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Oberlin College Removes Women’s Lacrosse
Coach Who Publicly Claimed College Targeted
Her For Objecting To Men Playing Women’s Sports

Original Article

Posted By: Harlowe, 9/14/2023 11:49:11 PM

When she went forward with her tale and proof of harassment after objecting to men playing women’s college sports, Kim Russell was the head women’s lacrosse coach at Oberlin College.[Snip]Now Kim Russell is the FORMER Head Coach of the Oberlin College Women’s Lacrosse team. Oberlin College removed her on 9-11, according to this report from IWF on September 12:[Snip]I don’t know if Russell plans on filing a legal suit, but the college’s explanation seems as contrived as its explanations for why it accused Gibson’s Bakery of racial profiling and discrimination, then kept digging even when it was in a hole.


Ms. Russell has over 27 years of coaching experience, was inducted into three halls of fame for coaching, and believes it inappropriate to permit men, regardless of how they self-identify, to compete in women’s sporting events. Her opinion resulted in being demeaned and harassed in meetings. She has recordings to document harassment by some students and others for which she is now being accused of having violated the trust of her student-athletes and cited as the reason she has been removed from coaching and reassigned to a newly created position not involving interaction with students.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Lala 9/15/2023 12:08:27 AM (No. 1556239)
Sue for whatever they have left. I hear they don’t have the best attorneys, heh heh.
22 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 9/15/2023 12:12:47 AM (No. 1556241)
They really have ruined their reputation. Unless I’m mistaken, I think at one time, this was a good school. Oh well. Good riddance.
12 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DVC 9/15/2023 1:21:22 AM (No. 1556269)
Proving that what she said was absolutely true. Oberlin is a really evil place, where reality does not exist.
17 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Rumblehog 9/15/2023 2:11:04 AM (No. 1556287)
Liberalism is truly a "mind rot" of the worst kind, leaving one without reason or the ability to think much beyond the present. Oberlin could only get worse if they hired Keith Olbermann to head their journalism department. Olbermann at Oberlin... catchy. /s
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Trigger2 9/15/2023 4:28:28 AM (No. 1556305)
Sue Oberlin. They've got plenty of money now and should be more than able to pay out big bucks.
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: JimBob 9/15/2023 4:34:05 AM (No. 1556308)
What's the lesson that the Oberlin administrators have failed to learn? It's the lesson that "When You're In a Hole, Stop Digging". I hope Miss Russell sues their pants off..... and stops by Gibson's Bakery every now and then for a donut or an apple fritter.
13 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: mifla 9/15/2023 5:21:23 AM (No. 1556327)
Fast Forward: On day 1 of the trial of her lawsuit,she shows up on court with a bag of donuts from Gibson Bakery. Then she offers one to the college's lawyer.
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: 5 handicap 9/15/2023 5:52:54 AM (No. 1556336)
Would anyone other than GARBAGE attend Oberlin...Methinks not!
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: cThree 9/15/2023 6:08:42 AM (No. 1556346)
I've been very angry at the arrogance and cheap pandering to the left that have turned my alma mater into a running joke. I rejoice at the Gibson family's hard-won victory, and wish this victim well. I hope she sues and moves on. Following the loss to Gibson's Bakery, though, no personnel in the college administration were fired or punished that I've been aware. The idiots that effectively cost the school tens of millions of dollars and its reputation, are still in place, still defiant and pig-headed. As Jacobson ends this piece noting, you can't fix stupid, but you don't have to send you kids and $60 thou a year there.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: SweetPea3 9/15/2023 7:05:31 AM (No. 1556370)
If I were an employer and saw Oberlin College on an applicant's c.v., they would be sent to my circular file immediately.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: udanja99 9/15/2023 7:49:34 AM (No. 1556399)
Hey, it’s Oberlin. What else would you expect?
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Petronius 9/15/2023 9:22:36 AM (No. 1556480)
Oberlin is a very slow learner.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Kate318 9/15/2023 10:14:06 AM (No. 1556524)
Don’t worry, Ms. Russell, Oberlin’s self-inflicted loss will be someone else’s gain.
0 people like this.

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Report: RFK Jr. Planning To Run For President
as Independent – Who Does It Help/Hurt?
1 reply
Posted by Harlowe 9/30/2023 12:13:15 AM Post Reply
I haven’t paid much attention to RFK Jr. He’s been shut out of the Democrat Party process, where the powers that be don’t want a challenger to Joe Biden or whomever they select to replace him as nominee.[Snip] One important barometer will be how viciously the Democrats and media attack RFK Jr. if he goes independent.[Snip]If they go soft on him once he’s out of the party, or even promote him through proxies, then you know he’s harming Trump or whoever the Republican nominee ends up being.
Tucker Carlson slams abortion as ‘human
sacrifice’: ‘This is a spiritual battle’
11 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/27/2023 11:56:27 PM Post Reply
Tucker Carlson took aim at the insidious eternal forces that lie behind the global push to normalize abortion as a good thing: “Outside forces are acting on people at all times throughout history in every culture on the planet, to convince people that if they sacrifice their children, they will be happy and safe.”[Snip]“It’s not a natural human function to want to kill your own children. That’s an idea, an impulse, that was introduced.” Carlson didn’t state who has introduced the idea in virtually every culture across all time and all continents, but the inference of steady, unwavering demonic influence demanding child sacrifice was clear.
Ahead of abortion vote, Ohio Supreme Court
has ordered a rewrite of some misleading
ballot language
20 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/20/2023 10:33:47 PM Post Reply
COLUMBUS, Ohio - A wildly divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled late Tuesday that only one element of the disputed ballot language for describing a closely watched fall abortion rights question is misleading and must be rewritten. The decision lets stand most of the word choices targeted in a lawsuit by Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, the pro-abortion rights ballot campaign, as well as the substitution of “unborn child” for “fetus,” which it chose not to dispute.[Snip]The abortion rights campaign likened some of the state’s arguments to a scene with Alice from Through the Looking Glass.
Sunday Talks – Senator Mark Warner Says
SSCI Bill to Block All Presidents from
Fourth Branch Classified Intelligence
Close to Completion
18 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/18/2023 12:31:26 AM Post Reply
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) created the systems that permit intelligence weaponization. The SSCI is the organizational institution that supports the Fourth Branch of Government, the intelligence branch.[Snip]In this video segment below, notice how Chairman Warner leads off his remarks. Two flares triggered. First, you can tell by his response, that President Trump’s “classified documents” were exactly what we thought they were; evidence against those who constructed the Trump-Russia claims from inside govt. Second, notice how Warner now wants to block any President from controlling intelligence as defined by the Fourth Branch. This stuff is getting brutally obvious.
Ohio priest urges voters to reject ‘demonic’
pro-abortion amendment, send it ‘back
to hell’
11 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/17/2023 12:47:12 AM Post Reply
WADSWORTH, Ohio - A Catholic priest called on voters to reject an upcoming pro-abortion ballot measure in Ohio and slammed Planned Parenthood abortionists as “Moloch’s priests” in a powerful sermon going viral online. Father Patrick Schultz warned in a September 5 homily that Ohio and the United States are in a “very dire situation” due to widespread abortion, one with similarities to the “ancient pagan world.”[Snip]“Moloch’s priests are still very much alive and well, except they wear white coats and scrubs these days, and they mostly work for Planned Parenthood,” he said.
Oberlin College Removes Women’s Lacrosse
Coach Who Publicly Claimed College Targeted
Her For Objecting To Men Playing Women’s Sports
13 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/14/2023 11:49:11 PM Post Reply
When she went forward with her tale and proof of harassment after objecting to men playing women’s college sports, Kim Russell was the head women’s lacrosse coach at Oberlin College.[Snip]Now Kim Russell is the FORMER Head Coach of the Oberlin College Women’s Lacrosse team. Oberlin College removed her on 9-11, according to this report from IWF on September 12:[Snip]I don’t know if Russell plans on filing a legal suit, but the college’s explanation seems as contrived as its explanations for why it accused Gibson’s Bakery of racial profiling and discrimination, then kept digging even when it was in a hole.
Archbishop Viganò: Banning abortion is
essential to stopping ‘the New World
Order subservient to Satan’
20 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/13/2023 1:03:28 AM Post Reply
The following is the written text of a sermon given by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on September 11, 2023. ABORTION, ‘SACRAMENT’ OF SATAN You can go to prison because of abortion: prison is the penalty imposed in some nations for those who stop in silent prayer in front of a clinic where children are killed. But you don’t go to jail if you kill an innocent creature. [Snip] No human law can ever trample on the divine and natural Law, which commands: Thou shalt not kill. No nation can hope for prosperity and harmony as long as it allows this daily massacre
The real reason the Soros family fears
a Trump victory in 2024
12 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/11/2023 11:37:02 PM Post Reply
In a recent opinion piece for Politico, the head of the Open Society Foundation (OSF), Alex Soros, notes his deep concern over the potential for a “MAGA-style Republican victory in next year’s U.S. presidential election.”[Snip] As Soros himself says, it is not only Donald Trump, but any potential U.S. president who shares his “isolationist and anti-European policies” who represents a threat to his agenda.[Snip] Nevertheless, he maintains he is mobilizing his powerful global operations to counteract any outbreak of sanity at the national level of U.S. politics. “We are adapting OSF to be able to respond to whatever scenarios might emerge, on both sides of the Atlantic,” he said.
President Trump Shows Rare Moment of Emotion
During Speach About How Our Great Nation
Is Being Destroyed
12 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/10/2023 12:52:41 AM Post Reply
The first discussion of this moment appeared on Twitter, where several people were caught off guard by how President Trump seemed to become emotional as he discussed our great nation and the damage that is being done to it. From Twitter, the video segment started to be shared and quickly became viral.[Snip]He has the power and favor of the purest truth around him, and he has the support of a grateful nation.[Snip]It is the most remarkable moment in history as one man stands the gap and fearlessly faces down the combined effort of decades of political corruption. It truly is inspiring.
Pro-Trans Group Links Ohio Amendment To
‘LGBT Rights,’ Confirming Conservative
Warnings It Will Let Kids Get Sterilizing Surgeries
5 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/9/2023 1:46:53 PM Post Reply
Radical LGBT activist group Human Rights Campaign endorsed an amendment on the Ohio ballot this fall, even linking it to “LGBTQ+ rights,” after leftists and their allies in the corporate media spent months insisting the amendment had nothing to do with gender experiments. The constitutional amendment in question, which voters will decide on in November, would enshrine abortion up until birth in the Ohio Constitution and also override parental consent laws for gender-dysphoric minors seeking irreversible surgeries and disfiguring hormone injections.
Trump Plans $1 Million ‘Family Style’
Mar-a-Lago Dinner to Raise Money for His
Co-Defendants (Exclusive)
8 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/7/2023 12:45:31 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is planning a candlelight dinner fundraiser with his sons at his Florida Mar-a-Lago club this fall to help pay the legal bills of those ensnared in the four separate criminal cases he faces, sources familiar with the effort tell The Messenger.(Snip)Until this summer, Save America had covered nearly all the legal expenses of Trump and his various employees,(Snip)“Save America wasn’t really designed as a legal defense fund,(Snip)“The fact is that the Department of Justice is trying to bankrupt people and make them drown under legal bills, but Donald Trump is not going to let them.”
Sen. JD Vance to force vote on bill banning
federal government from reimposing mask mandates
10 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/6/2023 6:51:00 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio announced Wednesday he would force a vote on the Senate floor of his new legislation to ban the re-implementation of mask mandates on public transportation and in schools. In a Wednesday press release, Vance’s office stated that the senator intends to force a vote Thursday on his “Freedom to Breathe Act,” which would bar the Biden administration from imposing any new “federal mask mandates for domestic air travel, public transit systems, and primary, secondary, and post-secondary schools.”(Snip)The law would not forbid the reimposition of mask mandates in hospitals or nursing homes.
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Den. Dianne Feinstein, an 'icon for women
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44 replies
Posted by sunshinehorses 9/29/2023 8:56:37 AM Post Reply
Senator Dianne Feinstein has died at 90 years old, ABC7 Insider Phil Matier has confirmed. Her career was one of many firsts. She was the first woman president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, the first woman mayor of San Francisco, and one of two of the first women elected to the U.S. Senate from California. "Dianne Feinstein, right from the start, was an icon for women in politics," said former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Senator Chuck Schumer adds, "She's a legend. A legend in California as the first woman senator. A legend in the Senate. She was the leader on so many different issues."
Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein dead at
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hours after casting her final vote
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Posted by Imright 9/29/2023 10:20:29 AM Post Reply
Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has died at the age of 90 after a long struggle with health issues and a distinguished political career that saw her break many gender barriers. She passed away Thursday night at her Washington D.C. home, according to her office. She had voted that morning in the Senate. 'There are few women who can be called senator, chairman, mayor, wife, mom and grandmother,' her chief of staff James Sauls said in a statement. 'Senator Feinstein was a force of nature who made an incredible impact on our country and her home state.'
Mark Milley uses retirement ceremony to
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Joint Chiefs Chairman tears into the ex-president
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Posted by Imright 9/29/2023 4:43:15 PM Post Reply
Army Gen. Mark Milley delivered a full-throated defense of democracy and not-so-subtle swipes at former President Donald Trump during a packed ceremony on Friday as he closed out his four, often tumultuous years as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Under cloudy skies at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Milley never mentioned the former president by name. But he practically shouted on two different occasions that the U.S. military swears to protect the Constitution 'against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic.' 'We don't take an oath to a king or a queen or to a tyrant or a dictator. And we don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator,' he said.
Biden admin issues restrictions on gas
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/29/2023 7:13:17 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration announced its latest regulatory action targeting home appliances late Friday, this time targeting popular home gas-powered furnaces. The Department of Energy (DOE) said the energy efficiency regulations would slash household utility costs by $1.5 billion on an annual basis while reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the residential sector. The proposal, according to the agency, require non-weatherized gas furnaces and those used in mobile homes to achieve a far higher level of efficiency than cheaper models on the market. "At the direction of Congress, DOE is continuing to review and finalize energy standards for household appliances, such as
Breaking: RFK Jr. to Run as an Independent 27 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/29/2023 5:44:26 PM Post Reply
It is finally really happening, it seems. The Democrats have dug their own grave by forcing the only true populist candidate on their ticket out of the primary and into direct competition with incumbent Joe Biden (or whichever puppet they replace the current puppet with) in the general election. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been threatening — due to maltreatment from his own party, including being viciously smeared with every pejorative under the sun — to vacate the Democrat Party plantation and plot his own third-party run as an independent. Here’s what he said a couple of weeks ago during a Forbes interview:
Pressure is on Newsom to quickly appoint
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/29/2023 11:06:52 AM Post Reply
The death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein places Gov. Gavin Newsom under intense pressure to quickly name a replacement as a bitterly divided Congress votes on a spending plan in the coming hours to avert a government shutdown. Newsom had hoped to avoid the politically charged decision of selecting a second senator. But he will need to move swiftly as a budget standoff has the government on the verge of shutting down, and Senate Democrats could need every vote. The timing of Feinstein’s death — four months before a primary but more than a year before the end of her term
New York Democrats to Distribute Flyers
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22 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/29/2023 4:20:39 AM Post Reply
New York Democrats are planning to distribute flyers at the US-Mexico border telling illegals to “consider another city.” On Wednesday, Mayor Eric Adam’s office announced this plan to “combat misinformation at the border.” The flyers will be in both Spanish and English and will warn the illegals that New York City is the most expensive city in the world so they will be better off somewhere else. How interesting that a sanctuary city run by Democrats who have been all for illegal immigration is now troubled by the flood of illegal aliens. Leftist ideas sound compassionate coming from those Democrat leaders until it’s at their front door.
Updated: What's Going on in Arizona? Here's
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19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/29/2023 3:49:50 AM Post Reply
On Thursday, the Arizona Republic reported that Hobbs "was in Washington D.C. Wednesday for a meeting about border issues with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas following a week-long visit to Taiwan, an important Arizona trade ally. She flew back to the state Thursday to meet with President Joe Biden, who arrived Wednesday night for a visit that promoted his campaign messages."The report not only sought to address "an erroneous news report" from Fox News about Hobbs, which was later corrected, but sought to downplay the speculation about where Hobbs was. "Hobbs didn't disappear,"
Treasonous Rat General Mark Milley to
Step Down as Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/29/2023 10:16:55 AM Post Reply
General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is departing from the highest-ranking military position in the country at midnight on Sept. 30 and will be replaced by Biden-appointed nominee Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. Milley received a clapout as he left the Pentagon on Thursday for the last time. WATCH: (X Video) Milley’s career, which began in 2019 under the administration of former President Donald Trump, was marred by a series of chaotic events, military disasters, and massive corruption.
GOP-Controlled House Approves Security
Assistance to Ukraine – Here Are the
Republicans, Including McCarthy, Who Voted
with Democrats
15 replies
Posted by Imright 9/29/2023 4:05:48 PM Post Reply
The United States House of Representatives has approved an additional $300 million aid for Ukraine. The decision came late Thursday night with a 311-117 vote. The aid for Ukraine was initially part of a larger Pentagon funding bill for the fiscal year 2024. House GOP leaders, including Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), had initially planned to hold a separate vote on the Ukraine aid. The decision to separate the aid came after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and a group of conservative Republicans sank a procedural vote to advance the Pentagon funding bill, The Hill reported.
Government Warns Workers Shutdown Is Imminent
as House Republicans Scramble to Pass
Stopgap Spending Bill
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/29/2023 9:45:19 AM Post Reply
The federal government warned its employees a shutdown is imminent as the House passed three out of four Republican appropriations bills late Thursday evening with about 48 hours left to go until the government runs out of money. As a result of the late-night votes, the State Department, Department of Defense, and Department of Homeland Security were funded for the next fiscal year, although the agricultural spending bill failed to pass. The House previously passed an appropriations bill for military construction and veteran affairs in July, bringing the approved total to four out of 12 bills.
Democrat Katie Porter Says Republican
Women Don't Count as Women
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/29/2023 2:28:50 PM Post Reply
Katie Porter, the Democratic congresswoman running for U.S. Senate in California, said Republican women do not count as women when it comes to achieving gender equality in Congress. "To me, equality is not electing Joni Ernst‚" the Democrat told the Washington Post, referring to the female GOP senator from Iowa. "Like, that’s not helping." It's funny Porter should mention equality in Congress because she is currently trying to prevent a black woman from being elected to the Senate. Her opponent in the Democratic primary, Rep. Barbara Lee (D., Calif.), would be the first (fully) African American to represent California in the upper chamber.
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