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Yakima Canutt: The Little-Known but Great
American Stuntman

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Posted By: DVC, 5/16/2024 3:24:19 PM

It’s a fine idea to pay tribute to movie stuntmen, those little-known heroes of the silver screen. But one would have to be far more charmed by endless, overloud, and preposterous action scenes and brain-dead fights than I am in order to enjoy The Fall Guy, which I recently watched at the local Bijou. The American Spectator’s Leonora Cravotta is right about the movie’s boy/girl romance and the welcome clear line between good and bad. These are too rare on the large or small screen these days. But for me these positives were cancelled by the aforementioned dreary chaos at industrial decibel levels. No disrespect to the estimable Leonora.


I was well aware of who Yakima Canutt was, and have seen many movies where he was the guy doing the amazingly dangerous stunts. Interesting that the author doesn't mention that John Wayne started out as one of Canutt's stunt men, and did a lot of his own stunts over the years, after doing stunts for others before he got to act.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: marbles 5/16/2024 4:08:05 PM (No. 1719195)
Charlton Heston would tell a story about how he was unsure of how well he could handle the horses in the chariot race and Canute told him don't worry, you're going to win.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Historybuff 5/16/2024 4:35:26 PM (No. 1719212)
“There’s no economy in a cheap stuntman.” My favorite quote of his.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: rememberwhen 5/16/2024 5:26:17 PM (No. 1719223)
Canutt was also a featured player in many of John Wayne's early movies.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Scribelus 5/16/2024 5:37:21 PM (No. 1719229)
Thanks for the memory.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Rather Read 5/16/2024 6:59:12 PM (No. 1719254)
Yakima Canutt in the John Wayne movie Stagecoach. He played an Apache who jumped onto the horses on a stagecoach and got dragged under them. This stunt was the inspiration for the scene where Indiana Jones gets dragged under the car by the Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 5/16/2024 7:46:22 PM (No. 1719271)
More on that stunt.,coach%20to%20the%20trio%20of%20speeding%20yoked%20horses.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 5/16/2024 8:12:53 PM (No. 1719279)
Hollywood is now using every trick in the book in place of good acting and interesting stories. Apparently they thought that wokeness, sex, vulgarity and whizbang technology would replace that. I haven't paid for a movie in many years but I sat through a DVD at a friend's house that was nothing but screaming, loud bangs and darkness used to cover the cheap set.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Timber Queen 5/16/2024 10:08:43 PM (No. 1719315)
Yakima Canutt was the Yankee soldier shot on the staircase by Scarlett in "Gone With the Wind". Who else could fall backwards down the stairs like that?
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Yakima Canutt: The Little-Known but Great
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8 replies
Posted by DVC 5/16/2024 3:24:19 PM Post Reply
It’s a fine idea to pay tribute to movie stuntmen, those little-known heroes of the silver screen. But one would have to be far more charmed by endless, overloud, and preposterous action scenes and brain-dead fights than I am in order to enjoy The Fall Guy, which I recently watched at the local Bijou. The American Spectator’s Leonora Cravotta is right about the movie’s boy/girl romance and the welcome clear line between good and bad. These are too rare on the large or small screen these days. But for me these positives were cancelled by the aforementioned dreary chaos at industrial decibel levels. No disrespect to the estimable Leonora.
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Posted by DVC 5/15/2024 3:21:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 5/13/2024 5:54:15 PM Post Reply
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8 replies
Posted by DVC 5/11/2024 1:28:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 5/11/2024 11:19:04 AM Post Reply
Senator Sam Ervin said: “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you’re talking real money.” Our federal government has been talking trillions for some time now, but the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration’s (MMPA) push for electric vehicles has EV manufacturers talking, and losing, billions. MMPA mouthpieces like Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm assure us EVs are the future and they’re pushing unconstitutional, unrealizable regulations to force that future down our throats. Unfortunately for them, economic reality is intruding, and Ford provides a disturbing example:
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21 replies
Posted by DVC 5/10/2024 5:31:53 PM Post Reply
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Posted by DVC 5/8/2024 1:10:47 PM Post Reply
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5 replies
Posted by DVC 5/6/2024 11:16:12 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 5/17/2024 9:29:33 AM Post Reply
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