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Klamath Dams Down: Will Ranches Survive?

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Posted By: DVC, 3/4/2024 3:19:46 PM

The largest, most devastating dam removal experiment in modern history has reached the point of no return. As of January 23, 2024—despite opposition by a majority of local residents—the four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River have been officially breached. Ironically, dam removal proponents claimed the project would help salmon, but now the Klamath River is being polluted with millions of cubic yards of decomposed algae, organic deposition, chemicals, and fine silt that has built up behind the dams. Dead steelhead trout and other species are floating to the banks. Any salmon spawning beds in the Klamath River were undoubtedly destroyed.


Sediment in the river is running 10-20 times the levels that the juvenile salmon can survive. These juvenile salmon are now emerging from rivers and creeks into the Klamath River. The local ranchers expect further destruction in the name of "saving the river", which has been destroyed entirely by these lunatics blowing up the dams.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: SALady 3/4/2024 3:24:43 PM (No. 1670413)
Lie-Berals have to be the most stupid people on Earth!!!! How many times do they do stupid things like this, and the conservatives warn them about what it going to happen, but they do it anyway??? And the conservatives -- being smart and logical -- are always right. But a lot of good it does after the lie-beral damage has been done!!!! Whether it's dams in Cuba-fornia, legalizing hard drugs in Oregon, or defunding police in every major lie-beral city -- the lie-berals are always wrong!!!!!
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 3/4/2024 3:25:43 PM (No. 1670415)
What they can't blow up or burn, they destroy by removal. They will not stop til earth is destroyed. Guess they don't realize it's the same earth they plan to survive on.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Omen55 3/4/2024 3:31:15 PM (No. 1670420)
Now put dem in it.
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: smokincol 3/4/2024 4:13:14 PM (No. 1670439)
this, apparently, stupid move/decision to remove these dams might seem like sheer stupidity but it is more than that - it's direct intervention by the communist leadership in the whole Northwest that is the problem - nobody can make that many stupid mistakes using complete stupidity as a tool, these people - are the true "insurrectionists" who are in the process of destroying this country from within, making it look like a bit of a miscalculation, which is utter poppycock - it's malicious intent to disrupt and destroy this country and these political apparatchiks should be arrested for Treason, tried for Treason and sentenced to Death for committing Treason against our country
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 3/4/2024 4:30:44 PM (No. 1670455)
Liberal environmentalists don't study, too busy protesting.
2 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 3/4/2024 5:43:18 PM (No. 1670498)
Sabotaging normalcy. This is literally destroying the normal, sane world....with high explosives. Warfare against normal.
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: volksford 3/4/2024 6:54:29 PM (No. 1670529)
They are idiots folks , just pure damn idiots.
1 person likes this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: skacmar 3/4/2024 6:59:08 PM (No. 1670532)
From the looks of the picture, there is no longer a river for the salmon to swim in. There in a proposal where I live to remove a dam which will destroy a lake and turn a river into a stream/swamp in order to "save the fish" The same issues of sediment and destroying current wildlife habitats that have evolved over the life of the dam, along with the waterfront property values. Nobody is for it except for the green people who think that everything needs to go back to it's "natural state" However, it never occurs to them that what is there now (the dam) is the natural state and what the fish and wildlife have adapted to over the past century.
6 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 3/4/2024 9:00:48 PM (No. 1670594)
Good and hard. Good. And. Hard.
0 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: NeverVoteDem 3/5/2024 3:36:21 AM (No. 1670715)
I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.
0 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: mifla 3/5/2024 3:54:19 AM (No. 1670724)
Hanlon's Razor. Anyone get fired? No?
0 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: cold porridge 3/5/2024 11:47:01 AM (No. 1670969)
Another example proving everything the leftist touch turns to doodoo,
0 people like this.

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Klamath Dams Down: Will Ranches Survive? 12 replies
Posted by DVC 3/4/2024 3:19:46 PM Post Reply
The largest, most devastating dam removal experiment in modern history has reached the point of no return. As of January 23, 2024—despite opposition by a majority of local residents—the four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River have been officially breached. Ironically, dam removal proponents claimed the project would help salmon, but now the Klamath River is being polluted with millions of cubic yards of decomposed algae, organic deposition, chemicals, and fine silt that has built up behind the dams. Dead steelhead trout and other species are floating to the banks. Any salmon spawning beds in the Klamath River were undoubtedly destroyed.
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7 replies
Posted by DVC 2/27/2024 4:31:48 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/21/2024 3:40:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/20/2024 2:31:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/14/2024 1:48:53 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 3/5/2024 8:47:47 AM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 3/5/2024 2:06:28 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/5/2024 11:16:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 3/5/2024 3:01:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 3/5/2024 10:55:17 PM Post Reply
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slams companies for charging the same
price for a bag of chips when you get
a 'helluva lot fewer'
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Posted by Imright 3/5/2024 6:28:02 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Tuesday said he was 'stunned' to find out that the Cookie Monster has been a victim of 'shrinkflation' and slammed chip companies for charging the same price for bags when you get 'a helluva lot fewer'. The 81-year-old president sided with the Sesame Street character in his fury at businesses, especially snack companies, giving Americans less for what they spend. His remarks were a response to the blue furry muppet posting on his X: 'Me hate shrinkflation! Me cookies are getting smaller'.
“I Get to Do What I Want to Do, Ainsley!”
– Yikes! Nikki Haley Snaps at FOX and
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Posted by Imright 3/5/2024 11:27:23 AM Post Reply
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