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Hillary Clinton sparks wild 2028 speculation
with social media announcement

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Posted By: Imright, 11/27/2024 11:42:01 PM

Speculation has run rampant about whether Hillary Clinton may run for president in 2028 after a speaking event was announced in coming weeks. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton are scheduled to speak in the coming weeks at the 20th anniversary of the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas - which includes the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum. The event, planned for the afternoon on December 7, will include remarks from the powerful couple regarding their past political and philanthropic work. 'The Clintons will share reflections on the noble and important work of public service – from securing peace, prosperity, and progress during the Clinton administration

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Omen55 11/27/2024 11:47:59 PM (No. 1844210)
JD vs Hillary. Bring it!
105 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Newtsche 11/27/2024 11:48:51 PM (No. 1844211)
And here I thought the bloom was off her rose.
73 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 11/27/2024 11:55:00 PM (No. 1844217)
Still crazy after all these years. Ugly, mean, crooked and ......just unlikable. She's going nowhere.
147 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 11/28/2024 12:03:20 AM (No. 1844223)
At 81? No one wanted her when she was 69.
136 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Highlander 11/28/2024 12:19:16 AM (No. 1844228)
Like in those schlocky horror movies, where the psychos never die, she keeps popping up.
87 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: pixelero 11/28/2024 12:27:28 AM (No. 1844232)
Can we not be rid of the Clintons? Déclassé, amoral and demonstrably corrupt in both their public and personal lives, one is aware these are Democrat qualifications for office, but Providence might yet bless us with a fresher pair of bodies to be party avatars.
72 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Axeman 11/28/2024 12:30:07 AM (No. 1844235)
Oh, please! Run, PIAPS run!
58 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: itsonlyme 11/28/2024 1:10:09 AM (No. 1844245)
Finger wagging.....Cigar Bill.....Stained Blue Dress....."is" is...... The witch.....Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy.....Steele Dossier.....Deplorables
55 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: ladydawgfan 11/28/2024 1:15:30 AM (No. 1844246)
An 81-year-old decrepit Hagzilla McThunderthighs vs a 44-year-old, young, handsome family man, J.D. Vance??? She must be a glutton for punishment!!
76 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: kono 11/28/2024 2:47:26 AM (No. 1844261)
The fossilized Hildabeest probably thinks of herself as a wizened elder. To imagine her cackling 12 years older than last time makes me nauseous.
50 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: anniebc 11/28/2024 3:28:27 AM (No. 1844267)
There's a photo of her and the other cackler on election night. It's a picture of losers, that's for sure.
37 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: MissNan 11/28/2024 4:01:54 AM (No. 1844278)
Could you imagine Bill back prowling the White House halls looking for young female staffers? Yikes!
44 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Rama41 11/28/2024 4:23:07 AM (No. 1844280)
"The event...will include remarks from the powerful couple...." Powerful couple? I don't think so.
49 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mifla 11/28/2024 5:37:11 AM (No. 1844297)
"Public service". Yeah, right. You both brought the politics of personal destruction to DC, made millions for yourselves, set up a self serving foundation, and waged an immoral war against Trump.
51 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: JimBob 11/28/2024 5:50:39 AM (No. 1844309)
My first thought on reading the title is that someone needs to get out....let's see.....dealing with Dracula... they're going to need some garlic, a wooden stake and a hammer....
28 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Strike3 11/28/2024 5:53:38 AM (No. 1844312)
As Hillary and Kamala have both demonstrated, drinking wine and posting online is not really a smart thing to do.
51 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: mobyclik 11/28/2024 6:07:54 AM (No. 1844323)
The pilfered money in the Clintoon Foundation must be running low, time to refill with taxpayers cash.
38 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: PChristopher 11/28/2024 6:10:48 AM (No. 1844327)
Hillary is like a case of herpes.... painful and never really goes away.
43 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: rytwng 11/28/2024 6:14:42 AM (No. 1844333)
The Beast wants to run for President, again?
26 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 11/28/2024 6:15:53 AM (No. 1844334)
I suspect that after Biden's senility at 82, an 81 year old is NOT going to be a good look for the struggling dems, especially without a dinosaur media (they are about to go extinct) to pretend she is hale and hearty. Why not drag Bernie Sanders out there at 87? They could rename themselves the "One Foot in the Grave" party.
38 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Hazymac 11/28/2024 6:22:47 AM (No. 1844339)
The PIAPS will be an octogenarain (81) by Election Day 2028. And the lying, obese blunderbuss is not not exactly Sophia Loren, either. Notwithstanding, run run run, PIAPS! We want to see it ... her last chance at grabbing that ring. Not gonna happen.
27 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: downnout 11/28/2024 6:24:23 AM (No. 1844340)
They have become very wealthy from “public service”. No thanks.
32 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: 5 handicap 11/28/2024 6:26:19 AM (No. 1844343)
Someone, hit her with a super soaker so we can watch her melt away, PLEASE! Besides those size 12 meat feet of hers won't fit in the size 6 "Ruby Slippers" anyway.
29 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 11/28/2024 6:28:58 AM (No. 1844344)
I’m in Little Rock. They’re already begging people to attend.
23 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Subsuburban 11/28/2024 6:30:48 AM (No. 1844346)
I am amazed that this woman (may I presume to call her that?) is looking four years down the road at age seventy-seven! I realize that we seem to be in an era of aging politicians who refuse to release their hold (again, may I suggest "death grip") on their power, but really? I suggest that she is delusional. I suspect that her plans are likely to be interrupted by a tap on the shoulder from Old Scratch. Well, at least one may hope.
30 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: JackBurton 11/28/2024 6:45:58 AM (No. 1844349)
It's like the Democrats are not even trying. Think she will still be moving in 2028? Oh wait, Biden isn't moving and...
25 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Strike3 11/28/2024 7:00:47 AM (No. 1844353)
Just because she wears pantsuits does not make her presidential material. As Kamala demonstrated, the purpose is primarily to hide ugly legs and a large bottom. But don't let that hold you back, Hillary, run!
27 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: homefry 11/28/2024 7:16:27 AM (No. 1844358)
As if the dim-0 party hasnt had enough crazy these past years!!
21 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: govlawyer 11/28/2024 7:20:13 AM (No. 1844361)
Oh please, let it be so....JD could wipe up the floor with that harridan. Looking at the size of PIAPS, they're going to need a Winnebago instead of a Scooby Van for Dr. Feelgood to escort her around in.
23 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: govlawyer 11/28/2024 7:21:00 AM (No. 1844364)
#2-the bloom may be off of the rose, but not off of the ruse.
24 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: chillijilli 11/28/2024 7:49:17 AM (No. 1844377)
Uh oh. Where's Chelsea? Mummy & Daddy could be cleverly laying the groundwork for her as she flirts with the idea of participating in "the noble and important work of public service." Pay attention here.
31 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 11/28/2024 7:57:49 AM (No. 1844382)
You will NEVER be President, in fact, if there still is justice, you will be incarcerated.
21 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 11/28/2024 7:59:21 AM (No. 1844383)
Rubbish. She ain't running and Miller needs to be taken to the woodshed for making such a ludicrous insinuation. While I don’t doubt that Miss Haversham still harbors fantasies of her Innauguration Day, that is never going to happen. No one is clamoring for a geriatric two time loser, and all indications are that the Rats are ready to move on to younger generations. So why is PIAPS really giving this speech? Follow the money. There's likely a big check attached. Hitlary is nothing if not greedy, and even when hammered on Chardonnay she can sniff out a Benjamin from a mile away.
30 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: edgar 11/28/2024 8:10:30 AM (No. 1844388)
Trying to escape her irrelevance with some social media posts. Hey, look at me. Remember me? Go away, PIAPS.
15 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: TCloud 11/28/2024 8:15:38 AM (No. 1844391)
Carpetbagging Queen of the Universe says what?
19 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: Old Army Vet 11/28/2024 8:26:06 AM (No. 1844399)
This must be some kind of a joke. We just rejected a sixty year old woman. Do the dimokkkrats think that they will win with an eighty year old hag. Please.
21 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 11/28/2024 8:27:41 AM (No. 1844401)
As an 81-year-old bag lady, not a chance. Now go get your booze, Billary, and guzzle up. And be sure that BJ is wearing his bib for that drooling problem.
18 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: padiva 11/28/2024 8:34:58 AM (No. 1844407)
Bill wants a new batch of babes......or does PIAPS?
21 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 11/28/2024 8:46:54 AM (No. 1844418)
Daily Mail ran this story as a provocation. It's click bait.
16 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: VietVet68 11/28/2024 9:02:53 AM (No. 1844427)
The Trump DOJ should launch a full scale investigation into the Clinton Foundation and Money Laundering Organization, complete with jail sentences and restitution. That might finally knock Hillary off her broom stick.
21 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: hershey 11/28/2024 9:22:20 AM (No. 1844447)
Oh my God. Will you lamestream wankers just give us a break?? Cankles for pres??? She has more dirty laundry following her around than even Biteme....check the list of dead around this weird pair...
11 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: Are You Serious 11/28/2024 9:56:05 AM (No. 1844477)
When Hillary finally met her end, she appeared before St Peter at the Pearly Gates and announced she was taking over as God, but would keep him around as an assistant. The fiery pits opened up and Satan appeared. He said "Well, you can have my job. It suits you"
9 people like this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: MickTurn 11/28/2024 9:59:18 AM (No. 1844482)
Hildebeast for Body Shield. She is fat enough to cover at least 10 others.
8 people like this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: paral04 11/28/2024 10:01:17 AM (No. 1844485)
Good Lord! Wasn't it bad enough when she ran the first time? It is a sad thing for the Democrat Party when Kamala and Hillary are their best Presidential Candidates.
10 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 11/28/2024 10:02:24 AM (No. 1844487)
Will the "event" detail how the Klintoons took tens of millions of dollars from Haiti - - and left it in a state of total anarchy? And why is the "event" being held in Arkansas - - instead of the fabled and much admired Master B. Clinton offices in Harlem - - which he hasn't visited in over 20 years? And - - does the "museum" display wax figures of Master B. and Monica getting down and dirty in the Oval Office? These questions demand honest answers! Honest answers - - - - from the Klintoons?
10 people like this.

Reply 46 - Posted by: udanja99 11/28/2024 10:06:08 AM (No. 1844491)
Maybe she and Commie-La can run on the same ticket. Just imagine the millions they would spend on booze!
10 people like this.

Reply 47 - Posted by: Trapper 11/28/2024 10:17:54 AM (No. 1844503)
The smart democrats who sat out 2024 because they knew it was going to be a Trump blowout will be in even worse positions in 2028. After 4 years of Trump low inflation, low gas and food prices, rounded up illegals absent from local government hand-out budgets, peace in the Middle East and Europe, a new working relationship with Mexico, and a new framework in place for America First foreign relations initiatives in the State Department, ANYONE Trump grooms as his successor should have a cake walk in 2028. Looking at you, JD.
15 people like this.

Reply 48 - Posted by: Zigrid 11/28/2024 10:42:01 AM (No. 1844526)
Oh...shut the ----up...I'm so sick of these two...he's a twisted pig and she's an over educated ______h...was it Yale or Harvard?.....who stole money from Haiti...sold uranium to Russia when she was sec of whatever....bullied and threatened girls who were forced to have relations with the pig....her so called husband....and left an ambassador at the hands of our enemy to be tortured and sodomized with a knife....and burned because she did NOTHING to save him....oh yeah...America wants them in the White House again....
12 people like this.

Reply 49 - Posted by: Kate318 11/28/2024 10:45:29 AM (No. 1844532)
The Beast, she slithers.
9 people like this.

Reply 50 - Posted by: Gallo3 11/28/2024 10:51:47 AM (No. 1844538)
Have to admit it is great to see the old battle acronym 'PIAPS' being used in a sentence on this here L-Dot page. For any newbies, this means 'Pig In A Pant Suit'. Brings me back. Remember the 'PETUIATE"? 'Porcine Even-Toed Ungulate In A Trousered Ensemble'.
9 people like this.

Reply 51 - Posted by: Italiano 11/28/2024 10:55:22 AM (No. 1844541)
Hillary / Kamala Kamala / Hillary Satan / Anti-Christ Take your pick. Interchangeable.
7 people like this.

Reply 52 - Posted by: whyyeseyec 11/28/2024 11:03:41 AM (No. 1844549)
If Hillary is going to run, it's so she can scream 'election interference' when Trump's DOJ comes after her fat ***
8 people like this.

Reply 53 - Posted by: bighambone 11/28/2024 11:20:50 AM (No. 1844557)
She looks like an old alcoholic witch now. Imagine what she will look like in four years?
7 people like this.

Reply 54 - Posted by: Safari Man 11/28/2024 11:37:07 AM (No. 1844563)
Lock her up... in a padded room
6 people like this.

Reply 55 - Posted by: buckeye1 11/28/2024 12:19:10 PM (No. 1844577)
Thats Hilarious. I' m sure she's madder than a march hare after letting Kamela blow it. Let the fools speculate about 2028
5 people like this.

Reply 56 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 11/28/2024 12:24:46 PM (No. 1844578)
She's kidding, isn't she? If not, Hitlary, is delusional plus being a power mad, money obsessed, evil Jezebel (an evil Queen from scripture who ruled Israel and dominated/bossed her weak husband). Much has been posted here what Hillary has gotten away with, but there is a Judgment Day coming and she will be held accountable. That gives me peace that there will be Justice at some point.
6 people like this.

Reply 57 - Posted by: earlybird 11/28/2024 3:18:09 PM (No. 1844641)
Big whoop.
3 people like this.

Reply 58 - Posted by: joew9 11/28/2024 3:24:42 PM (No. 1844645)
I think I favor her run. It assures JD becomes the 48th.
3 people like this.

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Posted by Dreadnought 12/2/2024 12:53:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 12/2/2024 5:50:43 AM Post Reply
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Hunter Biden Responds to Pardon: ‘Will
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Posted by Hazymac 12/2/2024 6:24:58 AM Post Reply
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It finally dawns on Clooney that his BFF
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17 replies
Posted by DW626 12/2/2024 5:52:11 AM Post Reply
It's not easy being George Clooney these days. The realization has finally hit him that Obama, his best friend forever, used him for a patsy in the recent election. First he had him hold a fundraiser for Joe Biden, where he could clearly see Joe's senilkity, and then he had Clooney write the editorial for the New York Times calling on Democrats to get that guy out of there. Now that the electoral disaster has happened for the Democrats as a result, Obama has left Clooney holding the bag.
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Posted by Mercedes44 12/1/2024 5:15:43 AM Post Reply
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We always knew Joe Biden would pardon
troubled son Hunter — fitting the president
would break another promise to the American people
14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 12/2/2024 4:52:14 AM Post Reply
We always knew Joe Biden would pardon his troubled son Hunter, no matter how many times he promised he wouldn’t. So it is fitting that one of the final acts of this mendacious president before leaving office was to break yet another promise to the American people. Thus on Sunday night, the president issued a statement from the White House declaring that he had just signed a “Full and Unconditional Pardon” for Robert Hunter Biden, 54. The pardon Joe vowed he would never give comes just days before Hunter was due to be sentenced over a felony gun conviction in Delaware in June and California felony tax-
Democrats look to governors to lead them
to promised land
14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 12/1/2024 5:51:13 AM Post Reply
Democrats are looking to the governors of blue states as both a line of defense against the incoming Trump administration and a promising bench for the party in 2028. Governors are seen as leading the charge of Democratic resistance as the GOP gets ready to take control of Congress and the White House next year: California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office promised to “Trump-proof” state laws, and Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker has pledged to be a “warrior” against controversial policies.
DELICIOUS: Andrew McCabe Throws a Fit
on CNN Over Trump Nomination of Kash Patel
14 replies
Posted by FlyRight 12/1/2024 4:44:04 AM Post Reply
As we reported, President-elect Donald Trump has now nominated Kash Patel for the spot of FBI Director. Patel is a big favorite of Trump supporters and it's also going to be hard to argue that he isn't qualified. He's an attorney who has handled many trials, and served as Chief of Staff at the Department of Defense, Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Senior Director for Counterterrorism at the National Security Council. How do you know it's a good pick? All the right people are upset. They know that Patel is not just going to be a status quo, ordinary Republican, and that he's going to clean things up.
Exclusive: Jill and Ashley Biden enjoy
mother-daughter time during a windy beach
walk on Nantucket
13 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2024 12:16:24 AM Post Reply
Jill and Ashley Biden enjoyed a short, windy walk on their private beach on Saturday just hours before the first family departs Nantucket. The mother and daughter duo have been spending a lot of quality time together during the Thanksgiving holiday, including a shopping spree in the historic downtown. The duo only spent about 12 minutes outside on Saturday but it was long enough for Ashley to bend down and pick up some items from the beach, most likely the sea shells that are scattered around the island.
Jonathan Turley Rips Biden's Pardon of
His Son to Shreds
12 replies
Posted by Imright 12/2/2024 8:17:18 AM Post Reply
George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley has now weighed in on the sweeping pardon that Joe Biden just gave his son on Sunday. It not only covers the crimes for which he was convicted or to which he pled guilty, but it also covers any other possible crimes that may have occurred over 11 years from Jan. 1, 2014, to Dec. 1, 2024. Turley just eviscerated Biden when he was asked about it by Fox News and the "bad precedent" that Biden could be setting. (X Video) Turley pointed out how this brings to mind the actions of Bill Clinton, who pardoned his brother.
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