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Hunter Biden’s the real point person
in Joe’s White House — don’t underestimate
the first son

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Posted By: Kitty Myers, 7/8/2024 6:11:00 AM

Democrats trying to dislodge Joe Biden will first have to combat the proxy commander in chief: Hunter Biden — and that’s easier said than done. With the Biden family digging in behind Joe staying put, any staffers or party grandees deputized to strong-arm Joe Biden out of being their candidate in November had better not underestimate the first son. While the focus has been on four-time Vogue cover girl Jill Biden and her screeching assurances that Joe is hale and hearty and fit for another four years, the first son has flown under the radar


Hunter absolutely needs his father to maintain the power of the presidency. Ol' Joe may have said he will not pardon his son, but we all know he will ... if elected. Does this mean a crackhead is running the country?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Strike3 7/8/2024 7:00:30 AM (No. 1752113)
Hunter is acting out of desperation. Thinking that a drug-addicted, immoral, whoremongering son who will not even accept all of his children can be effective or powerful in any way is wishful thinking and delusional. I suspect that Miranda is being sarcastic since Joe is the only person in the world who thinks that Hunter is worth anything as a human being. Doctor Jill goes along because everything she has is invested in two garbage Bidens.
42 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/8/2024 7:32:21 AM (No. 1752140)
#1, that's kind of her point - he is desperate and he needs daddy's pardon. I don't think Miranda is being delusional, or sarcastic, at all.
34 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 7/8/2024 7:42:41 AM (No. 1752143)
If the Democrat party is not as crazy as old Joebma thy will dump Joebama immediately. Hunter's entry into the fray should be absolutely a bridge too far.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Hazymac 7/8/2024 7:51:49 AM (No. 1752151)
FTA: Apart from saving his own skin, Hunter will be enjoying the feeling of control he has at the center of the constitutional crisis facing the nation, says another former friend. He may see it as a “proving ground for his leadership skills and believe that his manifest destiny is playing out.” In other words, Hunter may view the situation as a dry run for his own political ambitions, perish the thought. Good grief, Charlie Brown. That's quite some ambition considering Hunter's extensive criminal history and his present legal peril. It also seems that staffers who want Joetard to quit are being dismissed, leaving the whoremonger, Jill, and a die hard or two to do the hollering.
20 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Firebase 7/8/2024 8:13:37 AM (No. 1752174)
Captain Queeg’s son to the rescue, sitting in at meetings now as a self imposed part of the team! Perfect! This is more communist, banana republic activity. This is so ironic. The very person the media and democrat party have been protecting, now stands in the way of replacing daddy. It is probably Hunter's pardon insurance. This is typical internal democrat party backstabbing, both ways. The democrats have now devolved to thinking they control who is in the oval office. They believe they can just push a button & get who they want, now. Push a button-Trump is gone. Get Biden. Woops he expired. Time to push the button again. Uh oh, its frozen in place! Make no doubt about it, with all this turmoil within democrat party, it is self sabotage. Any thinking voter will not go there. Vote for a bunch of immature, evil, soap opera theater cry babies-get more of the same for next four(4) years? No way! A leopard does not change its spots. Democrats ate going to lose this next election. Their malfeasance has finally caught up with them!
27 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: udanja99 7/8/2024 9:11:39 AM (No. 1752226)
A crackhead whoremonger running the country. Democrats must be so proud.
40 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: felixcat 7/8/2024 10:12:17 AM (No. 1752279)
Re#6 - Yes but Hunter lacks the character issues that burden Trump they tell us. /sarc
26 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: vhs68 7/8/2024 10:20:34 AM (No. 1752288)
The demorats need to assign the joey biden problem to Hiltery. It would be wrapped up by the weekend.
24 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Hazymac 7/8/2024 10:41:50 AM (No. 1752303)
Re #8: The PIAPS is bad, bad Leroy Brown: "She got a .32 gun in her pocket for fun. She got a razor in her shoe."
17 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: DVC 7/8/2024 11:29:43 AM (No. 1752363)
Run by a crackhead. What could possibly go wrong?
18 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: chance_232 7/8/2024 11:37:05 AM (No. 1752369)
The White House staff better count the silver. Especially those little spoons.
29 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: FLCracker 7/8/2024 12:22:33 PM (No. 1752404)
Hunter: In the pic accompanying this article, you look amzingly like your father during his heyday. Look at the pics of your dad from the debate split-screens and contemplate your future.
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Geoman 7/8/2024 1:17:53 PM (No. 1752421)
Hunter's ascension to the WH gatekeeper role has blunted the "convicted felon" mantra of democrats intending to disparage Trump. How inconvenient and begs the question, is Hunter being made privy to sensitive compartmented intelligence (SCI) information? Sadam's murderous sons, Uday and Qusay, killed 21 years ago by U.S. military operators, were a cut above Hunter Biden, although they shared the similar character traits.
15 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: padiva 7/8/2024 4:54:43 PM (No. 1752518)
#11 BRAVO!
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: govlawyer 7/9/2024 6:33:59 AM (No. 1752802)
#6--Bubba didn't smoke it, he snorted it.....oh excuse me, we're talking about Hunter. Never mind.
5 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: avital2 7/9/2024 6:40:43 AM (No. 1752806)
how does Hunter have security clearance anyway?
8 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: mifla 7/9/2024 6:46:29 AM (No. 1752810)
The First Son has been convicted of a felony and has a tax evasion trial coming up in September.
5 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/9/2024 7:51:43 AM (No. 1752843)
One would think that the DOJ/FBI would be somewhat aghast at the prospect of a crack-cocaine user, deadbeat dad, and convicted felony gun purchaser, who is incapable of obtaining a National Security Clearance being in charge ANYTHING around the POTUS... I swear, ever since Bill Clinton ANYTHING GOES in Democrat run White Houses.
10 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: rusino 7/9/2024 9:15:36 AM (No. 1752879)
After all!….Hunter is The Smartest man, the Dumbest President has Ever Met🙄🙄
11 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Hermoine 7/9/2024 9:52:08 AM (No. 1752913)
Does this mean a crackhead is running the country? Ummm...yes, a crackhead has been running the country for the past 3.5 years.
5 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 7/9/2024 10:50:50 AM (No. 1752942)
Mentioned this to the Lady Chihuahua, and her take is somebody notified Hunter that daddy's health is deteriorating. He at the Whitehouse now to be close to him. No doubt he is watching his cut of the 'family' business.
5 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Zigrid 7/9/2024 11:19:16 AM (No. 1752964)
What a drama!!...ya gotta love the Karma coming back at the criminal biden family....this lesson of the washington swamp at work is an eye opener to most Americans...even if Whoopi doesn't care if biden poops in his pants and can't construct sentences...she's voting for him...while sitting in her own popped pants...what a horrible person....word to poopy pant Whoopi...WE don't care what you think...and I don't want to know your private control issues...yuck!!
5 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: dbdiva 7/9/2024 11:54:36 AM (No. 1752997)
In addition to everything mentioned in these comments, Hunter displays extreme pride and arrogance which enhances ~ although not in a good way ~ all the other "attributes" that he brings to the table. We all know what follows pride; I expect Hunter's as well as his family's fall will be epic and VERY well-deserved. And I had no idea that Nurse Wretched has been a Vogue cover girl 4 times. Eeww! Finally thanks to #s 8 and 9 for bringing a little bit of levity into the discussion. I think right now we need as much levity as we can find.
4 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: NotaBene 7/9/2024 11:59:48 AM (No. 1753003)
Hunter is good for Ukraine. What is good for Ukraine is good for the USA,
1 person likes this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: garyhope 7/9/2024 1:58:42 PM (No. 1753091)
Think about this,..... A degenerate, corrupt, drug addicted POS could now be running our government. Our enemies are waiting to pounce and destroy us. The Chinese and Islamofascists are chomping at the bid to nuke us off of the planet.
0 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Strike3 7/9/2024 3:09:41 PM (No. 1753124)
Underestimating Hunter Biden is nearly impossible. He may be the smartest son that Joe has but the average IQ in that family doesn't even make a blip on the radar. So far in his life, the only jobs he has held involved getting paid for doing nothing and doing some elementary-school level painting,
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Reply 27 - Posted by: danu 7/9/2024 3:13:44 PM (No. 1753129)
who is up for a road trip? let's go visit navarro and bannon. unlock the doors. take the bars off the windows. let them fix the country in time for election day, and inauguration day. we take the locks and bars to the WH-- to ensure the wild animals stay IN their zoo. no drugs, no lies. no levers of power. no money for corrupt hell-holes. just happy holidays.
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Reply 28 - Posted by: Elljay 7/9/2024 6:49:18 PM (No. 1753272)
Funny song about prodigal son Hunter:
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Hunter Biden’s the real point person
in Joe’s White House — don’t underestimate
the first son
28 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 7/8/2024 6:11:00 AM Post Reply
Democrats trying to dislodge Joe Biden will first have to combat the proxy commander in chief: Hunter Biden — and that’s easier said than done. With the Biden family digging in behind Joe staying put, any staffers or party grandees deputized to strong-arm Joe Biden out of being their candidate in November had better not underestimate the first son. While the focus has been on four-time Vogue cover girl Jill Biden and her screeching assurances that Joe is hale and hearty and fit for another four years, the first son has flown under the radar
Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor
DeSantis Secrecy Operation
12 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 6/23/2024 9:58:32 AM Post Reply
People will see…. it might take a little more time than I would prefer, but the truth will come out and people will see. A judge in Florida is starting to take apart the secrecy operation that Ron DeSantis and his DC Bush clan constructed during their block Trump operation. DeSantis moved from congress to the Florida Governor position in 2018; the intent was always to run for President in 2024 and take apart the Trump constructs returning the Republican apparatus to traditional corporate controls. [snip] The DeSantis team began changing the rules, subverting laws and demanding support from legislation.
Don’t fall for Joe Biden’s nice old
man act — he’s just lowering expectations
12 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 6/17/2024 5:53:56 AM Post Reply
God forbid that we allow our eyes to see what they see when it comes to the Meanderer in Chief’s bizarre behavior. (snip) [B]est to make no comment about the latest video of Joe Biden freezing up like a zombie and having to be shepherded off stage by Barack Obama Saturday night at the president’s celebrity-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles. Some things are so obvious they need no commentary. Republicans should not fall into the trap of emphasizing Biden’s increasing befuddlement, as viral as such moments are to a world astonished that America now resembles the end stages of Soviet decrepitude.
Busted – Fox News and Martha MacCallum
Caught Presenting Koch Brothers Activist
as Fake GOP Voter in Wisconsin to Support
Ron DeSanti
25 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 8/23/2023 7:52:49 AM Post Reply
By now we are all too familiar with the schemes and plots of the corporate media as they participate in the political illusion of choice game. However, for Rupert Murdoch and Fox News debate moderator Martha MacCallum, this catch shreds the remaining little credibility they carried. Fox News is hosting the GOP debate in Wisconsin. During this build up segment, Martha MacCallum introduces the “random Republican voters” in Wisconsin who will watch the debate. Except, well… there’s a little problem. MacCallum introduces Chris Lawrence as a “Wisconsin GOP voter” who seemingly supports Ron DeSantis. However, MacCallum fails to mention that…
Returning to Neocon Roots – DeSantis
Backtracks on His Tucker Carlson Ukraine
Position as Territorial Dispute, Now Says
“I think it’s been mischaracterized,”
and “Putin is a war criminal”
35 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 3/23/2023 8:19:36 AM Post Reply
After attempting to navigate through the politics in order to curry favor with the base Republican voters on a Ukraine position, when confronted by Piers Morgan who is a pro-NATO war voice, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis now says his former position on Ukraine has been “mischaracterized” and Vladimir Putin “is a war criminal.” The walk back highlights once again that Ron DeSantis is an empty vessel using poll testing to formulate his policy stances. (snip) If the professional Republicans are NOT targeting a Republican politician, you can be assured that Republican politician is a member of the GOPe club operation.
Chanel Rion Interviews President Donald
Trump (Video)
0 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 12/26/2022 8:05:02 AM Post Reply
One America News host Chanel Rion interviewed President Trump last week about a variety of current events including the Ukraine-Russia conflict, the election lawsuit in Arizona and the release of Twitter File information showing the FBI working against his 2020 reelection effort. {snip} The overall interview is interesting from the perspective of a brief glimpse into how President Trump is absorbing the current revelations and the situation our nation is facing. In the unique way that only Trump can summarize, he cuts to the core truth of the 2020 election in the statement, “think of it, the government was fighting against a candidate?”
I broke up with Stuart Varney today 17 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 11/16/2022 9:12:40 AM Post Reply
Stuart Varney's show on Fox Business has been a staple for me in the mornings for a very long time. I liked him -- his story, his style and the way he brings along others to build their careers. He has always maintained his dignity and been civil to his guests. Now, however, he has a full-blown case of Trump derangement syndrome (snip) If Varney, or anyone at Fox for that matter, wants to stick their neck out, how about mentioning the elephant in the room that no one will touch -- rampant and now institutionalized election fraud?
The Jackboots Have Arrived – NYPD Begin
Arresting Unvaccinated Americans During
Indoor COVID Compliance Checks
43 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 12/28/2021 7:36:56 AM Post Reply
Comrades, many American citizens stood jaw agape as they watched Australian metropolitan police departments begin cracking skulls and making arrests for violating COVID rules and restrictions. Yes, it always seemed like Australia, New Zealand and Europe were the beta testing ground to see if police would comply with jackboot arrests of their own community. Well, now we can see those same tactics being deployed in the U.S. New York City was the first large metropolitan area to require vaccination identification cards to enter restaurants, bars, dining establishments and various public and private venues. Now comes the enforcement part.
President Trump Supports Vaccine, Doesn’t
Support Mandates
17 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 12/24/2021 7:46:27 AM Post Reply
President Trump gave an interview to Candace Owens for The Daily Wire. The full interview is only available for subscribers; however, there is a segment released by Mrs. Owens where Donald Trump talks about the specifics of his position on the vaccine and the mandates. (snip) …the issue of the vaccines overall, and the mandate specifically, President Trump’s position seems quite pragmatic and reasonable. He’s proud to have developed the vaccines, believes they are of benefit, but strongly respects individual choice, liberty and the freedom to decide for yourself and your family. I don’t see anything controversial in this position.
Pelosi’s Latest Stunt —
Haters With the Lost Bark
13 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 12/21/2019 7:09:20 AM Post Reply
So Nancy Pelosi now says that she will not submit the impeachment notice to the Senate. Uh, Okay. All month, she was telling us that the impeachment was so urgent that it could not wait for time-consuming distractions like … (i) evidence (ii) an actual percipient witness or two (iii) a charge of bribery (iv) a charge of treason (v) a high crime (vi) a misdemeanor in the constitutional sense (vii) any crime, infraction, or violation of a local ordinance like jaywalking (viii) subpoenaing testimony from witnesses close to the president like John Bolton (ix) … or his top aide
This is President Trump’s ‘Why
I’m leaving New York’ essay
12 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 11/1/2019 9:24:52 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump is leaving New York. President Trump on Thursday night explained his decision to ditch the glitzy world of Midtown skyscrapers and — eventually — flee to his Mar-a-Lago resort at the conclusion of his White House tenure. The Queens native penned a series of tweets about his departure from Trump Tower after reports said he filed documents to change his primary residence to Palm Beach, Florida. “I cherish New York, and the people of New York, and always will,” Trump wrote. (snip) “Good riddance,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said after news broke of Trump’s impending exit. “He’s all yours, Florida.”
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Posted by mc squared 7/9/2024 12:34:25 PM Post Reply
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Taylor Swift, Oprah and a 'blitz primary':
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Posted by Imright 7/8/2024 5:21:23 AM Post Reply
A pair of well-connected Democrats have issued a bombshell memo detailing their wild plan to replace President Joe Biden on their 2024 ticket. It would require Biden to step down as the head of the ticket by mid-July to pave the way for other Democrats to throw their hats in the ring for a 'blitz primary' that would feature celebrities such as Taylor Swift and Oprah, according to Semafor. The six candidates with the most votes from delegates would also have to vow to run a positive-only campaign.The plan is the brainchild of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor who served in both the Obama and Clinton administrations
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/8/2024 11:11:26 PM Post Reply
France's radical left-wing coalition has vowed to bring in a 90 per cent tax rate on the rich following their shock election triumph on Sunday. In a result that caught political commentators by surprise, the New Popular Front (NPF) emerged as the biggest party in the second round of the elections which ended in a deadlock, gaining 182 seats ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's centrist Ensemble party, on 168. (Snip) The programme includes a 90 per cent tax rate on any annual income above €400,000, a reduction in the retirement age from 64 to 60, a block on the price
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/8/2024 1:59:13 AM Post Reply
Actress Minnie Driver has insulted supporters of former President Donald Trump, claiming they “really quite like a bit of a racist attitude” in their candidate. She also dissed America’s founding fathers, saying there should have been some “mothers” involved in the creation of the country. The Good Will Hunting star held forth on Trump and his tens of millions of supporters in an interview with The Times of London on Saturday. Driver spoke about the “revelation of the 70 million people who really quite like a bit of a racist attitude and non-existent immigration policies and dismantling the environmental agencies.” “They were always there,” she added.
How Democrats’ chaos upend Trump’s
veepstakes: Put Glenn Youngkin in the
mix — and drop J.D. Vance
34 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/8/2024 9:28:29 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump’s choice for veep is reportedly down to Gov. Doug Burgum and Sen. J.D. Vance, with Burgum having a slight edge. But the race is changing fast, and the former prez certainly isn’t afraid to shift course to up his odds in response: The larger his landslide, the stronger his mandate and the longer his coattails. So, while North Dakota’s Burgum would be fine (while Vance looks risky in any circumstances), it’s not too late to consider someone like Virginia’s Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who could clinch the case for Trump in a state that’s newly in-play — not to mention among swing voters across the nation.
Maxine Waters: Trump Capable of the ‘Kind
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31 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/8/2024 9:44:04 PM Post Reply
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” that former President Donald Trump was “capable” of the kind of violence that destroys democracy. Waters said, “I believe when the president talks about, if he doesn’t win there’s going to be violence in the streets. He talks about civil war. He talks about bloodshed. I think it’s those kinds of issues that bring people together, because he’s talking about not only undermining our democracy, but he’s talking about destroying it. Then when you connect that with what happened on January 6th and they understand that, yes, you know, he really was in the leadership of that.
Whoopi Goldberg Says, ‘I Don’t Care
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31 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/8/2024 6:04:44 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has not only indicated that he has every intention of staying in the race, but he has also refused to take a cognitive test, asserting that his presidential duties put his mental acuity to the test. So now that it appears he’s not going anywhere, Whoopi Goldberg gave a rather unflattering endorsement of Biden during Monday’s episode of “The View,” indicating that she’s still ridin’ with Biden even if he’s an invalid. “I don’t care if he’s pooped his pants. I don’t care if he can’t put a sentence together,” Goldberg declared, prompting the audience to laugh. “Show me he can’t do the job,
Biden Family Enter Negotiation Stage –
Letter to Congress Frames Baseline for
Exit Price
31 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/8/2024 3:19:36 PM Post Reply
The Biden family have entered the negotiation stage, as they face two simultaneous enemies aligned in common purpose. Hunter Biden has been brought close into the fold, as the Intelligence Community obviously holds leverage over Dad’s disposition through the entry vector of his son. As this aspect unfolds, the Biden syndicate goes to the mattresses. The threat metric against Hunter is why he is now part of the daily advisory group around the Office of the President. Meanwhile, in a coded message, Joe Biden technically blamed the Obama network today when he called in to the NSNBC radio show and pointed fingers at the DNC elite.
MSNBC Host Calls For Biden Aides To Be
Allowed ON STAGE With Him At Next Debate
29 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/9/2024 4:00:48 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell has called for allowing Joe Biden to have aides with him on stage to speak for him and help him sound coherent. Yes, really. This is where we are now. O’Donnell said that it would be good to “Allow the candidates to have as many staff as they want, join them on the stage throughout the debate, and make sure that all of them have microphones.” He added that “the candidates should be allowed to turn to their staff and confer with them about anything at any time in the debate.” “And we should be able to hear everything they say. So we can hear if the candidate has competent
White House admits Parkinson’s expert
has examined Biden – but says only for
his annual physicals
28 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 7/9/2024 5:53:44 AM Post Reply
The White House admitted Monday that a Parkinson’s expert who’s visited the executive mansion eight times in as many months has evaluated President Biden — but said the exams only took place during the president’s annual physicals. The revelation was disclosed in a letter from Biden’s personal physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor hours after White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to explain the flurry of recent visits from the Parkinson’s specialist, Dr. Kevin Cannard. “Dr. Cannard was the neurological specialist that examined President Biden for each of his annual physicals,” O’Connor wrote in the letter.
Hunter Biden’s the real point person
in Joe’s White House — don’t underestimate
the first son
28 replies
Posted by Kitty Myers 7/8/2024 6:11:00 AM Post Reply
Democrats trying to dislodge Joe Biden will first have to combat the proxy commander in chief: Hunter Biden — and that’s easier said than done. With the Biden family digging in behind Joe staying put, any staffers or party grandees deputized to strong-arm Joe Biden out of being their candidate in November had better not underestimate the first son. While the focus has been on four-time Vogue cover girl Jill Biden and her screeching assurances that Joe is hale and hearty and fit for another four years, the first son has flown under the radar
Retailers now charging upwards of 35%
interest on credit cards
23 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/9/2024 10:05:41 AM Post Reply
SAN DIEGO — Interest rates on retail credit cards are on the rise, and the numbers may surprise you. Macy’s just sent letters to its card users announcing the interest rate on their Macy's card is jumping to 34.49%. Industry experts told CBS 8 the increase is part of a nationwide trend. “I mean, I follow this so closely that I'm not shocked, but on the face of it, yeah, that's a really high interest rate," said Ted Rossman, a senior industry analyst at Bankrate. Rossman says retail stores already have the highest APRs, and those rates have been climbing
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