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Biden faces mutiny as 25 Democrats prepare
to call for ailing president, 81, to step
aside after disastrous debate against
Trump - as one warns 'the dam has broken'

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Posted By: Imright, 7/3/2024 5:09:40 AM

At least 25 Democrat members of Congress are set to call on Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race in the coming days, while a pair of Senators have distanced themselves from the ailing president. The Democratic revolt in the House was expected to take place if Biden 'seems shaky in coming days' as one Democrat aide warned: 'the dam is broken.' In the Senate, it was revealed that centrist Joe Manchin needed to be pulled back from the brink as he prepared to become the first Biden ally to call for him to quit on one of the Sunday news shows.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 7/3/2024 5:56:08 AM (No. 1748628)
I doubt Joe is going to go willingly and for sure Jill Biden is going to hold on to the bitter end. Joe is embarrassing himself and the country by refusing to see the writing on the Dem wall. He should have some dignity and grace and let go, it's over.
31 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: franq 7/3/2024 7:38:23 AM (No. 1748668)
You have to wonder how much Dr. Jill is really surprised by this turn of events. But part of being a leftist is the willing suspension of disbelief. I doubt her core really embraces the truths of Scripture. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 9:10
27 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 7/3/2024 7:39:35 AM (No. 1748669)
It will be interesting to see how the 'Rats solve this one. IMO, it depends on how much ballot fraud Joe will need vs his potential successor. If Joe steps down, his delegates are released. A free for all might bring in Hillary, Bernie, Gretchen the Wretched the whole zoo. There by pushing the ballot fraud need beyond the possible. Then Joe is going nowhere. Even the trip to the undertaker will be delayed.
14 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: smak90 7/3/2024 8:00:04 AM (No. 1748686)
The Democrats are in a quandary. Many of the fraudulent ballots are already created for the next election. If the candidate changes, it will be much harder to organize the fraud for the next election guaranteeing a win for Trump. In addition to that there will be legal battles when they attempt to change the candidate. Time to get your popcorn ready, this should be fun to watch.
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: 3XALADY 7/3/2024 8:09:18 AM (No. 1748693)
Doktor Jill's ex was on Greg Kelly's (Newsmax) show last night. He had been on previously but never said anything untoward about her. He said after seeing her call President Trump a liar that he couldn't hold it in any longer and proceeded to say that her action then was not an unusual thing and that at the divorce she was particularly obnoxious. Biden (Old Yeller) then proceeded to antagonize him for several years - IRS problem, not paying a tax 8 days after it was due and another one that I have forgotten.
16 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: udanja99 7/3/2024 8:45:03 AM (No. 1748718)
In #3’s scenario, what happens if none of those who hop into the free for all get enough votes to be the nominee? Karma has brought the demonicrats a real shiite show which could very well destroy the entire party.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Catfur27 7/3/2024 8:46:38 AM (No. 1748720)
..isn't it such GREAT IRONY...that dems are now trying to get rid of Buy-dumb for the same reason conservatives have been saying for years - he is UNFIT to hold office.
16 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Venturer 7/3/2024 9:02:28 AM (No. 1748740)
These people anger me immensely. All of a sudden it took a disastrous debate for them to see ? Where have they been for the last 3 1/2 years? 3 1/2 years o inflation EV cars, closing power plants loss of our energy independence , open borders, lawbreakers , riots. F every stinking Democrat politician in the Capitol.
24 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 7/3/2024 9:04:45 AM (No. 1748742)
Given the situation in the House, a handful of Dems would have a lot of leverage over the Biden. If Joe refuses to resign, vote to jail Merrick Garland. If Joe refuses to resign, vote to impeach him. Could be interesting. No need to state that every House member is up for re-election in a few months.
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/3/2024 9:41:10 AM (No. 1748787)
Some more "spray tan" will help that too, Jill.
10 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: cor-vet 7/3/2024 9:52:36 AM (No. 1748797)
These stories we're now getting, about the down line dems dissatisfaction w/ FJB, overlook the vfact that no matter how bad, when push comes to shove, they will all vote the party line, i.e. whichever way pelosi tells them to vote. I don't trust any of them and will never vote for a baby-killing democrat, ever!
15 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Zigrid 7/3/2024 9:54:26 AM (No. 1748800)
Looks like the rats are starting to desert the's all about the rats seeing the writing on the wall...and are jumping ship before they get taken down in November.....
10 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: texaspast 7/3/2024 10:43:13 AM (No. 1748836)
As my wife pointed out (and I had forgotten) it may be that it isn't his age as much as the fact that he has had two brain surgeries. That does age one's brain, having seen that happen to my brother.
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: MissMann 7/3/2024 10:48:25 AM (No. 1748842)
If he isn’t competent, he needs to be removed now! When—not if—the attack comes from all the military-age men from enemy countries Biden’s wide open borders allowed in, we’ll need someone with the majority of their marbles in charge.
7 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: dbdiva 7/3/2024 11:44:27 AM (No. 1748872)
How disingenuous these 25 are. Are they trying to make it seem that this is the first they've noticed Pedo isn't up to the task?? If they were honest, they would have called on him to step down years ago or even advised him not to run in the first place. But in dem world expediency rules. For those who are seeking reelection, they've come to the conclusion that Pedo's coat tails are nonexistent and now they want nothing to do with him.
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Safari Man 7/3/2024 12:23:34 PM (No. 1748888)
Joe cannot leave... he's already been bought and paid for and the money's already been spent on coke and hookers
2 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: little guy 7/3/2024 1:31:28 PM (No. 1748938)
They can mutiny all they want but Captain Bligh is not going to walk the plank! Historically the Dems never admit they have made a mistake and always rally behind their guy/gal no matter how bad they are. They kept McGovern, Carter, Humphrey, Mondale, Kerry, Hilary, Gore, etc. This forces them to put plan B into immediate effect. Namely, loss the White House to a guy who can only serve 4 more years and steal both the Senate and the House while everyone is preoccupied with the POTUS race. Then just tie Trump in knots and impeach him every month! In 2028, the Dems steal back the White House for 8 years ... and America goes out like a birthday candle.
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Hazymac 7/3/2024 2:02:34 PM (No. 1748960)
Why are they trying to get rid of the one who said, "More than half of the women in my administration are women"? For once, he didn't lie.
2 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Monique 7/3/2024 2:40:04 PM (No. 1748984)
The Dems might put Michelle Obama up, but you know, Jill Biden is every bit as qualified as Michelle to be president. I will admit that either one of them is more qualified than Kamala Harris.
3 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: ironchefw 7/3/2024 2:48:21 PM (No. 1748989)
I have been thinking for some time that if Biden left the presidency and tried to get a job, he would have a slim chance getting hired at a job like Walmart greeter, school crossing guard, or a fast food restaurant order taker or cook (i.e. jobs in the "real" world). But consider where he probably would get hired. A university to "teach" a course. A law firm or a charity board to drum up business from his contacts. Quite a difference.
2 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 7/3/2024 5:44:23 PM (No. 1749073)
Not only that #3 and #6, but the illegals won't know who to vote for.
1 person likes this.

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Biden slammed over Twitter account touting
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 5:49:56 PM Post Reply
President Biden was roasted like a hot dog at a July 4 cookout Thursday over his official X account’s banner — which still touted Pride Month and failed to acknowledge the nation’s 248th birthday until after The Post inquired about it. “Biden’s July 4th profile banner is still all about pride month🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️Shameful !’’ one X user ripped. Another person wrote, “Can someone please let Biden know #Pride month is over.” Some users on the social media site took a verbal swing at the president’s aides — who have had their hands full trying to fend off calls for the head of their 81-year-old boss since his disastrous debate
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 5:44:41 PM Post Reply
In a video posted on X, Mike Howell, Executive Director of the Heritage Oversight Project, has urged Americans to “declare independence from foreigners deciding our elections.” The video, which was produced in collaboration with, presents evidence suggesting that illegal aliens are being registered to vote in the United States. “The evidence you are about to see relates to illegal aliens being registered to vote. This is a problem national in scale. The United States of America is for Americans, and our elections only should be decided by them,” Howell added.
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with 410 seats as Tories tumble to just
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 5:41:52 PM Post Reply
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HuffPost Reported to FBI for ‘The Most
Dangerous Headline in American History’
After Supreme Court Ruling
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 2:53:34 PM Post Reply
Trump Derangement Syndrome has all the qualities of a powerful addiction. Like many addicts, TDS-afflicted liberals in the establishment media need ever-stronger rhetorical drugs to reach the same exhilarating heights. On Tuesday, HuffPost satisfied its junkie-like craving for continually-escalating anti-Trump hatred by publishing a “dangerous” headline that prompted social media users to tag both the FBI and the Secret Service. “Supreme Court Gives Joe Biden The Legal OK To Assassinate Donald Trump,” the reprehensible headline reads.
“Someone Has to Pay for This! – There
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Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 2:50:32 PM Post Reply
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Exclusive: President Kamala? Why Democrat
insiders fear it's now INEVITABLE that
Harris will replace Biden... as new Daily
Mail poll reveals how she stacks up against Trump
28 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 9:49:18 AM Post Reply
Democrats have a ready-made replacement if Joe Biden stands aside before November's election. She's been vetted. Her election would be historic. And she would easily take up the Biden mantle. There's one problem: Her name is Kamala Harris and by every measure she is the most unpopular vice president in American history – and among the least likely people to defeat Donald Trump in a general election fight. But Democrats may be stuck with her anyway. Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile explained the party's challenge most succinctly.
FBI and DHS Issue Warning Over Attackers
Targeting Fourth of July Events
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 9:27:29 AM Post Reply
The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security have issued a warning over attackers potentially targeting July 4th celebrations. According to an FBI bulletin, authorities are on alert for potential lone offenders and small groups targeting Fourth of July celebrations for terror. ABC News investigative reporter Aaron Katersky stated that the FBI’s bulletin states, “Lone offenders and individual groups that are wanting to make a point pose the biggest threat to large scale fireworks celebration in places like New York, San Fransisco, and Las Vegas.” Katersky added, “The police are being told by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to be on watch for these types of things which
The United States of America is still
a beautiful place we call home
1 reply
Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 6:24:57 AM Post Reply
Let’s take a moment on our nation’s birthday to appreciate the unappreciated: the United States of America. Political polarization has induced amnesia amongst some of us, wiping away what is positively unique about our country and replacing it with nihilistic narratives about our impending doom. The far-left and far-right portray themselves as modern day Chicken Littles exclaiming that the sky is falling over America. Their followers either take what we have for granted, believe it’s inherently evil or dismiss it as not worth saving. It’s soul-crushing. I believe there is a deficit of gratitude that exists in our country and it’s being exploited.
Democrat Governors Say They Support Joe
Biden Staying in Race After Meeting With
Him at the White House (Video)
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 6:20:01 AM Post Reply
Democrat governors from across the country met with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the White House today amid cries from many in the party and the media for Joe to step aside. A few of them emerged from the meeting and spoke to the press, saying that they are standing by Joe Biden and support his decision to stay in the race. They repeated the claim that Biden just had a ‘bad night’ at the debate. FOX News reports:Democratic governors from across the nation descended on the White House Wednesday evening to speak with President Biden after his widely panned debate performance last week.
Poll: Donald Trump Beating Joe Biden in
New Jersey
7 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 6:07:04 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is beating President Joe Biden in the race for New Jersey, according to a poll released on Wednesday. A poll conducted by Republican super PAC United 2024 found that Trump leads Biden; however, the difference is within the poll’s margin of error.Trump leads Biden 43 to 41 percent in a two-way race, while Trump and Biden are tied at 38 percent when considering other options, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who received eight percent, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who received three percent support.
Scowling Biden, 81, struts stiffly out
of Medal of Honor ceremony while sternly
ignoring reporters' questions about his
declining health after debate fiasco
16 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2024 10:54:48 PM Post Reply
President Biden swiftly left the East Room of the White House on Wednesday following the Medal of Honor ceremony, ignoring questions about his health. The embattled 81-year-old commander-in-chief has faced mounting pressure to withdraw his bid for reelection following a disastrous debate performance last week. After bestowing the Medal of Honor to two Union soldiers who fought during the Civil War at the ceremony, he quickly headed for the exit while dodging questions.
Exclusive: The staggering number of voters
who now say Biden MUST have dementia -
as the Daily Mail's bombshell poll shows
just how far Trump is now ahead
10 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2024 10:08:00 PM Post Reply
Most voters believe Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance on Thursday was not caused by a cold or too much preparation, but by dementia. That is one of the most damning findings in an exclusive national poll for Only 10 percent of respondents accepted the White House's excuse that a cold was to blame for the President struggling to answer questions or hold his train of thought during a 90-minute showdown with Donald Trump. At the same time, it reveals that Trump, 78, has extended his lead over 81-year-old Biden to six points, deepening the crisis facing the president's reelection campaign. The White House has already had to fend off questions
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Posted by mc squared 7/4/2024 10:33:59 AM Post Reply
Viral video captured the moment chairs and fists went flying during a wild brawl aboard a Carnival cruise ship, as security officers tried in vain to douse the melee. The high-seas scuffle erupted aboard the Carnival Paradise on the last night of a five-day cruise to Central America in early June — adding turbulence to an otherwise idyllic voyage, said passenger Nick Richardson, who shot the footage after coming up on the scene. “This is just what happens at 3 in the morning when you got a bunch of drunk girls from Tampa,” said Richardson, 43, who was on the cruise with his fiancee and three children.
Biden at 81: Often sharp and focused but
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/4/2024 8:47:07 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden's conduct behind closed doors, in the Oval Office, on Air Force One and in meetings around the world is described in the same dual way by those who regularly see him in action. He is often sharp and focused. But he also has moments, particularly later in the evening, when his thoughts seem jumbled and he trails off mid-sentence or seems confused. Sometimes he doesn't grasp the finer points of policy details. He occasionally forgets people's names, stares blankly and moves slowly around the room. Biden’s occasional struggles with focus may not be unusual for
House Democrat is proposing a constitutional
amendment to reverse Supreme Court’s
immunity decision
32 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 7/4/2024 6:54:58 AM Post Reply
A leading House Democrat is preparing a constitutional amendment in response to the Supreme Court’s landmark immunity ruling, seeking to reverse the decision “and ensure that no president is above the law.” Rep. Joseph Morelle of New York, the top Democrat on the House Administration Committee, sent a letter to colleagues informing them of his intent to file the resolution, which would kickstart what’s traditionally a cumbersome amendment process. “This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do — prioritize our democracy,” Morelle said in a statement to AP. In referring to Donald Trump, Morelle said the former president “must be held accountable for his decisions.
Exclusive: President Kamala? Why Democrat
insiders fear it's now INEVITABLE that
Harris will replace Biden... as new Daily
Mail poll reveals how she stacks up against Trump
28 replies
Posted by Imright 7/4/2024 9:49:18 AM Post Reply
Democrats have a ready-made replacement if Joe Biden stands aside before November's election. She's been vetted. Her election would be historic. And she would easily take up the Biden mantle. There's one problem: Her name is Kamala Harris and by every measure she is the most unpopular vice president in American history – and among the least likely people to defeat Donald Trump in a general election fight. But Democrats may be stuck with her anyway. Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile explained the party's challenge most succinctly.
Biden tells Dem governors he needs more
sleep, no events after 8 p.m.: report
26 replies
Posted by ConservativeYankee 7/4/2024 3:16:30 PM Post Reply
President Biden told a gathering of nearly two dozen Democratic governors at the White House Wednesday night that he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours — and even avoid events held after 8 p.m. — despite indications he can only handle the rigors of the job between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Biden’s acknowledgment was reported by the New York Times, citing two people who took part in the high-stakes meeting and others who were briefed on the comment.
Intruder Allegedly Lunges at Shotgun-Wielding
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26 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/3/2024 2:57:20 PM Post Reply
A San Antonio, Texas, homeowner armed with a shotgun killed an alleged intruder who reportedly lunged at him just before 1:00 a.m. Sunday. CBS Austin reported that the alleged intruder came to the front door seeking entry to the home, and the homeowner told him to leave. The alleged intruder then reportedly sought entrance again, and was again told to leave. Thereafter, the homeowner “heard noises in the backyard and upon investigation, encountered the same man.” The homeowner then grabbed his shotgun and was standing with his wife when the intruder allegedly lunged at him. The homeowner fired one round, fatally wounding the alleged intruder.
Washington Post: Justice Department to
pursue Trump prosecutions past the election,
even if he wins
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/3/2024 9:37:15 AM Post Reply
Justice Department officials will continue to pursue the federal criminal cases against Donald Trump past Election Day, even if he wins, The Washington Post reported Tuesday. The plan is due to a view that DOJ rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would not kick in until Inauguration Day in January, people familiar with the discussions told The Post. (snip) Officials who were not part of the special counsel’s deliberations told CNN they believed the long-standing DOJ policy against criminally charging a sitting president does not extend to a president-elect.
‘President’ Kamala Harris is ‘the
future of the Democratic Party,’ White
House says
24 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2024 6:22:03 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris is “the future of the Democratic Party,” the White House declared Wednesday as leading Democrats and their allies position themselves to replace President Biden as the party’s nominee if the 81-year-old president steps aside. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre pronounced Harris as Biden’s political heir, at one point referring to her as “president,” when asked about his 2020 campaign remark that he would be a “transitional” candidate. “One of the reasons why he picked the vice president, President [sic] Kamala Harris, is because she is indeed the future of the party,” Jean-Pierre said at her regular briefing.
Seven Biden Staffers Leak Support for
Kamala Harris to Replace Joe Biden
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/3/2024 1:04:43 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is the top alternative to replace President Joe Biden atop the Democrat ticket, seven senior sources from the Biden campaign, the White House, and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) told Reuters Wednesday. The leak to Reuters represents frustration within the Biden campaign, which is reeling from a poor debate performance and subsequent calls for Biden to drop out of the race. This is the fourth damning leak against Biden in two days. Previous leaks highlighted information about Biden’s nap schedule during debate prep, fear among staffers to speak to Biden due to anger flashes, and former President Barack Obama’s concern
French ‘feminists’ don skirts, go
topless, and start mopping the floors
in protest of the ‘far-right’ winning
at the ballot box
23 replies
Posted by DVC 7/4/2024 6:32:23 PM Post Reply
Nudity warning, but this video perfectly sums up the utter stupidity that’s apparently a shared trait between leftist women in the West: They’ve got their bare boobs out, doing “housework” in a skirt and heels, looking cute enough with their makeup, all without the financial stability and safety net of a provider husband because…they’re mad about electoral results. Seriously, if you’re going to become a cliché male fantasy, at least get the serious benefits that a man brings to the table as a partner. Why give all that up for nothing in exchange? If the relationship between men and women is all so gross and transactional, as leftist feminism routinely implies
Democrat Governors Issue Messages of Support
for Biden: ‘Time to Have His’ Back
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/4/2024 12:19:12 AM Post Reply
Democrat governors issued messages of support for President Joe Biden amid mounting concerns of Biden remaining the party’s presidential nominee after his debate performance. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) were among the governors who issued messages of support for Biden after having a call both virtually and in person with Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Other Democrat governors who had been on the call were Gov. Wes Moore (D-MD), Gov. Maura Healey (D-MA), Gov. Ned Lamont (D-CT), and Gov. Katie Hobbs (D-AZ). Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser was also on the call, according to Deadline. “I have three words from the President tonight — he’s all in,”
Joe Biden Threatens to Send Out Attorneys
General to Go After Grocers in Plan to
Combat His Food Inflation Crisis
22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/3/2024 9:56:34 PM Post Reply
Grocery prices are soaring thanks to Joe Biden’s tax-and-spend policies. The US economy is in bad shape because of Joe Biden’s war on domestic oil and the ‘Green New Deal’ disguised as the ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’ Moody’s Investors Service recently cut the US’s outlook to negative. Moody’s lowered its ratings outlook on the US government citing high interest rates, government spending, and deficits. (Photo) Inflation is still high, grocery prices are up more than 19%, gas prices are still high and more than 15 million illegal aliens have poured over the border since Biden was installed in January 2021.
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