Biden’s Parting Gift to Bureaucrats:
Biden Regime Grants Protections and Secures
Permanent Telework for 42,000 Social Security
Bureaucrats Until AFTER President Trump
Leaves Office
Gateway Pundit,
Jim Hoft
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
12/4/2024 8:59:53 AM
As the Biden regime prepares to exit, it has orchestrated a move as a cunning attempt to undermine the incoming Trump administration’s agenda to streamline government operations.
In a last-minute deal, the Biden regime has locked in telework protections for 42,000 Social Security Administration (SSA) employees until 2029.
The agreement, reached with the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), ensures remote work privileges for these federal workers for the next five years, despite the Trump administration’s explicit plans to slash such arrangements, according to Bloomberg.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
RussZilla 12/4/2024 9:25:31 AM (No. 1847992)
How many piles of excrmen is this turb of a president going to leave for the incoming president?
49 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Miceal 12/4/2024 9:38:10 AM (No. 1848001)
Day 1... OUTLAW all Federal Sector Unions!
69 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
janjan 12/4/2024 9:38:25 AM (No. 1848002)
Anything Biden grants at this point, without congressional approval, can be undone.
76 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 12/4/2024 9:43:31 AM (No. 1848006)
This is the problem, they negotiate their own deals, pay scales, pensions, etc... The public does not have any input or say in the matter except that they are required to pay for it all with taxes and borrowing.
While someone may be able to work remotely, those rules for logging on, doing X amount of work during that period of time, etc.. can be monitored. Any infraction being reason to fire or disciplinary actions.
And, Congress has the power of the purse to fund or not fund too.
40 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
PChristopher 12/4/2024 9:55:53 AM (No. 1848017)
That traitorous, demented old buzzard is absolutely determined to do as much damage to this country as possible before he leaves. That Hur report should be used to declare him mentally incompetent as of the date of the report and then nullify every heinous thing he's done to the country since that date!
41 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
winmag 12/4/2024 9:57:53 AM (No. 1848018)
They can take their goonion agreement and shove it. Trump needs to rip it up and tell them to go on strike. Then start the hiring process with 1/4th of the workforce.
40 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
singermom9 12/4/2024 10:00:45 AM (No. 1848021)
Oh for heavens sake just have Trumps group gather ALL eos since he got into power and eliminate them as if they were a class action suit. Eliminate anything w a joe biden signature. How hard can this be. Not everything has to be discussed for 84 years before congress/senate decide. If we wait until God returns it will not be necessary to have ANY congress/senate.
31 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
DVC 12/4/2024 10:07:49 AM (No. 1848029)
Nothing is permanent.
40 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
BarryNo 12/4/2024 10:11:42 AM (No. 1848035)
He'll slah them anyway, if they aren't productive.
16 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
seamusm 12/4/2024 10:12:29 AM (No. 1848038)
Where someone sits waiting for new employment matters not.
15 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Krause 12/4/2024 10:17:04 AM (No. 1848045)
This is the democrat party way to leave office…..use up the treasury.
21 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
downnout 12/4/2024 10:17:27 AM (No. 1848046)
I hope there is some way to outlaw government unions. The taxpayers have no say yet we are the ones paying for their nice salaries and overly generous perks. Enough already.
31 people like this.
Easy for Trump to undo, but the fact that he has to do it will allow the media to paint him as a cruel, heartless CEO.
...was authorized by outgoing SSA Commissioner Martin O’Malley...
Ah, the former governor of Maryland. Known as "MOM" during his tenure as the state's nanny, he's still looking out for the solid citizens in Baltimore, where the SSA is headquartered. So expect Trump's reversal to take on a racial spin.
20 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 12/4/2024 10:40:37 AM (No. 1848068)
This makes zero sense - - as usual.
1. Federal employees are forbidden to form unions. 2. No administration can bind the hands of future administrations.
Our sharp posters are correct - - President Trump can tear up this worthless piece of paper on Day One - - and fire bloated bureaucracies at will.
23 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Kafka2 12/4/2024 11:16:03 AM (No. 1848094)
Considering all of the hacker breaches in recent years, the only way to secure SSA data is to isolate the SSA computers from the internet. But, that would eliminate working from home.
8 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
Kafka2 12/4/2024 11:18:34 AM (No. 1848096)
Otherwise, it would be like having open borders to get into SSA computers.
5 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
zephyrgirl 12/4/2024 11:18:56 AM (No. 1848097)
there are ways around this agreement - reductions in force (RIFs), outsourcing, enhanced monitoring of what employees are doing at home (like using mouse jigglers and not doing work).
7 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
padiva 12/4/2024 11:37:47 AM (No. 1848112)
Several years ago, I had to call SSA to reconfigure my SS payments. The young man I spoke with was very nice. He knew what he was doing, explained my options and spoke clear English.
6 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
Safari Man 12/4/2024 11:42:26 AM (No. 1848114)
Joe may be going along with these things, but he's not the one coming up with any of these parting shots. It's just the same old Obama clan doing everything they can to benefit themselves and jack with Trump. In fact, its so rude that it should give Trump a mandate to undo much more than the turbs they are dropping.
7 people like this.
Reply 20 - Posted by:
mc squared 12/4/2024 11:45:09 AM (No. 1848117)
I knew that these last days would be filled with Bad News, but this one blindsided me. Imagine so many DEI employees working in their pajamas.
7 people like this.
Reply 21 - Posted by:
felixcat 12/4/2024 12:24:52 PM (No. 1848137)
Then sell off all their buildings and other property.
7 people like this.
Reply 22 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 12/4/2024 12:34:01 PM (No. 1848143)
Biden continues to cement his the worst POTUS ever, by a country mile.
9 people like this.
Reply 23 - Posted by:
danu 12/4/2024 1:11:50 PM (No. 1848171)
we love the way you think number 5 and 7. let's do 4th of july in january.
we can pitch a mid-winter bonfire, fueled w/ the rubbish of the 0-bidiot/harass mal-administration.
the hot dog and marshmallow inaugural.
4 people like this.
Reply 24 - Posted by:
TXknitter 12/4/2024 2:30:27 PM (No. 1848215)
Yes, #4, and Congress does NOTHING because their families and pals are sprinkled throughout the Federal blob in cushy jobs.
It’s way past time we voters start expecting and demanding far more of our representatives on the Hill. It is up to us - it is the MAGA party now.
3 people like this.
Reply 25 - Posted by:
Californian 12/4/2024 3:14:15 PM (No. 1848235)
Unlikely this can be enforced but even if it can that's fine, order the IT Security teams to terminate all VPN end points. In the name of security.
They can still work at home but if they oh wait they can't get their jobs done so they'll need to come in or get fired for not doing their jobs.
1 person likes this.
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