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While America Props Up Ukraine, Former
Afghan Soldiers Trained by U.S. Forces
Are Coming to the Aid of Russia—And
It’s Through Their Embassy in Iran

Original Article

Posted By: DW626, 5/10/2024 12:19:39 PM

Ironically, a growing number of soldiers once trained in Afghanistan to fight against the Taliban alongside U.S. forces are now teaming up with Russia to defeat Ukraine—not through Wagner Group, but simply through the Russian embassy in Iran. Ahmad Ehsan (a pseudonym) is one of more than tens of thousands of Afghan interpreters and others who fought alongside U.S. forces and were left behind to be hunted by the Taliban after the U.S. withdrawal from the country in August 2021. With the fear of torture or death, if he’s found, Ehsan used a pseudonym and an encrypted messaging service to communicate with the author.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Quigley 5/10/2024 12:25:40 PM (No. 1715650)
To quote the fake foreign student that Big Bidet used to work for, ‘never underestimate joe’s ability to @$& things up.’
13 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: seamusm 5/10/2024 12:32:04 PM (No. 1715655)
So Russia can't find enough home grown soldiers and think these can be trusted?
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 5/10/2024 12:54:36 PM (No. 1715670)
Russia is employing terrorists. Another name for those Afghan soldiers is Taliban. Russia has to be hard up to stoop this low.
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 5/10/2024 12:56:09 PM (No. 1715672)
#2 why kill off Russian youth when you can pay people to do the fighting for you.? Trained people. People who hate the U.S. because joe Biden screwed them over.
17 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 5/10/2024 1:34:32 PM (No. 1715685)
Joe Biden's America abandoned them, who else can they turn to? Russia is running out of soldiers so it's a win-win for them.
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Luandir 5/10/2024 3:06:54 PM (No. 1715714)
Every step in this chain has been enabled by Joe Bidet.
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 5/10/2024 3:08:59 PM (No. 1715717)
Simple rule: Islamic people are never our friends, and we should NEVER train them in military arts. NEVER.
10 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: rochow 5/10/2024 9:34:36 PM (No. 1715855)
Can't blame these guys. They were horribly betrayed by that moron vegetable who was a 5x draft dodger and knows nothing about the military, but a lot about 'how to make new enemies every single day.' Forgot what his name was.
1 person likes this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Kate318 5/10/2024 10:22:59 PM (No. 1715875)
Russia is not running out of soldiers.
0 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: TCloud 5/11/2024 9:25:58 AM (No. 1716017)
They will be well led and capable fighters!
0 people like this.

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While America Props Up Ukraine, Former
Afghan Soldiers Trained by U.S. Forces
Are Coming to the Aid of Russia—And
It’s Through Their Embassy in Iran
10 replies
Posted by DW626 5/10/2024 12:19:39 PM Post Reply
Ironically, a growing number of soldiers once trained in Afghanistan to fight against the Taliban alongside U.S. forces are now teaming up with Russia to defeat Ukraine—not through Wagner Group, but simply through the Russian embassy in Iran. Ahmad Ehsan (a pseudonym) is one of more than tens of thousands of Afghan interpreters and others who fought alongside U.S. forces and were left behind to be hunted by the Taliban after the U.S. withdrawal from the country in August 2021. With the fear of torture or death, if he’s found, Ehsan used a pseudonym and an encrypted messaging service to communicate with the author.
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Posted by DW626 5/9/2024 2:34:06 PM Post Reply
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Paul Ryan isn’t voting for Donald Trump
because ‘character’ matters
40 replies
Posted by DW626 5/9/2024 2:11:54 PM Post Reply
Paul Ryan must be very confused about what makes a person’s “character” good or bad; according to a new report, the former congressman will not be voting for Donald Trump, because “character is too important” and therefore, he can’t get behind a guy like Trump. Apparently, Ryan intends to write in another Republican candidate, which is obviously a throw away vote and therefore, one less vote against Joe Biden. Funny, because Ryan and all the other RINOs never say a word about Biden’s character, nor are they that critical of his policies. The goal with Ryan and others is to destroy Trump.
Will the Supreme Court Let This Crisis
Go to Waste?
7 replies
Posted by DW626 5/8/2024 7:38:40 AM Post Reply
Has the Supreme Court noticed that we’ve crossed a legal Rubicon? The Constitution — that thing the Court is supposed to defend — is becoming less relevant by the day because the left has decided that our mutual pact of self-governance doesn’t apply to leftists. They have weaponized our government against us — using it to surveil, silence, harass, and steal from us. Our own government is even arguing that the Constitution should not be a constraint on its operations — which is precisely what its purpose is. Are the Supreme Court Justices beginning to realize that we are in crisis? Two recent cases indicate
Is Marjorie 'Judas' Greene Betraying Donald Trump? 26 replies
Posted by DW626 5/7/2024 7:17:49 AM Post Reply
Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus’s 12 Apostles. In the Garden of Gethsemane the night before Jesus's crucifixion, Judas betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin who eventually arrested Jesus. Jesus predicted this betrayal during the Last Supper. In exchange for his treachery, Judas received thirty pieces of silver. Could he have also been threatened? Who knows? The Bible says nothing about that. Modern day betrayals, particularly of leaders, occur via carrot or stick, reward or kompromat. For Judas, the price was a pocket of silver coins. For members of Congress, the price may be a do-nothing board seat, a cable news gig, or stock options worth millions.
Barack Obama, 21st-Century Schizoid Man 9 replies
Posted by DW626 5/6/2024 12:18:36 PM Post Reply
Although not a psychologist, I nevertheless convinced thousands of trusting souls to open their mouths (and wallets) for needles, drills, forceps, foul tastes, strange smells, not-good vibrations, and bills beyond imagination for more than forty years. And after the obligatory formalities and a couple jabs of the ol’ Novocain had been dispensed with, I’d sit, patiently waiting for profound anesthesia, and provide free psychoanalysis to my patients. I’d listen carefully — most times — and then, no matter what the patient’s problem was, I’d say, “You have a problem with congruity.”
Chicago Teachers Union Wants Pay Hikes,
Lower Standards, Abortions, LGBT Training
and Migrant Accomodation in Latest $50B Demand
33 replies
Posted by DW626 5/5/2024 5:00:28 PM Post Reply
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has many demands in their latest salvo in negotiating a new contract with the public schools system. While the union’s demands have not been made public, Fox News reports a leaked document “sheds light on the eye-popping demands.” The $50 billion they are asking for includes a 9% wage hike, fully paid abortions for its members, new migrant services and facilities, and a myriad of LGBT-related requirements. According to Fox News, the total base tax receipts for the state of Illinois last year were $50.7 billion.
President Trump Calls For Jack Smith to
be Arrested After Special Counsel Admits
HE LIED TO THE COURT About Classified
Docs Seized from Mar-a-Lago
19 replies
Posted by DW626 5/5/2024 4:43:15 PM Post Reply
President Trump this weekend called for Jack Smith to be arrested after the Special Counsel admitted in a court filing that he lied to the court about the classified documents seized from Mar-a-Lago. “ARREST DERANGED JACK SMITH. HE IS A CRIMINAL!” Trump said in a Truth Social post this weekend. Jack Smith admitted he lied to the Court about the classified documents seized from Mar-a-Lago in a motion filed late Friday night. Special Counsel Jack Smith on Friday evening responded to Trump’s co-defendant Walt Nauta’s motion to extend a deadline for disclosures in the classified documents case.
US Military Academy Introduces Woke Curriculum
with Courses on Deconstructing Patriotism,
Cross-Dressing in the Military, Gender
Norms, and Representation in the Ranks
28 replies
Posted by DW626 5/5/2024 4:02:28 PM Post Reply
The United States Military Academy at West Point is introducing a new curriculum that includes courses on “deconstructing patriotism,” “cross-dressing in the military,” and other topics related to gender norms and representation. These courses are part of a broader initiative by the Biden regime to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) propaganda into the curriculum over duty, honor, and country. Former Navy SEAL and Representative Scott Taylor (R-VA) tweeted his concerns after the curriculum was reportedly shared with him, stating, “This was sent to me, classes at U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Has Leftist Lawfare Created the Police
State Yet?
8 replies
Posted by DW626 5/5/2024 1:52:36 PM Post Reply
Increasing numbers of worried Americans have been wondering over the last few years whether progressive Democrats have succeeded in creating a police state in America. From the Russia Hoax to the revelations of the Twitter Files release, to the coordinated attempts to quash scandalous and true Biden family stories, to the blatant display of dual justice, they’ve seen that the cabal of one political party, with its power bases in the government and the sycophant media, has succeeded in limiting or destroying political opponents while eliminating individual rights. Just how bad is it? Has that cabal suspended our American Constitution and Bill
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Virginia school board votes to restore
names of Confederate leaders to schools
30 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/10/2024 3:25:06 PM Post Reply
The school board in Shenandoah County, Virginia, early Friday approved a proposal that will restore the names of Confederate military leaders to two public schools. The measure, which passed 5-1, reverses a previous board’s decision in 2020 to change the names of schools that had been linked to Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Turner Ashby, three men who led the pro-slavery Southern states during the Civil War. Mountain View High School will go back to the name Stonewall Jackson High School. Honey Run Elementary School will go back to the name Ashby-Lee Elementary School. The board stripped their names after a Minneapolis police officer murdered George Floyd,
Did Biden's Love for Hamas Just Lose Him
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/10/2024 10:18:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/10/2024 3:38:39 AM Post Reply
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Biden Says Trump Should Have Injected
Himself with Bleach: ‘Wish He Had Done
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27 replies
Posted by Imright 5/11/2024 9:16:28 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden said during a fundraiser Friday in San Francisco, California, that he wished former President Donald Trump had injected himself with bleach. While speaking at the fundraiser on Friday, Biden referenced a false claim that Trump had once suggested people “inject bleach” to help treat the coronavirus, saying he wished the former president “had done a little bit himself,” according to the Jerusalem Post.“Remember him saying the best thing to do is just inject a little bleach in your arm?” Biden said on Friday. “That’s what he said. And he meant it. I wish he had done a little bit himself.”
One man was a Capitol Police officer.
The other rioted on Jan. 6. They’re
both running for Congress
26 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/10/2024 9:11:18 AM Post Reply
For Derrick Evans, being part of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol wasn’t enough. The former West Virginia lawmaker wants to make his path to the halls of Congress permanent. On the other side of the metal barricades that day, Police Officer Harry Dunn couldn’t stand what he saw as he defended the Capitol and its inhabitants from rioters on Jan. 6, 2021. Ultimately, the Maryland resident watched lawmakers he had protected vote to acquit former President Donald Trump and deny the violence and trauma that led to the deaths of some of his fellow officers.
Entitled Illegal Immigrants Send Mayor
Long List of Demands: 'Unlimited Showers,
Fresh Food'
24 replies
Posted by Imright 5/10/2024 3:46:58 AM Post Reply
Dozens of illegal immigrants in Denver issued a lengthy list of demands that they say must be met before they agreed to leave the encampments and move to shelters funded by the city. The group of illegal aliens sent a list of 13 demands to Democrat Mayor Mike Johnston on Wednesday which include, access to a free immigration lawyer, fresh food, and unlimited showers. The issue arose after Johnston petitioned to have the group moved to more permanent shelters. Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals- rice, chicken,
New research discovers that wind turbines
create a ‘turbulent wake’ that can
steal almost 40% of energy from other
‘nearby’ turbines
21 replies
Posted by DVC 5/10/2024 5:31:53 PM Post Reply
Is there a better example of putting the cart before the horse than “green” energy boondoggles of the left? The answer is a resounding no. Force conversions to electric vehicles without putting the proper and sufficient charging infrastructure in place? Check. Manufacture millions (billions?) of solar panels with no disposal plan in place? Check. Build countless offshore wind “farms” without conducting studies to determine the impacts? Check. [snip] Downstream turbulence from offshore wind turbines can reduce power generation at nearby turbines, substantially reducing the total potential from planned U.S. offshore wind projects, according to recent research from the Colorado University Boulder and National Energy Technology Laboratory.
Kevin McCarthy Says He ‘Couldn’t Live
With’ Himself If He Worked with Democrats
to Keep Speakership
21 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/10/2024 9:55:19 AM Post Reply
Former House speaker Kevin McCarthy said Thursday he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he had made a deal with Democrats to stave off his ouster from House leadership — as Speaker Mike Johnson did this week. The House dismissed a motion to oust Johnson on Wednesday night after Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R., Ga.) triggered a floor vote on her resolution. A motion to table Greene’s measure won support from 196 Republicans and 163 Democrats. Some Republicans have claimed Johnson won Democrats’ support by negotiating the passage of foreign aid to Ukraine,
This Pro-Hamas Student at Princeton Shows
How Weak and Soft the Left Is
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2024 1:40:32 AM Post Reply
It’s not enough that pro-Hamas mayhem has overtaken college campuses nationwide. We now have these students, though many are probably professional agitators, going on hunger strikes to protest the war in Gaza. We should put “hunger strike” in quotes since this is intermittent fasting. These kids are taking snack breaks—it’s the weakest sauce hunger strike ever. Yet, at Princeton, one student who claims to be immunocompromised complained that she was dying from her self-imposed hunger strike and blamed the school for weakening her. [Video] “This is absolutely unfair. My peers and I, we are starving. We are physically exhausted. I am quite literally shaking right now,
Kavanaugh on rebuilding trust in judicial
system: ‘Consistency builds respect’: Reports
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 5/11/2024 4:57:56 AM Post Reply
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh said Friday that “consistency builds respect” when it comes to trust in the U.S. judicial system Friday, according to The Washington Post. “Individual decisions don’t have to be popular. … The losing party has to respect the decision,” Kavanaugh said at a judicial conference Friday, the Post reported. Consistency builds respect,” Kavanaugh continued. “It’s showing up every day in the courtroom and trying to be respectful to the parties, to write your opinion in a way that’s clear and understandable, to get out when you’re speaking and try to explain, to the bar,
Exclusive: Melania Trump reveals son Barron,
18, has pulled out of being a delegate
nominating his father for president because
he has 'prior commitments'
17 replies
Posted by Imright 5/10/2024 5:59:23 PM Post Reply
Barron Trump is declining Florida's offer to be a delegate to the Republican National Convention this summer, citing 'prior committments,' according to his mother's office. Melania Trump's office made a statement to on behalf of her son. 'While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments,' the Office of Melania Trump said. No futher details were given. (Photo) On Wednesday, Barron, 18, was elected as an at-large delegate to help formally nominate his father Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee.
California AG Bonta Prepares Lawsuits
to Stop Trump Agenda If He Wins
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/10/2024 10:14:51 AM Post Reply
California Attorney General Rob Bonta (D) is preparing a barrage of lawsuits in the event that former President Donald Trump wins the 2024 election, studying his agenda and planning to stop it in advance in a repeat of 2017-21. Bonta is planning to repeat the work of his predecessor, Xavier Becerra, who returned from Congress and revived a dormant law license to sue the Trump administration in liberal federal jurisdictions to tie down his presidency. The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday: California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta said he and his staff have been reviewing former President Trump’s second-term agenda in detail to prepare a potential
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