Inject Into My Veins: Visibly Stunned
Chuck Todd Admits What Biden's Critics
Have Said About Him Is True
Red State,
Sister Toldjah
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
6/28/2024 5:11:58 AM
During the RedState liveblog of the first 2024 presidential debate, some of my colleagues predicted that it was only a matter of time before the same media folks yada yadaing about "cheap fakes" as it relates to video clips of an incoherent Joe Biden would do a complete reversal post-debate and perhaps would even suggest Biden withdraw as the nominee. Sure enough, that is exactly what happened. As RedState's Levon Satamian reported, calls are already growing in liberal media circles and beyond for Biden to be replaced as the nominee either at the Democratic National Convention or maybe even sooner than that.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Sully 6/28/2024 5:45:51 AM (No. 1745009)
"Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting."
Well then I guess it wasn't a caricature. I guess you were just lying about that. Todd.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
4Liberty2020 6/28/2024 5:51:55 AM (No. 1745016)
Hey Chuck,
Biden and his puppeteers have been playing you and all the media as fools.
Are you awake now?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
NancyD 6/28/2024 7:20:24 AM (No. 1745079)
This entire debacle proves how the media is in bed with the DNC, Deepstate and those who want the demise of democracy. They destroy the nation and point their fingers at everyone else to deflect. We Know What they are Doing. We aren't stupid. Just they are by thinking they can fool people. The media has egg all over their faces....
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
JrSample 6/28/2024 7:34:46 AM (No. 1745089)
So, our ruling class has been lying to us, and the press and been complicit in covering up those lies.
Russian collusion, the Mueller probe, the Vindman/Ukraine impeachment farce, then there was the Covid power grab, followed by the Summer of George riots. They harp on Jan 6th and had their biased fake show-trial in order to blame Trump, even though he was never charged with any violation. The incident occurred only because those in charge of Capital security allowed a protest to spin out of control and turn into a destructive riot. The ruling class and press predicted chaos because the unwashed peasants who vote elected someone other than their anointed candidate, Hillary. The voters are now waking up to the fact that all of the chaos was artificial and intentionally caused by the left wing and agents in government. It is becoming apparent that the CIA not the Russians interfered in our elections, not the Russians with their 'spies who lie' letter giving Biden a talking point rebuttal in the debate to the Humper Biden laptop controversy. Their handpicked replacement to Trump has been a disaster; Afghanistan debacle, the 1st major war in Europe since WWII, the middle east/Iran, highest in inflation in 45 years, and the world closer to nuclear war than any time since the Cuban missile crisis.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Clinger 6/28/2024 7:44:01 AM (No. 1745099)
Now they rush to salvage a sliver of credibility as though Biden's dementia all manifested between the state of the union speech and last night.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Venturer 6/28/2024 8:08:49 AM (No. 1745120)
The media wasn't played for fools.
They have known all along the Biden was not fit to be President.
The media played the public for fools by supporting him.
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Oh, the historical irony! The Democrats who, for 50 years, have pushed for openness and transparency in the nomination process.. pushed for primaries and open primaries, will retreat to the smoke filled (dope, no doubt) rooms and the bosses will choose… just like the Politburo in the Soviet Union! Democrats REALLY suck!
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Msquared112 6/28/2024 8:21:11 AM (No. 1745133)
Biden was never going to be permitted to run again, even if he did well, because of the economy and his disastrous Afghanistan and Ukraine messes. Add to that the student loan mess, the horrendous border mess, the crime mess and everything else. Everyone's grocery and gas and energy bills have risen, thanks to O'Biden-Bama's reign of error and voters are not in the mood for more of it. No Democrat will win with Biden's policies. They won't be honest about it, of course, but now we know what Democrats do when they are in power: They ruin the military, they ruin the Justice Dept, the CIA, the FBI, the internet, entertainment, education, and the culture in general with their demonic focus on sexual deviancies. The image of that trans whacko with bare breasts on the White House lawn is one that Trump should use in his campaign.
Democrats are the toxin in the American bloodstream.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
PostAway 6/28/2024 8:27:53 AM (No. 1745140)
Chuck Todd, ace reporter and world class political analyst who is part of the East Coast intelligentsia is surprised to discover that a shuffling, bumbling, stumbling, mumbling, incoherent fabulist, plagiarist, grifter and possibly pedophile may not be up for the job of President of the U.S.? And he is a top dog at a major American mainstream news outlet? If the grade-schoolers in my neighborhood started their own newspaper even they would see that something is profoundly wrong with Biden and entreat the neighborhood to contact his family to get him help. But, then again, they aren’t intellectual elites.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
walcb 6/28/2024 8:28:59 AM (No. 1745142)
Yes, let the political elites within the party select the dim candidate rather than the dim voters. That sounds like the dim way to me.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
franq 6/28/2024 8:37:32 AM (No. 1745151)
We knew Zhoa was senile during his presidential campaign. Now it's impossible to hide.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
chillijilli 6/28/2024 8:41:07 AM (No. 1745154)
What a crock. Everyone in the media, the entire Biden family, friends, and all of the Democrats KNEW very well that Joe has descended into nothingness. Yet they PURPOSELY downplayed it and tried instead to turn our attention to the masterful charade they had created. You know, the one where Joe was fine and competent and you weren't allowed to ask questions.
The truth here is that so far not a single operative or media member has asked about Joe's HEALTH. That's where the attention should be directed, isn't it? But, no. They are right now panic-stricken about losing POWER, not about losing JOE. They should all be ASHAMED of themselves and apologizing for committing elder abuse right in front of our very eyes.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Krause 6/28/2024 8:43:09 AM (No. 1745158)
Last night's event shows that are literally no smart people on the left, that they couldn't see the incompetence of the whole Biden administration, and the left media. And they continued to tell us that Biden is a great leader, for 3.5 years! Total stupidity.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 6/28/2024 9:06:18 AM (No. 1745181)
I have been saying for weeks that Joe will withdraw for health reasons. That's actually a legitimate reason but should have been done months ago. I think the Dems thought they could drag their puppet over the finish line one more time and have four more years to finish re-making this country into the Marxist utopia that they desperately long for. The media, of course, will try to paint Joe as a selfless, wonderful leader who is only looking out for the good of the country. Gag me with a spoon...
Now, we will see fierce jockeying in the party for their nominee. My bet would be on Newsome who will be depicted as a wise "moderate" and the savior of democracy.
Gag me with two spoons...
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
3XALADY 6/28/2024 10:23:03 AM (No. 1745251)
#3 If we had a working, honest and viable media, this country would not be in the condition it is now. Much can be laid at media's feet. They are useless. I hope they pay big time for all the damage they have done.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 6/28/2024 10:32:25 AM (No. 1745263)
#4 may have he best post of the day and an amazingly succinct recap of the past 8-ish years.
The press is complicit in the schemes, mostly against 1 man, which should make everyone start to question what else have they been misled about -- a lot.
I truly hope the Trump campaign and the RNC picks up on it and uses it with all of their candidates.
Most can now look at a reporter, or opponent, and push back on the lack of candor.
Now you know why they continue to say Trump lies, or lied about nearly everything - they've convinced so many that it must be true since they say it about him.
Even if you can get 5-8% of those folks to realize they were mislead it will be a major shift in a positive direction for the country.
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The "Biden Hoax" should join "Trump-Russia" and "Biden Laptop Disinformation" in the list of major media scams.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 6/28/2024 1:20:08 PM (No. 1745380)
The MSM has known all along that Biteme was senile. Why else would they go along and submit their questions to the White House in advance of Slow Joe's infrequent "press conferences? They saw him fall repeatedly, lose his train of thought and babble incoherently, wander off in a daze, and paw prepubescent children. They're embarrassed that Joe's handlers and the drug cocktails weren't able to hide his condition enough for them to continue the charade, so now they're acting "surprised."
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