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Former WH Photographer Spills the Beans,
Details How Biden Aides Hide His Decline
From the Public

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/1/2024 12:42:06 AM

The dam is crumbling. On Saturday, we brought you the story about how some officials admitted anonymously that Joe Biden is “dependably engaged” during the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.—before or after that, not so much. It’s called “sundowning,” and it’s not what you look for in a commander-in-chief. Now a new report Sunday describes more tactics used by the Biden inner circle to shield the declining president from the scrutiny of the press or even the White House staff. The most damning of the allegations comes this time not from secret sources but from former White House deputy director of photography Chandler West, who posted

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Reply 1 - Posted by: jalo1951 7/1/2024 1:43:22 AM (No. 1747068)
Will someone please explain to me exactly what they think Pres. Trump will do this time around that will bring death to the whole planet? I tired of the democracy weeping and the end of freedom and it's all just going to suck. But they don't share the details of Pres. Trump's plans for destruction. We are all aware of the destruction that FJB has hoisted on us. So please share so I can understand your angst.
23 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Trigger2 7/1/2024 1:55:30 AM (No. 1747069)
The biggest question is: Who exactly is running the country? Barry, Hilary, who? Maybe Soros?
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: LadyHen 7/1/2024 2:58:29 AM (No. 1747082)
Sundowning... How many of us Gen Xers know that term? We have watched our parents maybe even grand parents go through this disease called dementia. It is THE disease's process. But we have to acknowledge the disease process or else... apparently the White House and Dr. Jill do not. A dementia patient can be our President!
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 7/1/2024 4:17:47 AM (No. 1747088)
The most transparent administration a** You have to wonder just what else is being hidden from the American people, as if this isn't enough. He and his aides have put this country in serious peril! No wonder our adverasries feel carte blanche to run all over us and our real allies. Nothing to fear from a "nice senile ole man with a bad memory"! Right!! MAGA
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DCGIRL 7/1/2024 6:08:01 AM (No. 1747111)
#2, I was wondering the same thing...who is running this country. I think it is multiple people. It's Obama's third term, then you throw in Jill. She is extremely power hungry and really dumb. A screw up would not be right without Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett. Who knows who is really running this country. I can say one thing whoever it is HATES us or is super incompentent!
24 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Patchy Groundfog 7/1/2024 6:42:25 AM (No. 1747117)
#2 That's a frequent and pertinent question. The stock answer is 'Obama' but was Obama running his own presidency? It was common knowledge that Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice and a few others told him what to do. He was a fop, a dandy, a narcissist who despite being much younger than Biden kept similar hours. He played more golf as president than Trump ever dreamed of - Obama's schedule conveniently wrapped up 3-3:30 pm to allow at least 4 hrs for a round. And, of course, Obama played at Congressional or other courses as a 'guest.' The people moaning about Trump avoid the fact that Trump *has his own golf course.* Back to Jarrett and Rice - they are evil harridans who think they're clever but they too are mere order takers. The calls are coming from outside the country.
19 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Rand Al'Thor 7/1/2024 7:33:37 AM (No. 1747146)
“dependably engaged” huh?. Don't they mean "engaged with depends"?
10 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: udanja99 7/1/2024 7:51:46 AM (No. 1747156)
#1, Trump will roll back all of the left’s favorite causes and boondoggles - the open border, billions to Ukraine, billions to Hamas, climate change, LGBTranny support and on and on and on. That’s what they mean by destruction.
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Venturer 7/1/2024 8:20:44 AM (No. 1747173)
They lie. Joe Biden is not "dependently engaged" at any time. Dementia does not go away between the hours of 10A.M and 4 P.M.. They know who is running the Government. WHO IS IT. Not one of them is willing to die to tell the truth. Whoever is running this Government is capable of having the truthteller killed. It's happened before.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Kafka2 7/1/2024 8:31:33 AM (No. 1747177)
The big question is, who has been running the government? It now comes out that the White House staff and Jill have been running it. Since a large number of the White House staff are former Obama staffers, Obama may been running a sock puppet Biden as well. Now, when Biden’s problems have been displayed for the world to see, the Democrats are in panic mode. This disaster was wholly built on Democrats lies and deceit, backed up by the MSM. The Democrats are searching for replacements for Joe and Kamala that would have a chance of winning, but like old mother Hubbard their cupboard is bare.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: mod 7/1/2024 8:53:56 AM (No. 1747193)
FTA: "Joe is not as strong as he was just a couple of years ago," West wrote ...". Most of us saw how bad Joe was while running in 2019-2020. Don't let them get by claiming this is a recent change in JB. Remember his "rallies" with a few people outside? Remember the close shots so as to make the few people (staffers?) look like a crowd? Remember them using C-scare as an excuse to keep him in his basement? Many of us were saying this was elder-abuse while he was running at that time. It was obvious if you watched him for just a few minutes. They're trying to claim this happened after he was in office, but his symptoms were obvious while running, and they cheated and covered to put him in to office in spite of it.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: red1066 7/1/2024 11:06:01 AM (No. 1747278)
The latest scam from the White House is that all of a sudden military bases in Europe were put on alert for a possible terrorist attack. This coming immediately after the debate. I suspect every U.S. military base around the world was put on a heightened alert after the debate. A possible terrorist attack wasn't the reason. Every enemy of this country watched that debate and saw for themselves what a weak brain-dead vegetable Biden was, and that maybe now was the time to strike. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Cheyanne Mountain and NORAD had gone to defcon three as well after what was broadcast on Thursday night.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: MickTurn 7/2/2024 12:39:55 AM (No. 1747836)
Finally the truth comes out...Joey is a certified Vegetable, and it's the one almost everyone can't stand, Broccoli! With the florets, Joey doesn't have to grow more hair!
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Army's Elite Delta Force Troopers: Assassination
of Political Opponents an 'Unlawful Order'
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 7:39:12 PM Post Reply
On Monday, the Supreme Court released a benchmark decision on presidential immunity, and it has resulted in enough hot air being shed to melt the polar ice caps. Most of the hysterical claims made about this decision are about as fact-based as the phlogiston theory, and some of the most ridiculous claims are the assertions that presidents now have the power to order assassinations of their political opponents. This is, of course, poppycock, which hasn't prevented even a Supreme Court Justice from doubling down on stupid. The people who would be called upon to carry out any such order, though, have a different take on the whole thing
More than 70% of voters say Biden doesn't
have mental, cognitive health to serve,
new poll says
6 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 7:28:57 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON – A sweeping section of registered voters do not believe President Joe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve a second term as president after his unsteady debate performance last week, according to a new poll. The CBS/You Gov national survey conducted in the days after the debate found that 72% of voters do not believe Biden has the mental or cognitive health to serve as president, as well as nearly half of his own party. That’s up seven points from the beginning of June. Forty-nine percent of voters said they believe former President Donald Trump does not have the mental or cognitive ability
White House Confirms Hunter Biden Prepped
the President for Brief Primetime Address
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 6:06:26 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration confirmed on Tuesday that Hunter Biden gave his father speech prep ahead of his brief primetime address last night, as multiple outlets report the first son’s controversial presence at high-stakes White House meetings. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at a press briefing on Tuesday that Hunter Biden was in a speech prep meeting because Joe Biden’s family is around for the holiday weekend, downplaying the significance of Hunter’s presence. “Look, the president as you know is very close to his family, this is a holiday week, Fourth of July. He spent time with his family,” Jean-Pierre said in response to a question from NBC News’s Kelly O’Donnell.
Affirmative Action Suit Details How Law
School Blackballed Accomplished White
Men, Opted For Unqualified Black Women
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 5:35:39 PM Post Reply
Northwestern Law School made faculty job offers to only three white men in the last three years, passing over intellectual giants in favor of less qualified black females, including one who graduated “near the bottom of her class” and another who plagiarized when writing an exam, according to a blistering lawsuit filed on Tuesday. Charging that “[f]aculty hiring at American universities is a cesspool of corruption and lawlessness,” the suit was filed by lawyers including Jonathan Mitchell, who was involved in the 2023 Supreme Court case on Harvard University admissions that blocked affirmative action, and signals that similar lawsuits could be in store against colleges across the country.
Pelosi Comes Clean: It's Fair to Ask Whether
Debate Was 'Just an Episode' or If Biden
'Has a Condition'
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 5:28:51 PM Post Reply
You have to give Nancy Pelosi credit for one thing: She is consistent. She backs the Side, no matter what; not even a president in the throes of dementia can put her off her ferocious support of any Democrat at any time, no matter how ridiculous that Democrat may be. But even Nancy Pelosi, it seems, has a limit. On Tuesday, while speaking to MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, Mrs. Pelosi admitted that it was - only just now - fair to ask if President Biden's horrible debate performance last week was due to a condition or if he was just "having an episode." Neither is comforting. Pelosi joined MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell
Politico's Latest Sure Sounds Like Joe
Biden Has Dementia, and the Finger-Pointing
Has Begun
2 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 5:21:58 PM Post Reply
Does Joe Biden have dementia? That's a question that terrifies the White House, and Politico offers some fresh evidence that the president's health isn't what it's claimed to be. For years, there's been an insistence that Biden, despite his very public bouts of senility, is an absolute workhorse behind closed doors. White House coffee boy Andrew Bates recently reinforced that narrative, claiming that the president has such high stamina that it leaves his staffers unable to keep up. The problem with that claim is that it's such obvious nonsense. Biden is clearly sundowning, and if this quote from Politico is true, it sure seems like the cause is dementia.
‘We’ve all enabled the situation’:
Dems turn on Biden’s inner sanctum post debate
5 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 5:00:56 PM Post Reply
Over the course of his presidency, Joe Biden’s small clutch of advisers have built an increasingly protective circle around him, limiting his exposure to the media and outside advice — an effort to manage public perceptions of the oldest person to ever hold the office and tightly control his political operation. But inside the White House, Biden’s growing limitations were becoming apparent long before his meltdown in last week’s debate, with the senior team’s management of the president growing more strictly controlled as his term has gone on. During meetings with aides who are putting together formal briefings they’ll deliver to Biden, some senior officials
Judge delays Trump’s hush money sentencing
until at least September after high court
immunity ruling
8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 4:21:23 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump’s sentencing in his hush money case has been postponed until at least September after the judge agreed Tuesday to weigh the possible impact of a new Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. Trump had been scheduled to face sentencing July 11 on his New York conviction on felony charges of falsifying business records. He denies any wrongdoing. The postponement sets the sentencing for Sept. 18 at the earliest — if it happens at all, since Trump’s lawyers are arguing that the Supreme Court ruling merits not only delaying the sentencing but tossing out his conviction.
Joe Biden Mocked for Orange Appearance
in Primetime Address
7 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 2:11:00 PM Post Reply
Mockery erupted online Monday night after President Joe Biden delivered a primetime address in which his skin appeared orange from a possible spray tan. The tan likely would have been applied in response to criticism of his poor performance at Thursday’s debate, which sparked concerns about his age and cognitive ability. The president delivered a five-minute speech off a teleprompter in response to the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity on Monday and refused questions from the press as he left the podium. Commentators interpreted the remarks as little more than performative theater to alleviate concerns about his abilities; his orange appearance, which echoes former President Donald Trump, spurred the most mockery.
Jake Tapper: Democratic Governors Need
Reassurances From Biden That He Is Able
to Function
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 2:02:50 PM Post Reply
In a recent posting to X on Tuesday, CNN's Jake Tapper exposes a potentially damaging conference call between several Democratic Governors on Monday afternoon, expressing their concern over President Biden's health status and their need to speak with him to reassure them that he is fit to go on with his campaign. The call, organized by Democrat Governor Tim Waltz of Minnesota, is just another highlighted example of the fracture between the Democrat Party and President Biden's "inner circle." Concerns from those who believe there is a serious problem with Biden and his health, and his ability to successfully campaign against former President Donald Trump and win the November election.
Manhattan DA won’t oppose delaying Trump’s
hush money sentencing
10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 11:36:46 AM Post Reply
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s (D) office said Tuesday it won’t oppose delaying former President Trump’s July 11 sentencing even as they disagree with his new attempt to set aside his hush money verdict on immunity grounds. Following the Supreme Court’s decision carving out criminal immunity for former presidents, Trump on Monday sent a letter to his judge insisting prosecutors at the trial introduced evidence that is precluded under the Supreme Court’s test. “Although we believe defendant’s arguments to be without merit, we do not oppose his request for leave to file and his putative request to adjourn sentencing
Bernstein on Biden: Everyone Knew -- Including Reporters 20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/2/2024 10:45:39 AM Post Reply
Of course everyone knew. Joe Biden has exhibited cognitive dysfunction in public throughout his presidency, perhaps most especially over the last year. Americans could see that for themselves simply by watching Biden, and perhaps more tellingly, how those around Biden treated him while in public -- like a lost child. But that's especially true of the corrupt media that chose to cover for Biden rather than report on him. That includes Carl Bernstein, the journalistic eminence grise of Watergate, who appeared on CNN last night to discuss the scope and breadth of the cover-up. Bernstein talks about the willful gaslighting of the team around Biden and the media's amplification of gaslighting
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AOC threatens to file impeachment articles
following Supreme Court immunity ruling
52 replies
Posted by Imright 7/1/2024 1:57:14 PM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) plans to draft articles of impeachment after the Supreme Court ruled former President Donald Trump may have some immunity from prosecution related to actions he took in the aftermath of the 2020 election. “The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a post to X on Monday. “Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture.” “I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return,” the New York Democrat said.
Sotomayor's Dissent in Presidential Immunity
Case Certainly Has People Talking
33 replies
Posted by Imright 7/2/2024 1:20:20 AM Post Reply
On Monday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision of Trump v. United States that the office of the United States presidency has immunity from criminal prosecution. Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the dissent, which Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson also signed onto. It's a dissent that has plenty of people talking over social media, with a common theme of the reaction being "bats**t" to describe her ranting and raving. "With fear for our democracy, I dissent," she wrote in what sounds like a line the Biden reelection will almost certainly take advantage of. She also began her dissent in part by writing
Biden family questions if top advisers
should be fired after debate — as allies
accuse team of ‘malpractice’
32 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/1/2024 3:45:47 PM Post Reply
The Biden family are apparently questioning whether several top campaign aides should be fired after last week’s disastrous debate debacle — as some allies accused President Biden’s preparation team of “political malpractice.” Talk of axing the staffers unfolded in private as President Biden and his family hunkered down at Camp David over the weekend to discuss options amid mounting calls for the 81-year-old to give up his re-election campaign, sources told CNN. During the discussions, some members of the first family trashed the senior aides and called for them to be put on the chopping block —
Mika Brzezinski calls for staffing changes,
better handling of Biden’s age
29 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/1/2024 2:03:53 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski is calling for changes at President Biden’s reelection campaign in the wake of last week’s poor debate performance, which has raised new concerns about the president’s age and some urging for him to drop out of the race. “Does there need to be changes, yes, managing him,” Brzezinski said on “Morning Joe” on Monday. “Changes to his schedule, changes even maybe to those around him.” Biden struggled during last week’s debate against former President Trump, at times appearing confused, drifting off message and failing to string together coherent thoughts. The performance has sparked a moment of
Report: ‘Rob Reiner was Screaming,’
‘Jane Fonda Had Tears in Her Eyes’
at Biden-Trump Debate Watch Party
29 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/1/2024 10:56:10 AM Post Reply
A new report suggests that (the) presidential debate affected director Rob Reiner and actress Jane Fonda so immensely that the latter was reduced to tears while the former screamed at the TV. According to CNN, people in attendance at the Hollywood debate watch party this past Thursday said that Reiner and Fonda were emotionally swept up in seeing President Joe Biden perform poorly against former President Trump. A debate watch party in Los Angeles on Thursday night happened to feature Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff, Pritzker, Whitmer and Beshear.
Schumer Bashes ‘MAGA SCOTUS’ After
Historic Trump Immunity Decision
24 replies
Posted by Imright 7/1/2024 1:08:11 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) blasted what he called the “MAGA SCOTUS” on Monday after the U.S. Supreme Court found in favor of former President Donald Trump in his challenge to January 6th prosecutors. Trump faces charges in Washington, D.C., brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith relating to his conduct on January 6, 2021, when rioters stormed the Capitol. He argued that he is immune from prosecution for his official acts.As Breitbart News reported, the Court found that presidents have absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts, but not from unofficial acts, and remanded the case back to the trial court to determine the difference.
Jill Biden, Featured on Cover of Vogue,
Vows to ‘Continue to Fight’ after
Disastrous Debate
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/1/2024 11:32:29 AM Post Reply
Vogue‘s latest covergirl, First Lady Jill Biden, told the magazine in a sprawling profile that she and President Joe Biden “will not let those 90 minutes” spent on the presidential debate stage last week “define the four years he’s been president. We will continue to fight.” After a disastrous debate performance against former president Donald Trump last week — one that caused Democratic Party insiders and Biden allies in the media to call for his replacement atop the 2024 ticket — the president’s wife has taken on a heightened stature as the individual with perhaps the most influence over the president’s course of action.
Biden Family Blame Anita Dunn, Bob Bauer
and Ron Klain for Joe Biden Debate Performance
23 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/2/2024 8:35:47 AM Post Reply
The wheels on the bus go thump, thump, thump…. just ask the three debate officials who are now being blamed for the disastrous performance by Joe Biden in Atlanta last week. According to several sources who have talked to Politico, the Biden family are naming top Biden advisor Anita Dunn, her CIA husband Bob Bauer and top advisor Ron Klain for horrible debate preparation. The three senior staff advisors have been a part of the Biden/Obama orbit for many years. Jill Biden and the rest of the family are pointing the finger directly at them.
Biden Slams Supreme Court over Immunity
Decision in White House Address
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/1/2024 8:53:39 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden criticized the Supreme Court in a White House address Monday evening over its ruling that former president Donald Trump is immune from criminal prosecution for official acts taken while in office, but not unofficial ones. “For all practical purposes, today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do,” Biden said. “This is a fundamentally new principle, and it’s a dangerous precedent.” Biden said the presidency will “no longer be constrained by the law” and that “the only limits will be imposed by the president alone.” “This decision today has continued the Court’s attack in recent years on
Multiple brawls break out in chaotic scene
inside Washington Square Park Pride celebration: video
23 replies
Posted by mc squared 7/1/2024 12:12:05 PM Post Reply
Multiple brawls and wild chaos engulfed Washington Square Park in the aftermath of New York City’s Pride Parade Sunday as police battled to control the unruly mob of revelers, shocking footage shows. Video from the jaw-dropping scene showed fistfights and hair-pulling as several troublemakers turned the crowded park into their own personal boxing ring while herds of onlookers watched with glee and even whipped out their phones to record the showdowns in Lower Manhattan. At one point, two young men threw haymakers at each other before one took a tumble to the ground.
‘We Gon’ Blow The Party Up’: Delegate
Warns Black Women Will Destroy Dems If
They Choose ‘White Man Over Kamala’
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/2/2024 5:07:39 PM Post Reply
A delegate for President Joe Biden’s reelection effort warned on Monday that black women will abandon the party if Democrats replace the presumptive nominee with another “white man” instead of Vice President Kamala Harris. (snip) Areva Martin, an attorney and California delegate for Biden for President, said on “The Stephen A. Smith Show” that Democrats should “stay the course” with the president and that passing over Harris with a “white man” would be a dealbreaker with black female voters. (snip) "If you pick a white man over Kamala Harris, black women, I can tell you this, we gon’ walk away, we gon’ blow the party up.”
Voters kick all the Republican women out
of the South Carolina Senate
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/1/2024 10:15:58 AM Post Reply
The only three Republican women in the South Carolina Senate took on their party and stopped a total abortion ban from passing in their state last year. In return, they lost their jobs. Voters removed Sens. Sandy Senn, Penry Gustafson and Katrina Shealy from office during sparsely turned out primaries in June, and by doing so completely vacated the Republican wing of the five-member “Sister Senators,” a female contingent that included two Democrats and was joined in their opposition to the abortion ban. (snip) Instead of a total ban on abortion, South Carolina ended up with a ban once cardiac activity is detected, typically six weeks into a pregnancy.
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