NY Times Breaking News: Voters Have Been
Concerned About Biden's Age for Some Time
Hot Air,
John Sexton
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
7/2/2024 12:37:54 AM
Just a couple of days ago I wrote about the way the national media was expressing shock over Joe Biden's performance at the debate while simultaneously ignoring the fact that many people on the right have been pointing out this was a problem for at least a year. They literally went from dismissing the right's concerns as dishonest spin to echoing them without acknowledging this meant they'd been wrong all along.
Today the NY Times is trying to creep back toward reality with a new newsletter piece headlined "The Problem in Plain Sight." Yes, I know it's hard to believe they're publishing that headline a week after they ran with "How
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
anniebc 7/2/2024 1:26:56 AM (No. 1747850)
Some of us have been pointing it out for at least four years, John.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
3XALADY 7/2/2024 8:16:03 AM (No. 1747984)
I noticed it when he campaigned from the basement during the last 'election.'
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Strike3 7/2/2024 8:35:22 AM (No. 1747992)
It's amazing to me how so many who have been pushing another reality for such a long time are now fighting for space on the bandwagon. It's not Joe's age, it's his pea-sized brain, morals, evil intentions, susceptibility to remote control and intentional damage to America that is our focus. The extent of the crimes of the democrat party apparatchiks has not yet been determined.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Venturer 7/2/2024 8:51:57 AM (No. 1748004)
I am shocked that anyone who expresses shock at seeing Joebama's condition at the debate.
What rock have they been hiding for the last 3 1/2 years
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
red1066 7/2/2024 9:12:42 AM (No. 1748017)
It's not Biden's age that's a concern, it's his dementia addled mind that's the problem. There are plenty of people as old and older than Biden that are as sharp as they were when they were forty. Just as there are plenty of forty-year-olds and younger who are as dumb as a rock. A perfect example is AOC and the rest of the squad, plus the people who voted for them. Yet no one seems to point out the mental deficiency in those people.
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Age is not the issue.Quit saying that. The fact is that Joe is suffering from (age-related?) dementia. Oh, and is corrupt, besides.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
formerNYer 7/2/2024 9:53:54 AM (No. 1748050)
John still wears bell-bottoms and tie-dye.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
dwa 7/2/2024 10:16:39 AM (No. 1748070)
# 5 and 6 are correct, it is not Biden's age, it is his dementia and mental decline. But the corrupt NYT likes to use age because they can then equate Biden and Trump and say that Trump, being almost as old as Biden, has the same mental problems. We've already seen the Leftist media do thisl.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 7/2/2024 10:26:29 AM (No. 1748077)
There certainly could have been disagreement about Biden's ability to serve, despite the somewhat obvious evidence. The problem is, it is the media's JOB to dig into it and investigate. If they had, or cared about the problem, we would have been given the truth a long time ago.
The debate was not just damning of Biden's health, it was damning of a media coverup and acting as the propaganda arm of the dem party. THAT cannot be explained away unless the media is made up of absolute morons.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
FJB 7/2/2024 10:31:02 AM (No. 1748084)
America cares nothing about Evil Joe Biden except that Sweet Bammy and Sniffer Joe have intentionally destroyed our nation. That matters.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
JimBob 7/2/2024 2:05:36 PM (No. 1748240)
Gee, someone at the SLYMES finally woke up and smelled the coffee!
It's only been 4 years -since the 'Rat 'Powers Behind the Green Curtain' forced everyone except the HairSniffer and Crazy Bernie out of the 'Rat primary, essentially selecting the HairSniffer for the 'Rat nomination.
More importantly, much of the Lamestream media are EVIL. They are not stupid, they are not ignorant, they are EVIL, deliberately lying and misleading the American people. The list of hoaxes they have perpetuated over the last few years is long enough that to list them would be to abuse Lucianne's tolerance for article length. I believe that most of the divisiveness in America today is caused by the Lamestreams constant barrage of lies. If they would tell the TRUTH, a lot of the divisiveness would disappear and America would be a better, stronger nation.
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