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Maxine Waters: If Trump Wins in November
There Will Be Violence, More Killings

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Posted By: mc squared, 6/23/2024 7:05:47 PM

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on this week’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Saturday Show” that if former President Donald Trump wins in November, there will be violence and “more killings.” {snip} Host Jonathan Capehart asked, “How concerned are you about your safety if Donald Trump is re-elected?” Waters said, “I’m very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress. I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. Donald Trump has said that if he does not win,it is going to be fraud,


Commiecrats are preparing now. Waters should be arrested and charged with incitement and insurrection. Even skin color protection has limits.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Northcross 6/23/2024 7:08:46 PM (No. 1742282)
Probably correct. All done by rabid leftists.
62 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Italiano 6/23/2024 7:12:32 PM (No. 1742286)
Got news for you, Mad Max, as well as for your bros' and ABW ho's that may be so inclined. If threatened, we won't be brandishing our Glocks out there sideways.
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: volksford 6/23/2024 7:14:22 PM (No. 1742288)
Gird your loins Maxine...I apologize if any of you are having dinner.
19 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: itsonlyme 6/23/2024 7:19:04 PM (No. 1742292)
Maxine "MadMax" Waters. One of the most corrupt "politicians" in the history of the United States.
55 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: wilarrbie 6/23/2024 7:29:30 PM (No. 1742301)
More than what? And if Biden wins - violence and killings (none going on now, right?) will not be?
19 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: qr4j 6/23/2024 7:32:09 PM (No. 1742305)
I believe it is called projection. The 2020 riots …. The climate change terrorists … the constant and increasing violence in the streets … the Afghanistan pullout … the war in Ukraine … Russia and China and North Korean alliances … sure … there is no such thing as violence under Biden’s watch.
35 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Doc1 6/23/2024 7:46:42 PM (No. 1742310)
All by Democrats.
37 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: chumley 6/23/2024 7:58:06 PM (No. 1742320)
The difference is that now we know. We know the cowardly police will not do anything, and even if they do the communist DAs wont prosecute. I plan to adjust my response accordingly.
17 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Nimby 6/23/2024 7:59:12 PM (No. 1742322)
Says the Pied Piper who instructed her minions to get in the face of Republicans minding their lives. Enough of this irritating bug
33 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: MoneyMan4U 6/23/2024 8:39:49 PM (No. 1742336)
When was the last time a democrat said anything positive about our country? Do you notice how if they don’t get their way bad things will always happen?
26 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: ronniethek 6/23/2024 8:46:25 PM (No. 1742340)
Listen to this dirty dog make threats. Dear Maxine-drop dead.
22 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: JHHolliday 6/23/2024 8:49:07 PM (No. 1742342)
As others have posted, there very likely will be violence and all from the left. Riots, vandalism and a good excuse to loot the shoe and liquor stores. You can also bet they won't be prosecuted like the J-6 people or shot in cold blood like Ashli Babbitt.
23 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 6/23/2024 9:43:21 PM (No. 1742357)
Bring it on, witch. Come into my part of Free America and your thugs won't like what happens.
11 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: RussZilla 6/23/2024 10:03:49 PM (No. 1742362)
Don’t forget to vote for Maxine. she is democrat representative of one of the most violent districts in the US. Make America Oakland again.
12 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: BarryNo 6/23/2024 10:12:07 PM (No. 1742366)
A spokesperson for the left is promising death and violence if the don't get their way! Typical Lefty.
19 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: PChristopher 6/23/2024 10:21:36 PM (No. 1742371)
Yeah, and all of the violence and killings will be committed by left wing Commucrats who know their party is over!
10 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 6/23/2024 10:50:58 PM (No. 1742376)
Yawn. Okay, thanks for sharing the daily Dem talking points, Max.... the same ones your side has been using for 40 years.
12 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: DVC 6/24/2024 1:26:34 AM (No. 1742403)
Whether or not Trump is elected, this witch's constituents will do more violence and more killings. That's what her constituents specialize in. Inner city violent felons....a heck of a bunch of supporters.
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 6/24/2024 3:22:40 AM (No. 1742409)
Sounds like a threat Maxine, you should be in jail for making threats against our "democracy"... you know that which Biden rails on every time he opens his mouth!
7 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Trigger2 6/24/2024 4:19:01 AM (No. 1742412)
This commie old hag needs to be removed from Congress. Voters, do your job.
4 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: mifla 6/24/2024 4:59:30 AM (No. 1742422)
MSNBC fear mongering. Wow, didn't see that coming.
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DiegoDude 6/24/2024 5:55:04 AM (No. 1742448)
Like there isn't right now? Mad Max has a face that would make a New Orleans funeral take a back alley.
3 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: 5 handicap 6/24/2024 6:55:39 AM (No. 1742467)
Maxine Waters, the epitome of what it means when one uses the "N" word! Why she goes out of her way to keep that disgusting word viable by her actions is unconscionable to me.
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: MickTurn 6/24/2024 10:54:47 AM (No. 1742621)
Well MAD Maxine, we expect you to go Hari Kari. Make the world a better place, you CAN DO IT!
1 person likes this.

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Maxine Waters: If Trump Wins in November
There Will Be Violence, More Killings
24 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 7:05:47 PM Post Reply
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on this week’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Saturday Show” that if former President Donald Trump wins in November, there will be violence and “more killings.” {snip} Host Jonathan Capehart asked, “How concerned are you about your safety if Donald Trump is re-elected?” Waters said, “I’m very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress. I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. Donald Trump has said that if he does not win,it is going to be fraud,
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Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 12:58:48 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 9:32:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/18/2024 11:48:46 AM Post Reply
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The Palestinians Are Worse Than the Germans
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Posted by mc squared 6/18/2024 11:41:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 1:54:59 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 11:42:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 9:47:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/13/2024 10:56:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 6/13/2024 10:03:26 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 4:07:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 4:31:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:34:41 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 3:00:22 PM Post Reply
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Maxine Waters: If Trump Wins in November
There Will Be Violence, More Killings
24 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 7:05:47 PM Post Reply
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on this week’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Saturday Show” that if former President Donald Trump wins in November, there will be violence and “more killings.” {snip} Host Jonathan Capehart asked, “How concerned are you about your safety if Donald Trump is re-elected?” Waters said, “I’m very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress. I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. Donald Trump has said that if he does not win,it is going to be fraud,
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Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 10:24:45 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 6/23/2024 6:03:52 PM Post Reply
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NYC Jewish family pummeled at 5th-grade
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20 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 12:58:48 PM Post Reply
A Jewish mom and her husband were attacked and beaten at a Brooklyn elementary school graduation by an Arabic-speaking family — who taunted them with shouts of “Free Palestine!” “Gaza is Ours!” and “Death to Israel!” she told The Post. The mayhem erupted at PS 682 in Gravesend just after the school’s fifth-grade graduation — which was themed, ironically, “All you need is love.” Instead, the Jewish woman’s husband was thrown to the ground by members of the other family. One man put him in a chokehold, he said. Others grabbed his legs as they kicked and punched him.
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Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:52:50 AM Post Reply
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High-Speed Rail in USA: An Expensive Tax
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18 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 9:32:55 AM Post Reply
For some reason, high-speed rail is a hot-button issue for liberals and a frequent point of criticism from Chinese communist propaganda and Europeans when they attack the U.S. “How can you call yourself a developed country when you don’t have high-speed rail?” they ask. The reality is that high-speed rail would be more expensive and less efficient than our current travel infrastructure. High-speed rail works in Europe and China because of government subsidies, higher taxes, and because people typically travel shorter distances and have fewer travel options. The U.S. has more cars per capita, more highways, more airports, and more railroads than China or the EU. Additionally, Americans prefer to drive
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Posted by Hazymac 6/24/2024 5:10:04 PM Post Reply
On Sunday's "This Week," Martha Raddatz had a panel discussion with three "experts" on the upcoming presidential debate. The panel included Frank Luntz, and what he offered up made little sense. Luntz claims that the last two presidential campaigns, beginning with Trump versus Clinton in 2016 and then Trump versus Biden in 2020, were the beginning of the end of democracy. It seems everything in politics is “the end of democracy.” Luntz claimed that personal invectives and insults are too debasing and, apparently, a sign of the end of democracy. Luntz is a pollster, not a historian. Maybe he’s unaware of the long history of politicians insulting each other.
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