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American Medical Association delegates
vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

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Posted By: Beardo, 6/18/2024 3:14:47 PM

The American Medical Association's House of Delegates Thursday voted 345-171 to decriminalize drug personal use and possession. (snip) The AMA report said decriminalization proponents cite several benefits of no longer criminalizing drug use and possession. Among them are saving money on incarceration, focusing resources on treatment and social services and reducing the stigma of drug use and having a substance abuse disorder.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Beardo 6/18/2024 3:24:26 PM (No. 1739542)
FTA: "The AMA report said decriminalization proponents cite several benefits of no longer criminalizing drug use and possession. Among them are saving money on incarceration, focusing resources on treatment and social services and reducing the stigma of drug use and having a substance abuse disorder." What am I missing here? How does this argument make any sense?
25 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Beardo 6/18/2024 3:30:06 PM (No. 1739545)
Sorry, I mis-spoke. The following argument FTA is what makes no sense to me: "The war on drugs is quite reminiscent of the phrase, 'The beatings will continue until morale improves,'" said AMA Connecticut delegate Ryan Englander. "We have tried for decades to criminalize our way out of a substance use crisis in this country, and it has not worked."
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Reply 3 - Posted by: reefdiver 6/18/2024 3:30:49 PM (No. 1739546)
No mention of the costs of lost work, deaths due to overdose, domestic abuse, treatment costs, and criminal activities.
24 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: formerNYer 6/18/2024 3:54:35 PM (No. 1739561)
Soft drugs? Hard drugs? Didn't Oregon just try this and it failed misrably? We don't need to be putting in jail for pot, but crack, meth, roofies, fentanyl, NO!
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Son of Grady 6/18/2024 4:01:12 PM (No. 1739568)
I don't know if the AMA House of Delegates are all liberals, but they are following a liberal platform of creating a problem and then spending billions of dollars to not fix anything but to keep the problem ongoing and generational.
19 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: mc squared 6/18/2024 4:03:04 PM (No. 1739569)
Seems drugs are already decriminalized in our cities. Users in the streets leaving needles for others.
13 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: stablemoney 6/18/2024 4:10:35 PM (No. 1739573)
Another reason the AMA has a debauched reputation.
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DanvilleBill 6/18/2024 4:10:53 PM (No. 1739574)
Libertarians rejoiced. Next AMA goal: legalize prostitution. Libertarians will love that too.
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Catherine 6/18/2024 4:27:23 PM (No. 1739581)
There has been a war on drugs for over 50 years. We've lost it. Seems a better way could be found to deal with it. And to my way of thinking, alcohol is as dangerous as any drug but it's legal. Go figure. BTW, during prohibition my great grandfather had a still and a dance hall. That old man was rich as could be. He owned lots of houses and a lot of land before he died.
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Bur Oak 6/18/2024 4:28:06 PM (No. 1739583)
The AMA did so well with their expertise during the Covid scare that we should now follow their advice. Okay, now do ivermectin and similar drugs over-the-counter. What, doctors would lose income? I see.
19 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: marbles 6/18/2024 4:28:41 PM (No. 1739584)
Enlighten me , how are they empowered to make law?
11 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 6/18/2024 4:30:46 PM (No. 1739585)
The AMA is an ass.
14 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: volksford 6/18/2024 4:37:55 PM (No. 1739589)
This is par for the course from an outfit that condones trans gender surgery.
17 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: privateer 6/18/2024 4:50:09 PM (No. 1739596)
I guess Obama promised to protect doctors from blame, liability, lawsuits or punishments for their part in the Great Dempanic. IF...they will help him destroy American society.
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: LeeBertie 6/18/2024 4:57:53 PM (No. 1739600)
Maybe I missed it, but I saw no limitation on which drugs they voted to recommend decriminalizing. Heroin? Cocaine? Fentanyl? Any consideration to "first do no harm"? We are fortunate that whatever these bozos say makes no real-world importance.
9 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: daisey 6/18/2024 5:05:52 PM (No. 1739606)
Glad I retired from nursing 3 years ago at 75. My friends who are still working say it’s not the same. Unrecognizable. Sad.
11 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: BarryNo 6/18/2024 5:33:44 PM (No. 1739611)
Of course they did. They and their children are among the worst abusers. This way, when the pharmaceutical stocks are found missing, they'll only be charged with theft...
10 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Rumblehog 6/18/2024 5:45:51 PM (No. 1739615)
Even Medical Doctors don't belong to that leftist organization anymore. Every once great organization in America has been invaded and taken over by leftist political hacks to drive an agenda. Trust none of them.
9 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Hazymac 6/18/2024 5:52:41 PM (No. 1739619)
After years of declining membership, the AMA's percentage of MDs and DOs (real doctors who practice medicine) who still belong is 30% or less. At one time long ago, the AMA was run by responsible doctors who weren't taken in by virtue signaling. Political correctness has ruined the AMA, the ABA ... many professional organizations. These talented, extremely well educated people are more interested in being well thought of than in being professionals.
8 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 6/18/2024 6:02:02 PM (No. 1739622)
AMA normalizing criminal behavior. Democrats want the criminal vote, but felons cannot vote. Have to legalize criminal behavior. Our government is corrupt. Law abiding citizens won't participate in criminal behavior, but criminals will. The criminal element of society is sought after by a corrupt government. Criminals band together. Think of the drug cartels that employ thousands of criminals. Organized crime. It takes over governments. Criminal governments like centralized government. All that power in one place. Control everything.
5 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Mushroom 6/18/2024 7:01:36 PM (No. 1739647)
By this logic, why should ANY drug be even regulated. You shouldn't have to be a doctor to allow the use of Ivermectin...heck, we give it to our animals. So Why do we need your lot around if recreational drugs aren't in need of control? Heck, what if I decide to take Ivermectin recreationally? Get off your high horse and note how your ranks are running away because you are just another left wing shill.
8 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DVC 6/18/2024 7:06:04 PM (No. 1739654)
OK, I want to get ivermectin and a bunch of antibiotics OTC.....what, that's not going be OK? Not going to legalize anything which doesn't create zombies?
12 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: skacmar 6/18/2024 7:33:17 PM (No. 1739661)
Surprised that the liberal doctors aren't using the favorite tagline from the pro-abortion crowd: My body, my choice! If you choose to use lethal drugs and overdose, you are choosing to possibly die. Do not expect to be saved since it was your choice.
6 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: smokincol 6/18/2024 8:36:40 PM (No. 1739676)
did they measure the size of these "American Medical Association delegates" when they were chosen to be a delegate, to see if it was the same size as a grain of salt?
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: sleona 6/18/2024 8:44:35 PM (No. 1739680)
I am a physician. I used to be a member of the AMA. I stopped paying for membership many years ago because they were getting so liberal. I rarely agree with them any more. This is true of many professional organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Surgeons. The medical school I work for, the hospital where I practice, and the professional organization I still belong to are very woke. They are all celebrating pride month and promoting DEI every chance they get Thank goodness retirement is in my near future. (Don’t get me started on federal interference in practicing medicine!)
12 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: WWIIDaughter 6/18/2024 10:11:00 PM (No. 1739695)
Follow the money. Maybe the delegates own funeral homes. Caskets are costly.
5 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: WWIIDaughter 6/18/2024 10:14:48 PM (No. 1739696)
Just read down to the autopsy for a college kid who drowned with alcohol and drugs in his system. As noted previously, follow the money...sociopathic doctors voting to make more fatalities.
5 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: JimBob 6/18/2024 10:54:26 PM (No. 1739700)
While they're at it, recommend decriminalizing murder, rape, assault, all forms of theft. Once that is enacted, the crime rates will drop significantly. Think of the money saved..... No-one will go to prison anymore, and we can save the cost of operating them!
3 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Trigger2 6/19/2024 2:15:50 AM (No. 1739721)
It's official. The AMA is a demonrat communist organization. Period. What happened to "Do No Harm?"
2 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: Michaelus 6/19/2024 5:42:04 AM (No. 1739748)
Drugs like ivermectin?
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Reply 31 - Posted by: Venturer 6/19/2024 7:50:57 AM (No. 1739807)
Do away with prescriptions. Just go to the pharmacy and order any medicine you like. You think you are sick? Go to the computer and see what drug it says to use and go get it. We won't need Doctors. Most Doctors today are a waste of time anyway.
3 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: franq 6/19/2024 8:38:11 AM (No. 1739829)
Indeed. This is akin to John McCain wanting to make OTC vitamins prescription-based. Money, incest, and corruption.
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Reply 33 - Posted by: cold porridge 6/19/2024 11:31:37 AM (No. 1739950)
" focusing resources on treatment and social services...." Proves the AMA just wants to increase it's ability to make money off the drug users. They don't care about the addicts, and they know you can't make an addict quit unless they want to. Its all for the money made by "treating" them.
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Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home 'is raided
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Posted by Beardo 6/20/2024 1:29:57 PM Post Reply
Oakland's embattled Mayor Sheng Thao has had her home raided by the FBI, local media have reported. The Democrat lawmaker's home on Maiden Lane was raided around 5:30am PT Thursday, CBS San Francisco reports. It is unclear why the property was raided, but according to public records, it appears Thao rents the home. Earlier this week, it was revealed Thao is facing a recall election as voters complain about soaring crime in the Bay Area city. They say her progressive, soft-on-crime policies have emboldened criminals and driven away businesses.
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Posted by Beardo 6/20/2024 10:51:08 AM Post Reply
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Federal government should regulate homeschooling,
legacy magazine says
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Posted by Beardo 6/19/2024 1:00:34 PM Post Reply
Scientific American, a left-leaning legacy science magazine, called for the federal regulation of homeschooling on Monday, saying parents who homeschool should be subjected to a “background check.” (snip ) The newsletter called for “some basic federal mandates,” including that parents “undergo a background check — the same as K-12 teachers.” (snip) While the implication of what the Scientific American editors advocated appears to be government control over homeschool curriculums and practices, one of the most oft-cited reasons families decide to homeschool is to get their children out of government-run schools.
American Medical Association delegates
vote to decriminalize drug use, possession
33 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/18/2024 3:14:47 PM Post Reply
The American Medical Association's House of Delegates Thursday voted 345-171 to decriminalize drug personal use and possession. (snip) The AMA report said decriminalization proponents cite several benefits of no longer criminalizing drug use and possession. Among them are saving money on incarceration, focusing resources on treatment and social services and reducing the stigma of drug use and having a substance abuse disorder.
Gun Control Fail: Secret Service Agent
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11 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/18/2024 1:55:55 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 6/17/2024 1:21:17 PM Post Reply
“Happy Father’s Day to the men who knew they weren’t ready to be dads,” reads perhaps the most evil op-ed ever written. As always, leftists can’t ever let men get anything just for themselves without making it about women somehow. So this year, Danielle Campoamor writing for MSNBC, had to make sure we all know the real meaning of Father’s Day: abortion. Forget the dads who work hard to take care of their wives and children. (snip) No, the real fatherly role models are those “who knew expanding their family was not tenable” and those “who knew delaying parenthood was a form of family planning.”
Dem Candidate Charged For Allegedly Faking
Racist Attacks Against Himself
7 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/17/2024 12:32:23 AM Post Reply
A Democrat running for local office in Texas was arrested and charged with a felony for allegedly creating social media accounts to post fake racist attacks against himself, local outlets reported. Taral Patel, the Democratic nominee for Fort Bend County Precinct 3 commissioner, in September 2023 made a post to his Facebook account claiming that his “Republican opponents supporters’ decide[d] to hurl #racist, #anti-immigrant, #Hinduphobic, or otherwise disgusting insults,” (snip) The racist messages were eventually traced back to Patel following an investigation conducted by the Fort Bend County District Attorney’s office and the Texas Rangers, the Houston Chronicle reported.
California requirement for bars to offer
date rape drug test kits starts July 1
4 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/15/2024 11:52:28 PM Post Reply
A California law requiring alcohol-serving establishments such as bars and clubs to offer date rape drug testing kits goes into effect on July 1. AB 1013, the law behind the mandate, passed unanimously in 2023. The bill requires establishments to have signs saying, “Don't get roofied! Drink spiking drug test kits available here. Ask a staff member for details” prominently displayed, and provide the kits for free or a “reasonable” amount relative to wholesale price. The test kits must be able to detect at least flunitrazepam (also known as “roofies”), ketamine, and gamma hydroxybutyric acid.
Hunter Biden drops laptop lawsuit against
Rudy Giuliani
16 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/14/2024 7:20:53 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden is dropping his lawsuit accusing Rudy Giuliani and the former New York City mayor’s ex-lawyer of manipulating data found on his infamous laptop. Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell filed the stipulation for dismissal Thursday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. (snip) The lawsuit claimed that Giuliani, 80, and Costello violated the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act when they allegedly hacked and manipulated data on the abandoned laptop in a “total annihilation” of the disgraced first son’s “digital privacy.”
NYS Legislature passes bill requiring
warning be posted in gun stores
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2024 3:41:24 PM Post Reply
The State Legislature on Monday approved a bill requiring stores that sell or repair firearms to post warnings that a customer’s purchase “significantly increases” the risk of suicide, deadly accident to children and lethal domestic violence. Under the bill, the signs must be “conspicuously” posted at an entrance and at least one other place wherever guns are sold by licensed dealers or serviced by licensed gunsmiths. A copy of the warning must also be provided to buyers. The signs must be at least 8½ by 11 inches, use at least 26-point type
Fitness Center Internal Memo Labels Pride/BLM
Symbols ‘Freedom Of Expression,’ Bans
US Flag Except For Holidays
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2024 12:48:41 AM Post Reply
An internal memo from the 24 Hour Fitness Center labels Black Lives Matter and Pride Symbols “freedom of expression” while banning patriotic items like the American flag, except for holidays. In the letter obtained by Libs Of TikTok, it informs employees that the fitness company is committed to “creating a more inclusive environment” before it details what is and is not allowed. The memo said it encourages employees to “bring their full selves to work everyday” and then lists that “team members” can wear apparel that shows their “solidarity and support” for the following movements. “Black Lives Matter/BLM words.” “‘Pride’ and or pride rainbow logo.” “Juneteenth logo, symbol or date on Juneteenth (June 19).”
California's pot economy is crashing.
What comes next?
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2024 12:33:14 AM Post Reply
Vince Ning has a singular perspective on California’s weed industry. (snip) The number of legal cannabis growers and brands has decreased by more than 70% since legalization first went into effect, according to the Mercury News. A recent report found that pot companies owe the state more than $730 million in back taxes, money that California likely will never see as most of those companies have already folded. (snip) Estimates vary on how large the illicit market is, but the head of enforcement for the state Department of Cannabis Control recently told NPR that the illicit market is “definitely larger” than the legal market.
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Posted by Imright 6/19/2024 4:17:03 AM Post Reply
Most Biden supporters are not supporting President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election because they champion him and his leadership — rather, it is a vote “against” former President Donald Trump — a recent survey from the Economist/YouGov revealed. The survey, which showed Trump leading Biden by two points among registered voters in a 2024 matchup including third-party candidates, asked Biden supporters, “Would you say you are mostly voting FOR Joe Biden or AGAINST Donald Trump?”
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Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 3:21:57 AM Post Reply
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Biden should REPLACE Kamala Harris on
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Posted by Imright 6/19/2024 3:24:11 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is being encouraged to replace Kamala Harris with a blast from the past to aid his floundering chances at re-election. Biden, who has struggled in the polls nationally and in key swing states, has left Democrats wondering if major change is needed to beat Donald Trump in November. Questions and doubts exist over the health and ability to perform the job of Biden, at 81, the oldest president in American history. Harris - the first female and first black vice president in American history - has also struggled, with poll numbers saying a majority of Americans don't think she would be a good president.
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Posted by Hazymac 6/20/2024 8:14:01 AM Post Reply
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Chicken Giant Tyson Sells Employees Juneteenth
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25 replies
Posted by Imright 6/19/2024 2:14:52 PM Post Reply
Tyson Foods, the U.S.-based meat supplier that’s grown to be one of the world’s largest companies, offered shirts to employees for this its annual Juneteenth celebrations that literally cross out “July 4” as the nation’s Independence Day. Emails obtained by The Daily Wire show the poultry industry giant selling shirts for its annual Juneteenth celebration that say the holiday, marking the day in 1865 that African Americans in Texas learned that slavery had been abolished in the United States, is the nation’s true independence day. “Juneteenth is my Independence Day,” reads one shirt offered, while another, under a crossed out July 4 date, states, “Juneteenth 1865
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Posted by Imright 6/19/2024 2:08:04 PM Post Reply
Joy Behar of NBC’s The View has expressed her fear that Donald Trump will somehow cancel the show if he wins back the White House in November. Having invited leftist MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow onto the panel, Behar responded to her recent claim that she could be targeted in the case of a Trump victory. According to Behar, Trump could use agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service or demand companies pull their advertisements to force the show off air.
And Down Goes Fisker 23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/19/2024 7:05:58 AM Post Reply
The EV retail market just lost another one of its marquee, OG play-yahs: Fisker. "Fisker filed for bankruptcy protection late on Monday, as the U.S. electric-vehicle maker looks to salvage its operations by selling assets and restructuring its debt after burning through cash in an attempt to ramp up production of its Ocean SUVs. The hyper-competitive EV market has seen several companies, including Proterra, Lordstown and Electric Last Mile Solutions, file for bankruptcy in the past two years as they grappled with weakening demand, fundraising hurdles and operational challenges from global supply chain issues. The company, founded by automotive designer Henrik Fisker,
Mayorkas: ‘A Criminal Is Responsible’
for Morin Death, Not Biden Admin.
22 replies
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 7:39:10 AM Post Reply
On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Laura Coates Live,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas responded to criticisms that the Biden administration should face blame for the killing of Rachel Morin by stating that “a criminal is responsible for the criminal act. The criminal who committed this heinous act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, and forcefully so. That is my response.” Guest host Jim Acosta asked, “I do want to ask you about the murder of this Maryland mother that has been in the news. It’s gotten a lot of attention.
Holder worried Supreme Court will come
to ‘dangerous’ conclusion on Trump immunity
22 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/19/2024 7:02:06 PM Post Reply
Former Attorney General Eric Holder said Wednesday he is concerned that the Supreme Court will come to a “dangerous” conclusion on former President Trump’s claim of presidential immunity, partly because it has taken time for the justices to reveal their decision. Trump has made the immunity claim on charges related to the federal cases he faces on storing classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida and related to the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.
Fauci: Okay... Keeping the Schools Closed
Was Probably a Mistake
22 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/19/2024 9:41:45 AM Post Reply
Ya think? The sainted Dr. Anthony Fauci of COVID pandemic fame has a new memoir out, describing his "journey in public service." Promoting the book, he's been doing some interviews, including one this week on CBS Mornings. During the interview, the host asked Fauci about his recommendations during the pandemic to close the nation's public schools, a situation that lasted for more than a year in some places. In a rare moment of seeming self-awareness, Fauci admitted that shutting down the schools for that long "was not a good idea."
Federal government should regulate homeschooling,
legacy magazine says
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/19/2024 1:00:34 PM Post Reply
Scientific American, a left-leaning legacy science magazine, called for the federal regulation of homeschooling on Monday, saying parents who homeschool should be subjected to a “background check.” (snip ) The newsletter called for “some basic federal mandates,” including that parents “undergo a background check — the same as K-12 teachers.” (snip) While the implication of what the Scientific American editors advocated appears to be government control over homeschool curriculums and practices, one of the most oft-cited reasons families decide to homeschool is to get their children out of government-run schools.
Taylor Swift's private Jet vandalised
at Stansted Airport in London ahead of
Wembley Eras Tour
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/20/2024 9:14:42 AM Post Reply
Taylor Swift's Wembley Eras Tour is just around the corner, but a recent incident has thrown a splash of orange paint onto the pre-show buzz. Swift's private jet became an unwitting target in a London airport protest. Eco-activists from the group Just Stop Oil doused several private jets with orange paint, with Swift's plane reportedly among those present at the moment. The Cruel Summer singer’s jet was believed to have just landed hours before the “second anti-fossil fuels protest,” took shape. Taylor Swift's name has been added to an expanding roster of stars under scrutiny for their use of private jets. As concerns over carbon emissions mount,
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