MSNBC Host Scolds Guests for Saying ‘Illegal’
Immigrants: ‘We Don’t Use the Term’ (Video)
Gateway Pundit,
Mike LaChance
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
6/23/2024 4:34:41 AM
Symone Sanders, who used to work for the office of VP Kamala Harris and now has her own MSNBC show for some reason, recently snapped at her guests and scolded them for using the term ‘illegal’ immigrants.
They were discussing the recent murder of Americans by people in the country illegally, but the real concern for Sanders seemed not to be the victims. She was far more offended by the word ‘illegal’ when used to accurately describe illegal immigrants.
This is leftism in a nutshell.
MSNBC Triggered By ‘Illegal’ While Discussing Illegal Immigrant Murder
NewsBusters reported:
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
mifla 6/23/2024 4:59:17 AM (No. 1741897)
You mean YOU don't use the term illegal. The rest of us use it, as does President Biden.
34 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
5 handicap 6/23/2024 5:36:08 AM (No. 1741913)
MSNBC Rarely mentions anything resembling Truth!
33 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
SweetPea3 6/23/2024 5:39:39 AM (No. 1741915)
Agreed. We use, " Illegal Invaders."
44 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
BirdsNest 6/23/2024 5:41:46 AM (No. 1741917)
Well they certainly aren't legal citizens. How bout we call them leeches?
33 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 6/23/2024 6:07:37 AM (No. 1741922)
I could use other terms that would likely get me banned from posting. Illegal alien works for me.
40 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
NamVet70 6/23/2024 7:14:34 AM (No. 1741929)
The words "illegal immigrants" is not accurate. A more accurate wording is "illegal invaders".
31 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Philipsonh 6/23/2024 7:15:46 AM (No. 1741930)
Individuals who cross any of our borders to enter the U>S> are ' illegal alien criminals' , unless they come in through legal channels. PERIOD.
A news outlet cannot change the FACTS ( just the words ).
32 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Hazymac 6/23/2024 7:31:53 AM (No. 1741935)
These illegal aliens have already begun to murder and rape American citizens. It was predictable because many of the border jumpers were already known to be violent criminals. But Joetard wanted those indigent votes. Why hasn't he called the surviving family members to offer condolences (as Presidrent Trump has done)? We know why. If he called, he would be cursed to the ends of creation by bereaved moms and dads, and that would not be pleasant for him, being told the hot climates he's bound for when he breathes his last. It will take decades to undo the damage done by O'FJB. One FJB is gone, the spotlight should be on the REAL one to blame, 0bama.
23 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
bpl40 6/23/2024 7:44:59 AM (No. 1741942)
Who pray is "We"??
17 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
downnout 6/23/2024 7:49:44 AM (No. 1741944)
The father of the 13 year old girl raped by an illegal nailed Biden with these words “He opened the door to evil”.
Perfect…profound….and true. I want to see that phrase on billboards, bumper stickers, t-shirts - everywhere.
29 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
chumley 6/23/2024 8:00:25 AM (No. 1741950)
Criminal invaders works for me. I just got back from a cross country trip and saw what filth these animals bring to us. Dont follow an Indian or a Pakistani into a rest room.
13 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
BarryNo 6/23/2024 8:15:26 AM (No. 1741958)
Free Speech asshat. I will call them what they are.
13 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
slipstik 6/23/2024 8:30:30 AM (No. 1741968)
Two terms are the only applicable ones.
"Criminal illegal alien".
"Illegal alien criminal".
Call it what it really is. Word games are leftist b s.
11 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
lynngirl122 6/23/2024 8:42:26 AM (No. 1741975)
Didn't even have to look.
8 people like this.
Symone, what is the opposite of legal citizen?
14 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
chillijilli 6/23/2024 8:55:03 AM (No. 1741983)
Here's how it's done: An illegal alien becomes an illegal immigrant becomes an undocumented alien becomes an undocumented immigrant becomes an undocumented noncitizen becomes a guest worker becomes a newcomer.
Newcomers are not criminals and would not do criminal things. What is the matter with you people that you don't see that?
Sarcasm off.
14 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
chagrined 6/23/2024 10:13:20 AM (No. 1742021)
Ah, the left and their orc speech. How about we whittle the term down to "criminal invaders", or simply "criminals".
You can always tell when you're dealing with a leftist by what terms they use, that is terminology which is backwards, upside down, or just plain 'ol not true. Too bad many people follow their lead in linguistic gymnastics. It's like a purposeful communication breakdown on their part.
7 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 6/23/2024 10:29:41 AM (No. 1742025)
Yes, we know. MSNBC hosts aren't reporters or journalists. They are propagandists and influencers. MSNBC masquerades as news.
10 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
WV.Hillbilly 6/23/2024 11:00:32 AM (No. 1742039)
"YOU don't get to choose the language I can use."
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
MickTurn 6/23/2024 11:39:55 AM (No. 1742056)
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
anniebc 6/23/2024 11:49:26 AM (No. 1742064)
I would have said, "Well, WE do!"
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
jasmine 6/23/2024 12:00:06 PM (No. 1742071)
The difference between an illegal alien and "anyone else" is that the current administration actively protects illegal alien criminals from deportation, giving them "access" to American victims. But for Joe Biden's "win" in the last election, untold numbers of American families would still be whole, our communities would be safer, and billions of dollars of American wealth would not have been redistributed to ten million MORE illegal aliens, none of whom have any right to be on our soil.
If Ms. Sanders really believes "no one is above the law," why does she demand law abiding Americans refer to illegal aliens as anything other than what they are? Under the law, they are illegal aliens, a designation they earned by coming to the US with the intention of abusing our asylum system while Senile Joe is still president.
5 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
daisey 6/23/2024 12:03:07 PM (No. 1742075)
Well, dear, they’re not “legal” immigrants,, so your guest used the correct terminology. Why does msnbc find the truth so offensive?
4 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
Birddog 6/23/2024 1:08:41 PM (No. 1742108)
except...They are NOT "Undocumented" they all HAVE documents, that show they are citizens of places other than the USA, here illegally.
Though I will grant that the better term would be "Criminal Aliens" rather than "Illegal Aliens"
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
DVC 6/23/2024 1:13:08 PM (No. 1742113)
Yeah, everyone ELSE besides this leftist propaganda show uses the ACCURATE term illegal for these people who came here illegally, collect welfare illegally, remain her illegally and far too many of them rape and murder.....also ILLEGAL.
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
whyyeseyec 6/23/2024 1:33:45 PM (No. 1742124)
I would have politely nodded, then continued using the term 'illegal'.
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
judy 6/23/2024 2:01:16 PM (No. 1742135)
Comcast should put msnbc out of business
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
broken01 6/24/2024 8:05:06 AM (No. 1742503)
Hey Simone, YOU and your ilk can call them American immigrants generating sweetness and light for all I care. I'll call them what I've been calling them from the start: ILLEGAL ALIENS.
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