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McCabe: DOJ, FBI Folks Worried About Being
Thrown in Jail in Second Trump Term

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Posted By: Beardo, 6/6/2024 2:10:43 PM

CNN analyst and former FBI chief Andrew McCabe said Wednesday on CNN’s “The Source” that people in the intelligence and law enforcement community were worried if former President Donald Trump is elected again, they would be “thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extra judicial detention.” (snip) “It’s terrifying, it’s frightening. I have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community, (snip) On a very personal level, I mean, these are tortures discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country

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Reply 1 - Posted by: john56 6/6/2024 2:14:11 PM (No. 1732439)
If you can't do the time, don't di the crime. Wah, wah, wah.
42 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Mushroom 6/6/2024 2:15:14 PM (No. 1732440)
If they didn't commit any crime, there is nothing to worry about, right? It's the same standard you project. Why should they worry at all?
36 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Nimby 6/6/2024 2:17:02 PM (No. 1732442)
To quote the Veep "Cheaters don't like getting caught"!! It applies to them too
21 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Lazyman 6/6/2024 2:18:24 PM (No. 1732443)
I guess this will be the justification for all out cheating and election interference. Yes the 52 Intelligence experts that signed off on Russian involvement on Hunter's laptop interfered.
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: singermom9 6/6/2024 2:19:22 PM (No. 1732444)
Good. They should be. Throw them ALL in jail til they DIE.
34 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: singermom9 6/6/2024 2:22:14 PM (No. 1732445)
They want to KILL US and are worried that THEY will be jailed? I say line them up against a wall and shoot them all. Show NO kindness to those that want to kill us. Kill them first.
22 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: kono 6/6/2024 2:25:32 PM (No. 1732448)
Well, some of them probably had good cause to be worried. Or were criminals in the "justice department" hoping to avoid justice? Maybe they should have pursued careers in something else, like cosmetology?
10 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 6/6/2024 2:29:38 PM (No. 1732449)
Worse than that - he’s sending the FBI to PG County.
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Luandir 6/6/2024 2:36:18 PM (No. 1732454)
Why are they worried about "extra-judicial detention?" Is there some kind of precedent for that? /s
21 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: DVC 6/6/2024 2:41:23 PM (No. 1732458)
They SHOULD BE. They are guilty of treason and many other obvious, easily proven crimes.
26 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DVC 6/6/2024 2:42:17 PM (No. 1732459)
Extrajudicial mean like the January 6 political prisoners in the DC dungeon for multiple years?
34 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Bogasso 6/6/2024 2:46:34 PM (No. 1732463)
Wow Andy, I hadn’t thought about that, thanks. Because now I’m going to vote for Trump even harder!
17 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Rumblehog 6/6/2024 2:59:32 PM (No. 1732469)
He's admitting they've done illegal things. Thanks, Andy! We'll make sure to call you as a witness.
17 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: dbdiva 6/6/2024 3:08:13 PM (No. 1732477)
These people deserve nothing less than significant jail time. Jail is too good for them; I'd argue for the ultimate punishment since treason is involved. In fact for ALL the people who dedicated themselves to making President Trump's life a living hell since 2015 my wish for them is that they are soon presented with a HUGE bill of consequences for what they chose to do to him. And yes, I'm in a vindictive mood.
16 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: jimincalif 6/6/2024 3:12:45 PM (No. 1732482)
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
15 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: 3XALADY 6/6/2024 3:13:18 PM (No. 1732483)
Hey, Andy. From your lips to God's ears.
13 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: itsonlyme 6/6/2024 3:15:35 PM (No. 1732485)
McCabe needs to be thrown in jail for his constant lies to the American people.
13 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Birddog 6/6/2024 3:28:23 PM (No. 1732495)
They SHOULD have been worried much earlier, when they set out to Illegally and unlawfully chop the legs out from under a sitting President. To side with radical left wing Democrats in a Lawfare COUP against him. To illegally spy on him and his teams, to attempt to entrap him and them. "Some dare to call it Treason...because it FITS the definition"
17 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: paral04 6/6/2024 3:29:26 PM (No. 1732496)
Some of what they fear is deserved. They were traitors to Trump and our country.
16 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Krause 6/6/2024 3:35:20 PM (No. 1732504)
What a bunch of namby pambies. Can't believe these marshmallows were ever in the FBI.
7 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: BarryNo 6/6/2024 3:35:53 PM (No. 1732505)
They should be. And if they try the JFK gambit, they'll never make it to jail. Hands off Trump, or rather any harm Trump recieves will be attributed to your side of the aisle, and consequences will... be... dire!!!
8 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Red Ghost 6/6/2024 3:44:04 PM (No. 1732506)
What these FBI, CIA and other so-called law enforcement official did was insurrection against a presidential candidate and then the President of the United States. By their very own standards, they should be given EXACTLY the same treatment as the J6 defendants. I'd love to see McCabe, Struck Stroke and his girlfriend little Lisa's butts all rotting away in the DC gulag without being able to speak to their attorneys, see their families, receiving no medical care and being starved, beaten and abused by the DC brown shirt prison guards. Yeah boys, the same exact standards should apply to you. Man, I can almost taste it and yes, I do sound revengeful.
11 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: jasmine 6/6/2024 3:46:53 PM (No. 1732510)
FTA: McCabe speaking of Donald Trump: "He is not a person who’s driven by principle or ideology. He is someone who’s entirely transactional.” Good heavens. Politics is the ultimate transactional relationship. Donald Trump upset that apple cart by being an outsider unwilling to submit to a woke and corrupt political establishment expecting business as usual. It was Donald Trump who refused to stand by quietly and watch Americans lose their right to elect their own leaders. Trump, like most Americans, has no use for globalist/one world government. What could be more "transactional" than Democrats and our intelligence agencies spying on Donald Trump, creating the Russia Hoax, and now trying to throw him in jail for book keeping errors? There's a lot of back scratching, but it doesn't involve Donald Trump.
6 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Daisymay 6/6/2024 3:46:55 PM (No. 1732511)
You Reap what you Sow! The Folks in NY, who went after Trump (Letitia James, the Horrid Judge in his Trial and Fat Alvin) put on quite a Show. New Yorkers should be taking Showers to wash off the Filth that took place in their City! I think anyone who has been paying attention will be happy to see a President Trump retaliate! He should! He earned the right and he should ruin each and every one of them! Moving on to GA. I think some of the Judges have been paying attention to had happened in NY and how it affected the Election. They have decided it would be in their best interest not to tangle with Trump as he is gaining new voters every day thanks to the dirty tricks getting thrown at him. The Judge in CA is also letting the Democrats know that it might be Christmas before she makes a decision s/c, so they might as well move on. They are NOT going to stop Trump and now they know it!!
10 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 6/6/2024 4:07:29 PM (No. 1732525)
7 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: bpl40 6/6/2024 5:18:04 PM (No. 1732558)
As they should be
5 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: leonardo 6/6/2024 5:28:43 PM (No. 1732567)
Turnabout is fair play, FELONS. Garland and the FBI and DOJ need to be replaced.
4 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: judy 6/6/2024 6:02:00 PM (No. 1732577)
McCabe ask General Flynn….about being set up by the so called JD employees & The Mueller 54 million $$ mess….
5 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: judy 6/6/2024 6:03:24 PM (No. 1732578)
Isn’t he the who said you could smell a Trump supporter in Walmart…..where’s Lisa??!
3 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: qr4j 6/6/2024 6:11:08 PM (No. 1732582)
The crooks who imprison and abuse others are now afraid of the very thing they perpetrate on others. Perhaps they should think again about what they do and throw themselves on the mercy of the court. I do not trust government to do what is right and good.
3 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: Californian 6/6/2024 7:20:54 PM (No. 1732616)
If they hadn't betrayed their country, they wouldn't be so worried about paying the price, would they?
4 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: Starboard_side 6/6/2024 7:25:52 PM (No. 1732619)
Now why would any of them feel that might happen? Didn't they do everything above board, and by the book? If the answer is no, and his comments basically admit they weren't, then maybe the deserve to be thrown in jail, as he puts it.
2 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: danu 6/6/2024 7:31:44 PM (No. 1732627)
iow, reciprocity, retribution, karma,....justice? andy, you're already in the frying pan, sizzling atop the fire. the hero dies once; the coward dies 1,000 times.
1 person likes this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: NeonVortex 6/6/2024 7:45:21 PM (No. 1732635)
No one is above the law.
2 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Venturer 6/6/2024 8:53:45 PM (No. 1732670)
They are afraid of being treated like they have treated Trumps people.
4 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: padiva 6/6/2024 9:14:29 PM (No. 1732686)
Please! Please! Please! Can I be on the jury for at least one of these trials?
4 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: Italiano 6/6/2024 9:56:48 PM (No. 1732703)
They're lucky that I'm not in charge. They'd all go against a wall.
0 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: Muguy 6/6/2024 11:21:28 PM (No. 1732729)
1 person likes this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: mifla 6/7/2024 5:59:15 AM (No. 1732827)
If you are innocent, you have nothing to worry about. So, I have to ask. Why are you worried?
1 person likes this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: MickTurn 6/7/2024 12:33:38 PM (No. 1733117)
As well they should be. You DID the CRIME, NOW DO THE TIME!
0 people like this.

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Mainline Denomination Fully Capitulates,
Alters Logo to Support LGBT 'Pride'
4 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/8/2024 12:35:12 PM Post Reply
While the Episcopal Church has not exactly been a bastion of conservatism and Christian orthodoxy for many years now, its recent unveiling of an LGBT “pride” logo signaled its final capitulation to secular forces. (snip) On May 16, the Episcopal Church took things to the next level with a news release touting a “Pride shield.” The church’s ancient shield was revised to include elements of the LGBT “Pride” and “Pride Progress” flags. (snip) the traditional logo for the Episcopal Church is a red cross on a white shield, the standard for England’s patron saint, St. George, a Roman martyr most renowned for slaying a demonic dragon.
‘Appearances Matter’: Chicago Mayor
Spent Over $30,000 In Campaign Funds On
Hair And Makeup In One Year
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/7/2024 9:47:22 PM Post Reply
Democratic Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has spent over $30,000 worth of campaign funds on grooming over the past year, the Chicago Sun-Times first reported. (snip) Lori Lightfoot, Chicago’s former mayor, spent $2,000 on makeup, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle paid $217 for similar services and Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a billionaire, made 11 payments totaling $6,000 to a Chicago beauty salon to pay for hair styling and makeup, according to the Sun-Times. Paul Vallas, who ran against Johnson during last year’s mayoral election, says he doesn’t recall spending campaign funds on grooming but notes that his being bald contributed to the lack of expenditures, the Sun-Times reported.
McCabe: DOJ, FBI Folks Worried About Being
Thrown in Jail in Second Trump Term
40 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/6/2024 2:10:43 PM Post Reply
CNN analyst and former FBI chief Andrew McCabe said Wednesday on CNN’s “The Source” that people in the intelligence and law enforcement community were worried if former President Donald Trump is elected again, they would be “thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extra judicial detention.” (snip) “It’s terrifying, it’s frightening. I have a lot of conversations with former colleagues, people who are or were in the intelligence and law enforcement community, (snip) On a very personal level, I mean, these are tortures discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country
Say What? Black Panther Founding Member
Supports Trump
6 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/5/2024 8:03:31 PM Post Reply
David Hilliard, 82, a founding member of the Black Panthers, is openly supporting Donald Trump in the 2024 election. Hilliard wasn't shy about his enthusiasm for Trump, which he revealed during an interview with writer Carol Mitchell. "I knew Trump when Trump was a college student in New York and he supported the Black Panther Party," Hilliard recalled. (snip) "Trump's a friend of African Americans, and I knew Trump from the 1960s in New York, where he comes from, and he's a friend to African Americans," Hilliard continued. "I mean, he's not a racist. He's not a racist, fascist, white man. He supported Black people."
WaPo’s New Leaders Get Shining Red Flag
To Start Firing People
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Posted by Beardo 6/4/2024 2:51:44 PM Post Reply
It's always interesting to get a whiff of another family’s dirty laundry — and The Washington Post might just be the most dysfunctional family in America. (snip) With the abrupt resignation of the paper’s top brass this week, the woke staffers are losing their minds. Post publisher Will Lewis stepped in to put on a show of fatherliness, (snip) “We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff,” he said. (snip) Another (staffer) griped about the “four white men” now heading the paper, and applause broke out when Lewis was pressed on additional diversity efforts.
Medical Journal The Lancet Abandons Science,
Tells Authors to Use ‘Sex Assigned at Birth’
27 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/4/2024 9:23:48 AM Post Reply
Lancet‘s guidelines encourage writers to embrace gender identity instead of biological sex. “Sex and gender are often incorrectly portrayed as binary (female/male or woman/man), concordant, and static,” says the guidelines. Therefore, those submitting articles “should use the term ‘sex assigned at birth’ rather than ‘biological sex,’ ‘birth sex’ or ‘natal sex’ as it is more accurate and inclusive.” Inclusive for whom? (Rhetorical question. I know the answer. The men pretending to be females) The Lancet claims “there is no single, universally agreed-upon set of guidelines for defining sex and gender or reporting sex-based and gender based analyses.”
Oil Cartel Delivers Bad News For Biden
Ahead Of US Elections
6 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/3/2024 10:33:28 PM Post Reply
OPEC+ reached an internal agreement to prolong its oil production cuts, a move that could raise energy prices in the U.S. ahead of the pivotal 2024 elections, Reuters reported Monday. The oil cartel, made up mostly of Middle Eastern nations and other oil-producing states — is prolonging existing production cuts of 3.66 million barrels per day through the end of 2025 and extending its ongoing cuts of 2.2 million barrels per day through September 2024, according to Reuters. The cartel’s deal to extend the cuts could mean that oil prices will remain high through this fall’s presidential election, according to The Wall Street Journal.
1 million United Methodists exit in 1 day 7 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/3/2024 2:31:54 PM Post Reply
United Methodism’s largest overseas jurisdiction has voted to quit the denomination in response to the church’s divorcing sex from marriage at its governing General Conference earlier this month. The United Methodist Church in the Ivory Coast voted on May 28 to exit the denomination. In 2022, this conference reportedly had over 1.2 million members. So, its departure means over one tenth of United Methodism has in one day left the denomination. Oddly, United Methodist News Service reported the vote very briefly in an emailed news digest but as of today has no article on its website. Perhaps it will post a fuller account later.
Popcorn: Hunter Biden's Ex-Stripper Baby
Mama to Publish Tell-All in August
6 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/30/2024 9:59:23 AM Post Reply
The 2024 United States Presidential Election Circus continues to keep all three rings busy 24/7 with stuff to watch. (snip) Even Joe Biden's Department of Justice head goon Merrick Garland couldn't keep Hunter away from a reckoning, although he did try. (snip) Lunden Roberts shares never-before-read details about her tumultuous relationship with first son Hunter Biden in an explosive memoir to be released this fall with dozens of stories that "make the laptop debacle seem routine," can reveal. (snip) Ever the slimeball, rich boy Biden spent a long time trying to weasel out of child support by denying the child was his.
Jill Biden: Americans Will Choose ‘Good’
Biden over ‘Evil’ Trump
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/29/2024 4:53:18 PM Post Reply
First Lady Jill Biden said Wednesday on ABC’s “The View” that American voters will choose “good” President Joe Biden over “evil” former President Donald Trump. (snip) Biden added, “Those polls are going to turn. I’m confident of it because as time goes on and as people start to focus a little bit more about what’s at stake and start to become educated on the issues and the differences between the two men, I believe Americans are going to choose good over evil.”
‘Joy Anne Weave’: MSNBC Host Scurries
Away As Conservative Troll Confronts Her
On Stealing Trump’s Haircut
9 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/29/2024 12:45:42 PM Post Reply
A conservative host on Real America’s Voice confronted MSNBC host Joy Reid on her “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and her “cultural-appropriated” hair outside of the hush money trial courthouse in Manhattan. Ben Bergquam, host of the show “Law & Border,” filmed himself approaching Reid about whether she knows she has “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and if she stole former President Donald Trump’s hairdo. (snip) “You are a f------ idiot,” Reid responded.
Richard Dreyfuss Accused of Making Sexist,
Homophobic Comments at ‘Jaws’ Screening
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/28/2024 2:31:11 PM Post Reply
Hollywood star Richard Dreyfuss is being accused of making sexist and homophobic comments while attending a screening of Jaws at a theater in Massachusetts on Saturday. (snip) Some attendees, though, were irked when the film’s star reportedly began pontificating about inclusivity rules at the Academy Awards, offered criticism of transgenderism, and took some shots at left-wing actress and singer Barbara Streisand. (snip) The theater rushed to apologize for the actor’s rant, saying in a statement, “We are aware of, and share serious concerns,” and added, “The views expressed by Mr. Dreyfuss do not reflect the values of inclusivity and respect that we uphold as an organization.”
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Marine’s wife Bailey Anne Kennedy crowned
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Posted by FL_Absentee_Voter 6/7/2024 8:40:36 PM Post Reply
The wife of a Marine has been crowned the first-ever transgender Miss Maryland USA — and said she was inspired by the “sisterhood” of other competitors she saw on the pageant circuit. Bailey Anne Kennedy, 31, won the coveted title on Saturday, according to the official Miss Maryland USA Instagram account. She is now prepared to compete at Miss USA, which will be held in Los Angeles on Aug. 4.
Dem Congressional Candidate Wants Nazi-esque
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Posted by Hazymac 6/7/2024 7:30:49 AM Post Reply
Democrats have already weaponized the justice system against conservatives and Donald Trump, and no a New York Democratic congressional candidate thinks that all MAGA supporters should be sent to a "re-education camp" following the 2024 election. Paula Collins, the Democrat challenging Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), publicly announced her idea during a public Zoom townhall this week. "Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I don’t think we really want call it that," Collins said.
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Posted by Imright 6/7/2024 12:31:55 PM Post Reply
Chicago police, the Secret Service, and other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies sound confident that they're able to handle any protests that occur at the Democratic National Convention in August.“With two months left until the convention, we’re finalizing plans and making sure all of our operations are safe,” CPD Superintendent Larry Snelling told reporters at a press conference on Thursday. “Make no mistake, we are ready. The partnership, collaboration, and open communication between everyone involved is why we are ready.” “We’ve got a tremendous working relationship with Chicago police, as well as a multitude of other agencies, both local and federal, that will be contributing
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Posted by Imright 6/7/2024 12:26:55 AM Post Reply
Crooked Hillary Clinton came out of hiding on Thursday to take a nasty shot at President Trump on the 80th anniversary of D-Day. As Gateway Pundit readers know, D-Day was one of the great turning points in World War II and the start of the liberation of Europe from the control of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany’s control On June 6, 1944, roughly 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces stormed five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the ferociously defended coast of France’s Normandy region. The invasion was the largest amphibious assault in military history. At least 4,400 soldiers and Marines perished during the operation.
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Posted by Imright 6/8/2024 12:19:36 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden has dealt another body blow to America's gas car manufacturers after his stuttering roll-out of EV charging points was slammed as 'pathetic'. The Transportation Department told automakers they have eight years to squeeze another 16 miles per gallon out of their cars if they want to stay in business - while the fuel efficiency of their trucks will have to double. Friday's edict came just weeks after the EPA slashed the limits on tailpipe emissions as part of the White House pledge to ensure that more than half of all new vehicles sold are electric by 2032.
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Posted by Imright 6/7/2024 12:24:42 AM Post Reply
Attorney General Merrick Garland said this week that he will defy subpoenas from Congressional Republicans that he does not agree with. Garland’s statement came after Republican leaders in Congress threatened to hold him in contempt “in their efforts to gain access to audio recordings from special counsel Robert K. Hur’s investigation into President Biden’s handling of classified materials,” according to the Washington Post. WATCH — AG Garland Claims Subpoena Was Not a “Legitimate Request” for Recordings Biden Blocked from Release:(Video) Garland reportedly requested for the president to claim executive privilege on the recordings, fearing that “releasing them could harm future efforts to get officials to cooperate with investigations and
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'Very sad'
21 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/8/2024 7:19:53 AM Post Reply
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., spoke out against the invitation sent to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress next month, declaring, "This is wrong." During an appearance on CNN Friday, Pelosi, when asked whether she would have invited Netanyahu to speak if she was still speaker, replied, "Absolutely not." "I think this is wrong," Pelosi told CNN's Dana Bash. "Frankly, I didn't approve of his being invited the last time [in 2015] but the speaker just on his own invited him without consulting with the rest of the leadership.
NY v. Trump: Judge reveals Facebook post
implying juror discussed guilty verdict
with family ahead of time
21 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 6/7/2024 6:08:52 PM Post Reply
The judge presiding over former President Trump’s New York criminal trial notified his defense team on Friday of a comment on the court's public Facebook page that implies one of the jurors discussed the guilty verdict ahead of time. Fox News obtained the letter Judge Juan Merchan shared with Trump defense attorneys and Manhattan prosecutors. "'Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System's public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention. In the comment, the user, ‘Michael Anderson,’ states: "’My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted! Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!’"
Hunter Biden’s Stripper Baby Mama Says
Joe Biden Has Never Reached Out to His
Granddaughter – While Hunter Has Never
Even Met Her! (Video)
21 replies
Posted by Imright 6/7/2024 8:31:43 AM Post Reply
Lunden Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden’s illegitimate child, has revealed that Joe Biden has never even bothered to reach out to his five-year-old granddaughter. In an interview with British broadcaster Piers Morgan, Roberts spoke out about her relationship with the Biden family and their lack of interest in their offspring. “Have you ever heard from either President Biden or the First Lady directly?” Morgan asked. “No. No, I have not,” Roberts answered.( video) When the child, named Navy Joan, was born in late 2018, Hunter denied that he was the father and eventually was forced to take a DNA which confirmed that he was.
Joe Biden to Skip Volodymyr Zelensky Peace
Summit for George Clooney Fundraiser
20 replies
Posted by Imright 6/7/2024 8:38:37 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden will reportedly skip a peace summit hosted by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky to attend a fundraiser hosted by Hollywood actor George Clooney. The White House said it will be sending Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to attend the peace summit in Biden’s place, a move that will likely anger Ukraine. Per The Telegraph: Biden will instead attend a Democratic fundraiser in California with Mr Clooney, Julia Roberts, the comedian Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama, as he trails Donald Trump in recent donations for his re-election campaign. Zelensky has previously described his American counterpart’s absence
There's Been Another Twist in Trump's
New York Case
19 replies
Posted by bassetguy 6/7/2024 6:13:20 PM Post Reply
Juan Merchan, the judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York City, notified the 45th president's defense attorney and a Manhattan prosecutor that there's been another twist — a potentially significant one — following the May 30 verdict finding Trump guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records.
‘Appearances Matter’: Chicago Mayor
Spent Over $30,000 In Campaign Funds On
Hair And Makeup In One Year
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/7/2024 9:47:22 PM Post Reply
Democratic Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has spent over $30,000 worth of campaign funds on grooming over the past year, the Chicago Sun-Times first reported. (snip) Lori Lightfoot, Chicago’s former mayor, spent $2,000 on makeup, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle paid $217 for similar services and Democratic Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a billionaire, made 11 payments totaling $6,000 to a Chicago beauty salon to pay for hair styling and makeup, according to the Sun-Times. Paul Vallas, who ran against Johnson during last year’s mayoral election, says he doesn’t recall spending campaign funds on grooming but notes that his being bald contributed to the lack of expenditures, the Sun-Times reported.
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