France's triumphant left-wing coalition
unveils its radical plans for government
including a 90 per cent tax rate on the
rich, lowering the retirement age and
huge spending
Daily Mail (UK),
Frankie Elliott
Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog,
7/8/2024 11:11:26 PM
France's radical left-wing coalition has vowed to bring in a 90 per cent tax rate on the rich following their shock election triumph on Sunday. In a result that caught political commentators by surprise, the New Popular Front (NPF) emerged as the biggest party in the second round of the elections which ended in a deadlock, gaining 182 seats ahead of President Emmanuel Macron's centrist Ensemble party, on 168. (Snip) The programme includes a 90 per cent tax rate on any annual income above €400,000, a reduction in the retirement age from 64 to 60, a block on the price
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 7/8/2024 11:36:12 PM (No. 1752700)
French citizens, a pop quiz -
Q - if a 90 percent tax rate on the rich becomes law, what will happen to France and the less fortunate wage earners if the rich lose interest in creating wealth and prosperity for you, the middle class wage earners due to the high tax rate on the wealthy?
A - France and you the middle class wage earners will circle the drain and cease to exist.
60 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
crashnburn 7/8/2024 11:43:45 PM (No. 1752704)
In France, as in the US, stolen elections have consequences.
Can you say “Dominion “boys and girls?
75 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
DVC 7/8/2024 11:48:10 PM (No. 1752706)
Which will guarantee an economic collapse and
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
DVC 7/8/2024 11:49:45 PM (No. 1752707)
Which will guarantee an economic collapse and probably mean that they will be kicked out of office pretty quickly.
42 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Heraclitus 7/9/2024 12:23:29 AM (No. 1752715)
French Revolution Redux, except there's no Monarchy to behead, or clergy to butcher and burn, or commoner strolling down the lane looking bourgeois. Except now there is no Charles "The Hammer" Martel who once stopped the Moorish muslim terrorists from their rampaging through Europe to shake up the status quo of defeatism.
Clearly, they haven't learned from history, even recent history, such that they will try again some bastardly socialism or defunct Eurocommunism that European intellectual elites concocted to mirror Soviet communism, the very things the opened eye could see were nasty, brutish and not short enough.
Really, France? Really?
43 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
Trigger2 7/9/2024 3:42:09 AM (No. 1752731)
Bye bye France. Elect jerks and this is your outcome.
33 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
mifla 7/9/2024 3:49:42 AM (No. 1752736)
Proving once again that most voters have no idea what they are voting for.
46 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Strike3 7/9/2024 5:00:40 AM (No. 1752759)
It's sad to watch France commit suicide but America is not far behind them. Apparently revolution is the only way to rid oneself of evil. Even that is not a sure thing as the Cubans found out.
35 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
Highlander 7/9/2024 5:23:27 AM (No. 1752764)
The Russians had 74 years of non-stop uninterrupted socialism to make it work. Cuba had 63 years of iron-vised totalitarianism to make it work.
Why do these Frenchies think they’re going to make it work? Do their minds automatically shut down the moment they said voilà to Karl?
25 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
privateer 7/9/2024 6:20:51 AM (No. 1752790)
Cheese-eating surrender lemmings.
29 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
NancyD 7/9/2024 6:26:18 AM (No. 1752795)
Well the French have done it to themselves. Let them be the example of what "Not to Do". It will be very interesting to see how quickly the Country collaspes. I want to see if the "rich" leave France and then what happens after France has no money to give to citizens who earn nothing.
27 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
petrichor 7/9/2024 6:57:04 AM (No. 1752815)
I think the NPF needs to pick up more votes from one of those other parties. They can't do it alone.
11 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Skinnydip 7/9/2024 7:25:12 AM (No. 1752820)
Our current administration is very jealous of this plan.
18 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Rather Read 7/9/2024 7:33:02 AM (No. 1752825)
Bonjour France. I predict more riots, more violence and more uprisings. You have a beautiful country and your contributions to art, architecture, music, and literature are second to none. I hope that there are some sane people who will guard your artistic patrimony. It would be a shame to see the Louvre emptied and turned into a mosque.
28 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
anniebc 7/9/2024 7:33:39 AM (No. 1752826)
I wouldn't be too hard on the French. It's not about votes anymore; it's about how the votes are counted and who's counting the votes. The people are helpless. Look at US.
29 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
chagrined 7/9/2024 7:39:51 AM (No. 1752834)
Yeah poster #8, the U.S.A. is gonna be on suicide watch if the AmeroCommies cheat/steal their way back into power.
16 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 7/9/2024 8:03:55 AM (No. 1752847)
France is doomed. Communists cheat their way to the control of a country imploding from within from an influx of foreign islamo-rats. Enjoy your "win," EU leftists.
14 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Right Time 7/9/2024 8:20:14 AM (No. 1752852)
I have a trip planned to Provence and the south of France in 3 months. It will be my Farewell to France trip, as the country will be destroyed by muslim invaders and the eurocommunists.
20 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
marbles 7/9/2024 8:35:37 AM (No. 1752865)
France is over.
13 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
marbles 7/9/2024 8:38:44 AM (No. 1752869)
Sorry for the 2nd but had add that socialism and communism are not meant to work They only benefit the few on top running the show. Everyone else is expendable.
15 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
paral04 7/9/2024 9:11:34 AM (No. 1752877)
What a pack of fools. There is no way they can sustain that nonsense. Anyone with two Euros to put together will get out of France and let the rest starve.
12 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
oldmagnolia 7/9/2024 9:27:00 AM (No. 1752891)
And the Olympics are about to start. Good luck with that mess France. I think that, if I am an athlete, I should be glad I was not selected to go.
12 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
NamVet70 7/9/2024 9:31:05 AM (No. 1752894)
France once played at being a true democracy, it was called the great terror. That eventually spawned their emperor Napoleon.
9 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
janjan 7/9/2024 9:40:25 AM (No. 1752905)
Following the voting process in France probably requires a 4 year degree just in that subject. I read through the articles carefully trying to understand it and what I could glean is that this leftist Hamas loving nightmare only got 30% of the people’s vote. They’re in for it. The exodus of wealth has already begun.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
RayLRiv 7/9/2024 10:05:05 AM (No. 1752918)
Au Revoir Les Enfants
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Omen55 7/9/2024 10:06:56 AM (No. 1752919)
With 90% tax expect the rich to move out!
9 people like this.
Reply 27 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 7/9/2024 10:42:01 AM (No. 1752935)
Au revoir et bonne chance, France!
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Reply 28 - Posted by:
nerdowell 7/9/2024 10:42:59 AM (No. 1752936)
#2, I just had an epiphany--something everyone else probably figured out a long time ago:
There's a reason a Venezuelan voting machine company would call itself 'Dominion.'
5 people like this.
Reply 29 - Posted by:
Citoyen 7/9/2024 10:52:58 AM (No. 1752943)
Dominion is a Canadian company. France is old school. Paper ballots, ID required, voting day. Dominion is used by only one major country and that is ours.
6 people like this.
Reply 30 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 7/9/2024 10:58:50 AM (No. 1752947)
Ninety percent tax rate on the rich. How do they define 'rich' in France? It probably includes the middle class. At some point the government will just start confiscating (stealing) everything. The French were dumb and dishonest enough to support this. It's on them. At the moment, government supporters think they are safe, and their government will only rob (tax) their opponents. Watch money and people flee France. The government will place a 90% tax on that as well.
8 people like this.
Reply 31 - Posted by:
Zigrid 7/9/2024 10:59:21 AM (No. 1752949)
The globalists play dirty games and here's a perfect example of their power....if the conservatives win...toss the results and install your plan for France....the French people need to fight back...the ruling elite can only win if...they have peasants to do their bidding and that's the only tool the French have
8 people like this.
Reply 32 - Posted by:
mc squared 7/9/2024 12:40:42 PM (No. 1753041)
I agree with the conclusions of the author, but France seems to enfeeble itself every couple of generations.
Ask the Doughboys or the Allies.
5 people like this.
Reply 33 - Posted by:
Schnapps 7/9/2024 3:44:57 PM (No. 1753145)
Liberté Equality & Fraternity has morphed into Looting Enfeeblement for Eternity
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Reply 34 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 7/9/2024 3:49:51 PM (No. 1753146)
In an ironic twist, such a tax policy is nothing more than an ill-disguised way, in its effects, to pay your highest, most job-creating economic class to leave the country.
I can't decide whether to classify this move as stupid, ignorant, or some combination of the two.
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Reply 35 - Posted by:
LadyHen 7/9/2024 3:55:40 PM (No. 1753155)
I guess we shall see what happens. I doubt they will able to get much of this passed but their rent a mobs and the faithful naïve malcontents for whom protesting is an art form will certainly make the lives of those good hard working people left in France very difficult. France is the grocery store of Europe. Gonna be some lean cold winters ahead for Europe. But Commies love starving people, love 'em to death that is.
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Reply 36 - Posted by:
danu 7/9/2024 4:05:22 PM (No. 1753161)
op--would that be those tall, skinny numbers that double as missile silos?
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Reply 37 - Posted by:
DVC 7/9/2024 4:54:51 PM (No. 1753198)
They say above 400K Euros per year, #30, about $500K per year. That's pretty well off here, but a good bit in the land of $10 a gallon diesel fuel, and $4K per month rent for a 2 br apartment near Paris. But, in small cities in France, one bedroom apartments can sometimes be had for $500-ish per month.
So, a $500K taxable income is still a lot of money. But....that 90% tax rate means you earn $500K, and get to keep 10% of that, so you get to live on $50K. Which means you move to Switzerland or Spain or something. Or you hire some slick tax lawyers and they fix you up. I'm guessing that, like here, when they increase the tax rate......the tax REVENUE will actually drop a good bit as people radically adjust their lives to avoid paying it.
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Enjoy your Leftist government. Higher taxes, price freezes, only work to age 60, a Biden-style spending spree. Not sure what the Muslims get - probably free minarets in every city.