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Narrative Collapse: Mass Migration Not
Driving Economic Growth, Report Finds

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Posted By: Trapper, 5/9/2024 8:40:45 AM

In a rebuke of the neo-liberal orthodoxy which has dominated both major political parties in Britain, a study has found that mass migration has not actually stimulated the economy and has been a major drag on public services and the housing sector. A report from the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) and co-authored by former immigration minister Robert Jenrick finds record levels of immigration imposed upon the country by the so-called Conservative Party — despite promising the public to reduce the influx of foreigners following Brexit — has not been correlated with an increase to economic growth per capita.


The narrative was a lie from the start. No one believed the narrative. So - what is the REAL reason behind support for mass migration? Replacement of White people? Ending Christianity and Western Civilization? All of the above?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: jalo1951 5/9/2024 8:54:36 AM (No. 1714790)
" . . . a study has found that mass migration has not actually stimulated the economy and has been a major drag on public services and the housing sector". I don't have a PHD in anything (except common sense) and I could have told you that. We are being screwed by so many people in so many different ways I no longer know which end is up.
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jethro bo 5/9/2024 8:57:43 AM (No. 1714793)
So unplanned, uncontrolled mass migration of people that only want to move their little Hades on earth to another location isn't all that great. Guess nobody saw that one a coming.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 5/9/2024 9:11:10 AM (No. 1714808)
There are producers and there are consumers. All we getting is illiterate unfit takers. There are no givers here. This is not a bunch super smart engineers from top Indian universities driving Silicon Vallet
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Strike3 5/9/2024 9:27:55 AM (No. 1714825)
I love it when the common man on the street prevails in intelligence and the ability to predict the future when the government and smarmy academia go so ridiculously wrong. With the Biden administration we have a lot about which to gloat.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 5/9/2024 9:38:47 AM (No. 1714834)
Bringing in large numbers of marginally qualified workers is only going to be a net drain on a society that is highly socialized. If the government is obligated to take care of everyone, then everybody that comes into the country is another obligation. The only way to offset this somewhat is to bring in top tier people that have big earnings and can foment new economic activities and pay taxes. Indeed, that is home immigration is supposed to work; only qualified and self sufficient people can come into the country. The whole idea behind "mass migration improving the economy" is so stupid you KNOW there is another reason for doing it. I wonder what that is? Undermining the government? Big payoffs?
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 5/9/2024 10:12:09 AM (No. 1714861)
In the late 90’s I read “Alien Nation” by Peter Brimelow. He saw the illegal alien invasion coming. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Brimelow is a white nationalist. As with the NYTimes, if the SPLC says something, it must be true. Right? /sar
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 5/9/2024 10:21:37 AM (No. 1714869)
Excuse the second post. FTA —- “In 2017, former Chancellor of the Exchequer and former right-hand man to David Cameron, George Osbourne admitted that the party (conservative) leadership never actually had any intention of trying to meet the (reduce migration) goal, with party leadership then and now holding the belief that mass migration was economically necessary.” I believe many prominent GOP politicians who talk about “border security” are also disingenuous.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: m1n0uche19 5/9/2024 11:42:04 AM (No. 1714909)
How do leeches drive economic growth?
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Reply 9 - Posted by: MarkTwain 5/9/2024 11:44:42 AM (No. 1714912)
Well DUH! What skills do they bring to the marketplace? I mean besides squatting, sexual molestation, gang organization, jihad and CCP spycraft? Yeah, Antifa and BLM pick up more goons. Everyone else loses.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: DVC 5/9/2024 1:23:15 PM (No. 1715006)
Most of them are looking for WELFARE.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: privateer 5/9/2024 1:25:07 PM (No. 1715008)
They do drive economic the countries they left. Fewer criminals, fewer parasites, fewer people to compete for food and housing. And WE, get the reverse. All part of the plan.
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Narrative Collapse: Mass Migration Not
Driving Economic Growth, Report Finds
11 replies
Posted by Trapper 5/9/2024 8:40:45 AM Post Reply
In a rebuke of the neo-liberal orthodoxy which has dominated both major political parties in Britain, a study has found that mass migration has not actually stimulated the economy and has been a major drag on public services and the housing sector. A report from the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) and co-authored by former immigration minister Robert Jenrick finds record levels of immigration imposed upon the country by the so-called Conservative Party — despite promising the public to reduce the influx of foreigners following Brexit — has not been correlated with an increase to economic growth per capita.
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J.D. Vance Is Dreaming It.
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Posted by Trapper 3/16/2024 12:30:26 PM Post Reply
J.D. Vance arrived at Saddle Up Saloon — a Western-themed bar 30 miles outside Manchester — dressed for the part: blue jeans, pale-blue button down and a bright red MAGA hat. As he grabbed the mic and took his place in front of a “Trump 2024” backdrop, he slid seamlessly into a stream of classically Trumpian attacks: on Joe Biden; on the liberal elites who want to send American jobs to China and American troops to Ukraine; on the radical Democrats who allow inflation to wreck the economy and immigrants to flood the country; on the liberal media who lie about it all.
Modern Martyrs of Communism 4 replies
Posted by Trapper 3/6/2024 12:45:00 PM Post Reply
Bianca Jagger just issued a thundering warning about Nicaragua’s human rights abuses: “Just like the Castro Regime did in Cuba during the 1960s,” she wrote in the U.K.’s Independent, Nicaragua has put “harsh restrictions on religious freedom, practices, and church processions. Catholic education has been forbidden.” She even compares the country’s current purge of the Catholic Church “to Joseph Stalin’s purge of religious institutions in the Soviet Union.” [snip] Why do so few Americans pay attention to the horrors of Marxist-leaning regimes?
Google Pauses Ultra-Woke Gemini AI Image
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in Historical Photos
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Posted by Trapper 2/23/2024 10:17:47 AM Post Reply
Google announced it is pausing its ultra-woke Gemini AI image generator, saying the tool has created historical photos with “inaccuracies.” [snip] As users probe how woke the Masters of the Universe have gone with their new tool, Google has been forced to apologize for “offering inaccuracies in some historical image generation depictions.”
Wife of financier who called for Harvard
head’s exit faces plagiarism allegations
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Posted by Trapper 1/6/2024 2:11:36 PM Post Reply
The wife of Bill Ackman, the hedge fund billionaire who accused Claudine Gay of being a plagiarist and led calls for her resignation as Harvard president, is now facing allegations of plagiarism herself. Neri Oxman, a prominent former professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has apologized after Business Insider identified multiple instances in which she lifted passages from other scholars’ work without proper attribution in her 2010 dissertation.
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Transgender
'Extravaganza' Sparks Boycott
31 replies
Posted by Trapper 11/14/2023 8:55:01 PM Post Reply
An online petition is calling for a boycott of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade due to its planned inclusion of LGBTQ+ performers. The petition was started by One Million Moms, a division of the "pro-traditional values" organization American Family Association (AFA). [snip] "The non-binary and transgender extravaganza on display this Thanksgiving will be brought to you by Macy's during their annually sponsored Thanksgiving Day Parade," the petition from One Million Moms reads. "Unless they are forewarned about it, this year's holiday parade will potentially expose tens of millions of viewers at home to the liberal LGBTQ agenda."
Why Do These Harvard Organizations Support Hamas? 10 replies
Posted by Trapper 11/12/2023 8:51:14 AM Post Reply
On October 7, 2023, the terrorist organization Hamas initiated a series of brutal attacks on the state of Israel that killed more than 1,400 Israelis and left more than 5,000 people wounded. On October 8, a group of Harvard University organizations issued a joint statement on Instagram blaming Israel for this assault, holding “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.” [snip] As the list below demonstrates, nearly all of these organizations are associated with the Arabic world or with Islam.
“Western Civilization Gave the World
Pretty Much Every G*ddam Liberal Precept
Liberals Are Supposed to Adore” –
Bill Maher Strangely Defends Western Civ
from Woke Warriors (Video)
8 replies
Posted by Trapper 11/11/2023 2:50:05 PM Post Reply
What is happening to liberal host Bill Maher? He seems to be increasingly pushing back against the narratives of his own political party. In recent weeks he has slammed liberals for defending Hamas and the rise of anti-semitism among you[ng] people. He lambasted elite colleges for their “indoctrination into a stew of bad ideas” and the suppression of free speech. [snip] Now, on a recent episode of ‘Real Time,’ Maher took the bold move, at least within his own party, of defending western civilization. Just as shocking, Maher’s audience applauded his efforts.
Why Hamas Attacked—and Why Israel Was
Taken by Surprise
8 replies
Posted by Trapper 10/9/2023 11:12:28 AM Post Reply
On the morning of Saturday, October 7, the Palestinian group Hamas carried out a surprise attack on Israel on an unprecedented scale: firing thousands of rockets, infiltrating militants into Israeli territory, and taking an unknown number of hostages. [snip] For insight into what this means for Israel, the Palestinians, and the region, Foreign Affairs turned to Martin Indyk, the Lowy Distinguished Fellow in U.S.-Middle East Diplomacy at the Council on Foreign Relations. Indyk has twice served as U.S. ambassador to Israel, first from 1995 to 1997 and again from 2000 to 2001.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul Puts Illegals
Ahead of Citizens AGAIN-Announces 18,000
Jobs Available to Asylum Seekers
12 replies
Posted by Trapper 10/4/2023 5:15:34 AM Post Reply
Last month, in an appearance on CNN, Hochul told migrants to go “somewhere else” besides New York, “They’re literally from around the world. West Africa, South and Central America — they’re coming from all over. But we have to let the word out that when you come to New York, we’re not going to have more hotel rooms. [snip] But now the Governor is proudly announcing that the New York State Department of Labor is working with nearly 400 employers across the state to identify opportunities to help asylum seekers and migrants, who have obtained work authorizations, find employment.
Anti-White Academic Whose Research ‘Proved’
Systemic Racism is Fired from University
for Faking Data
19 replies
Posted by Trapper 9/13/2023 12:56:37 PM Post Reply
An affirmative action academic whose research on systemic racism was widely used to fuel animus against white people has been fired from Florida State University for falsifying data. Eric Stewart was fired as a criminology professor at Florida State University last month because of the “extreme negligence” found in his studies. His work had been cited by other research in an astounding 8,500 occasions, according to Google Scholar.
Maui, Yellowknife, Teneriffe, Rhodes:
Who is Behind the Spate of Wildfires Caused
by Arson?
9 replies
Posted by Trapper 8/25/2023 12:06:49 PM Post Reply
Terrrible tragedy struck the city of Lahaina on Maui on Aug. 8, with at least 114 dead and 1000 people still missing, including many children. Speaking on Daily Wire, pundit Michael Knowles said that arson is “the most likely culprit … apparently, in the mind of Hawaiian officials.” “For years now, people have intentionally set fires all over Maui. As Maui Mayor Michael Victorino noted just last year, fire and police suspect someone is intentionally setting them. Just a couple weeks ago, Hawaiian police responded to two fires on Maui. One started by an unattended cooking fire, the other, apparently, intentionally set."
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Posted by DW626 5/9/2024 2:11:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/9/2024 9:21:12 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 5/9/2024 12:36:32 AM Post Reply
Paul Ryan, a member of the Fox Corporation Board of Directors, will not vote for former President Donald Trump, he told Yahoo on Tuesday at the Milken Institute Global Conference. Ryan’s pledge is his latest attack against the America First movement. In April he praised House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for his leadership at a time when the Speaker’s actions permitted Democrats to seize control of the House. Ryan said he will write in a Republican candidate, as he did “last time.” He did not specify any particular person.
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/9/2024 12:19:49 AM Post Reply
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Women are paying big money to scream,
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Posted by Beardo 5/9/2024 9:15:42 PM Post Reply
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New Republican Bill Would Send Campus
Protesters to Gaza for Six Months if They’re
Found Guilty of Illegal Activity
26 replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/9/2024 5:47:13 PM Post Reply
I keep seeing commenters and people on Twitter saying ‘Send them to Gaza.’ Well, here you go. FOX News reports: College anti-Israel agitators could be sent to Gaza under new House GOP bill ~ A new House Republican bill would send any person charged and convicted for illegal activity on a college campus to Gaza for at least six months. [Snip] Those convicted would be forced to serve a minimum six-month community service sentence in Gaza, where Israel is currently waging a brutal campaign to eradicate Hamas and rescue the remaining Israelis that terrorists took hostage in October.
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/10/2024 10:18:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/10/2024 3:46:58 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 5/9/2024 11:57:04 AM Post Reply
In a now widely seen CNN interview, President Joe Biden stated that “I made it clear that if they go into Rafah – they haven’t gone in Rafah yet – if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities – that deal with that problem.” We’re going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of Iron Dome and their ability to respond to attacks that came out of the Middle East recently,”
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 5/9/2024 5:17:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 5/9/2024 3:42:09 PM Post Reply
So much for a border crisis. The Biden administration recently finalized regulations that will provide taxpayer-funded benefits to individuals who came into this country lacking authorization, by defining them as “lawfully present.” (snip)Apart from the clever way the administration has attempted to avoid legal challenges, the entire premise of the rule seems rather Orwellian. The idea that a president can unilaterally declare a group of individuals “lawfully” present without the consent of Congress defies logic, not to mention the basic principles of “our democracy” that the left purports to care so much about.
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Posted by FlyRight 5/10/2024 9:55:19 AM Post Reply
Former House speaker Kevin McCarthy said Thursday he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he had made a deal with Democrats to stave off his ouster from House leadership — as Speaker Mike Johnson did this week. The House dismissed a motion to oust Johnson on Wednesday night after Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R., Ga.) triggered a floor vote on her resolution. A motion to table Greene’s measure won support from 196 Republicans and 163 Democrats. Some Republicans have claimed Johnson won Democrats’ support by negotiating the passage of foreign aid to Ukraine,
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