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Biden Regime Cuts Off Ammunition Supplies
to Israel as Advisors Panic Over Electoral
Threat from Anti-Israel Democrats

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Posted By: hershey, 5/6/2024 9:25:12 AM

The Biden regime has cut off ammunition supplies to Israel as they attempt to appease the growing anger among the left of the Democratic Party over America’s support for the war against Hamas. According to a report from Axios, the decision to put a hold on the ammunition shipment caused panic among the Israeli security services and is intended to prevent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from proceeding with an invasion of Rafah.


Hah...I guess history will repeat itself, sorta...back during WWII Americans donated weapons to England...perhaps it's time for every Patriot to donate an ammo can of ammo to Israel...where do I send it???

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 5/6/2024 9:29:03 AM (No. 1712857)
Instead - - the money will be used to supply molotov cocktails to pro-hamas rioters.
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 5/6/2024 9:29:45 AM (No. 1712858)
Do you think Israel trusted Biden in the first place? Sure they had contingency plans.
35 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: paral04 5/6/2024 9:33:12 AM (No. 1712863)
Our country is doomed. Any moral compass we have had was been thrown out for baby rapists and murderers. Will these accomplishes now turn to American Jews as their next victims? Any one who thinks this is decent can thank Obama and Soros for this travesty.
28 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Ashley Brenton 5/6/2024 9:34:01 AM (No. 1712865)
An administration afraid of these protestors would not have signed the Israel aid package just recently. My guess is this is a "Potemkin Announcement" and that aid to Israel is continuing on the down-low. Or Israel has met with Biden and admitted it isn't short on weapons just yet, and Biden can make these overtures to the fascist Left of their base in critical states like Michigan.
12 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: cartcart 5/6/2024 9:50:17 AM (No. 1712875)
It’s time to “get her did.” This is the hill. Eradicate the enemy in one fell swoop.
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: itsonlyme 5/6/2024 9:59:41 AM (No. 1712878)
The numerous Notseas in the White House take action while the Demented Fuhrer eats his ice cream.
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Birddog 5/6/2024 10:15:04 AM (No. 1712887)
Hmmm...Pelosi/Schiff/Schumer/Biden/Vindemans/Media all jumped ugly and IMPEACHED Trump for delaying by even a day weapons shipments to Ukraine. Even though there was no "Hot War" going on, and they were for "potential" future defense. (and they claimed it was for personal political reasons, not "due diligence/International Law") Even though he sent them much better weapons, with much longer range than any President ever had before. Here...Biden has widespread protests in his key electoral "Need" areas, vs a Hot War, and a Major US Ally under the Gun. But his "Personal Political Desires" are not even mentioned by most Media, in fact the entire story is not. Nor is the FACT, that his recent "Mutual Aid to Allies Bill" throwing $Billions at Ukraine, a pittance to Israel, and 4 TIMES the entire annual GDP of Gaza to Hamas is being hyped as a Major Victory over isolationist Repubs.
11 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 5/6/2024 10:44:35 AM (No. 1712909)
The PuppetMasters are on the wrong side of every single issue this time. ALL of them.
16 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: terrywhite 5/6/2024 12:07:51 PM (No. 1712967)
So much for that "rock solid" support Biden pledged.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: MrDeplorable 5/6/2024 1:05:34 PM (No. 1713003)
"Biden Regime Cuts Off Ammunition Supplies to Israel as Advisors Panic Over Electoral Threat from PRO-HAMAS Democrats" There! Fixed it for you. You're welcome.
5 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: red1066 5/6/2024 1:07:37 PM (No. 1713005)
Tell us the type of ammo they need and where to send it, and we'll get it out overnight by FedEx.
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Venturer 5/6/2024 1:28:57 PM (No. 1713021)
First they launch lawfare trials on Trump, then because of protests against Jews they stop the ammunition. All of this is for an election of an mentally ill imbecile.
3 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: skacmar 5/6/2024 2:12:58 PM (No. 1713049)
The Biden administration is so busy going after the pro Hamas vote that they are forgetting the majority of the people who do not support the terrorist regime or Palestinian cause. They are putting all of their eggs in one basket to appease a bunch of deviants who would like to destroy the US.
1 person likes this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: DVC 5/6/2024 2:24:29 PM (No. 1713062)
Maybe get a Mexican brass band to play "Deguelo" endlessly for these punks. In case you don't get the "Rio Bravo", which refers back to the Alamo.
1 person likes this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: WI Cynic 5/6/2024 4:08:28 PM (No. 1713123)
Biden will gladly stab our allies in the back if it means more power for him. Despot.
0 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Muguy 5/6/2024 11:05:15 PM (No. 1713319)
Congress can pass a bill to send money to Israel, but somehow it gets sent to Ukraine to be laundered and spin cycled back to the military contractors greasing the palms of solons here--same old game
0 people like this.

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Biden Regime Cuts Off Ammunition Supplies
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Posted by hershey 5/6/2024 9:25:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 5/7/2024 7:17:49 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 5/7/2024 6:12:25 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/8/2024 5:50:00 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 5/7/2024 8:33:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 5/7/2024 1:18:07 PM Post Reply
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