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The 8th Amendment comes out in favor of Trump

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Posted By: DVC, 2/27/2024 4:38:28 PM

On February 16, 2024, a judge in New York State imposed fines totaling just over $360 million on former president Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, and several related Trump companies and trusts in the civil case brought by the New York attorney general. President Trump’s sons Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump were fined just over $4 million each. [snip] However, little or no reporting focused on the constitutionality of the fines under the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution. President Trump and his co-defendants all have substantial 8th Amendment “excessive fine” challenges to raise.


That pesky Constitution getting in the way of the totalitarian, hysterical anti-Trump crowd.....again. And given that there were NO VICTIMS of their pretend "crime".....the fine should be zero.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: plomke 2/27/2024 4:55:18 PM (No. 1666477)
Hey...we don't need no stinkin "Constitution"...h/t "The Treasure Of Sierra Madre"...
35 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: vhs68 2/27/2024 5:08:24 PM (No. 1666483)
Fake case for sure. But, the time & money spent is real. Will the Trumpster be able to recover any of his money spent defending himself. The punishment is the process...............
90 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: skacmar 2/27/2024 6:50:23 PM (No. 1666534)
Along with the excessive, unconstitutional fines; the fraud conviction itself must also be overturned, along with the court oversight being removed immediately and any/all Trump financial information in their possession be returned immediately and not shared with anyone (confidentiality agreement). Requiring the State of New York to refund Trump all other fines and attorney fees related to the case with interest dating back to the start of the case should also be ordered.
80 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: singermom9 2/28/2024 5:17:19 AM (No. 1666673)
#3 The repayment to Trump should come from the Judge (ha ha-he is NO judge) and the D.A.-PERSONALLY. Clean out THEIR bank accounts. THEY should be the ones to suffer. Take their money AND their jobs-so they cannot do this again to anyone. Make an example of them on how NOT to treat people using the law to punish NON CRIMES.
48 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: ARKfamily 2/28/2024 5:29:50 AM (No. 1666682)
From the article: "The fines stem from a civil suit filed by New York attorney general Letitia James in 2022, claiming that former president Trump and his companies used falsely inflated asset valuations and misleading financial statements in dealings with lenders. The suit alleges various different claims, chief among them the New York State Executive Law Section 63(12) “fraudulent or illegal acts” claims". If I am understanding this correctly, the state of New York benefitted from those "inflated asset valuations" in relationship to the taxes he had to then pay. . .
39 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: privateer 2/28/2024 7:00:38 AM (No. 1666728)
Engoron must hang up his robe!
27 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 2/28/2024 7:09:17 AM (No. 1666733)
Engoron and James are only two of the players performing under the Big Top that is the democrat party. They proudly represent the mental midget act. It's time for the circus to leave town.
26 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: mobyclik 2/28/2024 7:16:46 AM (No. 1666740)
FTA: ''As the United States Supreme Court’s decisions instruct, the focus of the “grossly disproportional” inquiry is on the following factors: (1) the degree of the defendant’s reprehensibility or culpability (2) the relationship between the penalty and the harm to the victim caused by the defendant’s actions.'' Only 1 question: Exactly WHO IS THE VICTIM???
14 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: LLAMA 2/28/2024 7:47:09 AM (No. 1666756)
New York has become a place where honest men dare not go.
22 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: griddog1 2/28/2024 8:20:52 AM (No. 1666772)
I would guess you could follow this right back to the White House.
18 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: thehutchcom 2/28/2024 9:35:33 AM (No. 1666812)
Same goes for Mark Steyn.
14 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: smokincol 2/28/2024 10:19:33 AM (No. 1666834)
when are the demcommies going to realize that ... = whenever you do the "right thing" there are never any repercussions which = proves that our President is and has been doing the "right thing" all along and = has been honest (to a fault, sometimes) and forthright in everything he's done which = makes him the ONLY man should be President
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Zigrid 2/28/2024 11:13:34 AM (No. 1666879)
Loved your post on!!
2 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: FLCracker 2/28/2024 11:29:41 AM (No. 1666904)
My eyes glaze over reading this kind of stuff. Do any of the articles say what entity is going to get the use of the fines, when/if paid? In other words, is New York planning to use this money to shore up things like taking care of illegal immigrants? Also, FTA: "... the focus of the “grossly disproportional” inquiry is on the following factors: (1) the degree of the defendant’s reprehensibility or culpability ..." There are two more factors, but this is the only factor I can see that applies in the mind of the Dark Lord Engoron, hinging on the degree of the Trump's "reprehensibility' -- and he and his minions have decided that Trump is the most reprehensible thing on Earth. Therefore, the fines are not excessive or grossly disproportional.
2 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 2/28/2024 11:54:29 AM (No. 1666917)
Here's a reasonable compromise - - - - Take the money from the Hahvahd endowment fund. They've got $30 billion - - so what a measly half-billion to them?
3 people like this.

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The 8th Amendment comes out in favor of Trump 15 replies
Posted by DVC 2/27/2024 4:38:28 PM Post Reply
On February 16, 2024, a judge in New York State imposed fines totaling just over $360 million on former president Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, and several related Trump companies and trusts in the civil case brought by the New York attorney general. President Trump’s sons Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump were fined just over $4 million each. [snip] However, little or no reporting focused on the constitutionality of the fines under the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution. President Trump and his co-defendants all have substantial 8th Amendment “excessive fine” challenges to raise.
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Posted by DVC 2/27/2024 4:31:48 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/26/2024 2:06:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/23/2024 3:24:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/21/2024 3:40:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/20/2024 2:31:47 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/18/2024 12:17:11 PM Post Reply
It didn’t take long for Democrats to call for “sensible gun control.” I’m sure that you’ve heard the same old song about passing new laws. It happens every time we have a shooting. These people must have their speeches written in advance and ready to be delivered. All they have to do is fill the blanks with the name of the town and type of event. [snip] Two juvenile suspects have been charged in connection with Wednesday’s mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade that left one person dead and 22 others injured.
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Posted by DVC 2/18/2024 10:57:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/15/2024 12:40:03 PM Post Reply
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19 replies
Posted by DVC 2/14/2024 1:48:53 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/13/2024 10:28:42 AM Post Reply
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5 replies
Posted by DVC 2/7/2024 11:22:00 PM Post Reply
Last week, a court in Hong Kong ordered that Evergrande, China’s massive property developer, must be liquidated. Real estate accounts for about one-quarter of China’s GDP, and Evergrande isn’t the only troubled part of the Chinese real estate sector. While I’d always like to see China constrained, not only is a collapsing China dangerous, but the real estate collapse also reminds us of what’s happening domestically. Business Insider reported on Evergrande’s liquidation, which has long been expected and which will be carried out in an orderly fashion. The assets are valued at $245 billion (which I suspect is inflated), while the company’s debts are $300 billion.
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 8:04:39 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 2/28/2024 12:45:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 3:47:58 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 5:04:36 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 11:10:37 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 12:11:46 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 8:32:05 PM Post Reply
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