 5 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/17/2024 5:53:56 AM Post Reply
No one ever said it better than Osama bin Laden: When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they are attracted to the strong horse." — Thomas Friedman,, July 5, 2010. Especially in the Middle East, leaders are looking for who will protect them. The Biden administration's passive response to Iranian aggression is imperiling the region, the United States and the Free World. Iran, along with Qatar, have brought all the mayhem to the Middle East. When Iran achieves nuclear weapons capability, as it appears on the verge of doing, just think of what mayhem it will be able to bring then. Stop Iran now.
Minnesota School District Allows Muslim
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15 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/17/2024 5:52:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 3/3/2024 12:04:16 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 3/3/2024 11:05:39 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis said Sunday that military disarmament is not optional but constitutes a “moral obligation” for all nations. Following his weekly Angelus address in Saint Peter’s Square, the pontiff recalled that March 5 marks the second International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness. “How many resources are wasted on military expenditure, which, because of the current situation, sadly continues to increase!” he told the estimated 20,000 tourists and pilgrims gathered in the square. (snip) Francis is also the only pope to ever declare that not only the use of nuclear weapons, but also their mere possession “is immoral.”
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Posted by Imright 3/3/2024 2:12:15 PM Post Reply
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Posted by snapper451 3/3/2024 9:04:09 PM Post Reply
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Checkmating DoJ and Jack Smith 21 replies
Posted by Judy W. 3/3/2024 6:06:53 AM Post Reply
This week all eyes were on the Willis-Wade fiasco in Fulton County, Georgia, but three less smuttily scintillating cases seem at last to be limiting the overreach of the Department of Justice respecting the J6 defendants and Jack Smith’s persecution of President Donald Trump. In interpreting criminal statutes, it seems to me that Courts should not be creative and expansively read into them things that the legislature which writes the laws did not clearly proscribe as illegal, and it appears that finally, courts higher than the highly partisan D.C. Circuit judges understand that.
Conservative gun rights groups come out
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20 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 3/3/2024 7:12:43 AM Post Reply
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18 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 3/3/2024 12:46:26 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 3/3/2024 12:20:58 PM Post Reply
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CDC now likening COVID to other viral
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important to get jabbed
18 replies
Posted by mc squared 3/3/2024 12:13:32 PM Post Reply
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Don’t Blame Us. We’re Journalists. 18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/3/2024 8:29:26 AM Post Reply
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Democrat Leaders Triggered by President
Trump’s Rally in Richmond, Virginia
– Richmond Mayor Releases Video Statement
Saying Trump is “Not Welcome” (Video)
17 replies
Posted by Imright 3/3/2024 3:10:20 AM Post Reply
Triggered Democrats in Virginia took to publicly airing their grief over President Trump’s rally in Richmond, Virginia. Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan (D-VA) and Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney posted video messages, whoring for attention and decrying Trump’s visit to Richmond on their X pages. McClellan and Stoney are both members of the Biden/Harris National Advisory Committee. The Gateway Pundit reported that Trump held a massive rally in Richmond, and supporters lined the streets awaiting entry to the Greater Richmond Convention Center this afternoon.
Fani Willis and Nathan Wade Now Facing
Trouble With the Georgia State Bar
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 3/3/2024 1:34:21 AM Post Reply
After all the problems regarding Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her former paramour, whom she appointed to be a special prosecutor in the Trump election case, you knew that they were going to be in trouble. Now, they have been referred by a watchdog group to the Georgia state bar for misconduct. The American Accountability Foundation (AAF) is alleging that the pair violated the rules of professional conduct in ethics complaints they filed with the bar. The AAF claims Wade lied under oath about the relationship with Willis and that Willis kept campaign money for personal use, and admitted it during her testimony.
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