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Police Audio, Report Confirm
Haitian Goose-Hunting In Ohio: ‘They
All Had Geese In Their Hands’

Original Article

Posted By: Harlowe, 9/10/2024 11:23:24 PM

A recording of a police phone call obtained by The Federalist reveals a local resident reporting a group of Haitian migrants carrying four geese in Springfield, Ohio two weeks ago. “I’m sitting here, I’m riding on the trail, I’m going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of ’em, they all had geese in their hand,” the caller tells the public services dispatcher in the audio recording of the call. [Snip] ... at an intersection between Water and Warder Street, a location that does exist in Springfield and is confirmed in the police report...

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Newtsche 9/10/2024 11:40:27 PM (No. 1793707)
We've taken so much crap -- the border, Afghanistan, the election steal, inflation, lawfare, the J6 lies, the summer of love, on and on. We've taken so much crap, America will draw the line at our pets being killed and eaten. Playing with fire here, one-worlders.
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Bogasso 9/10/2024 11:45:11 PM (No. 1793711)
Let ‘em eat all the Canada Geese, opossums and armadillos that they want. Then send them back.
13 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 9/10/2024 11:49:57 PM (No. 1793712)
Clearly, they weren't provided enough cash upon their illegal arrival. How and where is all of this going to end? But I fear that if Trump/Vance aren't installed in January, it never will. America will just continue to get worse and sicker, the change going way beyond fundamental.
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Jen103143 9/11/2024 12:12:36 AM (No. 1793719)
Well, well….President Trump was right again! He said, in the debate that Haitians were eating pets and animals. Kamala laughed it off, showing how out of touch she is with American citizens in Springfield, Ohio.
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Lawsy0 9/11/2024 1:36:24 AM (No. 1793751)
What are "food stamps" for?? Believers in a secure border are the "geese." We're being fleeced!
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Highlander 9/11/2024 4:44:25 AM (No. 1793779)
One commenter beat me to it about Canada geese. I hoped that the Haitians were catching and eating those nasty birds. They, the geese, were a constant nuisance on every golf course I played on, that had water. I had no joy having to put the ball through their messy green poop on the greens.
3 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: berthabutt 9/11/2024 6:33:35 AM (No. 1793799)
Crime reporting is down everywhere. It doesn't mean there are less crimes committed, only that the system is failing it's citizens in fulfilling their duty to protect & defend us. How long before Springfield looks like a CHAZ?
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 9/11/2024 6:44:17 AM (No. 1793802)
Canadian geese and wild hogs are rampant since welfare. Maybe they will get both under control before Trump kicks them out.
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: chumley 9/11/2024 7:08:10 AM (No. 1793813)
When I was younger I never would have believed the American people would take this much abuse for this long without a violent reaction. Now we have been intentionally flooded with dark people from all over the world who are nothing more than rabid animals. I am ashamed of us for allowing this, and for the lack of leadership that may have united and inspired us. Who is really behind these orders that have world leaders cowering and groveling, while they willingly destroy their own countries?
13 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: chance_232 9/11/2024 7:43:03 AM (No. 1793829)
On the plus side, you can now walk down the sidewalk without stepping in something. Growing up, I had never seen a Canada Goose. Now they are everywhere.
1 person likes this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: navybrat 9/11/2024 9:34:27 AM (No. 1793879)
The citizen described the car and got a partial license plate number. I am not sure about the dogs and cats but am convinced about the ducks and geese. The city manager is embarrassed to admit it as it is not something the chamber of commerce would call attention to.
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: navybrat 9/11/2024 9:41:32 AM (No. 1793887)
I am ashamed and sad that we keep electing people who allow these things to happen to us. They just laugh and ignore it as they will never suffer any consequence from what they allow to happen to us. They keep getting re-elected. Look at corrupt Joe, he is definitely a crook as well as a fool, but the people kept sending him back for 50 years. God is finally going to retire him, or he would continue in office for who knows how long. Same thing with the late Dianne Feinstein.
3 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: bighambone 9/11/2024 10:06:25 AM (No. 1793907)
Haitians are going to continue doing what Haitians have been doing in Haiti all along. When the Biden-Harris crew moved that huge number of Haitians into a relatively small Ohio town they essentially moved Haiti and Haitian culture there. If anyone in that Ohio town objects, the leftist and progressive Democrats will claim that they are racists. Is your town next?
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Police Audio, Report Confirm
Haitian Goose-Hunting In Ohio: ‘They
All Had Geese In Their Hands’
13 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/10/2024 11:23:24 PM Post Reply
A recording of a police phone call obtained by The Federalist reveals a local resident reporting a group of Haitian migrants carrying four geese in Springfield, Ohio two weeks ago. “I’m sitting here, I’m riding on the trail, I’m going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of ’em, they all had geese in their hand,” the caller tells the public services dispatcher in the audio recording of the call. [Snip] ... at an intersection between Water and Warder Street, a location that does exist in Springfield and is confirmed in the police report...
Liberals go into meltdown after Trump
vows to 'lock up his political enemies'
19 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/8/2024 12:37:50 PM Post Reply
Liberals have hit out at Donald Trump after he vowed to prosecute election 'cheaters' if he wins in November. The former president threatened to target, 'lawyers, political operatives, donors, illegal voters and corrupt election officials' in a rant on Truth Social. [Snip] 'I together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation!' Trump wrote on Saturday.
Trump Reveals the Biggest Lesson Learned
From His First Term
9 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/7/2024 12:15:54 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday night, former President Donald Trump joined Fox News host Sean Hannity for a town hall in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. [Snip] One woman asked Trump, “What could you share that you’ve learned from your first time being in the Oval Office for those who are hesitant to vote for you now?” [Snip] Yet, despite the Democrats’ nine-year campaign to destroy him, Trump is still standing. His eyes are wide open. [Snip] And I know the good ones, the bad ones, the weak ones, the smart ones, the dumb ones. I know ’em all now.”
Prince Harry 'feels overshadowed by Meghan
Markle and plotting return to UK'
40 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/2/2024 12:24:48 AM Post Reply
Prince Harry is reported to have told friends that he feels like a "spare" in the United States. Pals of the Duke of Sussex have reportedly said he feels that he has lost his way and even feels overshadowed by his wife, Meghan Markle, in public. [Snip] They added: "The Colombia trip also really highlighted how Meghan is comfortable stepping into the spotlight, while Harry cuts a very sulky, unhappy figure in the background." The unnamed source claimed Harry wants to find a way back to royal life in Britain and is seeking the advice of old pals and associates.
Probe reveals 6,000 Gazans infiltrated
Israel during October 7 massacre – report
5 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/31/2024 5:54:34 PM Post Reply
A staggering 6,000 Gazans infiltrated Israel during the October 7 massacre, nearly double the previously estimated amount, according to a new probe by the Gaza Division that was submitted to IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi and published on Saturday on the N12 News site. [Snip] Of the 6,000 Gazans who crossed into Israel, some 3,800 were identified as Nukhba terrorists--members of Hamas’s elite forces. [Snip] The probe also revealed that 2,200 Gazans, including both terrorists and looters, participated in the attack, further escalating the chaos and violence that marked the day.
How Donald Trump Can Regain The Support
Of Pro-Lifers
19 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/31/2024 12:52:17 AM Post Reply
On Thursday, former President Donald Trump generated a firestorm of controversy in pro-life political circles.[Snip]In response, Trump stated, “I think the six-week is too short. There has to be more time.” Many interpreted his comments to mean he would vote in favor of Amendment 4.[Snip]Lately, many pro-lifers have been frustrated with Trump because he has offered them precious little in terms of commitments on abortion policy.[Snip]By simply raising concerns about the full implications of Amendment 4, Trump could win back the support of some skeptical pro-life voters. More importantly, he would be performing a valuable service for pro-lifers in Florida and across the country.
Billy Graham's granddaughter joins 'Evangelicals
for Harris,' quotes Isaiah to blast Trump supporters
29 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/17/2024 1:17:24 PM Post Reply
The granddaughter of the late Rev. Billy Graham endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris during an "Evangelicals for Harris" Zoom call Wednesday and suggested that Christians who support former President Donald Trump are causing people to turn away from Christianity. Jerushah Duford, whose mother Virginia "Gigi" Graham Tchividjian is Graham's oldest daughter, [Snip] "Voting Kamala, for me, is so much greater than policies. It's a vote against another four years of faith leaders justifying the actions of a man who destroys the message Jesus came to spread, and that is why I get involved in politics," she said.
Survey Finds College Students Lack ‘Rudimentary’
Knowledge of History and Civics
21 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/16/2024 3:50:38 PM Post Reply
This is because American schools are choosing to emphasize social justice and progressive talking points instead. The College Fix reports: College students lack ‘rudimentary’ knowledge of history, civics: survey – [Snip] ...a civic literacy assessment recently conducted by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni. [Snip] Historian and Hillsdale College Professor Wilfred McClay told The Fix in a recent email he was both “appalled and saddened” by another finding from the survey that found 57 percent of students would flee the country rather than stay and fight in the case of an invasion. “This reflects a social malady, a sickness of the soul, that runs deeper
How Trump Can Win – or Lose – the Election 17 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/8/2024 12:01:46 AM Post Reply
The good news for the Trump campaign is that the sure Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is a lifelong California hard leftist at a time when the state is emblematic of progressive nihilism. Her extremist advocacies as a San Francisco county and city attorney, state Attorney General, and senator are on record. And they are consistent with what has virtually destroyed the state. [Snip] However, the bad news for Trump is that there are only roughly 90 days left to expose Harris’s extremist record. And like cognitively challenged Joe Biden in 2020, her handlers will not allow her to speak extemporaneously or to give interviews to real journalists.
Supreme Court denies request to move Trump
sentencing in hush money case until after election
2 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/6/2024 11:21:01 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Monday a request by Missouri Republican Attorney General Andrew Bailey to delay sentencing of former president and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s conviction in New York over past payments to porn star Stephanie “Stormy Daniels” Clifford, setting the stage for legal penalties to potentially complicate Trump’s intended return to the White House. [Snip] ...Bailey’s office filed a motion to have the date moved again to after the election, arguing the case interfered with Trump’s ability to campaign, such as his ability to present his side of the story to voters.
Kellyanne Conway joins Ukrainian oligarch’s
foundation for $50k per month to lobby
US officials
20 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/5/2024 11:10:21 PM Post Reply
Former Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway is drawing attention after accepting a role with a Ukrainian oligarch that will require her to lobby prominent U.S. officials to promote the war-torn country’s interests in America. [Snip] Conway’s new position is with the U.K. arm of Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk’s philanthropic foundation that was founded in 2006. [Snip] One of Conway’s duties is to convince U.S. lawmakers, experts, and opinion makers to attend Pinchuk’s annual Yalta European Strategy meeting in Kyiv this September. The conference has been held every year since 2004 and features an array of business, political, media, and civic leaders.
Schumer’s ‘No Kings Act’ Allows
Congress, Not SCOTUS, to Determine ‘Whom
Federal Criminal Laws May be Applied’
14 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/1/2024 11:41:28 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Chuckie Schumer introduced his No Kings Act to eliminate immunity for presidents and vice presidents. [Snip] The No Kings Act puts everything in the hands of Congress and the notorious left-leaning United States District Court for the District of Columbia. [Snip] The Democrats wrote (emphasis mine): “No President or Vice President (former or sitting) would be entitled to immunity from criminal prosecution for actions that violate the criminal laws of the United States. The bill would clarify that Congress, not the Supreme Court, determines to whom federal criminal laws may be applied.”
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/11/2024 12:16:18 AM Post Reply
Taylor Swift said Tuesday she is supporting Vice President Kamala Harris in the race for president, ending speculation about whether the superstar singer would share her political views ahead of November’s election. “Like many of you, I watched the debate tonight. If you haven’t already, now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you the most. As a voter, I make sure to watch and read everything I can about their proposed policies and plans for this country,” Swift wrote on Instagram, shortly after
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Posted by Mercedes44 9/11/2024 5:45:26 AM Post Reply
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Pennsylvania Prof Claims Trump Is A ‘Fascist’,
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Posted by Imright 9/10/2024 3:56:13 PM Post Reply
An accounting professor at a taxpayer-funded Pennsylvania university condemned former President Donald Trump and his supporters as “fascists” during a lecture where he urged his students to vote in November, video shared with The Daily Wire shows. William Lloyd ripped into Trump and Republicans during a managerial accounting class on September 4 at Commonwealth University-Lock Haven. The university is part of Pennsylvania’s public education system and is located in Clinton County, an area that largely backed Trump in 2020. “Get informed. It is important. There is a lot of disinformation out there,” Lloyd told his students last week, according to a recording of the lecture shared with The Daily Wire. “And vote.
Trump reiterates: There will be blood 22 replies
Posted by zoidberg 9/10/2024 9:46:44 AM Post Reply
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Kamala Shamelessly Lied Her Head Off Throughout
the Debate
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 11:56:58 PM Post Reply
I guess it was a foregone conclusion that the ABC debate was going to be a mess, but people were yelling about the moderators not being fair from the jump. It's pretty clear why Vice President Kamala Harris only wanted to do a debate with ABC, given the bias they showed. Trump had his moments, and I wrote about one earlier. But while the moderators were all over former President Donald Trump, Harris was lying her head off without being checked the whole debate. If I wrote about all the lies, I'd still be going into tomorrow, so I'll stick to some of the highlights. She spread every hoax
CNN Flash Poll: Kamala Harris Beat Donald
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/11/2024 11:35:10 AM Post Reply
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DC police release bodycam video of deadly
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Justin Robinson
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/10/2024 8:50:01 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON - Body camera footage released by D.C. police Monday shows the moment officers shot and killed Justin Robinson, a Violence Interrupter for the city, during an incident at a Southeast McDonald’s last week. The footage was made public following community pressure for its release. While a statement from the Mayor’s Office initially indicated that Robinson’s next of kin did not want it shown, the family reversed their decision over the weekend. At a vigil held on Friday, some of Robinson’s family members called for the "full release" of all body camera footage from officers on the scene. The incident began when police responded to a call about a car crash
What the Heck Happened in the Trump-Harris Debate? 18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/10/2024 11:25:28 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump finally faced off in what will likely be their only debate, and it went more or less as expected. While this debate probably won’t change the overall trajectory of the race in a major way, it did have its key moments—and not all of them went in Trump’s favor. I predicted Trump needed to perform significantly better than he did against Joe Biden, and frankly, that didn’t happen. Let’s start with the obvious: Kamala came in prepared, and Trump, as usual, took the bait more than once. Sure, he got in some good lines and managed to score points
Election officials warn that widespread
problems with the US mail system could
disrupt voting
17 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/11/2024 4:13:30 PM Post Reply
Topeka, Kan. (AP) — State and local election officials from across the country on Wednesday warned that problems with the nation’s mail delivery system threaten to disenfranchise voters in the upcoming presidential election, telling the head of the U.S. Postal Service that it hasn’t fixed persistent deficiencies.[Snip]mailed ballots that were postmarked on time were received by local election offices days after the deadline to be counted.[Snip] properly addressed election mail was being returned to them as undeliverable[Snip]could automatically send voters to inactive status through no fault of their own
A father’s grief cannot override his
hatred for Republicans
16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/11/2024 2:02:54 PM Post Reply
Springfield, Ohio, has been in the news because it’s emerged that some of the 20,000 Haitian immigrants dumped on that small town in the last three years have been dining on people’s pets. That scrutiny reminded people that a Haitian immigrant driving illegally killed an 11-year-old Springfield boy. Now, the boy’s father has lashed out—at Republicans. On August 22, 2023, Hermanio Joseph, a 35-year-old Haitian immigrant with an Ohio identification card and a Mexican driver’s license that was invalid due to his immigration status, was driving a minivan that crossed into oncoming traffic, striking a school bus. The collision caused the bus to roll over, ejecting 11-year-old Aiden Clark,
In 3-On-1 Knife-Fight, Kalm, Konfident
Kamala Koolly Kills
16 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/11/2024 12:34:04 PM Post Reply
Yes, conservatives, on Tuesday night, ABC moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis harassed The Donald, coddled Kamala, and broke their rule by opening her mic to interrupt. But here’s the deal: Harris was ready and rarin’ with a better-designed strategy to make her case and get under that orange skin. From the opening handshake she initiated, she capitalized on the luck of the draw: not just the network, but also an opponent who stumbled, rambled, and ranted. Kamala showed up flawlessly turned out – contrasting her CNN appearance – confident … and superbly prepped.
Listen: Leaked Audio of a 911 Call Reveals
Springfield, Ohio Resident Reporting Group
of Haitians Carrying Geese
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/11/2024 7:18:54 AM Post Reply
The Federalist obtained audio of a 911 call from a local resident reporting a group of Haitians carrying geese. More than 20,000 Haitians are now living in Springfield, Ohio and the residents are fed up. Springfield has a population of about 60,000 people and Haitians now make up 25% of the population. The City of Springfield held a City Commission meeting last week and angry residents went off on them for doing nothing about the Haitians wreaking havoc on the community and draining resources.
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