Now We Know Who's Really in Charge at
the White House
Hot Air,
Jazz Shaw
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
7/1/2024 11:10:38 AM
For quite a while now, some of us have been trying to figure out who is actually running the country at the moment. It obviously hasn't been Joe Biden, a fact that should have been made clear during Thursday night's debate for those of you who still had some remaining questions. Some have assumed that it might be a coalition of Jeff Zients and Ron Klain, along with a few other liberal policy wonks. Others have suggested that Barack Obama is still handling things from the background, a possibility that can't be entirely ruled out. We may have gotten a better clue yesterday, however, after the Biden clan
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
franq 7/1/2024 11:24:20 AM (No. 1747300)
The media, and Hussein's ego, love to keep popping his name out there.
Pure humbug. He doesn't have the intelligence nor the influence to "run" anything.
He was a media construct, false even in his ethnicity, who was installed as a poke in the eye to the Constitution and patriotic, conservative, clean-living Americans.
His wife is even worse.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
Krause 7/1/2024 11:27:18 AM (No. 1747301)
I see that Dr. Jill has taken to wear a dress like a billboard. She must have taken a cue from AOC. Classy.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
jinx 7/1/2024 11:28:36 AM (No. 1747302)
I still think that Communist lover Anita Dunn is pushing him. She is one of his chief advisors left over by the Obama's .
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
chagrined 7/1/2024 11:59:25 AM (No. 1747332)
Thank you poster #1! Hussein is an empty suit (remember Clint Eastwood's schtick with the empty chair?), and I still contend he doesn't have the wattage upstairs to pull all this off. He's bidet's fellow stooge, but preened and fawned upon by the enemedia especially.
Does anyone think whomever is REALLY in charge is going to expose himself? Or more likely a nice group of oligarchs winnowing away at our laws/Constitution as THEY see fit. There's more than one layer to whomever is actually in charge. Shoot, some of them may be Rinos!
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
DVC 7/1/2024 12:00:28 PM (No. 1747333)
Joe has told us repeatedly that the smartest and most honorable man he knows is his brainless drug addicted garbage son, and apparently Joe is entirely in thrall to "Doc" Jill. And she probably uses drugs to manipulate Joe, too, along with normal social pressures and 'family' ability to influence the demented.
Jill has been running things....this shouldn't be a shock to anyone. Edith Wilson redux.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
learner 7/1/2024 12:02:59 PM (No. 1747339)
Hunter needs pop to give him immunity and win so he can keep his grift on. Since he is supposedly sober he needs to fatten up his bank account and not smoke it up or use on prostitutes before Biden Inc ceases to exist. Much has been said about his sobriety but nary a whisper about his sex addiction. Wonder if that is in remission.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 7/1/2024 12:13:11 PM (No. 1747345)
Jill loves that power. They're gonna ride Joetato all the way to the end.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
bpl40 7/1/2024 12:22:48 PM (No. 1747360)
Who is in charge? I honestly thought it was a choice between Ron Klein or Susan Rice. Oh well!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
dbdiva 7/1/2024 12:38:18 PM (No. 1747379)
0bama alone given his real level of intelligence isn't capable of running much. But he also is a puppet with handlers of his own who he must serve and obey. IMO, the orders given to the biden WH come down from 0's handlers who can't be all that happy with him at the moment. He's probably getting an earful. It could suck to be 0 right now.
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Writer Shaw should know by now that Jill Biden is not a medical doctor, not an MD. Didn't one the View twits make the same mistake... some time ago? Shaw's mistake destroys the credibility of her piece, as worthy of severe criticism "Dr." Jill is.
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Biden has to be re-elected to forestall inquiries into how he has become so rich.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
kono 7/1/2024 12:58:53 PM (No. 1747403)
I keep remembering the press photo from FJB's first month, showing Jill hunched over the desk on Air Force One, like she was studying reports, evaluating policy, and making decisions. Seems like even that early it was clear to them that FJB wouldn't be able to handle the job.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Omen55 7/1/2024 1:12:18 PM (No. 1747419)
Was there ever any doubt?
The 1st one Joey speaks to in the morning & the last at night.
But after the fall 1/20/25 Jill will roll him into a corner & take off.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 7/1/2024 3:30:01 PM (No. 1747545)
Sorry, it's more than Jill Biden. Identify the power mongers and follow the money.
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