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Supreme Court Caves to Left on Racial Quotas

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 9/27/2023 4:08:41 PM

The Supreme Court sided on Tuesday with federal interference in the Alabama legislature for the second time in four months, by ordering or allowing the liberal judicial override of a redistricting plan. This misuse of the Voting Rights Act obstructs a state legislature from exercising its constitutional authority to reformulate its congressional districts based on population changes.Some 15 years after Americans elected a black president, and long after black congressmen and senators have been elected by majority-white constituents, the Supreme Court is still falling for the liberal lie that whites won’t elect a black representative. Liberals perpetuate this fiction to increase the number of Democrat-controlled congressional districts,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Rotten in Denmark 9/27/2023 4:17:35 PM (No. 1564620)
Since the AG won’t protect the Justices from mob rule, as he didn’t do be&one, they may be afraid to rule properly. That and something about illegal adoptions involving the chief may have factored in
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 9/27/2023 4:27:08 PM (No. 1564623)
I read that the illegal adoption, by the chief, was facilitated by Epstein. So they do have a lot to hold over his head.
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Starboard_side 9/27/2023 4:52:19 PM (No. 1564636)
Does not matter that America elected a black president, the laws on the books are still from 1965 with some updates along the way. Therefore, you need to work on the laws, or you need to know the laws prior to drawing up maps in the future. One question may be, at what point in time is past discrimination actually too old to be a main consideration?
10 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: NHChemist 9/27/2023 5:09:17 PM (No. 1564647)
There ought to be a law that requires voting districts to minimize their border length. This would stop the gerrymandering that drives these problems.
8 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Jethro bo 9/27/2023 5:25:17 PM (No. 1564654)
There is one quota the Supreme Joke will always uphold and enshrine. And that's the assurance of quota districts. Its gonna get real funny when all the illegals demand quota districts and it decreases the current quota black districts. Notice the supreme Joke has never demanded a Hispanic quota district? Wonder why? Its not like Hispanics are now a larger voting block than blacks. Why are blacks so privileged by the Supreme Joke?
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 9/27/2023 8:14:58 PM (No. 1564728)
Anyone still believe Judas John Roberts is an r? Arse, maybe. He showed his true colors with 0 care.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: PESSIMIST 9/27/2023 8:25:48 PM (No. 1564734)
The ruling is repulsive, but there's a silver lining in the cloud. By committing to black-only districts, the Democrats cost themselves dozens of congressional seats they could flip by parcelling out all those reliable Dem votes to other districts.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: smokincol 9/27/2023 8:44:40 PM (No. 1564747)
what could be more inclusive than a black Chief of Police in an Alabama town or city, they're there but the news just won't let the word get out how about black Mayors or City or Town Councils with black members - they had to be elected by someone other than black voters Save the Republic - dissolve the dishonest news media
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Reply 9 - Posted by: doctorfixit 9/28/2023 6:31:39 AM (No. 1564865)
The federal judiciary is forcing national suicide. It needs to be gone.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: czechlist 9/28/2023 8:34:33 AM (No. 1564925)
#8 I have noted before that the percentage of b lack mayors and police chiefs in this country appears to far exceed the percentage of the b lack population. But, perhaps that is because a larger amount of crimes occur where that is the case.
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Supreme Court Caves to Left on Racial Quotas 10 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/27/2023 4:08:41 PM Post Reply
The Supreme Court sided on Tuesday with federal interference in the Alabama legislature for the second time in four months, by ordering or allowing the liberal judicial override of a redistricting plan. This misuse of the Voting Rights Act obstructs a state legislature from exercising its constitutional authority to reformulate its congressional districts based on population changes.Some 15 years after Americans elected a black president, and long after black congressmen and senators have been elected by majority-white constituents, the Supreme Court is still falling for the liberal lie that whites won’t elect a black representative. Liberals perpetuate this fiction to increase the number of Democrat-controlled congressional districts,
UNCANNY! FBI Predicted Those Jan 6 Riots
They Instigated
10 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 11:38:46 AM Post Reply
“Violent extremists” would be “very willing to take action” on Jan 6, the FBI correctly predicted two months before the riots the Bureau helped organize and instigate.Funny how that works, isn’t it? It’s a predictably breathless report from NBC News examining an internal FBI analysis that determined the Stop the Steal protests would require “law enforcement preemption” but that the “disorganization” of extremist groups would “hinder widespread violence.” Unless, you know, the FBI stepped in to help organize things a bit.
Ralph Nader, wary of Trump, offers to
help Joe Biden win
18 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 11:20:55 AM Post Reply
“Ralph Nader is not going to be welcome anywhere near the corridors,” then-senator Biden had declared, blaming the consumer advocate for Democrat Al Gore’s defeat to Republican George W. Bush. So began Nader’s long exile from Democratic Capitol Hill hideaways, where Nader had once been feted as a conquering policy genius. Nader, a spry 89-year-old who works remotely because of covid concerns, still resents the slight. But if you ask him these days about Biden’s reelection fight in 2024, he does not respond with his old gibes about Republicans and Democrats being nothing more than “Tweedledum and Tweedledee.”
JPMorgan to pay $75M to settle Jeffrey
Epstein lawsuit with US Virgin Islands
3 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 11:09:13 AM Post Reply
JPMorgan Chase agreed on Tuesday to pay the US Virgin Islands $75 million to settle a lawsuit alleging the Wall Street behemoth enabled Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring by ignoring red flags related to Epstein’s accounts at the investment bank. The historic settlement, which marks the first enforcement action filed against a bank for profiting from human trafficking, comes just one month before JPMorgan and USVI were set to go to trial in Manhattan. “As part of the settlement, JPMorgan has agreed to implement and maintain meaningful anti-trafficking measures, which will help prevent human trafficking in the future,” USVI Attorney General Smith said in a press release.
Sen. Bob Menendez's congressman son announces
House re-election bid days after father's
corruption indictment
20 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 7:53:10 AM Post Reply
Rep. Rob Menendez, a first-term Democratic congressman representing New Jersey’s 8th congressional district, announced his re-election bid Monday, just three days after his father, longtime Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez’s indictment on federal bribery and corruption charges was unsealed. "I love this district and its people with every fiber of my being," the younger Menendez said in a statement. "I am focused on working every single day to represent my neighbors to the best of my ability. And I will be running for re-election based on that record, so I can continue to serve the residents of this district that I love,
Menendez scandal creates huge political
dilemmas for Democrats
19 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 7:51:43 AM Post Reply
The sensational federal indictment against New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez (D) is a big political problem for Senate Democrats already facing a tough fight to protect their majority. Senators returning to Washington on Tuesday will be confronted with questions about whether Menendez should resign. Two in their fold, Sens. John Fetterman (Pa.) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio), already have said he should step down. Republicans are likely to seek to tie Democrats to Menendez, who faces charges that he and his wife took bribes from businesspeople in his state connected to the government of Egypt. Prosecutors have released photos of cash,
Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani over infamous
laptop found at repair shop
13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 7:46:57 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden sued Rudy Giuliani over alleged computer fraud and data access violations related to the infamous laptop scandal. The suit also names Robert Costello, a former federal prosecutor who defended Giuliani, as a defendant, CNBC reported. “For the past many months and even years, Defendants have dedicated an extraordinary amount of time and energy toward looking for, hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing over data that they were given that was taken or stolen from Plaintiff’s devices or storage platforms, including what Defendants claim to have obtained from Plaintiff’s alleged “laptop” computer,” the filing viewed by the outlet read.
The biggest donor group in Democratic
politics privately moves against No Labels
11 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/25/2023 6:20:05 AM Post Reply
A powerful network of liberal donors is joining the push to stop No Labels’ threatened plan to launch a third-party presidential run — warning major political funders to stay away from the group. The donors club, Democracy Alliance, shared its thinking about the bipartisan organization’s operation exclusively with POLITICO. Democrats have grown increasingly concerned that an independent No Labels ticket would function as a spoiler and help former President Donald Trump or another Republican candidate defeat President Joe Biden in 2024.
Dallas mayor switches parties, making
the city the nation’s largest with a
GOP mayor
9 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/25/2023 6:17:50 AM Post Reply
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson announced Friday that he is switching to the Republican Party, making the city the largest in the U.S. to be led by a GOP mayor. Although mayoral offices in Texas are nonpartisan, the switch is a boost for Texas Republicans who have been losing ground around the state’s major cities for more than a decade. Johnson was elected mayor in 2019 after serving more than a decade as a Democrat in the Texas House of Representatives. Making the announcement in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal,
Well, Well, Well, Look at the 'Conspiracy
Theory' the J6 Cat Finally Dragged in.
Why Now?
11 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/20/2023 4:24:46 AM Post Reply
60 Minutes,” The New York Times, Adam Kinzinger, and the FBI’s favorite J6 Capitol protester has gotten a slap on the wrist for what sure looked like helping to incite the January 6 riot at the Capitol Building. Why now? Ray Epps, the man the news media said was the object of conspiracy theorists of the “hard right,” was charged Tuesday with one misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct for his antics at the Capitol Complex on Jan. 6, 2021. It has taken the federal government more than two and a half years to bring the single charge against Ray Epps.
Zelensky encourages Trump to release his
supposed Ukraine peace plan: ‘He can
publicly share his idea now’
14 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/20/2023 4:12:37 AM Post Reply
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged former President Donald Trump on Tuesday to release details of an apparent plan that the 2024 Republican presidential front-runner claims would end the war in Ukraine “within 24 hours.” Trump, 77, has wildly bragged in several interviews and campaign events that if elected president next year, he would lead peace negotiations between Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin and have the conflict resolved within one day. The ex-commander-in-chief, however, has refused to provide details about the approach he would take to end the nearly 19-month-long war.
Maybe This Latest Blatant Ballot Box Stuffing
Scandal Will Be the Last Straw
5 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/19/2023 7:44:46 PM Post Reply
Whether it’s because they have no fear of consequence or because they really are that stupid, Democrat operatives regularly stuff ballot boxes in full view of cameras. The pattern is nauseatingly familiar at this point: First, Big Left’s candidate comes from behind to win an election with a handful of mail-in or absentee votes. Then, video, sworn testimony, and/or official complaints of ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing emerge. The matter is referred to law enforcement, which opens an investigation.
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‘Unwatchable’: Viewers Blast RNC,
Fox for Including Univision in Debate
47 replies
Posted by Imright 9/28/2023 12:24:29 AM Post Reply
Viewers of the second Republican National Committee (RNC) debate blasted the RNC as well as Fox News for including Univision as a partner in the event. The debate kicked off with Univision anchor Ilia Calderón opening up the debate by speaking Spanish, telling viewers that the candidates are trying to win them over. “Please allow me to welcome our Spanish speaking audience,” Calderón said, stating in Spanish, “A good evening to all. From the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the Republican presidential candidates also seek your vote for the party’s primaries. Welcome.” But the irritation of the inclusion of Univision only grew throughout the night, as moderators asked about “gun violence,”
Philadelphia swarmed by alleged juvenile
looters targeting the Apple Store, Lululemon,
Footlocker and others
34 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/27/2023 12:43:02 AM Post Reply
Philadelphia police responded to reports of popular stores like the Apple Store, Lululemon and Footlocker being ravaged by swarms of looters taking over the City of Brotherly Love. Authorities in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania responded to reports of large crowds of juveniles allegedly looting stores in the Center City area on Tuesday night. As of midnight on Wednesday morning, Police have confirmed between 15 and 20 people were arrested during the looting and recovered at least 2 firearms. Videos posted to X, formerly called Twitter, shows retail stores like Lululemon, the Apple Store and Footlocker ravaged by crowds of looters.
A Reality Check for Republican Voters 33 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/27/2023 6:07:07 PM Post Reply
There are three realities that Republican voters can no longer avoid. The first, Joe Biden will not be the Democrat nominee in 2024. Second, the Democrats want to face a damaged Donald Trump in November of 2024. Third, Trump’s age, unforeseen events, and the egregious lawfare he is facing could eventuate in Trump having to drop out of the race. Ron DeSantis is the only viable proven conservative candidate to replace him and yet Trump and many Republican voters are foolishly determined to permanently destroy DeSantis and render him unelectable.
Colin Kaepernick writes letter offering
to join Jets after Aaron Rodgers injury
31 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/27/2023 1:58:12 PM Post Reply
Seven years after he last took an NFL snap, Colin Kaepernick believes he can still help a team in need of a quarterback — even if it means playing on the practice squad. The former San Francisco 49ers signal-caller who exited the league in controversial fashion wrote a letter to the New York Jets last week requesting a chance to play quarterback for them, but with a twist. Rather than lobby for the Jets’ starting quarterback job with the team struggling in the wake of the season-ending injury to star Aaron Rodgers, Kaepernick asked for an opportunity to be the team’s practice squad quarterback. Practice squad players are not part of a team’s
Senate Forces Fetterman to Wear Big Boy
Pants, Passing a Formal Dress Code
27 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/28/2023 5:11:09 AM Post Reply
Our seemingly long national nightmare is over: Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) will no longer be able to dress like a homeless crackhead at work. (snip) The U.S. Senate has passed a resolution formalizing business attire as the proper dress code for the floor of the chamber by unanimous consent. (snip) The bipartisan bill from Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney requires that members abide by a real dress code – rather than an unwritten custom – when on the Senate floor, that includes a coat, tie, and slacks for men.
Real estate insiders bewildered by judge’s
$18M valuation of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago:
‘Would list at $300M’
27 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 12:38:35 PM Post Reply
A New York judge’s Tuesday ruling valuing Donald Trump’s sprawling, headline-making Florida estate at $18 million has left industry experts perplexed. In his verdict, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron delivered a bombshell ruling that the former president committed fraud by inflating the value of his wealth, with details including the monetary value associated with Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. This decision, which came down without a jury, has sent shockwaves through political — and real estate — circles, especially that $18 million base value for the property.
Anthropological Societies Ban Discussion
of Biological Sex to Protect 'Trans and
LGBTQI' Communities
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/28/2023 10:14:54 AM Post Reply
Two major anthropological associations have canceled a panel discussion on the importance of biological sex, citing harm to the “Trans and LGBTQI” communities and their collective “dignity.” On September 25, the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) wrote a letter canceling the upcoming conference panel, “Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby: Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology,” which they had previously accepted. “The reason the session deserved further scrutiny was that the ideas were advanced in such a way as to cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI of the anthropological community as well as the community at large,”
E-Buses Bought From Now-Bankrupt Manufacturer
By Blue Enclave Are Now All Out Of Commission
24 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/27/2023 2:24:01 PM Post Reply
A Democratic enclave in Wyoming purchased electric buses to reduce emissions, but the buses are indefinitely inoperable after their manufacturer went bankrupt earlier this summer, the Cowboy State Daily reported. (snip) Proterra, which itself was at the center of a conflict of interest controversy including Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, went bankrupt in August, and START’s eight e-buses are now out of commission given that the manufacturer can no longer readily supply the parts needed for repairs. (snip) Teton County voted overwhelmingly for President Joe Biden in the 2020 cycle, according to Politico.
Philly cops brawl with masked looters
after they ransacked Footlocker, Apple
and Lululemon before making TWENTY arrests
- as one raider is apprehended after LIVESTREAMING
herself stealing from smashed up stores
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/27/2023 9:03:36 AM Post Reply
About twenty people have been arrested after widespread looting broke out in Philadelphia last night, with one woman who livestreamed the chaos. Police in the city said that a large group of around 100 juveniles kept moving from store to store and looting them. Videos shared on social media show officers attempting to grab thieves, some of whom are wearing Halloween masks, as they run riot through a Lululemon store. One officer manages to hit one of the looters with a punch after managing to tackle them to the ground, in social media footage. The incident happened on Walnut Street in the heart of the city center
28% Of Americans ‘Not Confident’ That
2024 Vote Will Be Fair And Accurate: I&I/TIPP Poll
22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/27/2023 5:58:49 AM Post Reply
Will the 2024 election be fair, or marred by systematic cheating? Based on how Americans feel about recent elections and the coming presidential contest, most are confident the election will be fair. But there’s a huge political gap on the issue between Democrats on one side, and Republicans and independents on the other, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. First, the good news: 65% of the 1,223 registered voters queried in the national online I&I/TIPP Poll, which was taken from Aug. 30-Sept. 1, called themselves either “very confident” (42%) or “somewhat confident” (23%) that the 2024 election “will be conducted fairly and accurately.”
Joe Biden Expresses Support for Ron DeSantis 19 replies
Posted by Imright 9/28/2023 10:25:18 AM Post Reply
Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida found himself being celebrated by Joe Biden on Thursday night. Halfway through the Republican Presidential Primary Debate hosted by Fox Business and Univision, Joe Biden tweeted out “Couldn’t agree more” to a video clip of Ron DeSantis. In the clip, Ron DeSantis took a shot at Trump and stated “Donald Trump is missing in action tonight. He should be on this stage.” DeSantis continued “He owes it to you to defend his record where they added 7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we have now.”
‘Not in my backyard’: Migrants fall
victim to NIMBYism as states struggle
with influx
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/28/2023 12:57:17 AM Post Reply
CHICAGO — Democratic strongholds are struggling to keep helping the surge of migrants in their cities and states — and it’s sparking anxiety in the party about potential fallout heading into the 2024 election cycle. New York Mayor Eric Adams’ tussle with the White House over an influx of migrants from red states has famously soured his relationship with President Joe Biden. But he’s far from the only blue state official pushing back, as public pressure and budget concerns rise in Illinois, Massachusetts and beyond. “You’re hearing sentiments that are not dissimilar from what you would hear at [Donald] Trump rallies
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