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Pennsylvania high school students organize
walkout to protest trans bathroom rule:
'Compromised' our rights

Original Article

Posted By: Beardo, 9/19/2023 2:34:02 PM

Hundreds of students from Pennsylvania's Perkiomen Valley School District walked out of class Friday after the local school board failed to enact a policy requiring transgender students to use the restroom corresponding with their biological sex. "Kids were upset. Girls… we wanted to protect them. They were upset. They didn't want men in their bathroom," John Ott, who organized the walkout, told FOX News on Monday. His mother Stephanie accused the district of only protecting transgender students and not looking at the "whole picture."

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Reply 1 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 9/19/2023 2:45:01 PM (No. 1559389)
Hey kids, pay close attention to the nutjobs pushing this lunacy, then when you're 18, vote accordingly!
32 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 9/19/2023 3:07:50 PM (No. 1559407)
Good job, kids.
33 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Catherine 9/19/2023 3:15:43 PM (No. 1559414)
Things are slowly changing. One drip at a time. People have had enough. I'm very proud of these kids. There is hope after all for our next generation.
34 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Namma 9/19/2023 3:15:58 PM (No. 1559415)
If school districts find it necessary to cater to “transgender” students, install a “transgender only bathroom.” Also Protect everyone else’s rights. Or are the only rights that are to be protected are “transgenders!”
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 9/19/2023 3:16:51 PM (No. 1559416)
Thank God someone in America is standing up for girls. Sad that it has to be high school kids.
30 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 9/19/2023 3:28:28 PM (No. 1559433)
Those young kids are just Livin' in the new world with an old soul.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Californian 9/19/2023 3:34:17 PM (No. 1559436)
4, that's a horrible waste of tax dollars. They have better things to spend money. For example, absolutely anything else. This shouldn't even be an issue. We have 2 bathrooms for the 2 genders. The "born with penis" room and the "born with vagina" room. No others necessary.
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: berthabutt 9/19/2023 4:03:43 PM (No. 1559454)
Many years ago, when one of our boys got hyper-sensitive about using bathroom for a productive 'sit' we had several bellyache days that the middle school nurse had to call us to come get him. When he had gone to his locker for rest of things to come home that day, her private suggestion was let him know he could use the private restroom in her office; no questions asked, & his teacher would be cool with it. Problem solved with no drama. Can't the schools find a way to not damage all the students who do not want to be exposed to the insane narcissism of the tiny few?
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: crankyyankee 9/19/2023 4:09:11 PM (No. 1559457)
4 years ago the SD I taught at designated one of the unisex faculty restrooms for the handful of transgenders. I stopped using that RR.
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: jasmine 9/19/2023 4:18:50 PM (No. 1559463)
Does this school board not care that their female students ALSO identify as female? Who decided to prioritize the comfort of males who "identify" as females, over the comfort and safety of females who identify as such, because they ARE females? Who decided that females who cannot feel safe sharing a restroom (or locker room) with men are obligated to change THEIR habits by seeking a single use facility? That's an unreasonable burden. Better the men adapt to single use facilities or continue using male facilities. It's appalling that the school board thinks females deserve to be a lesser priority than the males.
13 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Jethro bo 9/19/2023 4:19:21 PM (No. 1559464)
Remember the good ole days about 5 years ago when all a privileged, spoiled, snowflake had to do to change something was to say 'it made me uncomfortable.' Now when students do that about trannies in the girls bathroom, the poor girls get arrested for racism, sexism, misogyny, hate crime for some other nonsense. What happen to acknowledging and accepting all feelings and not just the feelings of some perverts?
13 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: rememberwhen 9/19/2023 5:18:04 PM (No. 1559496)
#11, the problem is the right to protest only applies to the privileged class. The problem is the privileged class has changed. Five years ago, that included women or anyone with a grievance except those on the right. Now, the privileged class has been redefined to focus on LTGBQ...XYZ, which leaves real females on the outside looking in.
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: 4Liberty2020 9/19/2023 10:22:31 PM (No. 1559629)
I remember going to a public one room school house with the first three grades, in Massachusetts. The boys went in on the left door and the girls went in on the right. Each side had a separate cloak room to remove their boots, coats and leggings. In the basement were four sets of toilets, each had individual stalls, two for the boys and two for the girls and it was separated by metal bars. We could look through the bars, but I know of no one exposing themselves while I was there. We were taught right from wrong and no one messed with Mrs. Hersey.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: franq 9/20/2023 6:01:35 AM (No. 1559750)
People tend to bash Pennsylvanians, the same way they do Californians, but there are large pockets of both states that are extremely conservative - Christian in fact. My wife's extended family might be labeled "hicks" by some, but they are intelligent and hard-core right wing (Christian too.) Glad these kids stood up to the leftist nonsense.
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Jordan Peterson Issues Ominous Warning
to Gavin Newsom
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Posted by Beardo 9/22/2023 10:22:06 AM Post Reply
Jordan Peterson mocked California Governor Gavin Newsom before sending him a cryptic warning. (snip) The Democrat governor expressed his concern over Artificial Intelligence and its role in spreading "misinformation" online, which helps fuel "micro-cults" (snip) "My son is asking me about Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson. And then immediately he's talking about Joe Rogan. And I'm like; here it is, the pathway," Newsom said in an interview with Bloomberg earlier this month. (snip) In a follow-up post, Peterson wrote an ominous warning to Newsom, seemingly mocking his "micro-cult" comment. "We're coming for your children@GavinNewsom. We plan to turn Your boys Into men And girls Into women"
Restaurant fires back at NYT columnist
after he complained about the cost of
his meal: 'Keep drinking buddy'
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Posted by Beardo 9/22/2023 5:57:43 AM Post Reply
A restaurant fired back at New York Times columnist David Brooks after he complained Wednesday on social media about the cost of his meal, saying, "This is why Americans think the economy is terrible." "This meal just cost me $78 at Newark Airport. This is why Americans think the economy is terrible," Brooks wrote with a picture of his dinner, which consisted of a cheeseburger, fries and what appears to be an alcoholic beverage. (snip) However, the restaurant (snip) pushed back on Brooks' post on Facebook Thursday. (snip) "Bar tab was almost 80% and he's complaining about the cost of his meal," it wrote.
Blue State AG Sues Pregnancy Centers For
Offering Abortion Reversal Pill
2 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/22/2023 2:26:52 AM Post Reply
California Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit against several pro-life pregnancy centers Thursday, alleging that they are “misleading patients” by advertising an abortion reversal pill, according to a press release. Heartbeat International (HI) and its affiliate, RealOptions pregnancy centers, suggest on their website that the use of progesterone can, in some cases, reverse the effects of a chemical abortion pill if the mother has only taken the first dose.
Sen. Joe Manchin To File Bipartisan Resolution
To Restore Senate Dress Code
12 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/22/2023 2:20:07 AM Post Reply
West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin is planning on filing a bipartisan resolution to reverse the Senate’s newly-relaxed dress codes, the Daily Caller News Foundation confirmed Thursday. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Sunday that the Senate would no longer be enforcing its business attire dress code, which required men to wear a coat and tie. After backlash from Republicans, and a GOP-led letter to Schumer denouncing the change, Manchin will likely propose the upper chamber returns to its previous dress code next week, a spokesperson for the senator confirmed to the DCNF.
Sen. Fetterman Attends Meeting With Zelensky
in a Shirt and Gym Shorts
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/22/2023 1:48:28 AM Post Reply
The Senate wardrobe controversy shows no signs of slowing as Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), continues traipsing around the Capitol building looking more like a hobo jumping trains across the country than a United States lawmaker. In this episode of “Low Fashion in High Office,” Fetterman was seen walking into a Senate closed-door meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky looking as if he just left the bowling alley.
Texas mother who blamed son's life-threatening
injuries on 'white couple' arrested for
lying to police
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/21/2023 12:09:10 PM Post Reply
A Texas mother was arrested on Saturday for allegedly making false statements to police about her two-year-old son's life-threatening injuries sustained in February, in which he had suffered internal injuries, burns, and a lacerated liver. (snip) Authorities say Martinez and the boy's father, Thomas Gates, tried to cover up how their child received life-threatening injuries. Their two-year-old son was allegedly run over by Gates when he was backing out with his vehicle, but the couple blamed it on an "unknown white couple," according to police. Martinez and Gates are both black.
EXCLUSIVE: Veterans Administration training
videos instruct health providers to promote
abortion as safest 'option' for pregnant veterans
6 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/21/2023 12:02:50 PM Post Reply
Immediately following the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade, the Biden Administration began using the resources and strength of the federal government to push back against the ruling. (snip) The Post Millennial received and reviewed a large collection of leaked videos that the VA uses to train health providers working within the VA. (snip) One slide displays a chart of words and phrases which VA reproductive health providers may and may not use. A sampling of the language mandates: Do not use "baby" or "unborn child." Instead, use "fetus" or "embryo." Do not use "womb." Instead say "uterus." Do not say "partial birth abortion." Instead say "intact dilation and evacuation."
Court Rules Term ‘Unborn Child’ Can
Remain On Abortion Ballot Measure
6 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/21/2023 5:31:41 AM Post Reply
The Ohio Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the term “unborn child” could remain in an abortion amendment set to go on the ballot in November after activists filed a lawsuit over the language. The state’s ballot board, which includes Secretary of State Frank LaRose, voted 3-2 in August that the term “fetus” should be changed to “unborn child” in order to give voters a clearer understanding of the ramifications of the amendment, which would make abortion a constitutional right in the state. In response, Ohioans for Reproductive Rights (ORR) filed a lawsuit days later, arguing the board was ignoring rules that required the language to “not ‘mislead, deceive, or defraud’ voters,
Ray Epps pleads guilty to misdemeanor
over Jan. 6 riots - after Tucker Carlson
claimed he was FBI plant who deliberately
stoked unrest
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/20/2023 9:23:18 PM Post Reply
Epps, 61, was charged by the Department of Justice on September 18 over his involvement at the US Capitol fracas. He has now pleaded guilty to the one misdemeanor count of disorderly or disruptive conduct on restricted grounds during a virtual hearing. (snip) Michael Teter, Ray Epps's lead counsel in his civil case against Fox News, said in a statement to 'From the very moment that Ray Epps learned the FBI sought to identify him, Ray cooperated and has taken responsibility for his actions. 'Today's hearing and the plea agreement reached with the Department of Justice is further proof of that."
Court denies UNT's motion to dismiss lawsuit
against music theory professor accused
of racism
4 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/20/2023 8:57:58 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has denied a motion last week by the University of North Texas to dismiss a lawsuit brought by a tenured professor and music theorist. (snip) Critics especially bristled at a passage in Jackson’s essay in the symposium that said the dearth of Black music theorists owes to Black families not valuing classical music. The university launched an investigation, then paused the journal’s publication and eliminated funding for it. Jackson filed suit, alleging that the university had violated his First Amendment rights and defamed him.
Ukraine Suspends Trans American Spokesperson
For Unapproved Statements, Launches Investigation
5 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/20/2023 8:43:03 PM Post Reply
Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender American-born military spokesperson for Ukraine, has been suspended over unapproved public statements, the Ukraine Territorial Defense Forces (TDF) announced Wednesday. Ashton-Cirillo’s suspension was immediate and TDF said it would be launching an investigation, the post added. (snip) Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, looks directly into the camera and threatens physical violence to anyone who circulates ‘Russian propaganda’,” Senator Vance wrote in the letter.
Major Abortion Lobby Drops ‘Pro-Choice’
From Name In Favor Of A ‘More Inclusive Path’
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/20/2023 8:32:23 PM Post Reply
NARAL Pro-Choice America (NARAL) announced Wednesday that it was changing its name to foster a “more inclusive” environment and reach a larger pool of voters, according to a press release. The organization revealed its new name will be “Reproductive Freedom for All,” which was voted on after research showed that Americans felt that “reproductive freedom” was a “core value,” according to the press release. Mini Timmaraju, the organization’s president, noted that more people needed to be won over if the pro-choice movement was going to continue fighting for a “constitutional right” to abortion.
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Fetterman, amid dress code controversy,
agrees to wear suit to 'save democracy,'
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Posted by RayLRiv 9/22/2023 8:11:43 AM Post Reply
Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., in a crude statement, agreed to wear a suit on the Senate floor to "save democracy" amid bipartisan displeasure over Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer's decision to relax the Senate dress code.But Fetterman's offer comes with conditions. He said House Republicans must pass a government funding bill and support Ukraine in order for him to suit up.  "If those jagoffs in the House stop trying to shut our government down, and fully support Ukraine, then I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week," Fetterman said Wednesday in a post on X.  CORRECTION*
Sen. Bob Menendez indicted over gifts
of gold bars, car, apartment
29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/22/2023 9:51:36 AM Post Reply
A federal grand jury in New York has returned an indictment against United States Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., chairman of the powerful Foreign Relations Committee. The investigation focused on a luxury car, gold bars and an apartment allegedly received by Menendez and his wife, Nadine Arslanian. His wife was also indicted. The indictment charges Menendez, 69, and his wife with having a corrupt relationship with three New Jersey businessmen -- Wael Hana, Jose Uribe and Fred Daides. The indictment accuses Menendez and his wife of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes
Injured Grand Canyon hiker, 63, saved
after friends abandoned him to continue
‘backpacking adventure’: officials
28 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 9/21/2023 1:26:09 PM Post Reply
A 63-year-old hiker was rescued Friday at Grand Canyon National Park after he was injured in a fall and his group of friends left him behind to continue their “backpacking adventure,” authorities said. Five friends were backpacking on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park along the Kanab Creek when one of them, a 63-year-old male, fell and suffered a traumatic injury to his shoulder, the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue said.
Is the Pope Catholic? 27 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/22/2023 4:37:50 AM Post Reply
That question used to be rhetorical and used to signify a definite and emphatic yes to any statement. In 2023, however, it is less sure — particularly in light of one Catholic cleric who aired his dissenting opinion. Since the pandemic, the world has taken a turn toward moral lunacy, while the usual spiritual guardians are silent in their outrage. The idea that this medical hoax shuttered churches caused many to suspect a sinister underlying force. More and more Catholicclergy are voicing publicly their concerns about the direction of Pope Francis’s papacy in videos and podcasts.
Restaurant fires back at NYT columnist
after he complained about the cost of
his meal: 'Keep drinking buddy'
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/22/2023 5:57:43 AM Post Reply
A restaurant fired back at New York Times columnist David Brooks after he complained Wednesday on social media about the cost of his meal, saying, "This is why Americans think the economy is terrible." "This meal just cost me $78 at Newark Airport. This is why Americans think the economy is terrible," Brooks wrote with a picture of his dinner, which consisted of a cheeseburger, fries and what appears to be an alcoholic beverage. (snip) However, the restaurant (snip) pushed back on Brooks' post on Facebook Thursday. (snip) "Bar tab was almost 80% and he's complaining about the cost of his meal," it wrote.
Jesus Alaya, 17, is named as driver of
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retired cop Andreas Probts while he cycled
- with he and passenger Jzamir Keys, 16,
both set to be charged as adults with murder
26 replies
Posted by Ebenezer 9/21/2023 8:51:14 AM Post Reply
Two teenage boys believed to be behind the sick hit-and-run homicide of a retired police chief in Las Vegas have been named as they are charged as adults. Jesus Ayala, 17, and Jzamir Keys, 16, are suspected of intentionally striking Andreas Probst, 64, while he was riding his bicycle down an empty highway in the northwest of the city at around 6am on August 14. Ayala was arrested the same day accused of being the motorist behind the wheel of the 2016 Hyundai Elantra which hit the retired cop.
Marines under fire for flying $80M F-35
over SC during thunderstorm when report
shows jets CAN'T handle storms: Pilot
ejected due to 'bad weather' before jet
'flipped', flew 100ft above trees in 'zombie
mode' and crashed in field
26 replies
Posted by Imright 9/21/2023 2:24:51 AM Post Reply
A F-35 jet could have crashed on Sunday due to poor weather in South Carolina, new audio suggests - as questions mount as to why the disastrous training exercise was allowed to proceed. The F-35B Lightning II which the unnamed Marine pilot was flying is believed to be at risk of malfunctions if it flies in thunderstorms, according to a Forbes investigation in November. Its sister jet, the F-35A, is more severely affected and cannot fly within 25 miles of lightning.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott deploys National
Guard to re-install razor wire in Eagle
Pass to deter migrants - as mayor declares
emergency as 14,000 flood in from Mexico
(but Biden gives temporary legal status
to 470,000 Venezuelans)
25 replies
Posted by Imright 9/21/2023 2:17:46 AM Post Reply
Greg Abbott has deployed the National Guard to re-install razor wire to deter migrants - as one mayor declared an emergency amid an influx of 14,000 people. The Texas Governor launched a blistering attack on Joe Biden on Wednesday, slamming him for 'cutting the wire' and assuring Texans he was having it repaired. He shared footage of members of the Texas National Guard unravelling the new barrier before putting it up along the besieged banks of the Rio Grande.
Governor Greg Abbott Officially Declares
INVASION at Southern Border by the Mexican
Drug Cartels
24 replies
Posted by Imright 9/22/2023 3:20:35 AM Post Reply
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has declared an “invasion” at the southern border, attributing it to the Mexican drug cartels. This declaration comes as Governor Abbott takes a firm stance against the escalating security crisis and the influx of criminal activities from across the border. “I officially declared an invasion at our border because of Biden’s policies. We deployed the Texas National Guard, DPS & local law enforcement. We are building a border wall, razor wire & marine barriers. We are also repelling migrants,” Governor Abbott announced in a post on Thursday.
Disney Signals Retreat in the Culture
Battles, But Have They Already Lost the War?
24 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/21/2023 8:30:14 AM Post Reply
Disney CEO Bob Iger has quietly stated he's pulling his company out of the culture wars and returning to entertainment for entertainment's sake. Iger's comment came during a meeting with investors on September 19 at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. According to an analyst note on Wednesday, Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger told investors the company will "quiet the noise" in a culture war that has pitted social conservatives against the global media and entertainment conglomerate.
Democrats Discover A New ‘Threat To
Democracy’ — The U.S Constitution
24 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/21/2023 6:12:26 AM Post Reply
We’ve been cataloging how the left has taken to labeling every candidate it doesn’t like and every policy it opposes a “threat to democracy.” But even we were surprised to see the U.S. Constitution itself added to the list of these threats. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell said over the weekend that: “The Constitution has some profoundly anti-democratic, which is to say anti-democracy components, like the Electoral College and the two senators per state, for example.” Mind you, this aired on Sept. 15, just two days before Constitution Day, which this year marked the 236th anniversary of its signing.
Sen. Fetterman Attends Meeting With Zelensky
in a Shirt and Gym Shorts
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/22/2023 1:48:28 AM Post Reply
The Senate wardrobe controversy shows no signs of slowing as Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), continues traipsing around the Capitol building looking more like a hobo jumping trains across the country than a United States lawmaker. In this episode of “Low Fashion in High Office,” Fetterman was seen walking into a Senate closed-door meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky looking as if he just left the bowling alley.
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