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As Debate Heats Up, the Masks Come Off

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Posted By: DVC, 5/4/2024 10:21:23 AM

As campus protests turned violent, necessitating police operations to clear illegal encampments, the true agenda of the activists became apparent. Initially, the demonstrations were presented as saving innocent lives in Gaza with a cease-fire and humanitarian aid. Within this demand lurked the desire to save the Hamas terrorist group from defeat; a group that was using civilians as human shields. They charged that Israel was conducting “genocide” in Gaza with its offensive to clear out the thugs who had purposely massacred civilians in Israel on October 7, 2023. However, the genocide issue quickly shifted as the campus radicals openly embraced the Hamas objective of destroying Israel


Not just RINOs any more.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: JackBurton 5/4/2024 10:52:04 AM (No. 1711859)
On the one hand, this would never have happened without the large amount of funding freed up for the instigators, the Iranians, by Uncle Joe. On the other hand, better to confront it now rather than having had it grow any longer. Joe's not up to the task. But this might make the next vote 'too big to rig.' Fingers crossed.
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 5/4/2024 11:02:15 AM (No. 1711870)
FTA: "Yet, the GOP radical Surrender Caucus wants defeat. This can be seen in their continued campaign to denigrate Kyiv as a corrupt regime that is destined to lose to a stronger Russia, a Russia than some have even championed in the same way the Progressive have championed Hamas. Rep. Greene went so far as to say Russia is "protecting Christianity" and echoed Moscow’s claim that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (a Jew) leads a Nazi regime. Where is the conduit for this Russian propaganda into the party of President Ronald Reagan? " This mirrors what I have said repeatedly. How is it that "conservative Republicans" seem to seek out and cling to Russian disinformation and exclude simple facts on this topic? Like the author, I find this inexplicable.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Geoman 5/4/2024 11:31:28 AM (No. 1711881)
I share the same thought as the OP on RINOs - and further believe some recent asinine behavior by certain GOP politicians has been tolerated because of their thin, self-proclaimed veneer of support for DJT. I see Gaetz, MTG,, in that light, tossing out a few strategically placed MAGAs and KAGs, while totally ignoring Trump's actual words as to whom and what he supports. This exposes some very non-conservative agendas among the little darlings of the RINO-tossers who have only sought cover by falsely linking their antics to Trump, creating a false bandwagon for nothing more than GOP rock-throwing.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Hazymac 5/4/2024 11:35:25 AM (No. 1711882)
Anyone wearing masks at this point should be considered a potential armed robber. That's the way it used to be before Covid, and that's the way it should be now. Cover you face, we assume you're a violent criminal, and will be ready for you.
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: JackBurton 5/4/2024 11:41:19 AM (No. 1711884)
I reject the 'If you're not for Ukraine, you're in Putin's pocket' binary choice. Ukraine is going to lose. It's milking us of our ammunition, artillery, and funds. A third of its people have left. It's been a crooked place for politicians... with 10% for the Big Guy. Meanwhile, Putin has figured out how to use Iranian drones to win. Russia had Nazis--the Wagner Group. Ukraine has 'em, too. The Azov group. I don't see a black and white moral choice here. Are there nuances in the 'Radical Surrender Caucus'? I would think so. Are they the same as Tlaib, Omar, and Jamaal? Can't think so. But I'm pretty sure they aren't getting Russian, Ukranian, Iranian donations. It's always tempting to disagree with your own. But you first have to forget the bigger disagreements you have with the other side.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: marbles 5/4/2024 11:44:16 AM (No. 1711887)
They voted against giving more money to Ukraine and against The Antisemitism Awareness Act which is the reigning in of free speech . These republicans and the democrats voted the same way but for different reasons.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: 3XALADY 5/4/2024 11:46:44 AM (No. 1711890)
Yes, let's save Hamas. The ones who steal all the relief supplies then when people come for them, shoot them dead. The ones who use their citizens as human shields. The ones who hide in hospitals to avoid being hit with weapon fire.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: JimBob 5/4/2024 12:09:10 PM (No. 1711903)
It seems to me that the core 'protesters' don't give a [feces] about Israel or Hamas. They are the same bunch of violent Thugs that riot at every opportunity. BLM, CHOK, "Saint" George Floyd, Hands Up Don't Shoot, Ferguson, etc. etc. etc. I read -a few days after it passed- that the bill trumpeted by the Media as 'Aid to Ukraine and Aid to Israel' also includes, deep in it's voluminous text, TWO BILLION EIGHT HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS TO IMPORT GAZANS INTO THE USA. Yep, OUR Tax Dollars are to be spent importing into the USA these same troublemakers that NONE of the Arab countries -who share the same culture and Islamic religion- will accept. The Arabs are not stupid. They know that these people have been indoctrinated since birth with hatred for all Christians and Jews, and are nothing but trouble. But Chuck-the Schmuck Schumer and good ol' One Percent Joe wants to bring a BUNCH of 'em here. I ask: "What Could Go Wrong?"
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Reply 9 - Posted by: LadyHen 5/4/2024 12:27:55 PM (No. 1711916)
I don't either #5. But that is what this article is about. The author is essentially saying you will support sending billions of dollars overseas for other people's wars, keeping the elite supporting military industrial complex humming along, keeping the archaic perpetual Cold Warriors happy, and you will line the pockets of corrupt politicians the world over with laundered US dollars or you aren't a real American. And all while ignoring our porous Southern border.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: mc squared 5/4/2024 12:39:53 PM (No. 1711919)
I agree with the author on everything BUT. We don't need any new laws to protect a portion of out society. The Antisemitism Awareness Act, was another 'feel good' vote that's already covered by a plethora of laws. Laws protecting gays, elderly, women, and the nebulous hate crimes are already covered, but are not applied equally. Had I been in Congress I would have said nae also.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: rikkitikki 5/4/2024 6:27:10 PM (No. 1712074)
"Campus Protests?" If, by that, you're referring to the pro-baby-killing, agitating, genocidal, info-mercials, organized by off-campus radicals, masquerading as protests, paid for by Soros, then I get it. Protests, not so much.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: Lawsy0 5/5/2024 2:34:37 AM (No. 1712193)
Gaza was just an easy excuse for doing what they had intended to do anyway.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: Sully 5/5/2024 3:42:19 AM (No. 1712210)
Bingo #9! Did antone read the article? It is a bait n switch, first documenting the plight of the Israelis facing the terror tots of the poison ivy league, then smoothly transitioning into a full throated condemnation of any pushback against thw unending unquestioned funding of the Ukraine debaceI Imeanwar. The author says we, and our Representatives, should shut up and pay up while the experts, which are he and National Recirw, set the war policy for the country. Which policy is, The More The Merrier. Sorry, homies.not biting on that. Oh! While also neutralizing MAGA stalwarts like Gaets and Green in favor of Gnat Review. No thank you.
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Alabama Supreme Court Green Lights Nitrogen
Gas Execution for Convict Who Survived
Lethal Injection
15 replies
Posted by DVC 5/5/2024 12:55:56 AM Post Reply
The Alabama Supreme Court has authorized the execution of a death row inmate who previously survived after being given a lethal injection. The convict, Alan Eugene Miller, will now receive execution by nitrogen gas, the Washington Examiner reported. Alabama’s high court authorized the method in a decision Thursday. Republican Gov. Kay Ivey has not set the date for Miller’s execution. Once it’s carried out, Miller will become the second death row inmate to die by nitrogen gas in the state. However, the method has become controversial among liberal death penalty opponents. After being convicted of killing three men during a 1999 workplace shooting, Miller was set to die by lethal injection.
Far-Left Disney Lost $628 Million on Four
Woke Flops
12 replies
Posted by DVC 5/4/2024 2:36:33 PM Post Reply
The Disney Grooming Syndicate released four of last year’s five biggest flops and lost $628 million. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of leches. The Disney sycophants over at the far-left Deadline crunched the 2023 box office numbers and published the five most costly bombs from last year. Only The Flash, which came in second, wasn’t a Disney production. Here are last year’s five biggest bombs with their net losses: The Marvels: -$237 million The Flash: -$155 million Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny: -$143 million Wish: -$131 million Haunted Mansion: -$117 million
As Debate Heats Up, the Masks Come Off 13 replies
Posted by DVC 5/4/2024 10:21:23 AM Post Reply
As campus protests turned violent, necessitating police operations to clear illegal encampments, the true agenda of the activists became apparent. Initially, the demonstrations were presented as saving innocent lives in Gaza with a cease-fire and humanitarian aid. Within this demand lurked the desire to save the Hamas terrorist group from defeat; a group that was using civilians as human shields. They charged that Israel was conducting “genocide” in Gaza with its offensive to clear out the thugs who had purposely massacred civilians in Israel on October 7, 2023. However, the genocide issue quickly shifted as the campus radicals openly embraced the Hamas objective of destroying Israel
Kevin O'Leary warns student protesters
are 'trashing' job chances by fighting
police, vandalizing school
5 replies
Posted by DVC 5/2/2024 1:27:51 PM Post Reply
Investor Kevin O'Leary explained that student protesters should be concerned about their job prospects, especially if they are caught on video fighting with police. "Shark Tank" host and business leader Kevin O'Leary explained that student protesters should be concerned about their job prospects in an interview, Wednesday. "If you‘re burning down something, or taking a flag down, or fighting with police — I‘m sorry, you‘re trashing your personal brand," O'Leary said of students caught on camera protesting. O'Leary explained that like most corporations, he hires a firm to check into the background of potential hires.
EV Battery Plant requires Refiring a Coal
Plant for Power
8 replies
Posted by DVC 5/2/2024 12:29:12 PM Post Reply
EV are quickly becoming a boomerang to the head of Leftists. I have reported on various backfires on EV, that should cause panic to the Green Weenie crowd. For example, car manufacturers are scuttling plants, as well as production of EV. Apparently consumers don’t want to buy the cars having seen the real data. The cars are more expensive to operate than their gas-guzzling cousins. [snip] But things keep getting worse for the EV market. Because EVs require batteries. And those factories need power. Lots of it.
Ellul Redux: Propaganda 2 replies
Posted by DVC 5/1/2024 3:57:43 PM Post Reply
Less like a Fifth Column and more like a Third Reich, the Nouveau Nazis on and about college campuses (and elsewhere) need no new theories to explain their behaviors. Today’s Hamas-supporting Sturmabteinlung- and Schutzstaffel- wannabes are deaf to facts, but have preternatural hearing for propaganda and lies. Some wonder why the supposed “best and brightest” and their mentors/teachers/profs have pudding for brains. The product of affirmative action, academic administrative torpor, DEI, and grade inflation, these presumed smarties behave exactly as Jacques Ellul described years ago. Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) was a renowned French philosopher.[snip] He believed in the importance of decentralized, self-governing communities and the preservation of individual freedom and autonomy.
Joe Biden announces that the 2A was ‘never
absolute’ and all that talk about the
tree of liberty is ‘crap’
27 replies
Posted by DVC 4/30/2024 3:33:36 PM Post Reply
A new poll out from Emerson/The Hill shows that Joe Biden trails President Trump in seven of the key swing states: Yet, in spite of those numbers (and other disapproving indicators), Biden found it wise to announce on a recent podcast that the Second Amendment was “never absolute” and all that talk about Thomas Jefferson’s “tree of liberty” reference is a “bunch of crap.” Brilliant Joe, absolutely brilliant—so brilliant in fact, I’d like to suggest that his staffers organize those comments into sound bites to accompany his campaign ads, and then run them in the very swing states in which he trails,
Kristi Noem did the right thing 22 replies
Posted by DVC 4/30/2024 2:33:33 PM Post Reply
Many decades ago my four year old daughter was invited to play at a neighbor's house with another little girl while visiting her grandparents in an upper middle class neighborhood. While there, she was attacked and knocked down by the neighbor's Doberman that went for her throat while she on the ground. Thankfully the bite occurred under her arm pit as she instinctively raised her arm to protect herself. The dog clamped down and shook her like a rag doll. Fortunately the owner's teenage son was there and got the dog off my daughter.
'Anti-White' Scottish First Minister Quits
After Disastrous 'Hate Crime Law'
11 replies
Posted by DVC 4/29/2024 1:04:21 PM Post Reply
Scotland's leader Humza Yousaf resigned on Monday, quitting as head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) after scrapping a coalition agreement with Scotland's Greens. He then failed to secure enough support to survive votes of no confidence against him expected later this week. Yousaf, born to Pakistani immigrants in Glasgow, built an infamous reputation as a woke activist politician going into the 2023 elections. [snip] red flag to the Scottish public; however, with an increasingly progressive voting population Yousaf narrowly scored a victory. Here is Humza in 2020, giving a speech admonishing the "whiteness" of the Scottish government.
The Dexter Taylor Case: a black man follows
the law (but thinks for himself) and suffers
the wrath of the Democrat left
8 replies
Posted by DVC 4/24/2024 1:23:51 AM Post Reply
The prosecutors and judges in New York are utterly unhinged, an overly-obvious reality evidenced by the onslaught of lawfare against President Trump (in an election year no less) emanating from the state; but it’s not just Alvin Bragg, Arthur Engoron, and Letitia “Peekaboo” James using their offices and the courts to wage persecutory campaigns of political vendettas against those who don’t toe the establishment line, but Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez and Judge Abena Darkeh, too. Aside from Mr. Trump, a bright and accomplished man named Dexter Taylor might be the second-most unfairly persecuted person currently fighting off bogus charges in the “justice” system. So what did Taylor do?
A wheelchair-bound girl is beaten, and
we need to talk about it
15 replies
Posted by DVC 4/22/2024 10:20:32 AM Post Reply
A recent video shows a disabled girl confined to a wheelchair being bullied at her middle school. She’s taunted, struck, and tossed around. Those watching and videotaping giggle hysterically. It’s horrible. It also shows sociopathic behavior that is increasingly normalized in America, especially among blacks. This isn’t because blacks are inherently sociopaths. It’s because the Democrat party has deliberately stolen from them the societal institutions that create decency. Note: I am not saying that blacks are inherently criminal, sociopathic, stupid, or whatever other words a Democrat would put into my mouth. To say so—to say that negative traits, values, and behaviors are tied to skin color—would be deeply evil and racist.
A diesel in the shed 6 replies
Posted by DVC 4/22/2024 9:56:01 AM Post Reply
You can have your solar panels and your turbines on the hills; You can use the warmth of sunshine to reduce your heating bills. You can dream you’re self-sufficient as you weed your vegie bed; As long as you make sure to keep A diesel in the shed When I was a kid living on a small dairy farm in Queensland, we relied on green energy -- horses and human muscles provided most motive power firewood and beeswax candles supplied heat and light; a windmill pumped water and the sun provided solar energy for drying clothes and growing crops, vegies, and pastures. The only “non-green” energy used was a bit of kerosene
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Chicago Teachers Union Wants Pay Hikes,
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and Migrant Accomodation in Latest $50B Demand
25 replies
Posted by DW626 5/5/2024 5:00:28 PM Post Reply
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has many demands in their latest salvo in negotiating a new contract with the public schools system. While the union’s demands have not been made public, Fox News reports a leaked document “sheds light on the eye-popping demands.” The $50 billion they are asking for includes a 9% wage hike, fully paid abortions for its members, new migrant services and facilities, and a myriad of LGBT-related requirements. According to Fox News, the total base tax receipts for the state of Illinois last year were $50.7 billion.
California Bill Would Give Black Applicants
An Edge In Getting Occupational Licenses
24 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/5/2024 2:13:52 PM Post Reply
California lawmakers are considering a bill that would give preference to African American applicants seeking occupational licenses, for such professions as teaching, nursing, counseling, electrical work and others, especially those who are descendants of slaves. (snip) Under current law, only veterans are eligible for such prioritization. Mr. Gipson argued in the analysis that if such priority can be granted to veterans, similar standards should be applicable to African-American applicants. (snip) The bill, which will now be heard in the Assembly’s Appropriations Committee, passed the Assembly’s Business and Professions Committee on a 13–2 vote last week.
Exclusive: DC National Guard whistleblower
claims Trump was stripped of his commander-in-chief
powers on January 6
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Posted by Imright 5/5/2024 2:53:55 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump's authority as commander-in-chief was ignored by senior military leadership on January 6, 2021, claims the chief legal advisor for D.C. National Guard on that day. Colonel Earl Matthews came forward as a whistleblower to the House subcommittee reviewing the January 6 Select Committee's investigation. He sat down with two weeks after the public hearing to explain what he saw happen that day.Donald Trump's authority as commander-in-chief was ignored by senior military leadership on January 6, 2021, claims the chief legal advisor for D.C. National Guard on that day. Colonel Earl Matthews came forward as a whistleblower to the House subcommittee reviewing the January 6 Select Committee's investigation.
US Military Academy Introduces Woke Curriculum
with Courses on Deconstructing Patriotism,
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Posted by DW626 5/5/2024 4:02:28 PM Post Reply
The United States Military Academy at West Point is introducing a new curriculum that includes courses on “deconstructing patriotism,” “cross-dressing in the military,” and other topics related to gender norms and representation. These courses are part of a broader initiative by the Biden regime to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) propaganda into the curriculum over duty, honor, and country. Former Navy SEAL and Representative Scott Taylor (R-VA) tweeted his concerns after the curriculum was reportedly shared with him, stating, “This was sent to me, classes at U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
US, Australian surfers were likely executed
in vicious carjacking in Mexico: report
17 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 5/5/2024 7:21:04 AM Post Reply
The American surfers and Australian brothers who were found dead on a surfing vacation in Mexico were likely killed when they refused to hand over their car to a trio of carjackers, according to a report. The bodies of Jack Carter Rhoad, 30, and brothers Callum, 33, and Jake Robinson, 30, were discovered alongside their burnt white pick-up truck nearly a week after they vanished from the Baja California providence. Authorities theorized that the idyllic trip turned tragic when the local bandits approached the men while they were at their beach camp at a popular surf spot known as La Bocana. “When they tried to get the vehicle, the victims opposed the robbery,
A group of Republicans has united to defend
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who run them
16 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/5/2024 6:30:01 AM Post Reply
It was Election Day last November, and one of Georgia’s top election officials saw that reports of a voting machine problem in an eastern Pennsylvania county were gaining traction online. So Gabriel Sterling, a Republican who had defended the 2020 election in Georgia amid an onslaught of threats, posted a message to his nearly 71,000 followers on the social platform X explaining what had happened and saying that all votes would be counted correctly. He faced immediate criticism from one commenter about why he was weighing in on another state’s election while other responses reiterated false claims about widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
Large “Transgender (Bio Male)” Student
Brutally Assaults Much Smaller Girl at
New York High School While Fellow Pupils
Film Attack – Bomb Threat Sent to School (VIDEO)
15 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/5/2024 12:05:09 PM Post Reply
A horrifying video has emerged showing a large transgender (biological male) student attacking a smaller and weaker girl in a New York high school women’s restroom, which resulted in a bomb threat being sent to the institution after the clip was discovered online. While the assault at Greece Arcadia High School in Rochester reportedly took place in February, it was only uncovered on Thursday by the feminist website Reduxx. The outlet also noted the school refused to share any details regarding the awful beating. The clip captured by Reduxx shows the transgender teen storming into a restroom stall and laying a beatdown on the innocent girl
Atlanta police hoist six illegal squatters
from $500,000 home after stealing neighbor's car
15 replies
Posted by Imright 5/5/2024 11:13:29 AM Post Reply
Georgia police have arrested six squatters who took residence in a half a million dollar home after they stole a neighbor's car. South Fulton cops busted the squatters at 4300 Caveat Court and recovered the stolen vehicle on Saturday - after they had been illegally lodging in the home for five months. Video shows cops putting the intruders in handcuffs and sitting them on the sidewalk out side of the home. Mel Keyton, president of Hampton Oaks Homeowners Association, told Atlanta News First the neighbor whose car was stolen was out of town. 'Squatters stole her car and they brought it back over here to drive it in the driveway,' said Keyton.
Alabama Supreme Court Green Lights Nitrogen
Gas Execution for Convict Who Survived
Lethal Injection
15 replies
Posted by DVC 5/5/2024 12:55:56 AM Post Reply
The Alabama Supreme Court has authorized the execution of a death row inmate who previously survived after being given a lethal injection. The convict, Alan Eugene Miller, will now receive execution by nitrogen gas, the Washington Examiner reported. Alabama’s high court authorized the method in a decision Thursday. Republican Gov. Kay Ivey has not set the date for Miller’s execution. Once it’s carried out, Miller will become the second death row inmate to die by nitrogen gas in the state. However, the method has become controversial among liberal death penalty opponents. After being convicted of killing three men during a 1999 workplace shooting, Miller was set to die by lethal injection.
Driver dies after crashing into White
House perimeter gate, Secret Service says
13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/5/2024 6:32:26 AM Post Reply
A driver died after a vehicle crashed into a gate at the White House Saturday night, but the fatal collision is being investigated “only as a traffic crash” and there was no threat to the president’s residence, law enforcement authorities said. The male driver, who was not immediately identified, was found dead in the vehicle following the crash shortly before 10:30 p.m. at an outer perimeter gate of the White House complex, the U.S. Secret Service said in a statement. The Washington Metropolitan Police Department said the vehicle crashed into a security barrier at the intersection of 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
Camps Intifada: Students for Theocratic Authoritarianism 13 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 5/5/2024 6:20:41 AM Post Reply
I’m old. So old that I still believe that classic Western liberalism is the best system for assuring prosperity and peace, and authoritarianism, particularly of a theocratic nature, is a disastrous governance style. Watching the encampments and riots on college campuses, I see that too many young people have missed this lesson and instead support violent, barbaric, theocratic authoritarianism. I think these participants are not representative of a majority of students or voters and that the weak responses of some universities bode ill for their futures. Moreover.
Noncitizens caught voting in U.S. elections
— here’s how they did it
13 replies
Posted by Imright 5/5/2024 2:45:25 AM Post Reply
Eloy Alberto Zayas-Berrier was part of the infamous Mariel boatlift that brought 125,000 Cubans, including criminals and mental hospital patients, to the U.S. in 1980. He’s been in the U.S. ever since in a bizarre legal limbo. He can’t qualify for citizenship and Cuba has refused to take him back, so he’s been stuck on “parole.” He remains here with only the barest of legal protections and cannot get a green card. He is decidedly not a citizen. That did not, however, stop him from showing up at an early-voting location in North Carolina on Nov. 5, 2016, where he not only registered and claimed to be a citizen, but also
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