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Dementia And Double Standards

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 1/22/2024 5:13:14 AM

At an event in North Carolina last Thursday, President Joe Biden called out for a congresswoman with whom he claimed he’d just been photographed. She was, at the time, in Washington, D.C. At an event in New Hampshire the next day, presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to mix up Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley when talking about Jan. 6. Guess which mental lapse was ignored while the other was covered by the New York Times, USA Today, CNN, ABC News, The Hill, PBS, and countless other news outlets. About a minute into his speech about the taxpayer money he’s dumping into high-speed internet,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Venturer 1/22/2024 8:58:59 AM (No. 1641736)
The last time Joe called on a lady who was dead. This one is alive at least.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: NorthernDog 1/22/2024 9:09:15 AM (No. 1641742)
#1 is referring to Rep. Jackie Walorski. She had recently died in a car accident. Biden issued a public message regarding her sudden death and ordered the flag over the Capitol to be lowered. A few days later Biden was looking for the dead Congresswoman in the crowd - even loudly calling out her name.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Starboard_side 1/22/2024 12:22:19 PM (No. 1641866)
Was it a "flub" by President Trump, or did he substitute Nikki for Nancy to prove a point? Seems the media finally confirmed to one and all, that Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security on Jan 6 with this one statement. He didn't need to add "these are very dishonest people". Takes away from the comment and unnecessary.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: crashnburn 1/23/2024 3:00:31 PM (No. 1642729)
It’s almost a cliche. “If it wasn’t for double standards the DemoniKKKRats wouldn’t have any!”
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Unpacking Climate Lies 18 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/23/2024 5:38:40 AM Post Reply
Much of the U.S. was frosted and frozen by bitter winter weather last week. But this is just further proof of manmade global warming, the media claim. Because even as America freezes, “most of the rest of the world is feeling unusually warm weather,” which is merely a “contradiction” that “fits snugly in explanations of what climate change is doing to Earth,” says the Associated Press. Of course what doesn’t fit “snugly” is ignored. And there’s plenty of that. For instance, we’ve been assured for decades by all the right people that Arctic ice will disappear
Dementia And Double Standards 4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/22/2024 5:13:14 AM Post Reply
At an event in North Carolina last Thursday, President Joe Biden called out for a congresswoman with whom he claimed he’d just been photographed. She was, at the time, in Washington, D.C. At an event in New Hampshire the next day, presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to mix up Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley when talking about Jan. 6. Guess which mental lapse was ignored while the other was covered by the New York Times, USA Today, CNN, ABC News, The Hill, PBS, and countless other news outlets. About a minute into his speech about the taxpayer money he’s dumping into high-speed internet,
‘Climate Change’ Puts Biden’s EV
Mandate On Thin Ice
13 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/19/2024 6:17:19 AM Post Reply
The polar vortex gripping the nation has exposed a fatal flaw in President Joe Biden’s push to force Americans into electric cars. EVs don’t work well in the cold. Several news stories out of Chicago this week report how EV owners have been struggling to keep their cars charged as extreme cold saps their batteries of energy, extends charging times, and forces owners to wait for hours to get an open charger. “Several motorists told local news outlets that they had been stranded at charging stations in the cold with cars with dead batteries, while successful charging was taking far longer than usual.
Biden Has ‘Delivered For The American
People’ All Right, And They Want A Refund
19 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/18/2024 7:32:03 AM Post Reply
Rep. James Clyburn, who is a co-chairman of Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, recently tried to explain the president’s predicament by saying that he’s “delivered for the American people in such a way that nobody seems to grasp.” As campaign slogans go, that’s not exactly “Morning in America.” But the truth is that everybody grasps what Biden has delivered. It’s what he’s delivered that they don’t like. Clyburn, talking on MSNBC, said the public just needs to “look at the facts and stop listening to all of this tweeting and stuff that’s going on out there that’s not good for the American people.”
Corruption Charges (Still) Loom As Major
Barrier To Biden Reelection In 2024: I&I/TIPP Poll
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/17/2024 6:26:47 AM Post Reply
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John Kerry: Goodbye, Good Riddance 22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/16/2024 5:41:27 AM Post Reply
In a city overflowing with useless people, agencies and institutions, one of its most worthless figures is (finally) leaving his government post. While John Kerry is not quite going away, he is closer to the exit than the entrance. This is good for the country. At some point this spring, Kerry will leave his billet as the administration’s climate envoy (see what we mean by “useless”?). He will reportedly join the re-election campaign of President Joe Biden, who was for decades useless but eventually became destructive, as the last three years have shown. If voters act rationally, Kerry, an insufferable hypocrite,
Will Trump’s Rising Support From Minority
Voters Put Him Back Into The White House?
8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/12/2024 7:54:28 AM Post Reply
As 2023 has ended and a new year begun, those looking for a big change in the presidential polls for either major party may be disappointed. The I&I/TIPP Poll taken in early January shows that both President Joe Biden (69% support) and former President Donald Trump (65%) have big leads currently in the primaries for their respective parties. With little competition so far from others, what about the head-to-head competition between Biden vs. Trump? I&I/TIPP’s national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,247 registered voters taken Jan. 3-5 shows that Trump holds a slender 1 percentage-point lead over Biden
Biden Takes Lying With Statistics To A
Whole New Level
11 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/8/2024 6:47:56 AM Post Reply
The headlines on Friday were that the economy created 216,000 jobs, more than expected and a sign of continued strength in the economy. “This morning’s report confirms that 2023 was a great year for American workers,” President Joe Biden said. Hurray! But wait a minute. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) previously reported that there were 157,087,000 “non-farm payroll” jobs in November. The number of these jobs in December, it now says, was 157,232,000. That’s a gain of only 145,000. So how did Biden manage to claim that the economy created 216,000 jobs in December?
Collapse Of Used EV Market Spells Doom
For Biden’s Electric Car Dreams
22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/4/2024 6:40:36 AM Post Reply
Just as President Joe Biden starts showering hundreds of billions more of taxpayers’ money to “electrify” the nation’s fleet of automobiles, the bottom is falling out of the EV market. The latest indication is the sharp drop in prices for used EVs. A report from, a search engine for auto buyers, found that the average price for all cars declined 5% in 2023 compared with 2022. But the resale price EVs plunged 33%. While a used EV sold for an average of $52,821 in 2022, it went for less than $35,000 in 2023,
Why The Sudden Media Interest In The Biden
Border Crisis?
23 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/3/2024 6:25:20 AM Post Reply
After spending three years largely ignoring the border, the mainstream press is suddenly all over it, with headlines blaring about a “surge,” “crisis” and “call for action.” Why now? Last week CNN reported that a “December migrant surge” at the southern border was the “largest in more than two decades.” Several other news outlets used similar language. The New York Times warned that “surging” Mexico border crossings “push U.S. resources to the brink.” In another story, CNN even described the situation as a “crisis.” Weirdly, the press is even exaggerating the current “surge.” Consider that CNN story, which says:
Americans Overwhelmingly ‘Frustrated,’
‘Angry’ With Federal Government: I&I/TIPP Poll
14 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/2/2024 7:59:00 AM Post Reply
As nearly all parts of the political spectrum agree, average Americans are extremely unhappy these days. The latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows that a hefty majority sees the federal government’s recent performance as the cause of their disgruntlement. With news stories regularly highlighting widespread anger among voters, we asked the following question for our December national online poll, taken from Nov. 29-Dec. 1 by 1,464 adult registered voters: “Which of the following best describes how you feel about the federal government?” Respondents were then given four possible responses: “satisfied,” “frustrated,” “angry,” and “not sure.”
A Health Care Checkup On Justin Trudeau’s Canada 9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/29/2023 9:44:44 AM Post Reply
For decades, Americans have been told that the only humane, decent health care system is one run by the government. The oft-uttered complaint is that it’s a shame that the richest country in the world doesn’t have universal medical care. The reality is that the universal systems in other wealthy nations are cruel, cold bureaucracies. If there are any doubts that this is true, look northward, to Canada, where waiting lists for treatment are leaving “patients frozen in line,” Pacific Research Institute President and Chief Executive Officer Sally Pipes recently wrote in Forbes. “When everyone within a country is trapped in a public health insurance system,”
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Three Former Presidents Start NGO to Import
Illegal Aliens into the U.S.
53 replies
Posted by DW626 1/23/2024 5:52:53 AM Post Reply
Three of the five former Presidents of the United States have started a new non-governmental organization (NGO) with the explicit purpose of chartering flights to import illegal aliens into the United States. As reported by Just The News, the NGO Miles4Migrants, founded by former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, is teaming up with two other organizations, American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US, to expand upon a previous effort that focused solely on Afghan refugees following the disastrous withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan in 2021. Welcome.US was originally launched for the purpose of bringing in at least 85,000 Afghan refugees,
Supreme Court Rules 5-4 That State Authorities
Cannot Protect American Citizens from
Illegal Border Entry
50 replies
Posted by earlybird 1/22/2024 6:54:26 PM Post Reply
In a 5-4 ruling today [pdf Available Here], Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined with the radical leftists on the court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, to say that Texas is not permitted to protect itself from illegal border crossers. None of the justices provided any explanation for their vote.The court majority sided with the Biden administration policy of removing razor wire to permit illegal alien entry without impediment. Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas voted with Texas, in favor of national border integrity. (snip)The irony and hypocrisy of the Supreme Court having a security perimeter
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Being Brown’
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Posted by Judy W. 1/23/2024 6:46:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/22/2024 8:36:34 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 1/22/2024 1:33:58 PM Post Reply
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) proposed a $14 trillion reparations plan Tuesday “for the enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on the lives of millions of Black people in the United States.” The progressive congressman called on the federal government to foot the bill, arguing that there’s a way to pay for it “without raising taxes on anyone." (snip) “When COVID was destroying us, we invested in the American people in a way that kept the economy afloat,” (snip) “Where did the money come from?” he continued. “We spent it into existence.”
Alex Soros Tweets Out Bullet Hole and
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Posted by Imright 1/22/2024 3:41:33 AM Post Reply
They want him gone – no matter the cost. President Trump is up in the polls, and the Republican base is coalescing around him. DeSantis, his most formidable primary challenger, dropped from the race and endorsed President Trump on Sunday. The globalist elites are in a panic. Trump is the greatest threat to their power over humanity in the civilized world. Something must be done. Alex Soros tweeted out an obvious threat against President Trump on Sunday evening.Alex Soros is currently facing scrutiny due to his recent tweet sharing a post from the far-left The Atlantic that features a bullet hole and a sum of $47.
New ‘transgender’ Virginia Democrat
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for swearing-in ceremony
32 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/22/2024 9:22:37 AM Post Reply
Daniel “Danica” Roem, the first “transgender” state representative in U.S. history, won election to a new office last November and shared in a recent interview his intention to be sworn into the Virginia Senate with his hand on a heavy metal album rather than the Bible, as is tradition. Roem, a male Democrat who identifies as a woman, defeated incumbent Republican Bob Marshall for his seat in the Virginia House of Delegates in 2017, an upset celebrated by LGBT activists. Last fall, Roem won his race to move on to the state Senate. (snip) “I will be getting sworn in on a 1988 vinyl copy” of his favorite Metallica album,
Supreme Court sides with Biden in Texas
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29 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 1/22/2024 4:18:40 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday sided with the Biden administration in a case involving a razor wire fence along Texas’ border with Mexico. The court’s decision allows Border Patrol agents to cut concertina wire that Texas had installed along the border near Eagle Pass while litigation continues. The roughly 30 miles of wire had been installed as part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's broader fight with the administration over immigration enforcement and attempts to stem the historic flow of migrants across the border since Biden's term began.
Hamas official says ‘no chance’ hostages
will return to Israel after Netanyahu
rejects deal
29 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/22/2024 4:02:08 AM Post Reply
The prospect of a deal to release the remaining hostages held by Hamas appeared to recede on Sunday after a Hamas official said Benjamin Netanyahu’s rejection of their conditions meant there was “no chance” of their return. Netanyahu had earlier dismissed the militant group’s conditions to end the war, which he said included leaving Hamas in power and Israel’s complete withdrawal from the territory. A Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, told Reuters the Israeli prime minister’s refusal to end the military offensive in Gaza “means there is no chance for the return of the [Israeli] captives."
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Posted by Imright 1/23/2024 2:44:13 PM Post Reply
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Hamas Leader: We Reject a Two State Solution.
We Demand It All.
28 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/22/2024 2:27:26 PM Post Reply
Consider this the one point of agreement between Israel and the terror network that has conducted war against it for nearly 20 years. Although perhaps there could be another point of agreement now as well — that October 7 changed everything. For Israel, it finally woke them from their fantasy that Hamas would turn into a governing entity rather than a genocidal terrorist network. For Khaled Mashal, it marked the first time that Hamas successfully turned the West into cheerleaders for their genocide, which fuels their fight in Gaza to this day. “From the river to the sea” means exactly what it states, Mashal asserts in this interview caught by MEMRI
Nikki Haley sweeps first New Hampshire
primary votes in midnight tradition
27 replies
Posted by DW626 1/23/2024 10:09:27 AM Post Reply
As Dixville Notch goes, so goes New Hampshire? That’s what former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley will be hoping after the tiny village near the Canadian border carried on its five-decade-old tradition of midnight voting early Tuesday. All six eligible voters in the precinct — four registered Republicans and two undeclared voters — pulled the lever for Haley, 52, who is desperate for a shock victory in the Granite State to halt what many observers see as former President Donald Trump’s unstoppable march to the GOP nomination.
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