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‘Not Smart’: Burisma Execs Questioned
Hunter Biden’s Intelligence, FBI Docs Show

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Posted By: Beardo, 7/20/2023 10:19:40 PM

A newly released FBI report reveals that Burisma executives questioned Hunter Biden’s intelligence and castigated him privately, despite hiring him to obtain political protection from Joe Biden. (snip) “Zlochevsky made some comment that although Hunter Biden was stupid, and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter,” Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden (on the board) “so everything will be okay,” the source recounted to the FBI, following a conversation in 2015. “Zlochevsky” refers to Mykola Zlochesky, a former Ukrainian government minister and Burisma’s CEO, who hired Hunter Biden in 2013 to join the board while his father was vice president of the United States.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: itsonlyme 7/20/2023 10:29:33 PM (No. 1516992)
"I Hate Myself for Loving You" - A classic
2 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: snakeoil 7/20/2023 10:46:07 PM (No. 1516998)
Spiro Agnew was a piker compared to Quid Pro Joe. Spiro resigned. Old Yeller would only resign if he could make money off of it.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: wilarrbie 7/20/2023 11:03:23 PM (No. 1517008)
Yeah, but he's the smartest guy Joe knows. Given his current circle, I'm inclined to believe him.
25 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 7/20/2023 11:31:10 PM (No. 1517024)
The dimwit doesn't fall far from the father dimwit, apparently. Joe was a dimwit with a mean streak long before his brain crapped out on him. But, he's kept the mean streak.
23 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DiegoDude 7/21/2023 5:36:31 AM (No. 1517081)
#3- Remember, in the land of the blind, a one eyed man is king. I'd take the intelligence of my German Shepherd, over the current crop in the White House.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Hazymac 7/21/2023 6:41:46 AM (No. 1517122)
Now this is a question I would love for some reporter to ask the Resident. "You've said that Hunter is the smartest person you know. Zlochevsky said that his dog was smarter than Hunter. Who's right? And why do you think that? Are you an idiot?"
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 7/21/2023 7:19:34 AM (No. 1517153)
Like father like son. Now the whole world knows what they are dealing with and the laughter is everywhere.
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: smokincol 7/21/2023 7:48:01 AM (No. 1517160)
deceased son of joebiden and his first wife got all the brains from joebiden's wife, "where's Hunter?" got the left over of joebiden's reproductive material and the daughter was an after thought and got nothing. what a messed up family.
4 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Venturer 7/21/2023 8:18:07 AM (No. 1517196)
Nothing there we didn't already know. Hunter took the money and passed on the bribe to the big guy. Don't forget Nancy's son was in this for a while too.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 7/21/2023 8:38:04 AM (No. 1517219)
I dunno. He can’t be too stupid. He got them to give him millions of dollars, didn’t he. Who’s stupid ?
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Encore 7/21/2023 10:40:56 AM (No. 1517316)
Well, hopefully, #10, we’ll see just how stupid he is being frog marched down the halls and out the door of the Whitehouse.
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Posted by Beardo 7/21/2023 10:22:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 7/21/2023 10:14:49 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 7/20/2023 11:26:21 PM Post Reply
A federal judge Thursday denied a bid by Jan. 6 rioter Jacob Chansley — better known as the “QAnon Shaman” — to vacate his conviction in light of footage from the Capitol that day aired by ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Chansley, who stood out from the Jan. 6 crowd for wearing face paint and a horned headdress during the riot, pleaded guilty to obstruction and was sentenced in November 2021 to 41 months in prison. But in March 2023, Carlson aired footage of Chansley that showed him walking in the Capitol unimpeded by a group of officers who followed him — footage he claimed was exonerating.
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Posted by Beardo 7/20/2023 10:49:39 PM Post Reply
President Biden is reportedly using "lower stairs" in Air Force One to avoid tripping incidents, Politico reported Wednesday, noting an "intentional shift" in an effort to make presidential travel easier. Politico reported that two of Biden's advisers "privately acknowledged an intentional shift to steer the 80-year-old president to the lower stairs more often to make his travel easier and limit the possibility for missteps." The outlet also highlighted the president was wearing sneakers as opposed to dress shoes recently.
Democrat senator who keyed car with 'Biden
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Posted by Beardo 7/20/2023 10:40:50 PM Post Reply
A Rhode Island state senator who was caught keying a man’s car last month was sentenced to pay restitution after admitting to the charges of vandalism and obstruction of a police officer. (snip) Miller, 69, was arrested in June after he vandalized a car with a "Biden Sucks" bumper sticker and later lied to police. He initially denied keying the car and later claimed the victim was "daring" him to once police confronted him with video evidence. During the arraignment, Miller pled no contest to the two charges and was ordered to pay $2,850 in restitution to the vehicle owner and to donate $250 to the Rhode Island Community Food Bank.
‘Not Smart’: Burisma Execs Questioned
Hunter Biden’s Intelligence, FBI Docs Show
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/20/2023 10:19:40 PM Post Reply
A newly released FBI report reveals that Burisma executives questioned Hunter Biden’s intelligence and castigated him privately, despite hiring him to obtain political protection from Joe Biden. (snip) “Zlochevsky made some comment that although Hunter Biden was stupid, and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter,” Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden (on the board) “so everything will be okay,” the source recounted to the FBI, following a conversation in 2015. “Zlochevsky” refers to Mykola Zlochesky, a former Ukrainian government minister and Burisma’s CEO, who hired Hunter Biden in 2013 to join the board while his father was vice president of the United States.
Stanford DEI dean who confronted Trump-appointed
judge resigns, ‘recognizes impact of
her statements’
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/20/2023 10:12:57 PM Post Reply
A Stanford University dean who confronted a Trump-appointed judge after he was heckled by students during a speaking event has finally resigned months after being suspended for the incident. Tirien Steinbach, the Stanford Law School’s associate dean for diversity, equity and inclusion, is leaving “to pursue another opportunity,” Stanford Law Dean Jenny Martinez said in a statement Thursday. Steinbach has been marred in controversy and put on leave following viral video of her blasting Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan during his visit to the prestigious university in March.
Biden $10M bribe file released: Burisma
chief said he was ‘coerced’ to pay
Joe, Hunter in bombshell allegations
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/20/2023 1:43:47 PM Post Reply
A bombshell FBI informant file containing a $10 million bribery allegation against President Biden and his son was released Thursday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, showing that a Ukrainian oligarch claimed he was “coerced” into making the payoff. The owner of Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky, told the FBI informant in 2016 during a meeting at a coffee shop in Vienna, Austria, that “it cost 5 [million] to pay one Biden, and 5 [million] to another Biden,” according to the redacted FD-1023 form. “Zlochevsky made some comment that although Hunter Biden ‘was stupid, and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter,'
Elite IRS whistleblowers are bravely standing
up to the Bidens, DOJ
7 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/20/2023 1:38:05 PM Post Reply
In an age of sleazy political corruption that seems insurmountable, there is enormous power in the integrity of two ordinary men willing to stand up, show their faces and tell the truth under oath. Two elite IRS agents, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, put their reputations on the line to testify yesterday about egregious wrongdoing at the highest levels of the Department of Justice, which they say obstructed and ultimately destroyed their five-year criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. Their integrity is as rare as a unicorn in Washington, DC, and they put to shame all the cowards in the IRS and DOJ and FBI
Louisiana Legislature Overrides Governor's
Veto of Bill Protecting Kids From Transgender Surgeries
3 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/19/2023 6:58:20 PM Post Reply
The cultural conflicts that play out in various states become complicated when the legislature and the executive come from different parties. Take Louisiana for example: in the Bayou State, the legislature is heavily Republican, while Gov. John Bel Edwards is a Democrat. (snip) The legislature voted on and passed three bills: HB81 would have required teachers and school staff to use a child’s birth pronouns unless parents consented to use alternate pronouns; HB466 was Louisiana’s version of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law; and HB648 prohibited gender treatments for minors. As one would expect of a Democrat, Edwards vetoed all three bills.
‘Democrat’ Hunter Biden whistleblower
Joseph Ziegler comes forward
3 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/19/2023 3:38:50 PM Post Reply
IRS agent Joseph Ziegler stepped forward Wednesday as the second whistleblower alleging a coverup in the criminal investigation of President Biden’s son Hunter — calling himself a Democrat who wanted “to do what is right.” (snip) “I was the lead IRS case agent on the Hunter Biden investigation. I recently discovered that people are saying that I must be more credible because I’m a Democrat who happens to be married to a man,” Ziegler said. “I’m no more credible than this man sitting next to me due to my sexual orientation or my political beliefs."
Megyn Kelly and Trump back on good terms:
‘He could not have been nicer or more generous’
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/18/2023 7:24:18 PM Post Reply
Megyn Kelly and former President Donald J. Trump seem to have let bygones be bygones after hard feelings stemming from a 2015 Republican primary debate back when she was one of the Fox News moderators, telling listeners that the two met during an event at the weekend’s Turning Point Action Conference in Florida where both gave speeches. The conservative commentator recalled her meeting with the 2024 GOP frontrunner on Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s “The Megyn Kelly Show,” saying that Trump was a perfect gentleman to her with the hard feelings between the two of them now apparently a thing of the past.
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32 replies
Posted by Imright 7/21/2023 12:25:15 PM Post Reply
President John F. Kennedy's grandson Jack Schlossberg hammered his cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential run in a Friday morning Instagam post - and then endorsed President Joe Biden. Robert F. Kennedy - one of the nation's most prominent anti-vaxxers - announced in April that he would be running against Biden in the 2024 Democratic primary. Since then, the longshot candidate has amassed about 14 percent of the Democratic primary vote, while making waves with bizarre claims such as that COVID-19 was designed to spare Ashkenazi Jews and the Chinese.
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Posted by Imright 7/21/2023 4:10:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/21/2023 5:57:52 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration on Friday proposed tightening an efficiency standard for new residential water heaters — a move that it said would both save consumers money and combat climate change. The draft rule would require that, in order to become more efficient, most common-size electric water heaters use heat pump technology and gas-powered heaters use condensing technology. The proposal from the Energy Department would cut 501 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions over 30 years, the department said. That’s the equivalent of the emissions of 134 coal-fired power plants in one year. The department also said the standards would
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Posted by Imright 7/21/2023 8:57:17 AM Post Reply
Having successfully destroyed the brand of Bud Light, Dylan Mulvaney is now looking to new horizons. He apparently wants to start getting speaking gigs on college campuses, a move which will probably work out well for him. If a conservative speaker so much as sets foot on a college campus, left wing students protest and try to shout down the speaker, but Dylan will probably be welcomed with open arms. Breitbart News reports: Big Man on Campus: Dylan Mulvaney Is Looking for Speaking Gigs at Universities..Trans influencer and biological male Dylan Mulvaney appears to be trying to cash in on his newfound infamy
Team DeSantis Make It Official – They
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24 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/21/2023 2:18:08 PM Post Reply
It’s going to get a lot more huggy in the brand image of Team DeSantis 2.0 According to campaign officials, and those inside the operations, DeSantis will stop talking about Florida, tone down the wokeism and confrontation with the alphabet people, drop the expensive platform speeches and focus on small group meetings to help the candidate learn how to like people more. In essence, stop being the DeSantis campaign. (snip)Expect fewer big speeches and more handshaking in diners and churches. There will be more of a national focus than constant Florida references. And the mainstream media may start to get more access.
Tony Bennett, legendary standards singer,
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/21/2023 10:24:41 AM Post Reply
Tony Bennett, one of the most beloved and recognizable voices in the history of American popular music, died Friday at 96, less than two weeks shy of his birthday, his publicist said in a statement. Bennett died in his hometown of New York, Sylvia Weiner said. A cause was not immediately disclosed. Bennett provided the soundtrack for generations of romantic evenings and proved that his timeless brand of standards could have broad, consistent appeal as the music industry shifted with the rise of rock and rap.
John Rich Obliterates Garth Brooks in
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Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 7:34:10 AM Post Reply
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20 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/21/2023 3:42:53 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 7/21/2023 1:33:00 AM Post Reply
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Left Now Pushing Biden to Ignore Supreme
Court Decisions He Disagrees With
16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/21/2023 3:17:07 PM Post Reply
Two radical left “scholars” have crawled from underneath the rocks where they were hiding and are now openly advocating the end of “judicial review.” That’s the theory that the Supreme Court has the last word on constitutional issues and that all must obey their decisions—including, and especially, presidents. The doctrine dates back to the 1803 Marbury v. Madison decision, where Chief Justice John Marshall decided the ultimate question of power: is an act of Congress or the Constitution the supreme law of the land? But now, Harvard law Prof. Mark Tushnet and political scientist Aaron Belkin are advocating for something they’re calling “Popular Constitutionalism” to give Joe Biden the dubious authority
Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft and other
tech firms agree to AI safeguards set
by the White House
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Posted by Imright 7/21/2023 5:56:20 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON—President Joe Biden said Friday that new commitments by Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft and other companies that are leading the development of artificial intelligence technology to meet a set of AI safeguards brokered by his White House are an important step toward managing the “enormous” promise and risks posed by the technology. Biden announced that his administration has secured voluntary commitments from seven U.S. companies meant to ensure that their AI products are safe before they release them. Some of the commitments call for third-party oversight of the workings of the next generation of AI systems, though they don’t detail who will audit the technology or hold the companies accountable.
Prince Harry’s memoir ‘Spare’ considered
‘most discarded’ book this summer: report
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/21/2023 1:11:44 PM Post Reply
Prince Harry’s memoir is the “most discarded” book of the summer among vacationers, a travel company claimed. The Duke of Sussex’s tell-all “Spare” has reportedly been dumped in hotel rooms, trash cans, and left poolside at various resorts in Spain, Greece, and Turkey since its explosive release in January. Travel company On The Beach says it’s found over 100 discarded copies of the book this summer. “We’ve never witnessed anything quite like it. Lost property offices in our most popular resorts are brimming with copies of ‘Spare,'” Chief customer officer Zoe Harris told the Express.
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