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New York is now the ‘least free’ state,
thanks to Democratic policies

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 11/24/2023 5:09:32 AM

New York state once again ranks as the “least free” in America, as a new Cato Institute report nails woes The Post has long decried. Cato’s libertarians rank the Empire State dead-last, 50th, for policies impacting economic, social and personal freedoms — and even where it scores slight gains (for legalizing pot and reforming criminal justice), Albany plainly screwed up. “Combined, state and local taxes are crushing. Debt is down from years past but is still the highest in the country at 26.1 percent of income,” notes the report. No wonder the state’s seeing a huge exodus to Florida (No. 2 in freedom, behind New Hampshire, and first in economic freedom),

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 5 handicap 11/24/2023 5:55:05 AM (No. 1604002)
That I exactly what parasites enable...Give up freedom for freebies! If there weren't such a large population above 125th St, NY might be livable.
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mifla 11/24/2023 7:41:14 AM (No. 1604043)
When governments start buying votes, the price of the votes increases over time. Once a give away program is in place, the government cannot end it without losing votes. Just a matter of time before you find yourself in a liberal hell hole.
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Strike3 11/24/2023 9:34:04 AM (No. 1604134)
I waded through Hochul's speech promoting disinformation training in K-12 school this week. She is one of the stupidest politicians out there and it's a big population in which to be a standout.
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 11/24/2023 10:43:46 AM (No. 1604215)
But - - but - - N'Yawk leads the country in pronoun control. Doesn't that count for something?
12 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: doctorfixit 11/24/2023 11:14:13 PM (No. 1604543)
Every time I think about the place I am so grateful I escaped 50 years ago. . It was a gulag even back then under "Republican" governor Nelson Rockefeller, who threw hippies into Attica Prison for 20 years for possession of a bag of weed Since then it has descended even further under NYC mafia and big finance house rule. The enviro-fascists eviscerated the industrial base of cities like Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse. Whorehouse Governor Spitzer sniffed down his big nose that New York State had become Appalachia. He was right. Depressed and losing population for half a century, New York's voters are like stunned sheep,. lacking the strength to challenge the bloodsucker politicians.
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Lazyman 11/25/2023 7:44:52 AM (No. 1604650)
I miss it but what I miss is gone. I am just happy to have the freedom to classify it as a No-Go Zone and opt out of it.
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 11/25/2023 9:34:30 AM (No. 1604713)
I used to wonder why the people are pushy, greedy, angry and impatient all the time. Living under those conditions might be an explanation for the mental illness and depression. During COVID there was no longer a need to wonder why so many New York license plates began to show up in neighborhoods all up and down the East Coast.
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: cireskul 11/25/2023 10:09:20 AM (No. 1604757)
New York, too stupid to survive. And I do not care if it survives, not worth my time or energy.
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Zigrid 11/25/2023 10:39:15 AM (No. 1604797)
Never spent anytime in New York city...just passing through on the tappanzee one time...and it was a I can't say I know what's happening in New York....they have a governor who wasn't elected...but was installed and she seems to be out of control....New Yorkers will have to fix their own problems...the mayor has a target on his back and the democrats will take him out with their they did with Cuomo....
5 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 11/25/2023 10:57:16 AM (No. 1604822)
The article calls for voters to affect regime change. When Dominion Ballot “scammers” “count” the votes in all NY Counties except Erie, Albany and the five boroughs of NYC that isn’t going to happen. You see, when I voted last year and this year, in the room where the “voting” happened, I did a scan for available WiFi “Hotspots..” there were seven last year, this year, ten, for two Dominion “scanners..” the nomenclature for both scans were the same except for the added channels. Why FOX settled I will never understand. They chickened out or are being blackmailed like so many other entities in this Marxist Government since the 2020 Coup d’etat. Dominion was an essential part of the Coup. The fact that a “venture capital” firm was the big winner in that Dominion settlement gives us all a lot of food for thought.
4 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 11/25/2023 8:11:28 PM (No. 1605007)
The original LAW AND ORDER television program did not paint a flattering picture of New York City. I visited and saw it to be a dreadful place...for the most part. Good food places, though.
0 people like this.

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Posted by Mercedes44 11/24/2023 5:13:11 AM Post Reply
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New York is now the ‘least free’ state,
thanks to Democratic policies
11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/24/2023 5:09:32 AM Post Reply
New York state once again ranks as the “least free” in America, as a new Cato Institute report nails woes The Post has long decried. Cato’s libertarians rank the Empire State dead-last, 50th, for policies impacting economic, social and personal freedoms — and even where it scores slight gains (for legalizing pot and reforming criminal justice), Albany plainly screwed up. “Combined, state and local taxes are crushing. Debt is down from years past but is still the highest in the country at 26.1 percent of income,” notes the report. No wonder the state’s seeing a huge exodus to Florida (No. 2 in freedom, behind New Hampshire, and first in economic freedom),
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Posted by Mercedes44 11/22/2023 7:13:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 11/17/2023 3:38:37 PM Post Reply
Nothing's as expensive as cheap imported labor, and New Yorkers are about to find that out the hard way. According to the New York Post: The NYPD’s force will be reduced to just 29,000 cops by the end of fiscal year 2025 — the lowest level since the mid-90s — amid a slew of city-wide budget cuts revealed by Mayor Eric Adams Thursday as the Big Apple grapples with its multi-billion-dollar migrant crisis. Under City Hall’s newly unveiled updated 2024 financial plan, the next five police academy classes will be axed — essentially decimating an already strained department as roughly 4,500 officers are expected to leave their ranks within the next 18 months.
Ron DeSantis picks up 10 South Carolina
endorsements from former backers of Tim
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6 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/17/2023 3:20:44 PM Post Reply
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Putting America First: It’s Time to
Suspend Foreign Military Student Training
in the US
2 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/14/2023 8:05:11 AM Post Reply
National Security has seldom been as important an issue for the American voter as it is today. Our world is on fire, quite literally. Increasing geopolitical tensions are a daily media story whether we want to watch or not, and it is compounded by the insecurity of the open U.S. southern border, millions of unvetted refugees entering the U.S. and two wars.One aspect of this security crisis that few people consider, however, involves training foreign military students in the United States.
Nikki Haley will launch a $10M ad campaign
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12 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/14/2023 7:59:24 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 11/14/2023 7:56:25 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 11/14/2023 7:25:10 AM Post Reply
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12 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/12/2023 5:36:55 AM Post Reply
A freshwater spring bubbles amid the mangroves, cabbage palms and red cedars on Sweetheart Island, a two-acre uninhabited patch of paradise about a mile off the coast of this little Gulf Coast town. Pelicans divebomb nearby into the cool waters of Florida’s Withlacoochee Bay and the open view westward holds the promise of dazzling sunsets. It may have seemed like an ideal getaway for Florida businessman Patrick Parker Walsh. Instead, he’s serving five and half years in federal prison for stealing nearly $8 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds that he used, in part, to buy Sweetheart Island.
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Posted by Beardo 11/24/2023 10:56:27 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 11/24/2023 9:10:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 11/24/2023 1:05:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 5:11:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 11/24/2023 4:12:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 11/25/2023 9:04:11 AM Post Reply
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20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/24/2023 3:30:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/24/2023 12:08:23 AM Post Reply
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Headaches at Fox as Lachlan Murdoch takes
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19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 11/25/2023 6:58:55 AM Post Reply
Lachlan Murdoch has been chairman of News Corporation and Fox Corporation, the parent company of Fox News, for more than a week now after his father Rupert finally officially handed the reins to him. Beyond the titular changes, how much of a transition is in fact being made is open to question. “I hope to continue an active role in the company,” the elder Murdoch, 92, remarked during the company’s most recent annual shareholders meeting. Lachlan Murdoch told investors that there will be “no change” in strategy at Fox News, but earlier this week told a dinner in Australia that this was an era of “generational realignment” that would require “clear vision,
Disney Report Warns Investors Social Goals
Take Priority over Profits
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/25/2023 12:27:29 AM Post Reply
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