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Rules of engagement for the war of words

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Posted By: rememberwhen, 9/5/2023 3:01:02 PM

How did the fascist left get the right to decree the meaning of every bloody word in the dictionary? If there’s one thing every nation’s socialist left has been good at, it’s propaganda and wordplay. Joseph Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, and others were masters at the art of lying with language. (Imagining with amusement, leftists out there losing their collective minds over the fact that we just dared to compare their hero to Saul Alinsky or the other way around, but I digress.) Let’s face it, the far left has weaponized the King’s English against our individual liberties and rights....


An excellent article pointing out the gullibility of too many on the right. We have let leftists define the terms for far too long. However, IMO, the article doesn't give enough specific examples. How many times have conservatives adopted the leftist euphemism "Pro-Choice" when referring to abortion advocates? Other examples abound.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Maggie2u 9/5/2023 3:33:53 PM (No. 1550005)
Well, for starters, don't say Gay, say homosexual. As OP said above don't say pro-choice, always pro-abort. Don't call buildings where abortions take place clinics, they're abortuaries. Always refer to someone who commits abortions an abortionist, never a doctor. And never say an abortionst performs abortions, say commits. As in 'abortionsts commit abortions at the abortuary on Smith Street.' And don't say climate change, it's global warming.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: marbles 9/5/2023 3:41:28 PM (No. 1550010)
The left is all about language and it's misuse. Affirmative action, doesn't sound bad , but it stands for government sponsored racism. Gender affirmation doesn't sound bad either but that stands for mutilation and medical experiments on children.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: rememberwhen 9/5/2023 9:39:28 PM (No. 1550169)
And #1, when using the term global warming or climate change, always insert language showing it's bogus, such as "so-called climate change" or "totally debunked global warming." And people don't have gender. They are born with XX or XY chromosomes which determine not gender but sex.
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Cars, Gas, and Groceries Will Decide the
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Posted by rememberwhen 9/6/2023 6:33:55 PM Post Reply
t was February of 1992 and President George H. W. Bush, while out campaigning for reelection, gave a speech to the National Grocers Association. What could possibly go wrong? It was a non-event, evidenced by the fact that only one pool reporter was present, Gregg McDonald of the Houston Chronicle. Before Bush gave the speech, he toured the new grocer technology, including a state-of-the-art scanner that could weigh produce and read damaged bar codes. In his report, McDonald noted that the president had a "look of wonder" on his face as he admired the new technology.
Rules of engagement for the war of words 3 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/5/2023 3:01:02 PM Post Reply
How did the fascist left get the right to decree the meaning of every bloody word in the dictionary? If there’s one thing every nation’s socialist left has been good at, it’s propaganda and wordplay. Joseph Goebbels, Saul Alinsky, and others were masters at the art of lying with language. (Imagining with amusement, leftists out there losing their collective minds over the fact that we just dared to compare their hero to Saul Alinsky or the other way around, but I digress.) Let’s face it, the far left has weaponized the King’s English against our individual liberties and rights....
Why Nikki Haley Scares the Biden Campaign
She almost certainly won’t be the Republican
nominee. But she’s showing where Biden
is vulnerable.
14 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 9/1/2023 2:24:09 PM Post Reply
Nikki Haley had been paddling in the shallows of the Republican presidential race for six months, making few waves, when an unnamed senior adviser to President Biden confided to Politico two weeks ago, “If they nominate Nikki Haley, we’re in trouble.” It was an odd admission, given that the former South Carolina governor was polling at around 4 percent nationally. But then Haley last week delivered a strong debate performance, and a new leaked poll from Trump world showed her moving into third place in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Opinion: Judge Chutkan chose exactly the
right trial date for Donald Trump
27 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/30/2023 2:27:17 PM Post Reply
On Monday, US District Judge Tanya Chutkan set a March 4 start date for former President Donald Trump’s federal criminal trial on charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election. “The public has a right to a prompt and efficient resolution of this matter,” Chutkan said.... Most obviously, with Trump as the current leading contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Americans deserve to know before they vote in the general election if a jury of his peers finds him innocent or guilty of having tried to end the lawful transition of power after the 2020 election.
Florida Gas Stations Receive Contaminated
Fuel Right Before Hurricane Idalia Makes Landfall
32 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/29/2023 9:59:37 PM Post Reply
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) has reported fuel contamination could impact residents who are evacuating from Florida’s coast. FDACS reported fuel contamination has occurred at dozens of gas stations that were serviced by the Port of Tampa. In a press release, FDACS revealed, “Any fuel purchased after 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 26, at stations supplied by Citgo from the Port of Tampa has a strong likelihood of being contaminated with diesel fuel.”
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Posted by rememberwhen 8/28/2023 4:54:11 PM Post Reply
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Vivek Ramaswamy’s Voting Record Shows
He is Not a Registered Republican, and
Donated to Anti-Trump Democrat Candidate
in 2016
22 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/26/2023 3:39:00 PM Post Reply
In a recent revelation, GOP presidential candidate Hirsh Singh has brought to light controversial details concerning Vivek Ramaswamy’s political affiliations and voting history. Documentation obtained from the Franklin County, Ohio Board of Elections suggests that Ramaswamy is not a registered Republican but, rather, a registered “Unaffiliated” voter. In an X post (formerly Twitter), Singh wrote, “Per documentation received by Vivek Ramswamy’s Franklin County, Ohio Board of Elections Vivek is not a registered Republican, but Registered Unaffiliated and never voted in a Republican Primary in his entire life.”
Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Maryland Parents
Have No Right to Opt Their Children Out
of Woke LGBTQ Curriculum
42 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/25/2023 1:41:58 PM Post Reply
A district judge appointed by Joe Biden has ruled that parents in Montgomery County, Maryland, have no right to opt their children out of the school’s woke LGBTQ curriculum. United States District Judge Deborah L. Boardman ruled against the Muslim-led group of parents who did not want their children exposed to far-left propaganda about sex and gender. The parents sought an injunction before the first day of school on August 28 after the district changed its policies in March to no longer allow parents to opt their children out of being assigned books that advocate pride parades, gender transitioning, and pronoun preferences for kids as young as pre-kindergarten.
Democrats Have Broken America: Where’s
the Outrage?
13 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/24/2023 1:17:26 PM Post Reply
The Democrats have an ace in the hole in their relentless war on the Constitution – conservative America’s reverence for the concept of the rule of the law. Only their steadfast commitment to this traditional ideal explains why conservatives are allowing Democrats to flagrantly corrupt our judicial system to destroy their opponents and protect themselves. For all their huffing and puffing, conservatives have effectively taken a let the system play itself out attitude while Democrats nakedly politicize that system through their partisan indictments of former President Trump and their Potemkin Village probes of the Bidens. These are not statements of opinion. These are facts.
All across America, the success of Bidenomics
is well beyond debate
37 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/23/2023 2:25:28 PM Post Reply
All eyes will be on Milwaukee tonight for the first Republican presidential primary debate. Despite more than eight years of brazen attacks on his opponents since riding down the golden escalator to announce his candidacy in 2015, Donald Trump has decided to sit out this debate. Unsurprisingly, the twice-impeached and now four-time indicted ex-president is, first and foremost, a swampy politician who won’t risk getting rhetorically pummeled by one of his challengers....As former Labor Secretary Robert Reich wrote in an essay last month, Bidenomics “is turning out to be the most successful set of economic policies the United States has witnessed in a half-century.”
Weak Solutions for Government Corruption 6 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/22/2023 4:39:57 PM Post Reply
Dan Crenshaw (R-Tx), who is on the House “Intelligence Committee” suggested a solution to the problem of a corrupt FBI targeting of Trump and conservatives When we reauthorise [the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)] too we are looking at changes in law that will take place, e.g., when you deliberately do something wrong there needs to be some criminal offence to it as opposed to a fireable offence.
How Much
of Today’s ‘Racism’ Is Manufactured?
14 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/21/2023 2:08:40 PM Post Reply
The real problem with racism in America today is that demand far outstrips supply. Where does the demand come from? Chiefly from our woke elites. It is they who understand that the charge of “racism” is a potent meal ticket and guarantor of institutionalized political power. Accordingly, they have a large stake in perpetuating the reign of racism. In this realm, too, incentives matter. It is also worth noting that many of these elite race cadets are white. Blacks are invited to participate in this theatrical production, but only so long as they play their assigned roles. They must mouth the pieties about “systemic,” i.e., perpetual, incurable racism. CORRECTION*
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Posted by Beardo 9/5/2023 10:12:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/5/2023 9:44:17 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 9/5/2023 4:30:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/5/2023 6:23:42 PM Post Reply
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Pence warns Republicans against ‘siren
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/6/2023 4:23:52 PM Post Reply
Former Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday called on his party to turn away from what he described as a growing threat of populism led by his former White House boss Donald Trump and “his imitators.” In a speech delivered at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College, Pence said that “Republican voters face a choice” between conservative principles and the rising populist movement within the party. In his sharpest language to date against the Trump wing of the GOP, Pence said that the populists were substituting limited government and traditional values for “an agenda stitched together by little else than personal grievances and performative outrage.”
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Posted by Beardo 9/6/2023 10:51:03 AM Post Reply
If you needed another reason to hate Bud Light, here you go. Bill Gates is putting some serious chips on the beer making a comeback after he bought a whopping 1.7 million shares of the anti-American brand’s umbrella company. (snip) If you’re wanting to see an outright collapse of Bud Light like yours truly, you gotta be loving this, because this doesn’t do anything but inject more poison into a brand that’s crumbling more and more with each passing day. (snip) This is worse than Dylan Mulvaney from where I’m sitting.
Biden admin quietly reverses Trump-era
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29 replies
Posted by JunkYardDog 9/5/2023 1:35:23 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration quietly rescinded a Trump-era regulation allowing companies to transport liquefied natural gas (LNG) via rail in a victory for environmental groups. In a federal filing Friday ahead of the holiday weekend, the Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) formally suspended the 2020 authorization of LNG transportation in rail tank cars. The rule will remain in effect until either a permanent rule regarding LNG rail tank car transportation is proposed and finalized — a process that may take several months — or June 30, 2025.
Africa Climate Summit Hears Calls for
Carbon Tax on World’s Richest Nations
28 replies
Posted by mc squared 9/5/2023 12:26:00 PM Post Reply
Economic success must have a price and a global tax on carbon emissions can help redress Africa’s chronically low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rates, Kenya’s President William Ruto declared Tuesday as the first Africa Climate Summit began. He pointed to “climate change” driven by successful, dynamic economies in Europe, North America and Asia, as a drain on Africa’s economic progress and it’s time to have a global conversation about a carbon tax on the world’s richest nations. “Those who produce the garbage refuse to pay their bills,” Ruto said, according to AP, echoing others who have also called for carbon tax impositions
Biden wanders off during Medal of Honor ceremony 27 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/6/2023 8:12:32 AM Post Reply
Is there anyone less fit to be around men of authentic valor than cowardly, self-dealing Joe Biden? Breaking all protocol as well as common decency, he wandered off the set during a Medal of Honor ceremony, leaving the honoree, Capt. Larry L. Taylor, awkwardly on the podium alone. Here's what he did: (Snip) Seriously, he wandered off, leaving Capt. Taylor, the White House's guest of honor, to fend for himself, well before the closing prayer and other protocol niceties. Why the hell did he do that? Your guess is as good as mine given that all the White House will give on such a matter is gaslightings. Here are a few possibilities: One, Biden
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/6/2023 10:44:33 AM Post Reply
Liberty Safe, "America's #1 heavy-duty home and gun safe manufacturer," according to their website, issued a statement late Tuesday night confirming that they'd given the FBI an access code to a customer's gun safe in response to a request on August 30, 2023. That request came during a raid on the home of a man who'd attended a protest on January 6. The statement reads: On August 30, 2023, Liberty Safe was contacted by the FBI requesting the access code to the safe of an individual for whom they had a warrant to search their property. Our company protocol is to provide access codes to law enforcement if a warrant
Trump’s co-defendants are already starting
to turn against him
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/5/2023 8:01:24 PM Post Reply
The finger-pointing among Donald Trump’s inner circle has begun. And as his four criminal cases march toward trials, some of his aides, allies and co-defendants are pointing at the former president. In court documents and hearings, lawyers for people in Trump’s orbit — both high-level advisers and lesser known associates — are starting to reveal glimmers of a tried-and-true strategy in cases with many defendants: Portray yourself as a hapless pawn while piling blame on the apparent kingpin. “History has shown the 18 co-defendants that Donald doesn’t care about anyone but himself,” said Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer,
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