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Exclusive: Former NIH Head Francis Collins
Admits Covid Origins Not Settled, No Science
to Back Social-Distance Guidance

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/16/2024 10:14:13 AM

The nation’s top public health official during the Covid-19 pandemic admitted that the origins of the coronavirus remain up for debate, the lab-leak theory is not a conspiracy, and that there was no scientific evidence to support the government’s social-distancing guidance. Former National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins testified behind closed-doors earlier this year and made those admissions to the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, according to a transcript and accompanying subcommittee memo provided to National Review. “Do you recall science or evidence that supported the six-foot distance?”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: earlybird 5/16/2024 10:37:47 AM (No. 1718982)
Experts had informed that the Covid virus was not found in nature. The initial "wet market source lie evaporated fairly early on. There were also reports that this virus was being handled in a Level 1security lab at Wuhan when it should have been in a Level 4 Collins was neck-deep in the whole thing... Now he wriggles.
33 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: stablemoney 5/16/2024 11:12:21 AM (No. 1719007)
Where we are: Social distancing, masks, the "vaccines" didn't work, and the pandemic began in the Wuhan lab, funded by the U.S., in partnership with the Chinese government, and the Chinese military.
35 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Lucky5 5/16/2024 11:18:25 AM (No. 1719014)
The hysterical liberals I know have already forgotten it all, other than the ones in the Bay Area STILL wearing masks. I will never forget being told I was a murderer for not getting that shot. the horrible social distancing everywhere and the judgemental horrible behavior I saw from all the liberals I worked with and knew. I quit several non profit jobs I had due to their hysteria and rules about the shot. I left the Bay Area and moved to a conservative rural area 100 miles away. Life was normal there and I am very happy I did move.
36 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: mc squared 5/16/2024 12:03:42 PM (No. 1719050)
We knew for years that the 6 foot b-shite was entirely made up in order to reinforce the 'danger' of the 'disease'.
28 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Alecto2 5/16/2024 12:11:59 PM (No. 1719059)
Evil scum.
20 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 5/16/2024 12:13:10 PM (No. 1719064)
IIRC, Collins put out a social-media video when he retired of him singing a jingle about the pandemic that mocked those who questioned the mandates from his organization. And why was this a closed-door session? I can't imagine any national security implications with the discussion. What are they (all of them) hiding from us?
20 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: danu 5/16/2024 1:50:56 PM (No. 1719113)
too right #1. this, as they conjure their next murderous gain-of-function/plandemonium-- from sunny fakenstein, no. carolina. this time it's infecting poor wee ducks-mallards--which by nature fly the world. penguins and puffins are unionised and eschew this noxious exploitation. well, and penguins cannot fly.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 5/16/2024 3:49:29 PM (No. 1719179)
It was created in the Wuhan lab, funded with US money, sent by Dr. Fraud, via the Canadian cutout firm to muddy the funding path. 100% certain that this was a product of Dr. Fraud's fevered, evil mind. The only remaining question is whether it was released intentionally or due to Chinese incompetence. Since Chinese incompetence is a very well established reality, and corruption, meaning that any "rules" about safety WILL be violated, it's at least as likely that these corrupt fools leaked it as the other corrupt fools in the US government and globalist population reducing crowd released it intentionally. Coin toss on that, but Dr. Fraud (Fauci) is personally responsible for the funding and pushing the work where "gain of function research" is just an alternate term for "developing a bioweapon".
18 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: franq 5/16/2024 6:47:19 PM (No. 1719247)
For me, the timing prior to the presidential election rules out "accidental".
19 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Rinktum 5/17/2024 5:57:35 AM (No. 1719402)
Will one of these liars be held accountable for the deaths of millions of people? Yeah, that’s what I think too.
12 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: msjena 5/17/2024 8:04:17 AM (No. 1719443)
China sent the virus to prove our freedoms are illusory.
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Bassman1911 5/17/2024 8:30:50 AM (No. 1719452)
There are so many people who should be rotting away in prison right now. Where is our justice system?
5 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Lawsy0 5/17/2024 9:05:06 AM (No. 1719479)
Who is going to help Dr. Collins put the toothpaste back in the tube? So much ruin; so little reason. I'm still mad about keeping bars and whorehouses open and closing churches. Easier to blame Fauci and Birx since they were the spokesnazis.
7 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: happywarrior 5/17/2024 9:17:54 AM (No. 1719482)
I had the China virus in the summer of 2021 and the entire time I was sick I had a very slight strange metallic taste in my mouth. It was nothing like a cold or the flu and I was certain from then on that this virus was man-made. I've never taken the shot.
6 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Zigrid 5/17/2024 9:51:42 AM (No. 1719511)
Covid was another globalists attempt at controlling President Trump...and the real information was to damage his chances at the 2020 election....they may have stepped in "it"...because now Americans will never trust the science community again....government has it's foot in the door to many times...and WE make our own decisions from now on.....and forget big Pharma....I go out of my way to avoid their companies.....
6 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Hermoine 5/17/2024 1:35:23 PM (No. 1719701)
Remember how so many people were upset that none of the top bankers went to jail for 2008 financial crisis? Well, same thing is happening top government bureaucrats are going to go to jail for not only starting the pandemic, but also pouring gas on the fire, which destroying businesses and lives. Better yet, they [knowingly] promoted the exact wrong treatments, ensuring millions died. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they created the virus to release the virus at the optimal time to gain political power. I know, I know, crazy talk. And just know...nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is going to happen to them. Zero accountability.
2 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: TurtleDove 5/17/2024 7:07:19 PM (No. 1719885)
We knew all this. We also reasoned it had all been done to thwart Trump's extremely successful Presidency. It's amazing to me how many people will not see the truth even when the NIH admits it themselves.
1 person likes this.

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Blow to UAW as Mercedes workers in Alabama
vote against unionization
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/17/2024 5:31:14 PM Post Reply
The United Auto Workers has failed in its bid to unionize workers at two Mercedes-Benz plants in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, in a blow to the union’s plans to build its membership in the southern states. The loss on Friday comes amid the UAW’s ambitious union-organizing campaign to organize 150,000 non-union auto workers around the US. In April the UAW won a landslide victory at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where 73% of workers voted to unionize. The final vote was 2,642 against union representation and 2,045 for. Fifty-six percent of workers voted no.
Nearly 100 Retired General Officers Urge
America to Maintain Support for Israel
2 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/17/2024 10:42:30 AM Post Reply
It's not quite a rebuke of President Biden--most former General Officers try to refrain from attacking the Commander in Chief--but these former high-ranking military officers are clearly pushing back from the administration's pulling back from supporting Israel. How high ranking? How about the former Commander of the US Central Command? Or the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe? Or Commander of the US Strategic Command? Actually, forget it. Just think commanders and deputy commanders of just about every military branch and unit of note we have in every theater around the world. They all urge that America remain steadfast in its support for Israel and its war effort against Hamas.
CNN Throws in the Towel on NY Trump Case 6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/17/2024 1:14:37 AM Post Reply
Michael Cohen is making it up. He is a liar. Not just in the past but right here, right now, on the stand. He is committing perjury so obvious that it's laughable for anyone to believe him. Donald Trump supporters already knew that. Most Independents suspected it. But this is CNN. Only George Conway and the hosts at MSNBC still believe that Donald Trump is guilty. Perhaps even they don't believe it, although they would never admit it. Anderson Cooper is no fan of Donald Trump. That is being kind. He hates Trump with the burning heat of the sun. But Cooper got on TV to say
Deadly storms slam Houston yet again as
nearly 1 million customers without power
in Texas
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/17/2024 1:10:23 AM Post Reply
Deadly thunderstorms blew out windows in high-rise buildings, downed trees and knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in the Houston area Thursday as Southeast Texas got pummeled for the second time this month. At least four people were killed due to the storms, Houston Mayor John Whitmire told reporters in a news briefing Thursday night. "We have a storm with 100 mph winds, the equivalent of Hurricane Ike, considerable damage downtown," Whitmire said, adding that the region may have been hit by tornadoes as well. At least two of the fatalities were caused by fallen trees, Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peña told reporters.
IDF Finds Loaded Rocket Launchers in Rafah 9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/17/2024 1:06:29 AM Post Reply
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has found loaded rocket launchers during its operation in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, now in its second week. Rocket fire from Gaza into Israel, which was nearly constant in the days following the October 7 terror attack, has largely subsided. However, in recent weeks, Hamas terrorists have fired rockets at the Keren Shalom crossing, where humanitarian aid enters Gaza near Rafah, and at the city of Sderot, near northern Gaza. In a statement, the IDF said: The soldiers of the 401st Brigade combat team, under the 162nd Division, continue precise operations in specific areas of eastern Rafah.
House Judiciary votes to hold Garland
in contempt
9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/16/2024 3:02:04 PM Post Reply
The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday advanced a measure to hold in contempt Attorney General Merrick Garland in an 18-15 party line vote, a step Republicans on the House Oversight panel are also expected to take later this evening. A last-minute move from President Biden to claim executive privilege over audio recordings from his interview with special counsel Robert Hur did not dissuade the GOP from proceeding, even as Garland said those asserting the privilege “cannot be prosecuted for criminal contempt of Congress.”
Supreme Court rules Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau funding structure is legal
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/16/2024 10:39:14 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the funding structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is legal. The court rejected an argument that the CFPB's funding method violated the U.S. Constitution's Appropriations Clause because Congress had not annually authorized money for the agency. Instead, Congress authorized the CFPB to draw funding from the Federal Reserve system that the agency's director deems necessary for its work. The 7-2 ruling, whose majority opinion was written by Justice Clarence Thomas, a conservative, reversed a decision by the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Three other conservatives, and the court's three liberal justices, joined in the majority opinion.
Biden asserts executive privilege over
Hur audio files ahead of House contempt
proceedings against Garland
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/16/2024 10:17:12 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has asserted executive privilege over the recordings of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, according to letters from the White House and Justice Department to House Republicans. Republican lawmakers had previously subpoenaed the audio recordings of Biden’s interviews, along with his ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer and other items from Hur’s investigation into Biden’s handling of classified information. The House Oversight and Judiciary committees are scheduled to begin the process of holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with those subpoenas on Thursday.
Exclusive: Former NIH Head Francis Collins
Admits Covid Origins Not Settled, No Science
to Back Social-Distance Guidance
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/16/2024 10:14:13 AM Post Reply
The nation’s top public health official during the Covid-19 pandemic admitted that the origins of the coronavirus remain up for debate, the lab-leak theory is not a conspiracy, and that there was no scientific evidence to support the government’s social-distancing guidance. Former National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins testified behind closed-doors earlier this year and made those admissions to the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, according to a transcript and accompanying subcommittee memo provided to National Review. “Do you recall science or evidence that supported the six-foot distance?”
Poll: More Say Economy Will ‘Get Better’
if Trump Elected, ‘Worse’ if Biden Reelected
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/16/2024 1:28:24 AM Post Reply
More believe the economy will “get better” if former President Donald Trump is elected in November, and more believe it will get “worse” if President Joe Biden wins a second term, a weekly survey from the Economist/YouGov found. Overall, a plurality, 47 percent, said the economy will “get worse,” while just 21 percent predicted that the economy will “get better” if Biden, 81, is reelected. Another 21 percent said it will “stay the same.” Notably, a plurality of independents, 47 percent, also believe the economy will “get worse” if Biden is reelected, compared to 12 percent who believe it will get better.
There may be something bigger afoot regarding
that assassination attempt on Slovakia's
prime minister
5 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/16/2024 1:25:48 AM Post Reply
In Europe's first major assault on a state leader since the assassination of Olaf Palme in Sweden in the 1980s, a socialist opened fire and injured Slovakia's conservative prime minister, Robert Fico Wednesday. He held a lot of controversial views and stances on causes dear to the globalist crowd, but there is no clear motive thus far. Still, there has been interesting speculation as to what it might mean. Slovakia is a small country and not viewed as particularly pivotal, but David Goldman, who knows a thing or million about geopolitics and realpolitick, thinks it may be bringing Europe closer to war.
White House Can’t Explain Why Egypt
Is Blocking Aid to Gaza
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/16/2024 1:12:01 AM Post Reply
The White House has criticized Israel in the past for the slow pace of humanitarian aid delivery, as well as for recent attacks by right-wing activists on aid trucks, but struggled Wednesday to criticize Egypt for blocking aid to Gaza. Egypt has been blocking the passage of aid trucks into Gaza ever since Israel seized control of the Rafah Crossing, on the Egyptian-Gaza border, last week. Egypt opposes Israel’s operation in Gaza to defeat the last Hamas battalions. On Wednesday, Jake Turx, the White House correspondent for the Orthodox Jewish magazine Ami, asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to react to Egypt’s actions. Jean-Pierre appeared to dodge the question.
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Pope Francis: Conservatives Have a ‘Suicidal Attitude 36 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/17/2024 3:22:26 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis told CBS anchor Norah O’Donnell that conservatives are willfully blind and manifest a “suicidal attitude” in their narrowmindedness. In an interview set to air Sunday on 60 Minutes, the pope asserts that a conservative “is someone who clings to something and does not want to see beyond that. It is a suicidal attitude.” “One thing is to take tradition into account and consider situations from the past but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box,” he adds.
Petition to boot Harrison Butker from
the Kansas City Chiefs surges to 70,000
signatures after the kicker's 'sexist,
homophobic, anti-trans, anti-abortion
and racist' college graduation speech
34 replies
Posted by Imright 5/16/2024 3:24:47 AM Post Reply
A petition demanding the release of Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker from the team and NFL has gone viral in wake of his controversial graduation speech at a private college in Kansas. Butker, an outspoken Catholic and married father-of-two, congratulated the women receiving their degrees at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, last weekend, and said most of them were probably more excited about getting married, having children and staying at home to raise them, rather than establishing their careers. He also assailed Pride month, a particularly important time for the LGBTQ+ rights movement, and President Joe Biden's stance on abortion.
Joe Biden is carrying a MASSIVE personal
debt as it's revealed the President and
wife Jill failed to sell books - netting
zero royalties from three titles
26 replies
Posted by Imright 5/16/2024 1:26:47 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden are carrying a personal debt of up to $815,000, their financial records show, and no one is buying the president's books. Most of the couple's debt is the mortgage on their Delaware home and an equity loan on that home. Additionally their debt consists of a term loan of about $15,000 and a loan against a mutual fund for about $50,000. In total, the Bidens reported assets between roughly $1 million and $2.6 million and liabilities between roughly $350,000 and $850,000, according to an Office of Government Ethics form
Ex-diversity boss at Facebook, Nike who
orchestrated fake events to steal $5M
gets five years, must pay back hefty sum
25 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/16/2024 10:19:25 PM Post Reply
The ex-diversity program manager for Facebook and Nike who stole more than $5 million from the mega companies to fund her “luxury lifestyle” was sentenced Monday to five years behind bars — and ordered to pay back the hefty sum. Barbara Furlow-Smiles, 38, set up fake business deals, invoices and events — including a Juneteenth celebration — to line her own pockets, the Justice Department said. “Furlow-Smiles shamelessly violated her position of trust as a DEI executive at Facebook to steal millions from the company utilizing a scheme involving fraudulent vendors, fake invoices, and cash kickbacks,” said US Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan said in a statement.
Jewish Biden appointee resigns over president’s
stance on war in Gaza: ‘Blood of innocent
people on his hands’
24 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/16/2024 2:35:25 PM Post Reply
A Jewish Biden administration official resigned over President Joe Biden’s stance on the war in Gaza, becoming the first Jewish staffer appointed by the president to resign publicly. Lily Greenberg Call, special assistant to the chief of staff in the Interior Department, cited her Jewish heritage as the reason for her resignation. In her letter, she related her deep ties to the United States and Israel but expressed deep opposition to Israel’s conduct in its war against Hamas in Gaza, calling it a “genocide.” “The President has the power to call for a lasting ceasefire, to stop sending weapons to Israel, and to condition aid
Appeals Court: Parents Cannot Opt K-5
Children Out of Pro-LGBTQ Curriculum
22 replies
Posted by Judy W. 5/17/2024 8:41:20 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday, a federal appeals court ruled that parents in Maryland’s largest school district do not have the right to opt their children out of pro-LGBTQ curriculum in the K-5 grades. (Snip) The plaintiffs, three pairs of parents who sued Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), argued that their children being forced to read such books as “The Pride Puppy,” “Uncle Bobby’s Wedding” and “Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope,” would be in violation of both federal law and state law. Such teachings directly clash with what the parents want to teach their children about “what it means to be male and female; the institution of marriage;
Fani Willis suffers new blow as Georgia
court allows Donald Trump's appeal to
remove the Fulton County DA from his election
fraud case
20 replies
Posted by Imright 5/16/2024 8:54:38 PM Post Reply
The Georgia Court of Appeals has given a green light to Donald Trump's case to remove Fani Willis from his election fraud trial in the latest blow to the Fulton County DA. Willis has courted controversy while prosecuting the county's election interference case against Trump after it was revealed she had a past relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade. She escaped with just a slap on the wrist after Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee dramatically ruled she could stay on the Trump election interference case if Wade removed himself.
Brave Cops Target That Criminal Mastermind
Scottie Scheffler
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/17/2024 2:27:27 PM Post Reply
We live in a country where crime is out of control. Smash-and-grab mobs loot stores in cities across the nation, illegal aliens are assaulting and murdering wantonly, and antisemitic protesters are running roughshod over college campuses. But thank God that one of the greatest criminal masterminds in history got his due on Friday morning. Scottie Scheffler is the number-one golfer on the PGA tour. He’s the reigning Masters champion and the favorite to win this weekend’s PGA Championship. He’s a devout Christian, a devoted husband, and a new father. And thanks to the intrepid work of the Louisville, Ky., Police Department, whose officers totally didn’t overreact, he now faces four charges,
CNN's Jake Tapper, who called Trump's
presidency a 'nightmare,' tapped to moderate
presidential debate
19 replies
Posted by Imright 5/16/2024 10:17:15 AM Post Reply
CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who in recent years has become one of the most prominent anti-Trump voices in the liberal media, was selected to moderate CNN’s Presidential Debate between the former president and President Biden. It was announced Wednesday that Tapper will co-moderate the debate with CNN colleague Dana Bash on June 27 in Atlanta after both candidates agreed to the terms. But Tapper's hostile coverage of Trump and Republicans will perhaps offer a preview of what Trump should expect going into the key political showdown.
Man who attacked Nancy Pelosi’s husband
sentenced to 30 years in prison
18 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/17/2024 5:06:01 PM Post Reply
David DePape, the man who attacked former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) husband with a hammer in October 2022, was sentenced to 30 years in prison on Friday. The attack on Paul Pelosi occurred in the Pelosis’ San Francisco home on Oct. 28, 2022, just days before the midterm elections. DePape was found guilty on Nov. 16 for the attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault on the immediate family member of a federal official. Prosecutors had pushed for DePape to serve the maximum term of 40 years. Paul Pelosi suffered a fractured skull and severe damage to his left hand. To this day, he deals with terrible headaches,
We now know the likely truth about COVID,
and how scientists lied
18 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/17/2024 12:08:13 PM Post Reply
COVID-19, which killed 1.1 million Americans and destroyed the lives and livelihoods of millions more, is a manmade virus that escaped from a Chinese lab partly funded by the US government. Even today, you’re not supposed to say that — even though it’s the only plausible scenario. No, “fact checkers” will rush in to claim that eminent scientists deny this. Which is because those scientists have too much invested — in money, in time, in their own beliefs — to admit the truth. But as Congress continues to probe, that truth is coming out, little by little, and the lies are being exposed:
AOC, 'baby girl' Marjorie Taylor Greene
trade barbs in fiery Garland hearing:
'Are your feelings hurt?'
18 replies
Posted by Moritz55 5/17/2024 9:29:33 AM Post Reply
Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene had a heated exchange Thursday evening during what was supposed to be a contempt hearing for Attorney General Merrick Garland. The House Oversight Committee had originally been convened to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for refusing to comply with a subpoena to hand over an audio recording of President Biden’s interview with a special counsel. The hearing quickly spiraled out of control, with lawmakers bickering with one another. Less than an hour after the hearing was underway, Greene took shots at her Democratic colleague, Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas.
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