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Was Ist Verboten

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 8/27/2024 8:48:47 AM

We’ve noticed over the last couple of decades a repeating cycle in which finger-wagging scolds tell us that we need to drop some of the conveniences of modernity as sacrifices to Gaia, our Mother Earth. Two examples that have come around more frequently than Halley’s Comet have been the loony broadsides launched against air conditioning and showers. Now add to that a campaign aimed at refrigeration, because it causes “wide-ranging climate implications.” Nicola Twilley, author of “Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves,” seems to be on a crusade to reverse the benefits of refrigeration.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: HPmatt 8/27/2024 8:53:53 AM (No. 1785648)
Reply to these nuts - you first....walk the carbon free walk in summer & winter.....hunt your own fresh game - or just grow you own veggies & crickets for your food. Beer & wine produce green house gases, so you can't ferment anything either... Obviously you already know marijuana carbon load has gone to your brain...
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: chumley 8/27/2024 9:22:23 AM (No. 1785664)
Like a lot of people I grew up without AC. I managed to survive and was stronger for it, but it was miserable. For ten years after I left home I had central air and never used it because I thought it was for weak people. Open a window. Now I'm old. We're in a drought and its hot. I can afford the electric bill and I dont like to be too hot anymore, so to Hades with these do gooders. Bring back the good refrigerants and that might help.
17 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: kono 8/27/2024 9:36:15 AM (No. 1785677)
The madness that posits "evolution" as the Creator of life is madly trying to devolve civilization, as if it is the enemy. The plan is to replace the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob with theirs. All bow to the great party of comrades......
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 8/27/2024 10:34:48 AM (No. 1785722)
She looks like a deranged school teacher. Yes, we can live without refrigeration if we all had gardens in our backyards and cows, pigs and chickens walking around. Oh wait, cows are harmful to the atmosphere, pigs offend muslims and there is a government campaign in progress to rid us of chickens by burning down all of the processing plants. I guess we can just starve and give them what they want.
5 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 8/27/2024 11:42:37 AM (No. 1785769)
Back to the 1800s.
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: cor-vet 8/27/2024 11:54:16 AM (No. 1785775)
Mega yachts, multiple mansions and private planes, of course, are harmless to the environment!
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: mean Gene 8/27/2024 12:16:11 PM (No. 1785791)
Years, maybe decades ago, then-Prince Charles hoped all Brits would live a "subsistence life." Barely enough to get by on, no possibility of improving your life. Just a scramble to barely get by then an early death. Brits rejected this overwhelmingly. But now things like these are being imposed without options.
3 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: The Remnants 8/27/2024 1:56:12 PM (No. 1785838)
How do environmentalists feel about the mess left behind in the Darien Gap?
4 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: rememberwhen 8/27/2024 2:04:05 PM (No. 1785843)
Lunatics all!
1 person likes this.

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Was Ist Verboten 9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/27/2024 8:48:47 AM Post Reply
We’ve noticed over the last couple of decades a repeating cycle in which finger-wagging scolds tell us that we need to drop some of the conveniences of modernity as sacrifices to Gaia, our Mother Earth. Two examples that have come around more frequently than Halley’s Comet have been the loony broadsides launched against air conditioning and showers. Now add to that a campaign aimed at refrigeration, because it causes “wide-ranging climate implications.” Nicola Twilley, author of “Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves,” seems to be on a crusade to reverse the benefits of refrigeration.
Can Biden’s Supreme Court Reforms Survive
Without Majority Support? I&I/TIPP Poll
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/26/2024 9:19:55 AM Post Reply
President and former Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden made clear his disdain for the current U.S. Supreme Court by proposing that justices have term limits and by imposing a “code of ethics” on its members. A plurality of Americans agree, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows, but the poll reveals a sharp political schism emerging over the issue. Depending on which party wins, the next Congress will decide whether the limits on the justices will go into effect or whether the plan gets deep-sixed. For the Supreme Court, the stakes will be high. In the national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,488 adults taken
Can Biden’s Supreme Court Reforms Survive
Without Majority Support? I&I/TIPP Poll
2 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/26/2024 9:12:36 AM Post Reply
President and former Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden made clear his disdain for the current U.S. Supreme Court by proposing that justices have term limits and by imposing a “code of ethics” on its members. A plurality of Americans agree, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows, but the poll reveals a sharp political schism emerging over the issue. Depending on which party wins, the next Congress will decide whether the limits on the justices will go into effect or whether the plan gets deep-sixed. For the Supreme Court, the stakes will be high. In the national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,488 adults taken
The Media Marketed Candidates 5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/23/2024 11:14:27 AM Post Reply
Until Thursday night, we did not know that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are truly supreme beings. They are the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful humans we’ve ever known. We realize this now because he media told us so. And the American media would never try to manipulate the voters, would it? It just tells the story straight. For instance:
Kamala’s Bait-And-Switch: Progressivism
For Socialism
3 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/23/2024 8:04:53 AM Post Reply
If you’re one of the shrunken number of people who have bothered to watch the Democratic National Convention, you will by now certainly know it’s been long on rhetoric, and incredibly short on policy specifics. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature. On Thursday night’s final evening of the Democratic National Convention, the party’s candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t release a party platform. So “our democracy,” as the Dems like to call it, apparently doesn’t come equipped with any policy promises. Just a candidate, who received zero votes in any primary. The truth is, the increasingly far-left Democratic Party doesn’t want anyone
Don’t Forget What Harris And Biden Have
Done To The Country
2 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/22/2024 8:11:25 AM Post Reply
When Americans listen to Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech tonight, they need to tune out the thrill-up-the-leg praise from the media and the audience’s stream of verbal bouquets and ask themselves one question: Are they better off today than they were four years ago. For all but a few, the answer would be resounding “no.” In the only debate between President Jimmy Carter and challenger Ronald Reagan in the 1980 campaign, just days before the election, Reagan asked what the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government called “one of the most important campaign questions of all time: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”
Kamala's Word Salads Are Past Their Do-Not-Sell Date 7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/21/2024 5:52:19 AM Post Reply
Conservatives were making hay about Kamala Harris’ latest “word salad” at a campaign event in Pennsylvania, where, in an attempt to sound intelligent, she went on about the “duality of democracy.” “They took Kamala off the teleprompter today in Pennsylvania,” founder Clay Travis posted on X. “It didn’t go well.” But conservatives have it wrong. It’s actually much worse than that. Harris has been uttering this particular word salad for years – robotically, using almost the exact same phraseology, and at almost any public event where she was allowed to speak, whether or not it was relevant.
Democrats And Their Riots 3 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/20/2024 11:00:08 AM Post Reply
Vice President Hubert Humphrey entered the 1968 Democratic National Convention polling well though he had run in none of the primaries nor had he received a single vote. The convention, marred by conflict and bloodshed, was “disastrous” in historical terms, with Republican Richard Nixon emerging, says the Washington Post, as “the one person” who was “fully victorious.” Will this year’s convention, in Chicago, just as in 1968, yield a similar result? Those who care for the future of this country and don’t want it fundamentally transformed by radicals, should pray so. The similarities between the Democrats’ 1968 and 2024 conventions go far beyond the host city.
The Reviews Are In: Harris’ Economic
Plan Is A Flop
6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/20/2024 7:59:44 AM Post Reply
These aren’t the reviews Vice President Kamala Harris was hoping for when she premiered her economic plan. Worse, many of them came from her fans. Which might explain why Democrats are begging Harris to keep the rest of her agenda hidden until after the elections. The Washington Post editorial board savaged Harris’ plan, saying that: “The times demand serious economic ideas. Harris supplies gimmicks.” The Post was particularly brutal in its attack on Harris’ half-baked “price gouging” plan against Big Grocery, which the Post said “has been met with almost instant skepticism, with many critics citing President Richard M. Nixon’s failed
America On Fire 5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/19/2024 1:01:32 PM Post Reply
After a catastrophic debate and backstage power struggle, Joseph Robinette Biden told the American people that the time has come to pass the torch. And as his anointed successor would say, that time is now, in a historic concession speech at the Democratic National Convention. Torch is apt as a metaphor for the agenda that has been pried from Biden’s grasp and passed to Kamala Harris. As carried out under two presidents over 16 years, the Democratic Party agenda has not so much transformed America as set it ablaze. Inflation — Financial Insecurity Massive overspending by the Biden administration unleashed inflation that is crushing the finances of working people and middle-income families.
41% Of Voters Say Biden Should ‘Step
Down’ Or ‘Be Removed’ From Office:
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/19/2024 8:16:16 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has largely receded into the background at the White House after giving up his campaign for a second term following intense pressure from top Democrats. Despite occupying the most powerful job on Earth, Biden seems to have been relegated to the sidelines. Do voters want Biden now to formally step aside? The I&I/TIPP Poll has answers. To find out what Americans thought, the national online I&I/TIPP Poll this month asked 1,488 adults this question: “Which of the following do you believe is in the best interest of the country?” The poll, taken from July 31-Aug. 2, has a margin of error of +/-2.7 percentage points.
Harris’ Big Plan For Price Controls:
The Economy’s Next Big Disaster?
8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/17/2024 10:23:07 AM Post Reply
We’re finally getting some inkling of what the Democrats’ anointed presidential candidate Kamala Harris has in store for Americans when it comes to the economy. It’s not good. Indeed, it’s a disaster in the making, one that would set the U.S. economy back decades, destroy businesses, create shortages and lead to even higher prices. Harris has a big problem. She’s the No. 2 official in an administration that many economists consider the worst in decades. How do you escape that? Of course, you deny it’s your fault, then promise radical, unworkable new policies to replace the old failed ones. The ol’ switcheroo.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Left-Wing Salon Attacks MAGA Over Refusal
to Admit Ella Emhoff Is ‘Cute’ —
‘Unapologetic Misogyny’
45 replies
Posted by OhioNick 8/28/2024 2:12:32 AM Post Reply
MAGA’s attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, stem from “unapologetic misogyny” and “toxic masculinity,” as well as a refusal to “admit to themselves that she’s cute,” according to a left-wing Salon piece that accuses Trump’s team of seeking to “win over the worst men in the nation by appealing directly to their controlling, misogynist desires.” The Tuesday essay, titled “MAGA attacks on Kamala Harris’ stepdaughter threaten to backfire on Donald Trump,” was penned by Salon senior politics writer Amanda Marcotte, who accused leading voices within the MAGA movement of “proving that they are weird” for their ongoing obsession with Kamala Harris’s stepdaughter.
Tennessee School Expels 10-Year-Old for
Making a Finger Gun
19 replies
Posted by nuclearnavymom 8/28/2024 11:30:54 AM Post Reply
A Tennessee 10-year-old was expelled from school for a full year after he pointed his finger in the shape of a gun and made mock "machine gun" noises, according to a ProPublica investigation.The boy was expelled as part of a "zero tolerance" law in Tennessee that mandates any student who makes a threat of "mass violence" be expelled for at least one year. While the law, originally signed in 2023—following a shooting by a former student at a private school in Nashville—was recently amended to direct schools to expel students only for "valid" threats, the provisions of the law are still vague, and schools have considerable enforcement leeway.
Proof-of-citizenship voting bill push
could threaten government shutdown
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/28/2024 10:36:35 AM Post Reply
A conservative-backed push for stricter proof-of-citizenship requirements for voting could complicate efforts to avert a government shutdown next month. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have acknowledged a stopgap of some kind, also known as a continuing resolution (CR), will be necessary to keep the government funded past Sept. 30. But calls are growing among House conservatives to use that must-pass measure to force consideration of a partisan bill aimed at barring noncitizens from voting — laying the groundwork for a clash with the Democratic-led Senate, which would likely reject such a package.
Maintaining Bloom on Ruse - Kamala Harris
and Tim Walz Will Record Interview with
CNN for Broadcast Thursday 9pm
16 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/28/2024 4:35:13 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris has yet to give a press conference or sit down with any journalist to discuss the construct of a campaign around her. The media has largely tried to cover for this lack of openness, but even hardcore narrative engineers are starting to become twitchy at the extreme handling of Hawk Tuah Harris. To deflect attention from the absence of questioning, HT Harris primary handler Brian Fallon, has arranged a scripted interview with CNN. Together with her sketchy running mate, Tim Walz, Mrs Harris will be questioned by Dana Bash in a taped interview which will be edited, smoothed and broadcast on CNN fake news tomorrow at 9pm ET.
Home Depot partnered with HRC on elementary
school gender curriculum that taught kids
about pansexuals
16 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 8/28/2024 4:27:19 PM Post Reply
Home Depot partnered with an LGBTQ program that provided elementary students with information on "pansexual" identities and being "nonbinary." In 2022, Home Depot announced one of its "Diversity Partnerships" was the Human Rights Campaign's "Welcoming Schools" program, which is a program to educate students on transgender and LGBTQ terms. The Welcoming Schools program offers K-12 lesson plans and other LGBTQ resources on its website – which were available before Home Depot announced the partnership.
Report: Kamala Harris Claims She ‘Does
Not Support’ Electric Car Mandates After
Years of Backing Them
14 replies
Posted by Imright 8/28/2024 3:20:46 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign now claims she “does not support” Electric Vehicle (EV) mandates after years of supporting such mandates as a Senator and in her role in President Joe Biden’s administration. According to The Spectator‘s Amber Duke, Harris’s campaign sent an email to supporters on Tuesday claiming “Vice President Harris does not support an electric vehicle mandate.” The statement comes after years of Harris campaigning, championing, and supporting EV mandates that require automakers to produce and sell a certain percentage of EVs to American consumers.
Kamala Harris to give first interview
as presidential candidate Thursday —
but it will be a ‘joint’ appearance
13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 8/28/2024 7:07:23 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris will give her first interview as the Democrats’ presidential nominee Thursday to CNN — in a high-stakes test of her ability to defend her record and policies after weeks of avoiding such an exchange. But Harris, 59, won’t be on her own — with CNN promoting it as a “joint interview” featuring both Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. Network anchor Dana Bash will conduct the interview — set to air at 9 p.m. ET— in Georgia, where Harris and Walz will be engaged in a bus tour of the battleground state.
Can ‘Higher Cholesterol’ Be a Sign
of Good Health? What Health Stats Across
160 Countries Show
12 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/28/2024 3:05:57 PM Post Reply
High LDL (otherwise known as ‘bad’) cholesterol is considered a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, which together claim over 850,000 lives each year in the United States. Hence, great efforts are expended in identifying high LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol in patients, and in lowering their levels. But is cholesterol—and LDL cholesterol in particular—really the arch enemy of health that we’ve been led to believe? “A person that has good, healthy levels of cholesterol means that their biochemical system is working in this particular spot—in terms of cholesterol regulation and (cholesterol) transport,” says biochemical researcher, Dr. Dayan Goodenowe.
EU-Funded Scholars Fail to Define ‘Sex’
or ‘Gender’ after Five-Year Research Project
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/28/2024 11:04:09 AM Post Reply
A group of international scholars funded by the European Union were unable to define “sex” or “gender” after studying the topic for more than five years, but nevertheless concluded that both concepts should be incorporated into all academic research going forward. “GENDER-NET Plus” is an initiative that, beginning in 2018, funded 13 transnational research projects with nearly 400 researchers from 12 countries. According to a grant agreement, the European Union awarded GENDER-NET Plus nearly $4.2 million. As the various projects under the GENDER-NET Plus umbrella concluded, 40 researchers met for a two-day workshop
Harris Supporter Panetta: She Was Just
in the Room for Afghanistan Decisions
‘to Listen’
10 replies
Posted by Imright 8/28/2024 9:47:46 PM Post Reply
On Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” former Defense Secretary and former CIA Director Leon Panetta, who has endorsed 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris, stated that Harris was in the room when decisions about the Afghanistan withdrawal were made, but she was there “to listen” and doesn’t “bear the same responsibility that the President bears with regards to the final decision.” Co-host Brianna Keilar asked, “So, Harris is going to be giving this interview on the eve of what is the third anniversary of America’s total withdrawal from Afghanistan. You spoke last week at the DNC, forcefully making the case for Harris as commander-in-chief.
The FBI Has Given an Update on the Trump
Assassination Attempt
10 replies
Posted by Imright 8/28/2024 9:40:09 PM Post Reply
The Federal Bureau of Investigation held a call with reporters Wednesday and detailed new information about the man, Thomas Crooks, who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024. According to officials, who are still unwilling to confirm a motive, Crooks searched for both Biden and Trump events prior to attending the rally where he shot Trump in the ear, killed 50-year-old Corey Comperatore and severely wounded two more attendees. Investigators say they are certain Crooks acted alone and that
31 Questions Dana Bash Should Ask Kamala
Harris, Tim Walz in First Interview
10 replies
Posted by Imright 8/28/2024 9:14:03 PM Post Reply
Democrat presidential and vice presidential nominees Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz are set to engage in their first sit-down interview on Thursday with CNN, more than a month after Harris became the presumptive nominee. Here are 31 questions, broken down by larger themes, that CNN’s Dana Bash could and should ask the duo during the joint interview: ECONOMY: 1. Price controls typically result in shortages. Are your price control proposals for groceries not going to just create empty aisles and shelves? 2. Will providing every first-time home buyer with $25,000 cause the prices of homes to soar by a similar amount, rendering such an effort futile?
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