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Fake controversy: Leftists try to tell
black artist how she's allowed to use
her music

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Posted By: PageTurner, 7/16/2023 10:11:13 AM

How's this for a fake controversy generated by wokester identity-politics fanatics? A top country music star named Luke Combs pulled in a number-one hit by singing the 1988 song of a black female folk singer named Tracy Chapman, and instead of celebrating that happy revival, the radical left is out complaining, True to form, the Washington Post has created a fake controversy by quoting a malcontent: To quite a few people, this is cause for yet another celebration in Combs's whirlwind journey as the genre's reigning megastar with 16 consecutive No. 1 hits. But it has also prompted a wave of complicated feelings among some listeners and in the Nashville music community.


This issue is taking off on twitter, mostly of ratioing the ignorant washington post writer who had no idea that Chapman was famous and successful.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Californian 7/16/2023 10:28:29 AM (No. 1513881)
OP, similar to how some nobody radio intern in LA emailed Annie Lennox to tell her she wasn't good enough to get on the air and her sound needs to change but to keep working at it.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Snow Possum 7/16/2023 10:33:50 AM (No. 1513885)
here's the deal... Someone asked Neil Diamond if he was upset that many of his songs charted when recorded by the Monkees (more accurately... the Monkees being the vocalists with seasoned studio musicians provided the music). His answer? To his credit as a person... he was happy that his songs were recorded and charted. Frankly, I doubt 'I'm a Believer' or 'Look Out, Here Comes Tomorrow' would have done as well with Diamond as the performer. Now, to Chapman. Chapman wrote the song and sill always be credited with being the songwriter and will always get PAID for being the songwriter. Frankly, this is GRAVY from a financial standpoint. An unexpected windfall due to her talent. As she stated... she is honored. We should share in that sentiment rather than stirring up fake controversy where none at all exists.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: JimBob 7/16/2023 10:58:10 AM (No. 1513895)
Singers 'cover' other singer's songs all the time. The fake 'controversy' here is that Luke Combs is a white guy did a cover of a Tracy Chapman song, and Tracy Chapman is a black woman. OH NO! HORRORS! But no-one complained when black singer Roberta Flack did a cover version of white singer Lori Lieberman's song "Killing me softly with his song". And no-one complained when black singer Whitney Houston did a cover version of white singer Dolly Parton's song "I will always love you". There are countless examples. Writing a song is a talent. Singing is a different talent. Sometimes the original song is more popular, sometimes the 'cover' version is more popular. My understanding is that part of the ASCAP system is that the person who wrote the song gets royalties when someone else records the song and sells those recordings. I remember, long ago, a TV show, and the black New Orleans singer Fats Domino displaying a large gold ring, grinning and saying "So-and-so bought me this ring". I was a long time ago, and I don't remember the name of the white singer he mentioned, but it seems to me that it was someone like Bing Crosby or Perry Como. Luke asked permission to record the song and Tracy granted it, and Tracy wound up with a royalty check of a half-million dollars, so everything is on the up-and-up. Like the article said, the WaPooPoo is squalling and trying to stir up trouble where none exists. That's What They Do.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: udanja99 7/16/2023 12:21:37 PM (No. 1513945)
I’m convinced that leftists wake in the morning and ask themselves, “How can I make myself miserable today?” And then they proceed to do whatever it takes. Has anyone ever met a happy leftist?
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Yo Yo 7/16/2023 12:31:49 PM (No. 1513950)
Fast Car will always be Tracy Chapman's lightning in a bottle. A song with such brutal, arresting honesty that no one else could claim it. Luke Combs' version is so respectful he doesn't even change genders in telling the story. It's brought this wonderful song to a huge new generation. Chapman's reaction to this renewed interest in her classic is perfect. The art defies categorization. Shame on the WaPo for trying to make something out of nothing.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 7/16/2023 12:47:31 PM (No. 1513960)
A one hit wonder is always happy to have a song covered by someone. Publishing and songwriting royalties are where the money is. Combs had no obligation to get permission to record the song. That's not how it works at all.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: wilarrbie 7/16/2023 1:19:46 PM (No. 1513973)
Check your facts #6.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: dbdiva 7/16/2023 1:55:32 PM (No. 1513993)
Continuing the comment made at #4. I've never met any happy leftists; in fact "happy leftists" is an oxymoron. After they wake up and determine what they'll be angry about that day, their second thought very likely is "what can I do to make other people as miserable as I am?" I'm convinced the only thing that truly makes them happy is misery --- whether it's their own or others; it doesn't matter to them. Their "end all and be all" is spreading misery.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: zoidberg 7/16/2023 6:05:04 PM (No. 1514132)
And, to continue with #3's list, nobody complained when Jimi Hendrix covered Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower." Bob even said Jimi's version was better.
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Biden shows his true colors in his me-first
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Posted by PageTurner 8/15/2023 12:32:55 PM Post Reply
In Maui, a disaster of epic proportions is unfolding, one week after wildfires razed its historic city of Lahaina. It's not just that there was little warning and a chaotic evacuation. Now it's the body count -- 99 people are confirmed dead now, and some 1,000 remain missing. If they're dead, and Lahaina has only 12,000 people, the math isn't pretty -- ten percent of the population may be dead, which has a whiff of Ukraine. The cadaver dogs, with rarified training to detect bodies incinerated to ash in flames, are far too few for a mass casualty event like this, so they still have 75%
Maui had a firebug on the loose and a
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Hawaii governor blames global warming
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Posted by PageTurner 8/11/2023 1:39:51 PM Post Reply
Hawaii had the world's fanciest natural disaster warning system on the planet. It also had an ongoing firebug problem, and recent academic study warning that the place was very vulnerable to fire catastrophes. Somehow, none of that figured in the government's fire plan. The firebug is still out there. The conditions created for big fires, such as the proliferation of non-native grasses, remain on Maui. And the fancy emergency warning system somehow didn't work. Never mind any of that: Its governor says the problem is global warming.
After devastating fires in Maui, lefties
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11 replies
Posted by PageTurner 8/10/2023 10:09:07 AM Post Reply
A sudden, unexpected, and devastating fire has destroyed the lovely little heritage town of Lahaina on Maui, which for Hawaii, was also a vibrant tourist destination. Thirty-six people at last count were killed and given that this is early in the catastrophe and communications about evacuations were down early, it may rise. The town and all its historic artifacts, its Front Street promenade, named one of the "top ten greatest streets" by the American Planning Association, are gone. Lahaina's giant banyan tree, planted in 1873, and the largest in the U.S., is subject to on-again, off-again reports about whether it survived the inferno. We still don't know.
Joe Biden's Latin America policy is so
bad even Democrats are embarrassed about
it -Politico
2 replies
Posted by PageTurner 8/7/2023 11:22:56 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is a miserable failure as president across the board, but few examples are quite as vivid as his failure in Latin America where he is doing literally nothing as the place goes to hell in a handbasket. The neglect is so bad even Democrats are embarrassed. According to Politico: Biden’s diplomatic team has spent most of his first term trying to rebuild alliances in Europe and Asia stressed by former President Donald Trump’s brash nationalism. They have only recently started to turn their attention to Latin America, but lawmakers and corporate officials alike say those efforts are scant — and their patience is starting to wear thin.
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2 replies
Posted by PageTurner 8/6/2023 9:29:46 PM Post Reply
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Black voters avoiding Joe Biden like a
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16 replies
Posted by PageTurner 8/1/2023 12:56:11 PM Post Reply
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Fake News: Washington Post tries to do
a hit job on a non-woke bank that loaned
to Trump
6 replies
Posted by PageTurner 7/28/2023 9:09:25 AM Post Reply
President Trump has had a lot of ups and downs in his real estate career, which means his relations with banks and credit can be pretty dicey. The matter was made worse for him in the wake of the January 6 protests, where wokester banks outright cut him off. His Trump Organization financial operation however did find a bank that would loan to his organization, a relatively small bank in San Diego called Axos Bank. and that set the Washington Post scrambling to look for some seedy Biden-style corruption. They found nothing. They must have spent some time on this, however, because they ran a story, and had to satisfy themselves with innuendo
Does the GOP have a 'Feinstein problem,' too? 16 replies
Posted by PageTurner 7/27/2023 1:44:22 PM Post Reply
Are the Democrats the only ones with a "Dianne Feinstein" problem, that of entrenched leaders who are visibly shambling apart, yet impossible to remove from power? Sure looks like it, with the sudden seize or freeze up of Senate Minotiry Leader Mitch McConnell yesterday: Here is the tweeted video of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnelll, aged 83 suddenly going silent during a speech: (Snip for tweet) We've seen this sort of incapacity in Feinstein, a 90-year old Democrat whose infirmities should require her to retire from office, and in Democrat Sen. John Fetterman, who cannot plausibly serve in his post-stroke condition, as well in Joe Biden himself,
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18 replies
Posted by PageTurner 7/20/2023 10:15:51 AM Post Reply
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13 replies
Posted by PageTurner 7/17/2023 1:51:08 PM Post Reply
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Mexican president urges Mexican-American
voters to reject Abbott over border spat
13 replies
Posted by PageTurner 7/17/2023 1:45:58 PM Post Reply
MEXICO CITY -Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Monday urged Mexican-Americans not to vote for Texas Governor Greg Abbott in response to Texas putting a barrier of orange buoys in the Rio Grande to stop migrants crossing into the United States. Mexico's incoming foreign minister, Alicia Barcena, said last week that the barrier violates a water treaty and may intrude on Mexican territory. "We don't have to do much, just tell our compatriots not to vote for the governor of Texas or for lawmakers of the Republican Party who support these measures," Lopez Obrador said in a press conference when asked about the Texan initiative.
Fake controversy: Leftists try to tell
black artist how she's allowed to use
her music
9 replies
Posted by PageTurner 7/16/2023 10:11:13 AM Post Reply
How's this for a fake controversy generated by wokester identity-politics fanatics? A top country music star named Luke Combs pulled in a number-one hit by singing the 1988 song of a black female folk singer named Tracy Chapman, and instead of celebrating that happy revival, the radical left is out complaining, True to form, the Washington Post has created a fake controversy by quoting a malcontent: To quite a few people, this is cause for yet another celebration in Combs's whirlwind journey as the genre's reigning megastar with 16 consecutive No. 1 hits. But it has also prompted a wave of complicated feelings among some listeners and in the Nashville music community.
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Posted by sagman 8/14/2023 8:32:11 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/14/2023 4:50:05 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/15/2023 12:15:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 8/14/2023 7:51:57 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/14/2023 2:17:39 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 8/15/2023 8:19:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 8/14/2023 7:39:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/15/2023 5:01:50 AM Post Reply
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 8/14/2023 12:56:01 AM Post Reply
Hawaii's governor has said that the terrifying fire tornados that tore though the island's buildings were '1,000 degrees' - as it's revealed warning sirens did not go off. The blazes on the island of Maui have now become the deadliest wildfires in modern US history - killing 93 people - and authorities are still working to identify the victims. Hawaii Gov. Josh Green described the wildfire as a 'fire hurricane' - blowing 80mph winds and reaching temperatures of up to '1,000-degree heat.' Meanwhile, Hawaii Emergency Services Administration said Friday: 'Neither Maui nor HI-EMA activated warning sirens on Maui during the wildfire incident.'
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Posted by Hazymac 8/14/2023 6:59:35 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/14/2023 9:25:47 PM Post Reply
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National Review crashes and burns over
"Rich Men North of Richmond"
18 replies
Posted by AltaD 8/15/2023 11:22:17 AM Post Reply
I was not going to write about Oliver Anthony’s brilliant song, Rich Men North of Richmond, because I have nothing worthy to add. The video puts all other commentary to shame. North of Richmond refers to the federal government, which is too large, too powerful and too uncaring. But Mark Antonio Wright, executive editor of the Never Trump National Review, butted in with a Learn-to-Code column attacking Anthony for daring to complain about DC’s treatment of the working class. It lectured Anthony to be more like Woody Guthrie, the Nazi apologist and communist.(Snip)what makes America great are the very things National Review now opposes.
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