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Teens with guns again

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Posted By: DVC, 2/18/2024 12:17:11 PM

It didn’t take long for Democrats to call for “sensible gun control.” I’m sure that you’ve heard the same old song about passing new laws. It happens every time we have a shooting. These people must have their speeches written in advance and ready to be delivered. All they have to do is fill the blanks with the name of the town and type of event. [snip] Two juvenile suspects have been charged in connection with Wednesday’s mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade that left one person dead and 22 others injured.


Lots of laws broken. Will these "kids" be actually punished, or just detained for a year, and then sent out to wreak mayhem and death again?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 2/18/2024 12:22:28 PM (No. 1660404)
The concept of "juvenile courts" came about when teen crime was shoplifting a comb, or stealing some hubcaps. It may have been legitimate to try to get a hubcap thief back on the right track. Is this the way to handle the ultra violent teens of today? Today's vicious, psychopathic teen gang bangers are willing to kill or maim couple of dozen people without batting an eye, or having any hint of conscience, need to be in the ADULT criminal courts, and in adult prisons for long periods. It is no longer acceptable to put them in the dangerously irrelevant "juvy system" to be coddled for a year or two and then set free to begin their mayhem and murder anew. Violent crimes need to immediately "graduate" to the adult courts, AUTOMATICALLY.
35 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: JHHolliday 2/18/2024 12:49:23 PM (No. 1660431)
Agree with #1. This is now beyond the slightest hint of civilized behavior. The perps have no concept of what death actually is. Just pull your "9" and start shooting. We are heading toward chaos and a country wide " Escape From New York" situation. Nothing will change until we get the left out of power. In the meantime make sure you have secure locks and plenty of ammo. Even Jason Aldean's small towns will not be safe from the ferals when they finish destroying the cities and run out of food.
18 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 2/18/2024 1:04:58 PM (No. 1660448)
This will disappear quickly as soon as those waiving the bloody shirt realize that the perps are yutes with dark pigmentation.
15 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Namma 2/18/2024 1:46:00 PM (No. 1660472)
A kid at the age of 6 knows that killing a person is wrong. A kid at the age of 12 still knows killing a person is wrong. A kid at 17 who does kill a person also knows it’s wrong. As the age increases so should the punishment.
12 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: coldborezero 2/18/2024 2:11:29 PM (No. 1660480)
"Teens". Yeah, sure; "teens". I'm willing to bet that these "teens" are endowed with an elegant sufficiency of melanin. Seems to be a common trait in "teens" today. Is it possible that I am wrong? Possible, but not too bloody probable.
14 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Birddog 2/18/2024 2:14:26 PM (No. 1660481)
I would bet that social media postings by these "Kids" show that they were leading or pretending to be leading "Gangster" lives, and there is NO WAY their parents(or whoever they were living with) Teachers and neighbors were not aware of that persona they were portraying, or that they possessed guns.. Attempted mass murder via a shootout in a crowded public space, missing your target with nearly all or ALL shots and hitting bystanders is not "Kids Play" it is a serious grown up offense, also...I will bet that it was not random happenstance that they met there, nor were they alone, numerous members constituting several groups were involved in an intentional confrontation. I will also posit that it was instigated by several females....who just "Happen" to be of African American heritage.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: bighambone 2/18/2024 2:22:24 PM (No. 1660484)
It is very well known that criminals do not obey gun control laws and regulations. The criminals that perpetrated the murder and aggravated assaults that make up this incident are said to be juveniles about 15-16 years old age. The question is where did they get their hands on those firearms that are said to have been high-powered semi-automatic rifles? Clearly anyone who would bring such firearms into a crowd of celebrating football fans and supporters, said to amount to more than a million people, absolutely intended to shoot as many people as possible. When you add up all the above factors, the incident appears to be an outgrowth of the well known violent criminal street gang culture that has been known to have been prevalent in Kansas City “communities”. After the smoke clears, there is a very good chance that the juvenile perpetrators will be released back on the streets.
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Californian 2/18/2024 2:54:38 PM (No. 1660497)
Why don't they just ban crime?
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: The Remnants 2/18/2024 3:25:57 PM (No. 1660508)
What happened to the adult male - could be Hispanic - who was brought down by a couple of fans at the time of the shooting? One even said something about a gun. Just curious.
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Rightfromthestart 2/18/2024 3:51:06 PM (No. 1660521)
It is already illegal for them to have guns and probably illegal to carry them, and certainly illegal to shoot them into a crowd, so how do they think more laws on the law abiding will stop these bums.
10 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: chumley 2/18/2024 4:24:09 PM (No. 1660540)
Hmm. My parents grew up around guns. So did I. So did my kids. Now my grandkids are too. And with all those decades and all those guns, not one crime has been committed. Maybe its the ghetto culture of unrestrained emotion and the complete lack of reverence for life?
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Reply 12 - Posted by: K620 2/18/2024 5:40:45 PM (No. 1660585)
It drives me nuts that we won’t name the shooters. Name and shame: what can it hurt? If the juvenile engages in violent, adult crime, he should lose his precious mask of anonymity. Maybe mommy (and daddy?) won’t like that. Shoplift an item, draw graffiti, key a car, not good but okay, you’re a stupid kid. Aggravated assault, car jacking, shooting — we all ought to know who did that.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: mifla 2/19/2024 5:57:19 AM (No. 1660821)
Don't blame the guns, blame the parents, or lack thereof.
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Teens with guns again 13 replies
Posted by DVC 2/18/2024 12:17:11 PM Post Reply
It didn’t take long for Democrats to call for “sensible gun control.” I’m sure that you’ve heard the same old song about passing new laws. It happens every time we have a shooting. These people must have their speeches written in advance and ready to be delivered. All they have to do is fill the blanks with the name of the town and type of event. [snip] Two juvenile suspects have been charged in connection with Wednesday’s mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade that left one person dead and 22 others injured.
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Posted by DVC 2/18/2024 10:57:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/15/2024 12:40:03 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 2/14/2024 1:48:53 PM Post Reply
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