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As Stagflation Fears Mount, Dems Urge
Biden To Stop Bragging About ‘Bidenomics’

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 10/3/2023 6:27:57 AM

In the three months since President Joe Biden decided to campaign on the glories of “Bidenomics,” inflation started creeping back up, the unemployment rate rose, and his approval ratings on the economy have steadily dropped. Now, stagflation is back in the news. All of it is leading Democrats to urge Biden to … shift his messaging. Stagflation – the combination of rising inflation, high unemployment, and a stagnant economy not seen since the disastrous Jimmy Carter years – is suddenly in the headlines. On Friday, for example, CNBC ran a story: “Stagflation is ‘the big bogeyman out there’ — and many increasingly fear its return.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Strike3 10/3/2023 7:01:30 AM (No. 1568159)
Joe should also stop bragging about our spending on Climate Change, the EV scam, his wonderful family, his excellent health and his destruction of our energy sector. The man is a walking buffoon, when he's not a tripping, stumbling buffoon.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Jethro bo 10/3/2023 7:01:40 AM (No. 1568160)
I don't understand how Diaper Joe and his drooling minions could promote economic success. He has had his Dept of Manipulated Labor manipulate statistics to create this job growth Nirvana while the rest of us see the really really expensive part of his plan. Energy, fast foods, groceries, toilet paper and so much more are through th roof. And he sure has ensured that the shortages of all kinds of goods continues. Its as if we are living in slow motion Atlas Shrugged.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: BirdsNest 10/3/2023 7:56:36 AM (No. 1568213)
He has managed to make Jimmy Carter look good. Gawd.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Krause 10/3/2023 8:05:03 AM (No. 1568225)
Well, after Obama destroyed the healthcare system, they named it obamacare. Both stupid ideas.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 10/3/2023 8:37:27 AM (No. 1568244)
Why stop with that topic? He should shut up about everything and hide in his basement. It worked in 2020.
2 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: formerNYer 10/3/2023 10:32:51 AM (No. 1568341)
He just can't help himself = he's so senile he thinks he's doing well.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Sandpiper 10/3/2023 11:11:20 AM (No. 1568356)
Just went shopping with my daughter at Costco. A $300 grocery run barely filled the back seat. She said she missed the days under Trump when $300 filled a grocery cart and gas was $2.24/gal. Remember those days? Gas is now just under $5/gal at Costco, meaning it is over $5 everywhere else. Her husband, law enforcement, is picking up extra shifts on his days off just to keep up financially. My daughter grew a big garden this year and she has been canning the harvest like there’s no tomorrow. A hunting trip brought in two deer which will heavily augment their food supply this winter and my son-in-law has been picking up fallen trees all summer that he has cut up for firewood. We estimate just one of his four piles has 4 1/2 cords of wood. The firewood is free and greatly reduces the cost of their heating bill, which has gone up. This is an industrious family of 5. What is Bidenomics doing to middle-class families not as well situated? The single parents?
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Posted by RockyTCB 10/4/2023 6:48:51 AM Post Reply
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As Stagflation Fears Mount, Dems Urge
Biden To Stop Bragging About ‘Bidenomics’
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/3/2023 6:27:57 AM Post Reply
In the three months since President Joe Biden decided to campaign on the glories of “Bidenomics,” inflation started creeping back up, the unemployment rate rose, and his approval ratings on the economy have steadily dropped. Now, stagflation is back in the news. All of it is leading Democrats to urge Biden to … shift his messaging. Stagflation – the combination of rising inflation, high unemployment, and a stagnant economy not seen since the disastrous Jimmy Carter years – is suddenly in the headlines. On Friday, for example, CNBC ran a story: “Stagflation is ‘the big bogeyman out there’ — and many increasingly fear its return.”
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Posted by RockyTCB 9/29/2023 5:40:22 AM Post Reply
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A Bribery Feather
14 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/28/2023 6:29:13 AM Post Reply
Q: What is the difference between what Sen. Bob Menendez is charged with, what President Joe Biden is being investigated for, and the speech Michelle Obama gave in Germany on Monday? A: Only the dollar amounts. Just as Democrats were ramping up calls for Menendez to step down over bribery charges filed against him, and as House Republicans started their impeachment inquiry into whether Joe Biden used son Hunter to bribe foreign officials, Obama was reportedly getting paid an obscenely large amount of money for a one-hour talk on “diversity.”
28% Of Americans ‘Not Confident’ That
2024 Vote Will Be Fair And Accurate: I&I/TIPP Poll
22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/27/2023 5:58:49 AM Post Reply
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10 Reasons Not To Own An EV 17 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/26/2023 10:24:37 AM Post Reply
From California to New York to Washington, Democrats are using the coercive force of government to herd Americans into electric vehicles. Here are 10 reasons why we should resist both this egregious abuse of power as well as the social pressure that demands we all go electric: The mandates are an egregious abuse of power. Where do government officials, both elected and unelected, derive the authority to tell Americans what vehicles they cannot own and what vehicles they must own? There is none. Yes, there are laws intended to keep dangerous cars and trucks off the streets for safety reasons. But no automobile is a threat
‘How Many People Coming Into This Country
Illegally Is Enough For President Biden?’
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/25/2023 6:08:49 AM Post Reply
Questions like that are almost enough to make you feel sorry for White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Even someone qualified for that job – which she clearly is not – would have trouble coming up with new ways to tell bald-faced lies about the border crisis and what President Joe Biden is doing to stop it. Her job got more difficult after U.S. Customs and Border Protection released data Friday showing that 304,162 people entered the country illegally in August – a new record. For perspective, it’s as many as crossed illegally in all of 2017, and more than the entire population of Pittsburgh.
Here’s A California Idea That Could
Actually Help The Country
5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/22/2023 5:18:19 AM Post Reply
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Democrats Discover A New ‘Threat To
Democracy’ — The U.S Constitution
24 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/21/2023 6:12:26 AM Post Reply
We’ve been cataloging how the left has taken to labeling every candidate it doesn’t like and every policy it opposes a “threat to democracy.” But even we were surprised to see the U.S. Constitution itself added to the list of these threats. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell said over the weekend that: “The Constitution has some profoundly anti-democratic, which is to say anti-democracy components, like the Electoral College and the two senators per state, for example.” Mind you, this aired on Sept. 15, just two days before Constitution Day, which this year marked the 236th anniversary of its signing.
As Impeachment Inquiry Looms, Half Say
Biden’s Been Dishonest About Foreign
Deals: I&I/TIPP Poll
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/20/2023 6:30:25 AM Post Reply
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57 replies
Posted by DW626 10/3/2023 8:50:12 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 10/3/2023 4:52:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 10/3/2023 7:38:33 PM Post Reply
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Gingrich says House GOP should expel ‘anti-Republican’ Gaetz 30 replies
Posted by Harlowe 10/3/2023 6:17:17 PM Post Reply
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) on Tuesday called on House Republicans to expel Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and defeat his motion to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) from his post.[Snip]Gingrich added that Gaetz was in violation of a House Republican Conference rule that says a motion to vacate “should only be available with the agreement of the Republican Conference so as to not allow Democrats to choose the Speaker.” Gingrich argues that an agreement made when McCarthy became Speaker to allow any member to advance a motion to vacate did not supersede the conference rules.
I Don't Think the House Fight Worked Out
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28 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/4/2023 12:28:33 AM Post Reply
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) successfully led a coup against now-former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday. He managed to eke out a “win” by rallying the entire Democrat caucus and eight Republicans to oust him. It’s the first time that has happened in U.S. history. And it’s a total clown show. Not only does it distract from the already tense budget negotiations, but it makes a laughingstock of the GOP—and the U.S.—and gives Democrats even more leverage to push through their radical policies. Gaetz got a win, but at what cost? Sure, he’ll raise a lot of campaign money from this—he’s already sending out emails and asking for money on Fox News
USPS unveils stamp honoring Justice Ruth
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Posted by NorthernDog 10/3/2023 11:07:06 AM Post Reply
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Defiant McCarthy Lashes out at Gaetz,
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26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/4/2023 12:39:55 AM Post Reply
An at-times annoyed, downcast, and even humorous Kevin McCarthy took to the podium Tuesday evening to hold a nearly hour-long press conference discussing his ouster from the House Speakership position, an effort spearheaded by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL). McCarthy lit into his colleague from Florida, indicated that he would not run for the speakership again, said the eight Republicans who voted against were not real conservatives, and even hinted he might resign from office altogether. Watch: Despite the extreme setback, McCarthy remained optimistic: 'I will not run for speaker again,' McCarthy said in a nearly hour-long press conference that veered from combative to laugh filled. 'I may have lost the vote today.
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26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/3/2023 2:06:31 AM Post Reply
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25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/4/2023 12:06:42 AM Post Reply
A massive emergency alert test is set to sound alarms on every cellphone, radio, and TV in the United States on Wednesday at 2:20 p.m. EDT, 11:20 a.m. PDT. The federal government says it will conduct a nationwide test of its Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts on the afternoon of October 4, as reported by Breitbart News last month. The emergency test is scheduled to occur at 2:20 p.m. eastern time which is 11:20 a.m. Pacific. This means that every cellphone, television, and radio in the United States will blast a warning tone of an emergency alert, in order to ensure that the country’s Emergency Alert system is working correctly
Mike Pence says he's 'deeply disappointed'
over Kevin McCarthy's ouster
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/3/2023 6:16:33 PM Post Reply
Former Vice President Mike Pence slammed House Republicans who led the ouster of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) during an event at Georgetown University on Tuesday. "Let me say that chaos is never America's friend. And it's never a friend of American families that are struggling," Pence said as the news broke. "And I'm deeply disappointed that a handful of Republicans would partner with all the Democrats in the House of Representatives to oust the speaker of the House. But I expect before the week is out, there'll be more votes on who will be elected speaker of the House."
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about corruption in Ukraine and fears
it could sour support for Zelensky's war
against Putin,' after US sent $75 billion
to help '
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/3/2023 2:30:05 AM Post Reply
A confidential U.S. strategy document suggests that the Biden administration is more concerned about alleged corruption in Ukraine than first acknowledged. A 'sensitive but unclassified' version of what is believed to be a possibly long-term U.S. plan for Ukraine outlines various measures the U.S. is taking to assist Kyiv in combatting corruption. The feat is that growing criticism of corruption could ultimately lead Western allies to withdraw their support for Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion. Zelensky's government has seen its most generous support from the United States, with $75 billion so-far committed -
Texas congressman Henry Cuellar carjacked
at gunpoint in Washington, DC
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/3/2023 1:15:19 AM Post Reply
U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, was the victim of an armed carjacking Monday night in Washington, D.C., Fox News Digital confirmed. The longtime Democratic congressman was in the Navy Yard neighborhood when the incident took place at about 9:30 p.m., according to U.S. Capitol Police. The agency, along with Metropolitan Police Department, responded to the scene at New Jersey Avenue and K Street Southeast. The entire block is closed off as police investigate. Police are searching for three suspects, described as Black men wearing all black clothing, in connection with the carjacking, MPD said in an alert. Cuellar's stolen vehicle, a white Honda CHR, has since been recovered.
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