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'Anti-White' Scottish First Minister Quits
After Disastrous 'Hate Crime Law'

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Posted By: DVC, 4/29/2024 1:04:21 PM

Scotland's leader Humza Yousaf resigned on Monday, quitting as head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) after scrapping a coalition agreement with Scotland's Greens. He then failed to secure enough support to survive votes of no confidence against him expected later this week. Yousaf, born to Pakistani immigrants in Glasgow, built an infamous reputation as a woke activist politician going into the 2023 elections. [snip] red flag to the Scottish public; however, with an increasingly progressive voting population Yousaf narrowly scored a victory. Here is Humza in 2020, giving a speech admonishing the "whiteness" of the Scottish government.


Good riddance. How does an insane, racist hater get to this sort of a position of power? Is Scotland so full of idiots? I visited last year and met lots of nice people. Send these Pakistani haters back to Pakistan.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: chumley 4/29/2024 1:29:27 PM (No. 1708376)
What the hell has happened to Scotland? A once proud people have been beaten down to the point they elected a Humza Yousaf? Couldn't he at least pretend to be a Scotsman, like changing his name to Shamus McYousaf? The entire UK has turned into a socialist 3rd world dung heap.
32 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: privateer 4/29/2024 1:42:20 PM (No. 1708385)
If you're unhappy...move back to Blackistan.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bamboozle 4/29/2024 1:43:33 PM (No. 1708386)
Look to Washington, OP, and ask the same questions
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Highlander 4/29/2024 1:52:18 PM (No. 1708388)
Imagine the ludicrousness of a dark-skinned foreigner, getting elected to public office, castigating the whiteness of people in an ancestrally white country as Scotland!
22 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Maggie2u 4/29/2024 2:55:40 PM (No. 1708427)
Or just the opposite poster #4, a White person, an immigrant to an African country becoming the first Minister and complaining the country is too Black. That person would be 'necklaced' before you could say good-bye. If you don't like that hell-hole of a country, Mr. Yousaf, go back to the paradise your parents came from.
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: synchronicity 4/29/2024 3:10:44 PM (No. 1708437)
Shouldn't be a problem - as Billy Connolly (Scottish comedian) said in one of his routines: We aren't white, we're pale blue!
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: plaids 4/29/2024 3:49:31 PM (No. 1708453)
William Wallace and those who fought in the Battle of Culloden must be turning in their graves. I'm going to Scotland in September. I will "dinna fash."
5 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Omen55 4/29/2024 4:55:28 PM (No. 1708480)
JK Rowling beat him down.
6 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: paral04 4/29/2024 6:27:25 PM (No. 1708517)
That's what happens when you allow someone whose values are not the same as yours in power. Islam and democracy don't mix.
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: BarryNo 4/29/2024 9:39:15 PM (No. 1708612)
Do they use voting machines or mail in voting?
2 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: 5 handicap 4/30/2024 5:54:01 AM (No. 1708737)
Why do dirtbags like Yousaf come to places of "Whiteness" in the first place, then try to turn it into the Scheisse hole they left.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by DVC 4/30/2024 3:33:36 PM Post Reply
A new poll out from Emerson/The Hill shows that Joe Biden trails President Trump in seven of the key swing states: Yet, in spite of those numbers (and other disapproving indicators), Biden found it wise to announce on a recent podcast that the Second Amendment was “never absolute” and all that talk about Thomas Jefferson’s “tree of liberty” reference is a “bunch of crap.” Brilliant Joe, absolutely brilliant—so brilliant in fact, I’d like to suggest that his staffers organize those comments into sound bites to accompany his campaign ads, and then run them in the very swing states in which he trails,
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Posted by DVC 4/30/2024 2:33:33 PM Post Reply
Many decades ago my four year old daughter was invited to play at a neighbor's house with another little girl while visiting her grandparents in an upper middle class neighborhood. While there, she was attacked and knocked down by the neighbor's Doberman that went for her throat while she on the ground. Thankfully the bite occurred under her arm pit as she instinctively raised her arm to protect herself. The dog clamped down and shook her like a rag doll. Fortunately the owner's teenage son was there and got the dog off my daughter.
'Anti-White' Scottish First Minister Quits
After Disastrous 'Hate Crime Law'
11 replies
Posted by DVC 4/29/2024 1:04:21 PM Post Reply
Scotland's leader Humza Yousaf resigned on Monday, quitting as head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) after scrapping a coalition agreement with Scotland's Greens. He then failed to secure enough support to survive votes of no confidence against him expected later this week. Yousaf, born to Pakistani immigrants in Glasgow, built an infamous reputation as a woke activist politician going into the 2023 elections. [snip] red flag to the Scottish public; however, with an increasingly progressive voting population Yousaf narrowly scored a victory. Here is Humza in 2020, giving a speech admonishing the "whiteness" of the Scottish government.
The Dexter Taylor Case: a black man follows
the law (but thinks for himself) and suffers
the wrath of the Democrat left
8 replies
Posted by DVC 4/24/2024 1:23:51 AM Post Reply
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A wheelchair-bound girl is beaten, and
we need to talk about it
15 replies
Posted by DVC 4/22/2024 10:20:32 AM Post Reply
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A diesel in the shed 6 replies
Posted by DVC 4/22/2024 9:56:01 AM Post Reply
You can have your solar panels and your turbines on the hills; You can use the warmth of sunshine to reduce your heating bills. You can dream you’re self-sufficient as you weed your vegie bed; As long as you make sure to keep A diesel in the shed When I was a kid living on a small dairy farm in Queensland, we relied on green energy -- horses and human muscles provided most motive power firewood and beeswax candles supplied heat and light; a windmill pumped water and the sun provided solar energy for drying clothes and growing crops, vegies, and pastures. The only “non-green” energy used was a bit of kerosene
‘Star Wars’ vindicated! 9 replies
Posted by DVC 4/21/2024 9:59:02 AM Post Reply
I was in the United States Navy, embarked on a guided missile frigate, when President Ronald Reagan gave his landmark speech in 1983 introducing the concept of an advanced integrated weapons system to defend the United States and our allies from attacks from nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles. Reagan was a staunch critic of the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction, or MAD, which since the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the 1950s had been in place to in theory preclude the first use of nuclear weapons. [snip] Reagan was convinced that the Soviet Union would be unable to match the United States
Russia Accidentally Sank Own Ship During
Baltic Navy Drills
6 replies
Posted by DVC 4/12/2024 6:52:08 PM Post Reply
Russia has accidentally sunk one of its own ships with a missile during naval drills off the coast of the Kaliningrad region, killing three crew members and injuring four others, according to local media reports. During a Baltic Fleet exercise on March 19, a missile mistakenly blew up the trawler Captain Lobanov, independent television channel TV Rain (Dozhd) reported, citing a relative of one of the crew members. Three crew members were killed, four more were wounded, and the captain's cabin was destroyed, the source said. Authorities reported at the time that a "fire" broke out on the ship, and that just one person was killed.
The Washington Post, misleading down to
the subheadlines
2 replies
Posted by DVC 4/7/2024 10:26:20 AM Post Reply
Even the subheadlines are substandard at the Washington Post. In “Gazans go hungry as aid groups step back” (04/04/24), the subheadline reads, “Israel’s war has wrecked Hamas civilian rule, with no alternative in place.” The anti-Israel bias at the Post is as clear as the clearest day. It is not “Israel’s war.” To say so exposes the authors’ animus against Israel, ignoring how this war started and who the perpetrators were. To remind The Washington Post, on October 7, thousands of Hamas combatants followed by Gazan civilians stormed through the borders of Israel, murdering; mutilating civilians, including children and babies; and taking hundreds of hostages, including babies.
Don’t say you weren’t warned 8 replies
Posted by DVC 4/6/2024 4:38:17 PM Post Reply
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Kamala continues her brutal battle with facts 9 replies
Posted by DVC 4/6/2024 3:11:39 PM Post Reply
There are some people who aren't articulate despite possessing the knowledge. There are others who are adept wordsmiths but possess no knowledge. Most overcome either of these shortcomings by burning their midnight oil. There are a rare kind who are not only inarticulate and ignorant but are too lazy to apply themselves even minimally. Then there is Kamala Harris. She is not only nation's primary world salad chef but the leader of the league of ignoramuses. And that's not all, she also has no self-awareness and probably thinks of herself as abundantly talented. This rules out the possibility of any remedial measures. Kamala has consistently achieved a rare and most undesirable kind of inconsistency.
Second channel opened allowing some vessels
to bypass wreckage at Baltimore bridge
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5 replies
Posted by DVC 4/3/2024 11:17:50 AM Post Reply
Crews opened a second temporary channel on Tuesday allowing a limited amount of marine traffic to bypass the wreckage of Baltimore's collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge, which had blocked the vital port's main shipping channel since its destruction one week ago. Work is ongoing to open a third channel that will allow larger vessels to pass through the bottleneck, officials announced at a news conference Tuesday afternoon. The channels are primarily open primarily to vessels that are helping with the cleanup effort, along with some barges and tugs that have been stuck in the Port of Baltimore.
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Posted by Imright 4/30/2024 6:12:05 AM Post Reply
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Posted by 2assume 4/30/2024 6:26:26 PM Post Reply
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Joe Biden announces that the 2A was ‘never
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Posted by DVC 4/30/2024 3:33:36 PM Post Reply
A new poll out from Emerson/The Hill shows that Joe Biden trails President Trump in seven of the key swing states: Yet, in spite of those numbers (and other disapproving indicators), Biden found it wise to announce on a recent podcast that the Second Amendment was “never absolute” and all that talk about Thomas Jefferson’s “tree of liberty” reference is a “bunch of crap.” Brilliant Joe, absolutely brilliant—so brilliant in fact, I’d like to suggest that his staffers organize those comments into sound bites to accompany his campaign ads, and then run them in the very swing states in which he trails,
Columbia threatens to expel students occupying
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/30/2024 3:08:16 PM Post Reply
Columbia University is threatening to expel student protesters against Israel’s handling of the war in Gaza who took over a campus building on Tuesday. “Students occupying the building face expulsion,” said Columbia spokesperson Ben Chang, The Associated Press reported. “Protesters have chosen to escalate to an untenable situation — vandalizing property, breaking doors and windows, and blockading entrances — and we are following through with the consequences we outlined yesterday,” Chang added. Chang is referring to the school’s Monday promise to suspend people who did not clear the encampment and sign a document promising to obey the university’s policies around protesting.
Kristi Noem did the right thing 21 replies
Posted by DVC 4/30/2024 2:33:33 PM Post Reply
Many decades ago my four year old daughter was invited to play at a neighbor's house with another little girl while visiting her grandparents in an upper middle class neighborhood. While there, she was attacked and knocked down by the neighbor's Doberman that went for her throat while she on the ground. Thankfully the bite occurred under her arm pit as she instinctively raised her arm to protect herself. The dog clamped down and shook her like a rag doll. Fortunately the owner's teenage son was there and got the dog off my daughter.
Growing campus unrest sparks Democratic
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20 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 4/30/2024 7:00:12 PM Post Reply
Intense clashes between anti-war protesters and police on college campuses is spreading alarm among Senate Democrats who worry that anger over President Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza could engulf their party’s presidential nominating convention in late August. Images of police arresting more than 100 protesters on Columbia University’s campus, including Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) daughter, have Democratic lawmakers bracing for chaos in Chicago. It’s just one of several campuses around the country where there have been arrests. “I think if the situation doesn’t change dramatically in Gaza, yeah, I think it could be bad,” warned one Democratic senator
Columbia Restricts Access to Campus After
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18 replies
Posted by Northcross 4/30/2024 10:32:23 AM Post Reply
Pro-Hamas demonstrators at Columbia took over an academic building early Tuesday to continue their “protests” over the war in Gaza. University officials urged students and staff to keep away from campus as dozens of the anti-Israel activists occupied Hamilton Hall in defiance over the school beginning to suspend students who refused to leave an encampment set up on the quad last week. Images on social media show students breaking windows, barricading themselves in the building, and holding banners that say "intifada."
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18 replies
Posted by Imright 4/30/2024 6:27:40 AM Post Reply
Make America Texas Again Austin police today took down the impromptu pro-Hamas hippy encampment on the University of Texas campus this afternoon. There was a lot of screaming by the dirty leftists. Booger-haired girl got carried off by no-nonsense police. (X Video) She was not as talkative as she was earlier. (X Video) The pepper spray was flying .(X Video) Dude got a facial. (X Video) They had their communist medics out in force.
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/30/2024 11:47:42 AM Post Reply
A New York judge ruled Tuesday morning former president Donald Trump repeatedly violated the expansive gag order imposed in his hush-money criminal trial. Judge Juan Merchan held Trump in contempt for nine violations of the gag order and imposed a $1,000 fine on Trump for each of the violations. Merchan warned Trump he will face jail time if he continues to violate the gag order. “Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment,” Merchan said.
First photos of the $320 million US aid
pier off Gaza: 1,00 Army and Navy members
keep building despite fears Americans
could be attacked, fury from Republicans
and criticism that food is blocked
16 replies
Posted by 2assume 4/30/2024 7:00:46 PM Post Reply
First photos of the $320 million US aid pier off Gaza: 1,00 Army and Navy members keep building despite fears Americans could be attacked, fury from Republicans and criticism that food is blocked
UNC Center for Middle East and Islamic
Studies: Celebrating October 7th -- “Oct.
7 for many of us from the region was a
beautiful day”
16 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/30/2024 4:01:25 PM Post Reply
The Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill has repeatedly abdicated its responsibility to conduct legitimate scholarship and the free exchange of ideas by inviting rabid Jew-haters and Hamas propagandists to campus. [SNIP] Dr. Rania Masri, an invited speaker at the event, declared: “Oct. 7 for many of us from the region was a beautiful day. It was the day in which we saw that, we saw our brothers, we saw our fathers, we saw men break out of a concentration camp.”
Trans killer serving 3 life sentences
for murder, abuse of women demands access
to female prison population in Kansas
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/30/2024 5:54:01 PM Post Reply
An 82-year-old trans-identifying male inmate in Kansas, currently serving three life sentences for killing and sexually abusing multiple women in 1969 and 1970, has filed a lawsuit demanding to be allowed to live amongst the female prison's general population. Thomas Lamb, who goes by Michelle, has been kept isolated from female inmates due to the nature of the crimes committed, and conduct in prison. (snip) "I'm being treated as if I'm public enemy number one here at TCF, being escorted by two officers all the time," Lamb added. "I'm denied the most basic need, especially for us females: the need to have close contact and relationships with other females."
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