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Brave Cops Target That Criminal Mastermind
Scottie Scheffler

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/17/2024 2:27:27 PM

We live in a country where crime is out of control. Smash-and-grab mobs loot stores in cities across the nation, illegal aliens are assaulting and murdering wantonly, and antisemitic protesters are running roughshod over college campuses. But thank God that one of the greatest criminal masterminds in history got his due on Friday morning. Scottie Scheffler is the number-one golfer on the PGA tour. He’s the reigning Masters champion and the favorite to win this weekend’s PGA Championship. He’s a devout Christian, a devoted husband, and a new father. And thanks to the intrepid work of the Louisville, Ky., Police Department, whose officers totally didn’t overreact, he now faces four charges,


Sheer stupidity on the part of LPD. Drop the charges!!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Hazymac 5/17/2024 2:48:26 PM (No. 1719743)
A few cops are hotheads, get off on the power, and shouldn't be in law enforcement at all. The unidentified officer who wanted to yank Scottie Scheffler out of his car and was happy to send him to jail appears to be one of those. Didn't he know that a golf major championship with a field of 150 players was going on right there? Trump on trial, now Scheffler in jail ... what is the matter with this country?
45 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: itsonlyme 5/17/2024 2:54:29 PM (No. 1719745)
Oh my. Possible Felon. Lying to Congress - charges dropped or maybe community service.
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Snow Possum 5/17/2024 2:55:18 PM (No. 1719747)
Some cops are indeed absolute jerks. Most are not. Some are exemplary citizens who genuinely serve their communities. They fit into a bell curve just like every other human trait.
21 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Laotzu 5/17/2024 2:57:44 PM (No. 1719749)
And let me guess . . . the shuttle bus driver who ran over and killed someone will be home having dinner with his family tonight with no fear for his future.
19 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 5/17/2024 3:15:21 PM (No. 1719760)
Louisville PD has a less than stellar track record. Yep that LPD. They overreact, they are corrupt. Yep that LPD. I am not surprised at the LPD action. They are not to be put on a pedestal. They deserve our scorn.
24 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 5/17/2024 3:21:18 PM (No. 1719763)
A note to the Louisville poolice. Lack of common sense, guys/girls/its? Cool off and forget this one, cops, and drop the charges. Just wondering, why was Scheffler a God-loving believer singled out, I might ask. Why weren't the other golfers similarly charged, Louisville cops? Just answered my own question.
15 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: privateer 5/17/2024 3:30:14 PM (No. 1719769)
Not just a LEO; a lion. As in Christians vs. lions. Or Louisville mob big money is on the next seed.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 5/17/2024 3:32:53 PM (No. 1719772)
Everbody point and laugh at the Louisville Police Department.
13 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 5/17/2024 3:42:53 PM (No. 1719781)
Here is what the police say: The report said Gillis was standing in the middle of the westbound lanes when Scheffler's SUV pulled into the lanes to avoid the traffic backup The report said Gillis was wearing a full police uniform and a "high-visibility yellow reflective rain jacket." Gillis stopped Scheffler's SUV and attempted to give instructions, according to the report. "The subject refused to comply and accelerated forward, dragging Detective Gillis to the ground," the report said. Gillis was transported to a hospital by emergency medical personnel for evaluation. The report said his uniform pants were also damaged beyond repair. Scheffler faces charges of second-degree assault of a police officer, third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving, and disregarding traffic signals from an officer directing traffic. The assault charge is a felony; the others are misdemeanors. An arraignment is scheduled for Tuesday at 9 a.m. ET.
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Lake Dweller 5/17/2024 3:50:30 PM (No. 1719788)
#9, not buying your version. I want to see the video.
24 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 5/17/2024 3:59:24 PM (No. 1719792)
Not my version. That’s what the police say. I’d like to see body cam as well. For the record, I’m not knee-jerk back the blue.
13 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Italiano 5/17/2024 4:18:17 PM (No. 1719798)
It could have been worse, Scottie. If you were a black player….
7 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: JHHolliday 5/17/2024 4:35:02 PM (No. 1719815)
Most cops are good people. A few are not. Occasionally you run afoul of one of the bad ones. A bully with a badge is bad news.
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: red1066 5/17/2024 5:08:23 PM (No. 1719829)
The idiot cop grabbed the door handle of a moving car and hurt himself by being stupid.
18 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: formerNYer 5/17/2024 5:17:04 PM (No. 1719833)
This cop is giving the LPD and the whole city a bad name. Scotty is a nice guy and a devote Christain, he never been rude to fans or the press, nobody including his competetors has ever said a bad word and when you're #1 in the world you know someone would take a shot. Fire this jerk of a police office and drop the charges.
12 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: DanvilleBill 5/17/2024 5:17:16 PM (No. 1719834)
Gets tossed in the clink. Then gets released and goes out and shoots a 66 in a Major tournament. That is some kind of a golfer. I'd love to see him win this thing. What a story he could tell his brand new child some day.
15 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Jethro bo 5/17/2024 5:17:38 PM (No. 1719836)
I work as a volunteer air the Zurich Classic. It's a more rural course than most PGA tournaments with limited access for participants and fans. Once, I witness an officer give a visual stop signal to a driver that then drove past the officer. The officer was infuriated and screamed that one of his underlings to chase do the driver and deal with the offense with verbal instructions to be as harsh as possible. Note there was nobody put at risk. In short order a law enforcement car screams out often area at an endangering rate of speed (this is in an area of high pedestrian traffic and shuttle traffic). I don't endorse the driver's lack of respect for the officer. I was stunned by the vitriol of the officer and the desire by his underlings to pursue at a high rate of speed and increase the danger to pedestrians. Misunderstandings occur and all should abide by the officers instructions as these are high congestion, limited infrastructure environments. But the officer's over reaction and willingness of his underlings to endanger others was very unsettling. I have no idea of the situation in Kentucky. But witnessing the vindictiveness and disregard for safety at a PGA tournament by then local officers has taught me to avoid those areas and officers at an all cost.
9 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: chumley 5/17/2024 5:30:37 PM (No. 1719839)
According to the report I saw on TV, two cops were yelling contradictory orders at the the same time. He obeyed one of them, but apparently it wasn't the hot head. I've seen that happen more than once. The cops get all keyed up and tune out everyone but their own internal tyrant.
12 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: john56 5/17/2024 6:03:50 PM (No. 1719855)
Cops at these events have a tough time. I go to a few Green Bay Packer games and the local cops do a great job. But get in their cross hairs and they are less friendly than North Korean prison guards. After one OT win over the 49ers on MNF, we were waiting for the officer to allow us to cross the street. A lady in the assembled group, obviously having drunk a few more pops during the game than is normal, refused to stay on the sidewalk and kept jumping off the curb. The officer several times asked the lady to return to the sidewalk. After then, he told her she would have to stay there before he would allow the group to cross. The lady jumped off the curb and said sometime insulting to the officer. Well, let's just say that the hardest hit I saw that night was the officer tackling and arresting her. I think she spent that evening as an overnight guest of the Brown County Sheriff.
5 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: 5 handicap 5/18/2024 6:03:31 AM (No. 1720054)
The Louisville PD should most definitely be defunded, so that only qualified people can rebuild and replace the corrupt organization as it now exists.
2 people like this.

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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/17/2024 7:27:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/17/2024 7:21:06 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 5/18/2024 5:30:27 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 5/18/2024 7:41:08 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2024 1:52:37 PM Post Reply
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11 replies
Posted by Judy W. 5/18/2024 10:28:12 AM Post Reply
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10 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2024 1:41:21 PM Post Reply
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CDC Links 84% of Measles Cases in Chicago
to Illegal Aliens from Venezuela
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2024 3:03:59 PM Post Reply
A Centers for Disease Control report has linked 84 percent of the recent cases of measles in Chicago to illegal aliens from Venezuela. The other 16 percent of cases are linked to people traveling from Peru and Chile. The Daily Mail reports: New information reveals that the spate of 57 cases at the Pilsen migrant shelter can be traced back to a one year-old boy who had only received one of the two vital vaccines. The majority of the cases — 72 percent — were among unvaccinated people, the CDC said. The report cites overcrowding at the center for the rampant spread, with 500 people said to be crammed into a single room.
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