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The Numbers Are In: DeSantis' Crackdown
on Illegal Immigration in Florida Is Already
Paying Off

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 6/23/2024 6:03:52 PM

Governor Ron DeSantis’ crackdown on illegal immigrants seems to be paying off in more ways than one, according to a recent report. The governor’s multi-pronged effort to reduce illegal immigration in Florida has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of taxpayer dollars going to fund healthcare for those residing in the country illegally. The governor signed a law last year requiring hospitals that accept Medicaid to ask patients about their legal immigration status when they seek treatment. The legislation does not compel patients to answer the question, but immigrant rights groups argued that it would discourage them from receiving medical attention funded by the government.



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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 6/23/2024 6:36:18 PM (No. 1742264)
We need this nationwide, ASAP.
51 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Omen55 6/23/2024 6:45:47 PM (No. 1742269)
Trump could add this to his campaign.
44 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: volksford 6/23/2024 6:57:19 PM (No. 1742275)
Immigrants rights groups my derriere ...illegals don't have rights. These illegals are busting our hospitals and school systems . Look for all of these " rights groups " to come out of the woodwork if Trump gets elected and starts deporting them.
52 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Rama41 6/23/2024 7:44:47 PM (No. 1742309)
Sundance was overheard saying "Never mind".
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: bgarrett 6/23/2024 7:49:17 PM (No. 1742314)
All ya gotta do: --Make a big public announcement that the USA is going to machine gun to death anyone crossing the border, maybe announce a large number of dead in the Rio Grande. The USA doesnt have to hurt anyone, just say we will. IIlegal crossings will drop to almost nothing. Of course some will still cross, but its the message we should send.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 6/23/2024 8:42:42 PM (No. 1742338)
Yeah, #4, all the Treepers would have us believe that - not only is he a deep state tool who's been directed to take out Trump - he's also the worst governor in the country, whose success in turning Florida crimson red is due to nothing more than the conservative majorities in the legislature.
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: YorkieMom 6/23/2024 11:29:13 PM (No. 1742386)
What? I thought DeSantis only had time to plot with the Bush rinos and stop Trump.
13 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: mifla 6/24/2024 5:05:50 AM (No. 1742425)
I wonder if any of the Dems in Florida realize that DeSantis is actually a pretty good governor.
32 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: privateer 6/24/2024 7:22:56 AM (No. 1742475)
When I read quotes like this, FTA; 'Thomas Kennedy of the Florida Immigrant Coalition said while there is no concrete evidence that the drop in Medicaid spending is a result of the law,...' I immediately translate to: there is ample evidence, which we will continue to do our utmost to hide from you. And the MSM will be very helpful in that mission.
23 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Strike3 6/24/2024 7:58:44 AM (No. 1742497)
Immigrants have rights - in their home countries. Many of these "rights groups" have collected money for other purposes from people who have unwittingly donated the immigrant support money for some other purpose (Catholic Charities) and many heads of these groups see financial gain from illegal immigration. The Biden Crime Family is attempting to realize political gain from their votes.
16 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Rumblehog 6/24/2024 8:13:46 AM (No. 1742509)
These "Immigrants Rights Groups" need to all be investigated for their funding and foreign (enemy) influences. I remember years ago seeing hordes of illegals and their children sitting on the lawn outside the Dallas Parkland Hospital Emergency Room waiting to be seen for every little thing. People inside the hospital told me how it created a HUGE problem processing real-life trauma patients (if you're not familiar with Parkland, it's one of the busiest in the nation for trauma events... like gunshot wounds). Illegally in this country, Mexican "Indians," would bring little "Pedro" or grandmother "Margarita" to the Emergency Room for sniffles or sore throat or Leprosy, thinking it was just another "Doctors without Borders" type travelling treatment center that took anyone brought to them. It wasn't long after that crisis hit maximum that they suddenly vanished and there was instituted a new policy in hospitals to direct non-trauma "walk-ins" to the nearest "for profit" 24 Hour Emergency Clinic the likes of which are growing rapidly across the U.S. What's truly sickening to me sitting is seeing the high numbers of old people from Hindu Indians, unable to speak English, and still wearing their native clothing, sitting in waiting rooms for non-emergency medical procedures with their migrant children acting as translators. Have the rapidly "chain migrating" Hindu-Indians found a loophole in Social Security to get their parents a place in our government "gravy train?" It has to STOP and Chain Migrators sent BACK to where they came. Also, those "birth right citizenship" cases need to be cracked down on and sent packing as well. That Germans couldn't do it. The Japanese couldn't do it. The Cubans couldn't and neither could the Soviets... but Mexicans, Drug Cartels, Arabs, and even Communist Chinese have INVADED this country like a deadly cancer, and now, any attempt to extricate them from this "body" of this nation will threaten the very life of the host. This is the reason we maintained very strict requirements regarding immigration eligibility into our country, else we lose control and get invaded by barbarians, criminals, terrorists, and spies. The Democrat Party has been totally compromised by our enemies, especially Red China. We can't depend on the CORRUPT Federal government, so we MUST do what we can at the State level.
23 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Msquared112 6/24/2024 8:32:40 AM (No. 1742527)
RDS is the best guv in the country. I live in FL and things (other than Biden's inflation) are good.
20 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: cor-vet 6/24/2024 8:39:43 AM (No. 1742531)
Since liberals seem to admire everything 3rd world, we need to institute 3rd world immigration laws. We need to treat illegals and immigrants like they treat immigrants
12 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: EVRgreen4058 6/24/2024 9:44:00 AM (No. 1742568)
The way our taxpayer's dollars should be spent for the welfare of Florida citizens! This conservative thinking goes waaay back with either democrat or republic administrations so nothing new & another big reason why Floridians aren't saddled with a State Income tax either. I remember the big outrage when Gov. Rick Scott denied acceptance of getting sucked into the freebies connected with High Speed Rail and expanding Medicare when the feds PROMISED several years of subsidies but after that Florida would get stuck with supporting ventures that have been boondoggles when the $$$$ went to other states such as CA and NY. Why doesn't the fake news report on how more is being allocated to public schools and teachers as well as various conservation and ecological measures all over FLorida? Liberals always want EVERYTHING yet fail to recognize the implications of uncontrolled spending. Most Floridians appreciate knowing we have Law & Order with respect for our law enforcement as well. Perhaps all of this is enough to discourage illegals from squatting in Florida? If so - that's their choice and not ours to encourage it! Thank you Governor DeSantis for doing your share to help keep America Great.
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: jasonB 6/24/2024 9:46:28 AM (No. 1742570)
@1 We could have. We. Could. Have.
3 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Zigrid 6/24/2024 10:06:08 AM (No. 1742583)
Good for Sanctimonious...still don't like him...but this was a good move....he's working hard to get a slot in the President Trump cabinet in 2024 election....
7 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: DrOstrow 6/24/2024 11:04:59 AM (No. 1742631)
Pardon me but Jeffery needs to rephrase a sentence in the second paragraph - '........ receiving medical attention funded by the government.' should read - 'PAID FOR BY THE T A X P A Y E R S'. I'm sick of people thinking, saying and writing about how the government PAY FOR EVERYTHING. No it doesn't, not by a long shot, not even close !
7 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Geoman 6/24/2024 12:46:47 PM (No. 1742706)
Re: #16 - "Aint no need for name-callin'." Major Payne 1995
5 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: WWIIDaughter 6/24/2024 1:02:17 PM (No. 1742717)
Question asked #11: I have 10+ years of answers, consultant for Social Security and SSI Medicaid. I was personally involved the following cases: (1)Woman from India legal because her daughter is citizen. Mom 61, doesn't speak English, never worked, has mild arthritis, considered disabled and gets $ from SSI Disability as well as Medicaid. Daughter is a board-certified neurologist! (2)Child has ADHD diagnosis, takes meds. Gets $ SSI Disability because he has been placed in Sp. Ed. due to poor academic progress and behavior problems. Parents legal immigrants from Nigeria; child born in Africa. Both parents are electrical engineers. They declared to local SS office that they had income below poverty line. This is *never* checked. Local offices are *directed* not to check. By reading the medical records, I saw that they were both employed and their address literally next door to friends who live in gated-community, houses starting at $500,000. When I asked the Deep Staters who run the program about referral to OIG for fraud, I was told that my job was to advise on the medical aspects and that I was not authorized to "investigate" anything else. They eventually terminated my contract as I had cases like this every single day, and made trouble repeatedly. The Deep State at HHS is especially good at deep cover...Who would be mean enough to make a fuss about "disabled" little kids and old folks? PS Kids in school who can't speak English by 6th grade placement also get "disability" checks when they are placed in Special Ed. by school that love the extra money they get for every disabled child. Open border is a cash cow.
3 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 6/24/2024 1:55:55 PM (No. 1742759)
Sundance could not be reached for comment. I recall about a month ago a story that listed 3 Florida cities in the top ten for illegal migrant influx. Maybe they will leave.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/28/2024 3:24:04 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/28/2024 12:36:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/28/2024 12:23:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 7:36:22 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 6:34:59 PM Post Reply
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Migrant Charged with Shooting Dead Two
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11 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 6:05:37 PM Post Reply
A migrant from El Salvador is accused of shooting dead two people inside an Irving, Texas, Chick-fil-A in what police are calling a targeted double murder. Oved Bernardo Mendoza Argueta, a 37-year-old migrant from El Salvador, has been arrested and charged with capital murder of multiple persons by the Irving Police Department. According to police, on the afternoon of June 26, Argueta walked into the Chick-fil-A and shot two people in a planned attack. Argueta’s wife is an employee at the Chick-fil-A, police said, and witnessed the double murder. The two victims, one of whom has been identified as Patricia Portillo, were found by police inside the Chick-fil-A suffering from gunshot wounds.
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2 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 6:00:17 PM Post Reply
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Can Biden Resist Calling Trump a Nazi? 4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 5:48:02 PM Post Reply
It’s not just ‘the Charlottesville lie,’ it’s his ongoing compulsion to tie DJT to Hitler It’s been perhaps the most damning and most repeated allegation President Joe Biden has made regarding his predecessor, President Donald Trump – that Trump is a Nazi, or approves of Nazis. Biden made the charge when he first accepted the nomination to be the Democrats’ presidential candidate in 2020. In fact, according to the Washington Post in “For Joe Biden, Charlottesville defines the Trump presidency,”Biden claimed it was his very reason for running for president. He repeated it in his inauguration speech. And he has probably repeated it more often than any other accusation toward Trump.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 5:24:40 PM Post Reply
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Trump Campaign Opens New Debate Fact-Check Website 0 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 5:15:51 PM Post Reply
This is an interesting although not entirely surprising move; the presidential campaign of former President Donald Trump has set up a website to fact-check President Joe Biden's claims and statements in Thursday's presidential debate in real time. This should be roundly entertaining. Ahead of Thursday’s debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Trump’s campaign has launched a new website to “fact check” Biden along the way. Thursday morning, Trump’s team launched to give real time updates and fact checks if Biden is caught lying. The presidential debate will take place Thursday night at 9 p.m. ET, on CNN.
Trump Shares Hilarious Mock Ad: 'If You're
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/27/2024 4:39:01 PM Post Reply
Fox News host Jimmy Failla is a former cab driver turned stand-up comedian who often appears on Greg Gutfeld’s show, titled appropriately enough, “Gutfeld!” The funnyman released a mock commercial this week that Donald Trump shared on the eve of his scheduled presidential debate showdown with failed incumbent Joe Biden. I often argue that comedy and mockery are some of the best ways to expose the failings of bumbling leaders like Joe Biden, and this fake ad has it in spades. Parodying the countless drug commercials we see constantly on our televisions, the spot touts the fictional pharmaceutical “BIDENICA” as the solution to all your insomnia problems.
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We just witnessed the end of Joe Biden’s presidency 42 replies
Posted by Imright 6/28/2024 12:58:49 AM Post Reply
Millions just witnessed the end of a presidency live on television. Joe Biden’s performance during the debate was embarrassing. Whenever CNN put him up on the split screen, he had a thousand-yard stare. He didn’t look old. He looked ancient. He looked empty. But at least he wasn’t speaking. Because when it was his time to answer, Biden was incoherent. He said he “beat Medicaid.” (Photo) Asked about abortion, he randomly started talking about migrant crime. “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence,” former President Trump noted at one point, “and I don’t think he knows what he said either.” At one point Biden just froze.
Gavin Newsom: Biden Won the Debate on ‘Substance’ 36 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/28/2024 9:38:02 AM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) told reporters in the spin room Thursday night in Atlanta after the first presidential debate of the 2024 general election on CNN that President Biden won the debate on the “substance.” Newsom and Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) were sent into a phalanx of reporters as the Biden campaign’s surrogates with a seemingly impossible mission: spin a debate that even MSNBC thought Biden lost as a win for the incumbent. “To me, that was daylight and darkness … I care about substance,” Newsom said. “This is not about style … Biden not only asserted himself, he reminded people of his accomplishments and his vision for the future.”
Biden seeks to tame Democrat panic at
post-debate rally
33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/28/2024 3:44:55 PM Post Reply
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Report: Biden Will Participate in Second
Debate in September
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Posted by Imright 6/28/2024 12:17:33 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden, who reportedly will not drop out of the 2024 presidential race, will participate in the second debate in September, a Biden adviser told CNN Friday. ABC News’ David Muir and Linsey Davis will serve as moderators for the September 10 debate. More details of the event, including rules, location, staging, and format, are not yet decided, according to ABC News. Pressure is mounting on Biden to step down as many Democrats and media members display hysteria following a disastrous Thursday debate.
Whoopi Goldberg to ‘Every Republican’:
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/28/2024 12:11:58 AM Post Reply
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Bill Clinton Defends Biden After Debate
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/29/2024 1:00:44 AM Post Reply
Former President Bill Clinton defended President Joe Biden after his performance at the presidential debate on Thursday night against former President Donald Trump. In a post on X, Clinton highlighted how Biden had “given us 3 years of solid leadership,” and created a “record number of new jobs,” and was “making real progress solving the climate crisis,” among other things. “I’ll leave the debate rating to the pundits, but here’s what I know: fact and history matter,” Clinton wrote. “Joe Biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership, steadying us after the pandemic, creating a record number of new jobs, making real progress solving the climate crisis,
ABC Throws Joe Life Preserver: He Wasn’t
Great, But Trump Was Worse!
21 replies
Posted by Imright 6/28/2024 7:45:05 PM Post Reply
On Friday morning after the presidential debate, ABC’s Good Morning America claimed that former President Donald Trump made more mistakes than President Joe Biden. One of the biggest focuses in this debate was if Biden was mentally fit to serve another four years; however, he was not able to meet this hope Thursday night. Co-host and former Clinton official George Stephanopoulos admitted that “from the start, Joe Biden struggled to answer questions”, but unsurprisingly added that “Trump launched a series of lies and misleading attacks.”
Yes, Democrats Can Replace Biden - With
Newsom or Anyone They Want. Here's How.
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/28/2024 1:24:56 AM Post Reply
In the lead-up to Thursday night's debate, the conventional wisdom was that Biden had to convince everyone - party bosses and influential pundits especially - that he wasn't too old and addled to be the Democrat nominee again. Biden more than bombed, and there are essentially unanimous calls among Democrats for the party to replace him as the nominee. The undeniable star of the CNN spin room has been California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who's in Atlanta as a Biden surrogate and who's now looking mighty attractive to Democrats as a replacement. He's young (ish), handsome (ish), has better poll numbers than Kamala Harris,
Chip Roy Calls on VP Harris to Use the
25th Amendment
18 replies
Posted by DW626 6/28/2024 8:24:19 PM Post Reply
On Friday, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) filed a resolution calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to use her powers under the 25th Amendment to convene the Cabinet and declare President Joe Biden unfit to serve. This resolution comes after Roy posted his intention to do so on Friday morning, following Biden's disastrous debate performance. The resolution calls on Harris "to transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives notice that she will be immediately assuming the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."
What is Going on With Jill Biden? 18 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/28/2024 7:04:18 PM Post Reply
Seriously, no snark. Give me your opinion because at a certain point I will admit my analysis starts to look at people through a very dark prism. Given what we continue to see getting worse by the day with the mental state of her husband, Jill Biden is really looking sketchy. I’ll share why in another video, but to first put context to a rather alarming topic, we all need to watch this one. As you watch Jill Biden treat her husband like he’s an in-patient on a day outing, I want you to look carefully at her ring finger on her left hand.
Trump, Biden spar over golf handicaps
as they try to convince voters they are
not too old for the presidency
18 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 6/28/2024 9:47:00 AM Post Reply
President Biden and former President Trump faced off on the CNN presidential debate stage Thursday night, but suggested another showdown--this time, in an unlikely setting. The golf course. During the CNN Presidential Debate, CNN moderator Dana Bash presented the age Biden and Trump would be at the end of a potential second term. Biden would be 86. Trump would be 82. Biden defended his age, saying he "spent half my career being criticized about being the youngest person in politics. I was the second youngest person ever elected to the United States Senate, and now I’m the oldest. This guy is three years younger and a lot less competent."
Inject Into My Veins: Visibly Stunned
Chuck Todd Admits What Biden's Critics
Have Said About Him Is True
18 replies
Posted by Imright 6/28/2024 5:11:58 AM Post Reply
During the RedState liveblog of the first 2024 presidential debate, some of my colleagues predicted that it was only a matter of time before the same media folks yada yadaing about "cheap fakes" as it relates to video clips of an incoherent Joe Biden would do a complete reversal post-debate and perhaps would even suggest Biden withdraw as the nominee. Sure enough, that is exactly what happened. As RedState's Levon Satamian reported, calls are already growing in liberal media circles and beyond for Biden to be replaced as the nominee either at the Democratic National Convention or maybe even sooner than that.
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