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Women Are Getting Sterilized After Donald
Trump's Victory: 'Only Option'

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Posted By: Moritz55, 12/3/2024 12:50:50 PM

It's not a procedure you'd expect a 28-year-old to be planning. But for Lydia Echols from Texas, having her fallopian tubes removed is the price she's willing to pay to ensure her reproductive rights. Newsweek spoke to five women who have either undergone sterilization procedures or plan to in the wake of President-elect Donald Trump's victory on November 5. They all expressed fear their reproductive choices will be taken from them under Trump's administration. "If I am to be denied any rights in the next four (or more) years, I will not give them up without a fight," Echols said.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Daisymay 12/3/2024 12:56:34 PM (No. 1847476)
I look at that as a Favor to Society! Those women would just raise more Stupid Democrats, so I hope this becomes a Fad! Why bring more Children into this World who will grow up hating Our Country? Nope! I hope Lydia has started something! Maybe all those Young Women, wearing the Groucho Marx Eye Glasses, will get in line and get those Tubes Tied!
58 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jethro bo 12/3/2024 12:58:54 PM (No. 1847477)
Technically they are not candidates for Darwin Awards. I do believe they should all get an Honorable Mention and a participation trophy.
38 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Vaquero45 12/3/2024 12:59:13 PM (No. 1847478)
This woman is batshite crazy.
34 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 12/3/2024 1:00:18 PM (No. 1847479)
Agree with #1 100%. Better them than some poor kid with gender identity issues being mutilated in the name of "compassion".
38 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Birddog 12/3/2024 1:01:36 PM (No. 1847480)
your body, your choice.....choosing a permanent sterilization over common everyday BC Pills, condoms, diaphragms, IUD's or simply choosing better partners? Pretty extremist, do you.(I wouldn't want to do you anyway)
35 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: bgarrett 12/3/2024 1:04:59 PM (No. 1847483)
how does sterilization "ensure her reproductive rights"? she has no reproductive rights after sterilization
52 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 12/3/2024 1:06:39 PM (No. 1847486)
Think of it as Evolution in Action...
32 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: halfnorsk 12/3/2024 1:07:48 PM (No. 1847487)
I don't see a downside to this.
46 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: jalo1951 12/3/2024 1:10:59 PM (No. 1847488)
So after all these years all birth control methods are no longer available or practiced? Chemical, barrier (both male and female, IUD, self control/abstain. Perhaps choosing not to treat a sexual encounter on the same level as a coffee date would be a good start. This is a stupid overreaction. However, do whatever you consider to be the best decision for you. But someone needs to tell her that there are no prizes for being the dumbest person in the room. She is saying that the only birth control is an abortion. I don't think so.
43 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: LadyHen 12/3/2024 1:11:47 PM (No. 1847489)
While yes I think anyone with this kind of mental illness and potential for being abusive needs to be sterile for the sake of any poor child they might conceive, let us hope they actually tell the fool men who wife them up what they have done. That is when these females finally decide to stop whoring around and pick just one man's pockets clean so they can feed their cats as they whither into old husks. But as duplicitous, mentality unstable, and evil as these women are, I am betting they will lie like a rug when/if they need to hook an old age meal ticket.
18 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: mifla 12/3/2024 1:13:48 PM (No. 1847490)
I put this in the same category as "If Trump wins, I am leaving the country!" Talk is cheap.
32 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 12/3/2024 1:19:09 PM (No. 1847492)
Ladies, think you need an abortion..... move to New Jersey, or one of the many other states that allow it.... and then stay there!
22 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: VietVet68 12/3/2024 1:19:54 PM (No. 1847493)
This seems like a win-win situation. They won't be making any more brain dead liberals and there will be fewer children victimized by their desire to transition them to the opposite sex.
33 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: JSanders 12/3/2024 1:21:52 PM (No. 1847494)
Be sure to take your friends with you. We consider this a societal benefit.
19 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 12/3/2024 1:28:49 PM (No. 1847497)
Whew. The real women have spoken here. Nothing to add. Good one, ladies.
12 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: SALady 12/3/2024 1:30:59 PM (No. 1847499)
The fact that abortion is available for the majority of pregnancies and pretty cheap in a fairly sizeable number of states, getting one may be a little inconvenient if it's not available in your state (since you will have to travel a whole 200 miles in most cases to visit a neighboring state to get one). Hey, you can even visit California, that is working so hard to become the "Disneyland of abortion" (a free steak dinner and tickets to Knotts Berry Farm with ever abortion -- make a vacation of it). But I honestly don't have a problem with slaughtering a baby in the womb being a little "inconvenient". But if these mentally ill women want to sterilize themselves to make "a statement", I say go for it. Wasn't it Hitler that sterilized all the insane women in Germany early on in his reign of terror? He would be so proud of these women living his dream!!!!!
16 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: philsner 12/3/2024 1:36:16 PM (No. 1847501)
Why do you need to have yourself spayed if you have decided not to have sex as a punishment of men? No need, right? But hey, go for it. That will show em!
16 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: chagrined 12/3/2024 1:41:49 PM (No. 1847503)
While perusing the article about this mentally defective woman Lydia Echols, all I could think about was "And she is a perfect example of what our school system produces today." Whelp it got WAY worse in one sentence, FTA: The former teacher also said she wished she could "give [her] fertility to someone who desperately wanted to have children." I guess I ought to be glad she is a "former" teacher, but now all I can think about is how many kids did she damage before she stopped teaching? And one other thing, my guess is when she said she wishes she could give her fertility to another person who "desires" (my emphasis) children, the first thing that popped into my mind was a transvestite, or whatever they're calling them nowadays.
13 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: paral04 12/3/2024 1:42:07 PM (No. 1847504)
Maybe Planned Parent Hood should have suggested that years ago and those millions of unborn babies would not have been killed. I think it is a great idea for those women who sleep around and don't want children. And men, who do the same need to get vasectomies.
14 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 12/3/2024 1:46:37 PM (No. 1847506)
Cool, problems solved.
10 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: DVC 12/3/2024 2:03:38 PM (No. 1847520)
Fantastic news. Conservative, sane, sensible women need to have three to six children to make up for these insane ones. This is cleansing the gene pool and a generation from now the country will be mentally healthier.
12 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Petronius 12/3/2024 2:06:41 PM (No. 1847521)
7 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: downnout 12/3/2024 2:08:51 PM (No. 1847522)
Thank you for not reproducing, you silly wymyn.
8 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: cahaba2 12/3/2024 2:19:17 PM (No. 1847536)
Good! They won't breed.
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: AGGW 12/3/2024 2:19:38 PM (No. 1847537)
To quote my late husband, "Stupidity reigns."
7 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: JonR 12/3/2024 2:20:06 PM (No. 1847539)
I see absolutely no downside to this! Taking themselves out of the gene pool is an act of mercy! We, the people do not need anyone this crazy to reproduce!
7 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 12/3/2024 2:43:03 PM (No. 1847550)
A: Fine with me. In fact, maybe it should be made mandatory for all leftist women. B: Proves that (most) women base their decisions on emotion, not logic. Otherwise they would have lots of babies to raise to be hard-core leftists and outnumber sane people.
4 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Aklon70 12/3/2024 2:54:36 PM (No. 1847554)
Oh my goodness, yes! Where can we send a donation?
4 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: heartlandmom 12/3/2024 3:02:14 PM (No. 1847559)
Stuck on stupid!
3 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Jimmy Mack 12/3/2024 3:14:46 PM (No. 1847561)
Better than murdering your child
5 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Kate318 12/3/2024 3:18:54 PM (No. 1847564)
Just when you think liberals can’t get any dumber…
5 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: red1066 12/3/2024 3:35:40 PM (No. 1847569)
Can you imagine the braindead children that would be raised by such lunatics. They are saving the taxpayers now, and in the future.
4 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: rochow 12/3/2024 4:01:59 PM (No. 1847580)
I don't believe anyone would want to see any offspring from these demented cows. Hey girls, no one wants anything to do with you anyway just drunks or junkies.
4 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: thefield 12/3/2024 4:06:52 PM (No. 1847585)
They certainly would be candidates for carrying multiple diseases later on.
2 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Venturer 12/3/2024 4:12:55 PM (No. 1847591)
Without a doubt the most stupid thing I have ever heard of. Protecting you reproductive by being spayed. Not that I am against it. I like the idea. People who are that stupid should never reproduce.
3 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: Hazymac 12/3/2024 4:17:03 PM (No. 1847594)
Many thanks.
2 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: RobertJ984 12/3/2024 4:30:15 PM (No. 1847600) and all
2 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 12/3/2024 4:51:39 PM (No. 1847606)
Fat ugly chicks are doing this, gorgeous chicks are not doing this.
1 person likes this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 12/3/2024 5:31:34 PM (No. 1847632)
A logical progression for lefties that abort their children. Now they can never have any. Which is what they wanted in the first place. More time for themselves if they don't have to care for children. Selfish.
2 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 12/3/2024 6:05:49 PM (No. 1847653)
The eugenics movement eating itself. How fitting.
1 person likes this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: NeonVortex 12/3/2024 7:16:49 PM (No. 1847705)
Dingbats like these should never be allowed to vote.
1 person likes this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: homefry 12/4/2024 7:01:43 AM (No. 1847897)
Thats good, they dont need to be raising children anyway.
0 people like this.

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Manhattan DA's downplaying of Daniel Penny's
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Posted by Moritz55 12/4/2024 4:57:34 PM Post Reply
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office has been aggressively pushing for the media to note that if convicted of second-degree manslaughter at trial, Marine veteran Daniel Penny faces no mandatory minimum prison term, Penny's lawyers told the judge this week. The 26-year-old aspiring architect would face a maximum punishment of 15 years behind bars, if convicted for Jordan Neely's death on a Manhattan F train. Neely rushed onto a subway car with women and children, shouted that someone would "die today," and warned that he wasn't afraid to go to prison for life. Penny grabbed him in a chokehold or headlock, took him to the ground, and he later died.
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Posted by Moritz55 12/3/2024 6:11:51 PM Post Reply
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Women Are Getting Sterilized After Donald
Trump's Victory: 'Only Option'
42 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/3/2024 12:50:50 PM Post Reply
It's not a procedure you'd expect a 28-year-old to be planning. But for Lydia Echols from Texas, having her fallopian tubes removed is the price she's willing to pay to ensure her reproductive rights. Newsweek spoke to five women who have either undergone sterilization procedures or plan to in the wake of President-elect Donald Trump's victory on November 5. They all expressed fear their reproductive choices will be taken from them under Trump's administration. "If I am to be denied any rights in the next four (or more) years, I will not give them up without a fight," Echols said.
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Posted by Moritz55 12/2/2024 3:58:38 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 11/27/2024 12:13:48 PM Post Reply
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With raging wars and an addled president,
it’s a perilous moment
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 11/22/2024 11:24:14 AM Post Reply
Navy Adm. Samuel Paparo is head of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. In Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, he took part in a discussion at the liberal Brookings Institution. Paparo discussed at length the military strength of China — he called it “the most capable potential adversary in the world” — and the challenges facing the United States in countering China’s power in the region. Paparo also addressed the growing costs of U.S. support of Ukraine, in its war with Russia, and Israel, in its war with Hamas and related organizations. This is from a report in the Defense Department publication
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Posted by Moritz55 11/22/2024 10:15:02 AM Post Reply
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Seriously, Is Biden Trying To Start WWIII
To Get Even With Trump?
16 replies
Posted by Moritz55 11/22/2024 9:46:00 AM Post Reply
A mentally challenged President Joe Biden turned 82 years old this week, a much-diminished man from his heyday as a Democratic Party Senate stalwart in the last century. But one part of his character is undimmed by the passage of the years: His legendary spite and gleeful willingness to betray his political foes. Knowing this, is he now about to set off a third world war to settle an election score with newly re-elected President Donald Trump, who Biden still calls an “existential threat” to America? We’re talking of course of Biden’s inexplicably dangerous decision to encourage Ukraine to use long-range U.S. missiles against Russian territory, which has already prompted a response
Why Pete Hegseth Is The Right Man To Run
The Pentagon
8 replies
Posted by Moritz55 11/22/2024 9:38:10 AM Post Reply
President-Elect Donald Trump’s nomination of Pete Hegseth for secretary of defense has sparked predictable criticism, largely centered on claims of inexperience and unpreparedness — entirely from the experts who have been wrong about everything in the defense and foreign policy realm for the past 20 years. Yet a careful review of Hegseth’s background, paired with historical context and the challenges facing the Department of Defense, demonstrates that he is not only qualified but also uniquely positioned to lead in a time when bold, reform-minded leadership is desperately needed.
O'Reilly: MSNBC is Done, Comcast Doesn’t
Want To Own Their Hate Anymore
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Posted by Moritz55 11/21/2024 6:26:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 11/21/2024 5:22:26 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/3/2024 11:15:47 PM Post Reply
President-elect Donald Trump is considering replacing Pete Hegseth, his controversial pick to lead the Pentagon, with one-time 2024 rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, people familiar with the discussions told The Wall Street Journal Tuesday. The move comes as Hegseth, a 44-year-old Army veteran and former Fox News personality, faces increasing scrutiny over allegations of sexual misconduct and financial mismanagement. The defense secretary post requires Senate confirmation and Hegseth faces an increasingly uphill battle to win over GOP members with concerns about his past.
Women Are Getting Sterilized After Donald
Trump's Victory: 'Only Option'
42 replies
Posted by Moritz55 12/3/2024 12:50:50 PM Post Reply
It's not a procedure you'd expect a 28-year-old to be planning. But for Lydia Echols from Texas, having her fallopian tubes removed is the price she's willing to pay to ensure her reproductive rights. Newsweek spoke to five women who have either undergone sterilization procedures or plan to in the wake of President-elect Donald Trump's victory on November 5. They all expressed fear their reproductive choices will be taken from them under Trump's administration. "If I am to be denied any rights in the next four (or more) years, I will not give them up without a fight," Echols said.
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Biden pardon: ‘That’s what presidents do’
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Posted by Imright 12/3/2024 6:40:17 AM Post Reply
Whoopi Goldberg and her lefty cohorts on “The View” went to the mat Monday in defense of President Biden’s sweeping pardon of his son Hunter, writing it off as just “what presidents do” and dismissing criticism of the controversial move as “foolish” and “pearl-clutching.” Goldberg launched straight into her defense of Biden during the ABC TV show’s “Hot Topics” segment by rattling off a list of people President-elect Donald Trump pardoned during his first term, including Roger Stone and Michael Flynn. “That’s what presidents do every time. They do it every time, they pardon somebody, so I’m not sure why the pearl-clutching is happening now,
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Posted by Imright 12/4/2024 2:19:01 AM Post Reply
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Trump Needs to Make an Example of General Milley 26 replies
Posted by DW626 12/3/2024 1:55:11 PM Post Reply
In dealing with his enemies in the Deep State, President Trump could follow one of two paths. One would be the path of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. This would certainly be easier in the short term and also garner approval from insiders and the media. Alternatively, he could seek to clean house and punish the worst and most insubordinate offenders from his first term. Which path Trump should take all depends on whether one believes the last eight years were normal partisan squabbles or if one believes that something monumental happened
Biden’s Parting Gift to Bureaucrats:
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Bureaucrats Until AFTER President Trump
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25 replies
Posted by Imright 12/4/2024 8:59:53 AM Post Reply
As the Biden regime prepares to exit, it has orchestrated a move as a cunning attempt to undermine the incoming Trump administration’s agenda to streamline government operations. In a last-minute deal, the Biden regime has locked in telework protections for 42,000 Social Security Administration (SSA) employees until 2029. The agreement, reached with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), ensures remote work privileges for these federal workers for the next five years, despite the Trump administration’s explicit plans to slash such arrangements, according to Bloomberg.
War Without End: U.S. Rushing $725 Million
More in Lethal Weapons to Ukraine
25 replies
Posted by mc squared 12/3/2024 10:19:32 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration might be in its final days but that doesn’t mean the flow of lethal U.S. weaponry to Ukraine shows any sign of slowing. Far from it. That was confirmed Monday when an additional $725 million in military assistance, including counter-drone systems and munitions for its High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), was announced by the White House. AP reports it is unclear whether the munitions for the HIMARS are the coveted ATACMS — the Army Tactical Missile System — but Ukraine has been pressing for more of the longer-range missiles to strike additional targets inside Russia.
Daniel Penny greeted with chants of ‘Guilty!’
as closing arguments begin in Jordan Neely
chokehold case
25 replies
Posted by Judy W. 12/3/2024 6:42:44 AM Post Reply
Daniel Penny was greeted with shouts of “Guilty!” as he arrived in court Monday morning ahead of closing arguments in his lightning-rod Manhattan manslaughter trial in the chokehold death of Jordan Neely. Penny, 26, strolled into Manhattan Supreme Court around 10:15 a.m. flanked by his attorneys Thomas Kenniff and Steven Raiser — as a 12-person jury will hear final remarks from prosecutors and the defense before the panel begins deliberations. A group of a dozen protesters chanted, “Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!” as the Marine veteran exited a black SUV outside the 100 Centre St. courthouse. “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!” the demonstrators shouted.
Gavin Newsom Convenes California Legislature
to Pass $25 Million for Anti-Trump Lawsuits
22 replies
Posted by Imright 12/3/2024 12:01:48 AM Post Reply
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) convened the state legislature for a special session on Monday designed to “Trump-proof” the state, including by passing $25 million for use in lawsuits against the incoming administration. As Breitbart News noted after the election in November, Newsom announced the special session — not to deal with pressing problems facing the state, but rather for the political purpose of leading the so-called “resistance” (i.e. opposition) to President-elect Donald Trump. Trump responded on Truth Social, saying Newsom was “using the term ‘Trump-Proof’ as a way of stopping all of the GREAT things that can be done to ‘Make California Great Again’.”
‘Affirm And Support LGBTQIA+ Identities’:
Biden Admin Dishing Out Millions To Treat
Eating Disorders With Gay Pride
21 replies
Posted by snakeoil 12/4/2024 10:37:55 AM Post Reply
The Biden-Harris administration has granted millions of dollars in funding for a virtual treatment that aims to help cure eating disorders by “affirming” LGBTQIA+ patients’ sexual orientation and gender claims. The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded Auburn University Assistant Professor of Psychological Sciences Tiffany Brown and San Diego State University Professor of Psychology Aaron Blashill up to $5 million in grants to “develop and provide” the Promoting Resilience to Improve Disordered Eating (PRIDE) treatment — a virtual “identity-affirming eating disorder treatment for LGBTQIA+ patients,” the Auburn University College of Liberal Arts website states.
Electric bus manufacturer Lion Electric
suspends operations at Channahon plant
21 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 12/4/2024 9:25:48 AM Post Reply
CHANNAHON, Ill. -- Lion Electric, which manufactures electric buses, will suspend its operations at its Channahon facility, the company announced in a press release Tuesday. The company announced the suspension of operations at the plant as well as temporary layoffs of about 400 workers across the company, which is based in Canada. The layoffs leave Lion Electric with about 300 workers. The plant in Channahon opened in July of 2023 and was set to produce up to 20,000 vehicles a year. The plant was the first dedicated vehicle assembly plant in the Chicago area since 1965. In a statement, Joliet Mayor
Exclusive — Washington Post Reporter
Belittles Pete Hegseth’s Military Service:
‘Nothing Here Jumps Out’
19 replies
Posted by Imright 12/4/2024 12:57:27 PM Post Reply
The Washington Post’s national security reporter is unimpressed with Pete Hegseth’s 20-plus awards and commendations during his two combat tours, emails obtained Wednesday by Breitbart News reveal. The Post’s Alex Horton, a national security reporter, pushed back Tuesday on Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s characterization of Hegseth, Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, as “highly decorated” for his military service.“Can you help me understand what highly decorated means in this release?” Horton asked Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s staff in response to an op-ed Tuberville wrote praising Hegseth.
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