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Alphabet Loses Antitrust Fight With Epic
Games Over Google Play

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/11/2023 8:02:39 PM

Google’s mobile app store maintains a monopoly in the Android app distribution and payments market, a federal jury in California decided, dealing a blow to the technology giant in a high-stakes antitrust battle with Epic Games Inc . Google Play willfully wields monopoly power through Alphabet Inc. unit Google’s anticompetitive conduct, jurors found Monday after deliberating for less than four hours following a nearly monthlong trial in San Francisco. The ruling could potentially jeopardize billions of dollars of revenue generated by Google’s app store. US District Judge James Donato, who oversaw the trial, will decide whether Google must open the door for payment and app distribution

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Mushroom 12/11/2023 8:38:54 PM (No. 1615353)
You guys seen Apple's model? What is the difference?
1 person likes this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 12/12/2023 1:19:21 AM (No. 1615421)
Good news. Any time that Google loses in court, we all win. Google is evil. Always has been.
1 person likes this.

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Pelosi: GOP Taking Away Freedom by Banning
Books — Classics ‘Now Burned’
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/13/2023 1:42:48 AM Post Reply
Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” that she believes Democrats are fighting for freedoms that Republicans are taking away with book bans. The former speaker claimed books in school that have been classics “are now burned.” Wagner said, “Some of the priorities for these Republican lawmakers in a vacuum. The most egregious things really stand out. Among them their war on reproductive freedom and the most recent comments from their informal head, their front runner, Donald Trump, who wants to replace Obamacare.” Pelosi said, “Yes, imagine that. When he was president he said repeal and replace. He had no replacement, he just wanted to repeal
Report: Hamas Leaders Flee Qatar, Turn
Phones Off
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/13/2023 1:29:33 AM Post Reply
Hamas leaders who had lived in luxurious exile in Qatar have left for unknown destinations as of Tuesday and have switched off their phones, according to the Israeli Kan channel’s Arabic news service, Makan. According to Makan (via Google translate), a “number” of Hamas leaders have left Qatar “for an unknown destination,” though they are presumed to be going to Lebanon, Iran, or Algeria. The Jerusalem Post added: “Additionally, on Tuesday, KAN news reported that Saleh al-Arouri, a senior member of Hamas, left his usual residence in Beirut for Turkey.” Other countries that have given refuge to Hamas in the past include Syria, though that is probably too close
Harvard cancels congressman who mocked
Harvard’s speech hypocrisy
3 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/13/2023 1:22:17 AM Post Reply
Harvard was once a reputable institution. Now, though, it’s a joke, and, moving forward, any parent who pays for it or young person who goes into debt for it has inadvertently taken an IQ test and proved to be only in the double digits. The latest example of Harvard’s fall, not just from grace but from decency, is the fact that two days after its president, Claudine Gay, insisted that its devotion to free speech was so absolute that even genocidal rhetoric deserved its day, Harvard canceled a Democrat congressman who had spoken slightingly of Gay’s remarks. I’m sure you’re familiar by now with what Gay said.
What Do You Have to Do to Get Fired From
Harvard? Update
3 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/13/2023 1:06:23 AM Post Reply
This is the most astonishing thing. Harvard PRESIDENT Claudine Gay is going to keep her schweet, schweet gig. Gobsmacking. She held on in the face of that ghastly, arrogant, heartless, anti-Semitic performance before Congress with the other “Poison Ivies.” The one where Ms Gay repeatedly refused to answer whether calling for the genocide of Jews violated Harvard’s policies. …Everything from the rot of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and the new racial segregation on campus to academia’s rigid, intolerant ideological partisanship, and its funding by nefarious foreign entities, was laid bare for the nation to see.
Biden, Netanyahu Clash over Israeli Bombing
Campaign, Post-War Gaza
10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 6:45:48 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden warned Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday that Israel might lose international support over its post-war plans for Gaza. At a Democratic fundraiser in Washington, D.C., Biden called the current Israeli government the “most conservative government in Israel’s history” and added that Netanyahu “doesn’t want a two-state solution,” which Biden said needs to change. “Israel’s security can rest on the United States, but right now it has more than the United States. It has the European Union, it has Europe, it has most of the world. . . . But they’re starting to lose that support by indiscriminate bombing that takes place,” Biden said.
At Cop28 it feels as if humanity’s shared
lifeboat is sinking. There are only hours
left to act
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 2:09:49 PM Post Reply
As Cop28 in Dubai enters its final hours, the emotional weight of the moment is hard to bear. I find myself thinking of a six-year-old boy called Desmond I met in Turkana county, Kenya, who died from severe acute malnutrition on the same day. His death was the result of a climate-induced drought that has left millions of people on the brink of starvation in the Horn of Africa. I want the negotiators deciding the outcome of Cop28 to know Desmond’s story. Because in the end, the climate crisis is not about pledges, statistics, reports or activists. It’s about human suffering and ruined lives. It’s about death.
Feds Sent Nearly $2 Billion To Planned
Parenthood And Other Pro-Abortion Groups,
Gov’t Report Finds
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 1:41:37 PM Post Reply
Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy organizations received nearly $2 billion in federal funding over a three year span, according to a new government report. The Government Accountability Office disclosed in a Tuesday report that $1.89 billion in federal dollars was allocated to multiple different pro-abortion organizations, including those that perform abortion, over the three year period from 2019 to 2021. Planned Parenthood received the overwhelming bulk of the sum, a whopping $1.78 billion, during the three-year period, all while it performed 1.11 million abortions.
Netanyahu: No Oslo II. ‘Gaza will be
neither Hamastan nor Fatahstan’
4 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 12:50:28 PM Post Reply
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back at United States plans to place a reformed Palestinian Authority in Gaza once Israel’s military campaign to oust Gaza is finished. "Gaza will be neither Hamastan nor Fatahstan,” he said on Tuesday. Netanyahu spoke as United States President Joe Biden has faced increased pressure to pressure Israel to halt the Gaza war, sparked by Hamas’ infiltration of southern Israel and the killing of over 1,200 people and seizure of some 250 hostages. The US has backed Israel’s military campaign, sending military and financial assistance. It vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire that failed to condemn Hamas.
Dershowitz: Identity Group ‘Studies’
Programs Should Be Abolished
3 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 11:46:16 AM Post Reply
On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz argued that various studies departments such as “Black Studies, Gay Studies, South Asian Studies, Jewish Studies” should all be abolished. Dershowitz stated, “[T]hese departments have tenured professors who can’t be fired. The departments, however, can be abolished. And we should abolish Black Studies, Gay Studies, South Asian Studies, Jewish Studies. You go to a university to study, to learn how to think, not to be part of a club, not to become part of a cheering section. And these departments, some of them are quite good academically, but many of them, for example, Critical Race Theory
Harvard Board: Gay's Plagiarism Is a Concern.
Also, We're Keeping Her.
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 11:06:51 AM Post Reply
Ahem. Later today, Beege will explore the question of what exactly it takes to get fired from Harvard. For now, let’s just marvel at the intellectual gymnastics of Harvard’s corporate board, which issued a statement just an hour ago or so expressing unanimous support for Claudine Gay … while tacitly admitting her plagiarism issues. Here’s the Harvard Crimson report passing along their enthusiastic vote-of-confidence in the integrity of Gay’s leadership: “As members of the Harvard Corporation, we today reaffirm our support for President Gay’s continued leadership of Harvard University,” the board wrote in a University-wide statement on Tuesday. “In this tumultuous and difficult time, we unanimously stand in support of President Gay.” Aaaaaand
Exclusive: Carol Swain Weighs in on Charge
Harvard President Claudine Gay Plagiarized Her
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 8:56:11 AM Post Reply
The groundbreaking political scientist whose work academic activist Christopher Rufo accused Harvard President Claudine Gay of plagiarizing told RedState she is shocked by this scandal coming on the heels of Gay’s disastrous Dec. 5 congressional hearing on antisemitism on college campuses. “I'm trying to process it because I feel like I don't have enough information to assess everything fully,” said Carol Swain, whose breakthrough book, “Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African Americans in Congress,” won the LBJ Foundation’s D.B. Hardeman Prize for congressional scholarship and the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award from the American Political Science Association.
Harvard President Claudine Gay to remain
in post: Harvard Crimson
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 8:40:37 AM Post Reply
Harvard President Claudine Gay is expected to remain in her post after her Congressional testimony on antisemitism sparked widespread public outrage last week. The Harvard Corporation, the university's governing body, will issue a statement of support for Gay on Tuesday morning, the Harvard Crimson reported, citing a source familiar with the board's decision after it met Monday to discuss the matter. Harvard University did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Gay, University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill and Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Sally Kornbluth each faced intense backlash after they appeared before Congress last week and were grilled
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Harvard board backs Claudine Gay as 'the
right leader to help our community heal'
- but admits her disastrous congress testimony
failed to give an 'unequivocal condemnation'
of anti-Semitism
28 replies
Posted by Imright 12/12/2023 9:12:06 AM Post Reply
Claudine Gay will remain as Harvard president with the full support of the Ivy League college's governing body, the university's board announced in a statement on Tuesday. The board wrote: 'As members of the Harvard Corporation, we today reaffirm our support for President Gay’s continued leadership of Harvard University. Our extensive deliberations affirm our confidence that President Gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing. The board acknowledged Gay's mistakes in handling anti-Semitism on campus, adding:
At Cop28 it feels as if humanity’s shared
lifeboat is sinking. There are only hours
left to act
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 2:09:49 PM Post Reply
As Cop28 in Dubai enters its final hours, the emotional weight of the moment is hard to bear. I find myself thinking of a six-year-old boy called Desmond I met in Turkana county, Kenya, who died from severe acute malnutrition on the same day. His death was the result of a climate-induced drought that has left millions of people on the brink of starvation in the Horn of Africa. I want the negotiators deciding the outcome of Cop28 to know Desmond’s story. Because in the end, the climate crisis is not about pledges, statistics, reports or activists. It’s about human suffering and ruined lives. It’s about death.
Michelle and Barack Obama’s latest movie
warns not to trust white people
25 replies
Posted by DW626 12/12/2023 6:03:26 AM Post Reply
A year after leaving the White House, Barack and Michelle Obama created a production company called Higher Ground Productions that would produce documentaries and high-end movies. Their most recent movie, though, seemingly seeks the lowest ground possible, for it appears to stoke racial hatred in the context of an apocalypse. According to the Higher Ground website, Leave the World Behind throws a white and black couple together during a massive cyberattack: A family’s (Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke) vacation is upended when two strangers (Mahershala Ali and Myha’la) arrive at night, seeking refuge from a cyberattack that grows more terrifying
Turkish MP Has Heart Attack While Saying
Allah Punishes Pro-Israel People
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/12/2023 7:25:54 PM Post Reply
A Turkish member of parliament collapsed on Tuesday with an apparent heart attack amid discussing godly punishments for the Israeli people. Felicity (Saadet) Party Member Hasan Bitmez fell beside a podium while addressing the Grand Assembly of the Turkish National Assembly during a reported budgetary discussion. "You will not escape the wrath of Allah," Bitmez, 54, said moments before he fainted and seemingly hit his head on the floor, immediately drawing a swarm of onlookers to intervene and provide medical attention. He reportedly has diabetes. (X) Multiple reports indicate that some type of cardiac event occurred requiring life-saving measures,
What Happened to Ron DeSantis? 19 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/12/2023 3:33:43 PM Post Reply
Ron DeSantis is running as the true-blue conservative in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. And he's learning the hard way that Republicans don't nominate true-blue conservatives. As Donald Trump leads every poll by double-digits, the Florida governor who seemed such a promising prospect just a year ago is now at risk of falling to third place. If Nikki Haley bests DeSantis in Iowa, his 2024 campaign won't be the only casualty; his hopes of ever becoming president will dim, and rivals won't fear him as they look to '28 or '32. How did DeSantis go from a 19-point reelection only a year ago to a fight for his political life today?
Harvard Board: Gay's Plagiarism Is a Concern.
Also, We're Keeping Her.
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/12/2023 11:06:51 AM Post Reply
Ahem. Later today, Beege will explore the question of what exactly it takes to get fired from Harvard. For now, let’s just marvel at the intellectual gymnastics of Harvard’s corporate board, which issued a statement just an hour ago or so expressing unanimous support for Claudine Gay … while tacitly admitting her plagiarism issues. Here’s the Harvard Crimson report passing along their enthusiastic vote-of-confidence in the integrity of Gay’s leadership: “As members of the Harvard Corporation, we today reaffirm our support for President Gay’s continued leadership of Harvard University,” the board wrote in a University-wide statement on Tuesday. “In this tumultuous and difficult time, we unanimously stand in support of President Gay.” Aaaaaand
Biden Puts Us On A Fast Train To Nowhere 19 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/12/2023 6:31:47 AM Post Reply
"At long last, we’re building the first high-speed rail project in our nation’s history. And it’s starting here.” That was President Joe Biden announcing last week that us taxpayers will be ponying up $3 billion to help a private company build a bullet train from Los Angeles to Las Vegas so gambleholics can start losing money more quickly. The L.A. to Vegas train will supposedly be finished in time for the Los Angeles Summer Olympics in 2028 — just four and half years from now. Well, anything is possible. A private company is planning to build the thing and claims to have the route and rights-of-way all figured out. But
Newt Gingrich: U.S. Climate Czar John
Kerry Is ‘Not Mentally Sound’
18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/12/2023 1:55:53 PM Post Reply
John Kerry’s call to end all coal-powered electricity generation is “silly” and “self-destructive,” writes former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and “makes the United States look delusional.” In his punchy essay, Gingrich insists that it is “not hyperbole or exaggeration” to call John Kerry “crazy,” since the word crazy means “marked by thought or action that lacks reason.” Mr. Kerry’s failing mental state was on full display during his recent “emotional speech” to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, where he made a plea to “end all coal burning power plant construction in the entire world.”
Biden goes into 2024 with the economy
getting stronger, but voters feel horrible
about it
17 replies
Posted by snakeoil 12/12/2023 12:04:10 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden goes into next year’s election with a vexing challenge: Just as the U.S. economy is getting stronger, people are still feeling horrible about it. Pollsters and economists say there has never been as wide a gap between the underlying health of the economy and public perception. The divergence could be a decisive factor in whether the Democrat secures a second term next year. Republicans are seizing on the dissatisfaction to skewer Biden, while the White House is finding less success as it tries to highlight economic progress.
Three Colorado refs brawl at fourth-graders
basketball game in wild video
17 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 12/12/2023 8:58:52 AM Post Reply
These referees need to be hit with technical fouls. Three refs at a Colorado youth basketball game threw punches and tackled each other in the middle of a court surrounded by horrified onlookers, shocking video shows. The brawl broke out during the fourth quarter of a fourth-grade boys’ game between Cherry Creek and Legend Blue on Saturday morning at the Gold Crown Field House in Lakewood, according to a clip of the live-streamed game posted online. Two of the refs walk toward each other aggressively as one of them takes a swing before a third runs over and tackles one of the pair to the ground
Will Mitt Romney Back Biden? 16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/12/2023 12:19:24 PM Post Reply
Mitt may be moot when it comes to representing the people of Utah in the U.S. Senate, but something tells me that he isn't quite finished yet in the political arena. At least, he probably does not think so. Advertisement During Mitt's career as a senator, I, and doubtless, countless other Utah Republicans, quietly seethed when some wonk or pundit opined that the people of Utah adored Romney. I'm sure there are some older folks in Utah, who look at his LDS background and who would vote a straight "R" ticket no matter what, who may have his back.
Progressive Chicago Teachers Union boss
owes thousands in unpaid utility bills
despite eye-popping salary
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/12/2023 3:35:02 PM Post Reply
The progressive president of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) owes thousands in unpaid utility bills despite making an eye-popping salary, the Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) has found. According to the non-profit group, Stacy Davis Gates owes the city of Chicago $5,579 in unpaid water, sewer and trash bills as of Nov. 7, 2023, despite bringing home "at least" $289,000 a year. (snip) Last month she was billed for back taxes due to an "unlawful deduction" she took on a home in Indiana. (snip) In September, Davis Gates defended sending her son to a private school despite being an outspoken critic of them.
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