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Ohio AG Dave Yost: Pro-Hamas Protesters
Could be Prosecuted Under KKK Law

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/9/2024 1:41:06 AM

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost sent a letter to presidents of local universities Monday, warning that masked students who join pro-Hamas protests could be prosecuted under a law crafted to fight the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). As Breitbart News noted recently, there are federal anti-KKK statutes that prohibit masked demonstrators from protesting on other people’s property with the intent of threatening citizens out of exercising their civil rights. There are similar state laws, such as a 1953 Ohio law that “makes it a fourth-degree felony for two or more people to commit any crime together ‘while wearing white caps, masks, or other disguise,” a Columbus NBC affiliate reported.


DO IT!! Don't talk about it!! In cases such as this, actions speak FAR louder than words!!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Trigger2 5/9/2024 4:08:13 AM (No. 1714645)
But, does NY, IL, CA, etc. have such laws? What about demonrat DA's. I'm sure they'd nver prosecute. They absolutely love all criminals.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Rinktum 5/9/2024 5:45:47 AM (No. 1714683)
These terrorist sympathizers have a foothold and it is going to take an enormous amount of pushback to stop the inevitable. Just look at London. The inmates have taken over the asylum. It will be so here if good men/women do not stand up and stop it. The damage these radicals will do this spring and summer will be enormous. It is the chance of a lifetime for them. They get to go head to head with The Great Satan, and there is no way they are going to miss that opportunity. Go after them in any way possible. Good on Yost. Now just don’t talk about it, do it! Jail them, pull their student visas, deport them. Just get this cancer out of our country. It will only bring violent chaos.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: RuckusTom 5/9/2024 7:37:28 AM (No. 1714746)
A much better way to do it would be a blanket boycott by employers of every university that's allowed protests with arrests to happen - no-hire-from universities such as Columbia, NYU, USC, Yale, etc. HR departments can do a simple Google search to get a listing of universities that have had pro hamas arrests. To get more specific they can get listings of arrestees. This would be long lasting and much more impactful not just for graduates but the administration and university good will. "Oh. So applicant paid a lot of money and went to Columbia? Put the resume in the shredder." Otherwise, companies can expect to have rebel rouser employees like the ones at Google who thought it'd be a good idea to have a sit in in Bezos office.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 5/9/2024 7:58:29 AM (No. 1714760)
SO: The law is there. How many have been prosecuted? NONE.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 5/9/2024 9:58:59 AM (No. 1714850)
Could be but won't be. The young and thoroughly brainwashed are the only voters Joe has left.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: snakeoil 5/9/2024 11:05:56 AM (No. 1714885)
In the state that I live in, Georgia, there used to be a law that it was illegal to wear a mask of any kind with the sole exception of Halloween night unless you were under 13 years of age. Doubt the law still exists after Covid. I hated it because I liked to wear a ski mask when it was really cold during winter. None of the laws enacted for the KKK are necessary. Just charge them with what they did such as arson, vandalism, etc. But, stop talking about it and do something.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Starboard_side 5/9/2024 12:32:58 PM (No. 1714961)
This is the same graduating class that didn't have a ceremony due to COVID, and now they aren't, in some places, getting a graduation ceremony in 2024. Some group or entity, must really not like this group of children, now young adults. As far as using the existing laws against these folks, I wonder if there could be a class-action lawsuit against the people who are doing the campus protests, encamping at the campuses, allowing the violation of Civil Rights, and behind these organized events. After all, they are communicating with each other and learning from different campus reactions to them. They're telling people what they should bring to these events such as gas masks, umbrellas, wood, etc.. This is being organized across state lines which should make it Federal.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2024 1:40:32 AM Post Reply
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A Democratic Party Megadonor Just Issued
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2024 12:35:17 AM Post Reply
Now, let’s move to the incompetence part of this presidency. It certainly played a factor in this decision to suspend arms shipments to Israel, but does Biden think he can pull a long con over the electorate here? Does this man believe he has the smarts and skills to sell to the antisemites and pro-Hamas supporters within the Democratic Party base that he’s tough on Israel while telling American Jews that our “ironclad” support for the Jewish state will remain? That’s the sticky wicket: Biden needs to kowtow, grovel, and appease vicious antisemites and supporters of radical Islam to keep his 2024 bid alive.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/10/2024 12:25:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2024 11:32:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2024 2:47:31 AM Post Reply
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Ohio AG Dave Yost: Pro-Hamas Protesters
Could be Prosecuted Under KKK Law
7 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2024 1:41:06 AM Post Reply
Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost sent a letter to presidents of local universities Monday, warning that masked students who join pro-Hamas protests could be prosecuted under a law crafted to fight the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). As Breitbart News noted recently, there are federal anti-KKK statutes that prohibit masked demonstrators from protesting on other people’s property with the intent of threatening citizens out of exercising their civil rights. There are similar state laws, such as a 1953 Ohio law that “makes it a fourth-degree felony for two or more people to commit any crime together ‘while wearing white caps, masks, or other disguise,” a Columbus NBC affiliate reported.
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8 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/9/2024 1:35:26 AM Post Reply
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Congressman. What He Said Was Priceless.
7 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/8/2024 1:27:31 PM Post Reply
Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) isn’t the best on Second Amendment rights. He supports a ban on so-called assault weapons, which wasn’t the best of developments a few years ago. That’s not what we’re talking about right now. As we speak, Israeli forces have begun the initial stages of the operation to eradicate Hamas from Rafah, their last stronghold in Gaza. It’s an operation that Joe Biden opposes, not that the Israelis care—they will get this done. And the usual suspects, like Code Pink, have maintained their campaign of harassment as if they’ll ever get the votes to stop aid and arms to the Jewish state.
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35 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/6/2024 10:50:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 5/9/2024 12:36:32 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 5/9/2024 9:15:42 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Harlowe 5/9/2024 5:47:13 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/10/2024 3:46:58 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 5/9/2024 11:57:04 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/9/2024 5:17:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 5/9/2024 3:42:09 PM Post Reply
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