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Will Trump’s Rising Support From Minority
Voters Put Him Back Into The White House?

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 1/12/2024 7:54:28 AM

As 2023 has ended and a new year begun, those looking for a big change in the presidential polls for either major party may be disappointed. The I&I/TIPP Poll taken in early January shows that both President Joe Biden (69% support) and former President Donald Trump (65%) have big leads currently in the primaries for their respective parties. With little competition so far from others, what about the head-to-head competition between Biden vs. Trump? I&I/TIPP’s national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,247 registered voters taken Jan. 3-5 shows that Trump holds a slender 1 percentage-point lead over Biden

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Catfur27 1/12/2024 8:10:41 AM (No. 1634539)
...they're not really gonna help...unless....they can stop their fellow "minority voters" from stuffing the ballot box in EVERY dem-controlled city....where dems are now getting about 185% of the registered votes
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Nimby 1/12/2024 8:46:36 AM (No. 1634593)
FTA——“ Unnamed “people familiar with the matter” !! Is this Axios journalism?
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: NamVet70 1/12/2024 9:04:02 AM (No. 1634614)
"Trump holds a slender 1 percentage-point lead" - this is called gaslighting. The purpose of the tactic is to promote acceptance of the result after an election is stolen by fraud. Trump has much more than a slender lead over Biden, just as in the 2020 election.
16 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Mofongo 1/12/2024 10:08:37 AM (No. 1634659)
Well, of course not. 1) Unlikely there will be an election. 2) Trump will not be permitted to win. Next question…
7 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: moebellini3 1/12/2024 10:24:35 AM (No. 1634672)
Don't trust any of these B.S. polls. 90% will vote democratic no matter what. Look at every democratic run city. Disaster, chaos, crime, drugs, homeless and they children are not getting an education and the mayors steal so much they are living like kings and queens. So what do the voters do, they vote the same party back into power. Why, because they're all living off the taxpayers dime. They don't care. Got it.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: RuckusTom 1/12/2024 10:41:27 AM (No. 1634696)
Did they include illegal aliens in their polls who'll be voting for Biden - whether they know it or not? He can start off with a 7 million new, no-id, mail in ballot lead from all the illegals who'll 'accidentally' be receiving them. That's on top of illegal aliens already here (probably around 30 million now). It's pretty convenient that sanctuary states and mayors are getting illegals all in one place - hotels, schools, etc. - so they have one address to send or drop off large chunks of ballots to. Kind of like nursing homes where nice, friendly democrat operatives can visit in one stop to 'help' the residents fill them out. Yeah, yeah. Those ballots will be set aside, not counted, disqualified, yada, yada, yada. But, it's all part of the Rules For Radicals to overwhelm the system. All those millions of ballots will have to be scrutinized and that takes time and can be very subjective (i.e. Biden ballots go in one good pile, Trump ballots go into the bad pile - the trash can). That's why we're not getting election results in many places for months after an election. If that's not a problem, start counting to one million now and see how long it takes.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: velirotta 1/12/2024 12:25:51 PM (No. 1634770)
In 2012, 94 percent of Blacks voted for Obama, including 96 percent of Black women. 76 percent of Hispanics and, tellingly, 86 percent of Muslims were also for Obama. Muslims, of course, will never vote for Trump, but maybe Blacks and Hispanics are actually coming to their senses this time around.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: anniebc 1/12/2024 12:28:49 PM (No. 1634775)
If another steal takes place, hopefully we'll have some better fighters than our current crop, myself included. We got neutered by January 6.
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Will Trump’s Rising Support From Minority
Voters Put Him Back Into The White House?
8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/12/2024 7:54:28 AM Post Reply
As 2023 has ended and a new year begun, those looking for a big change in the presidential polls for either major party may be disappointed. The I&I/TIPP Poll taken in early January shows that both President Joe Biden (69% support) and former President Donald Trump (65%) have big leads currently in the primaries for their respective parties. With little competition so far from others, what about the head-to-head competition between Biden vs. Trump? I&I/TIPP’s national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,247 registered voters taken Jan. 3-5 shows that Trump holds a slender 1 percentage-point lead over Biden
Biden Takes Lying With Statistics To A
Whole New Level
11 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/8/2024 6:47:56 AM Post Reply
The headlines on Friday were that the economy created 216,000 jobs, more than expected and a sign of continued strength in the economy. “This morning’s report confirms that 2023 was a great year for American workers,” President Joe Biden said. Hurray! But wait a minute. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) previously reported that there were 157,087,000 “non-farm payroll” jobs in November. The number of these jobs in December, it now says, was 157,232,000. That’s a gain of only 145,000. So how did Biden manage to claim that the economy created 216,000 jobs in December?
Collapse Of Used EV Market Spells Doom
For Biden’s Electric Car Dreams
22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/4/2024 6:40:36 AM Post Reply
Just as President Joe Biden starts showering hundreds of billions more of taxpayers’ money to “electrify” the nation’s fleet of automobiles, the bottom is falling out of the EV market. The latest indication is the sharp drop in prices for used EVs. A report from, a search engine for auto buyers, found that the average price for all cars declined 5% in 2023 compared with 2022. But the resale price EVs plunged 33%. While a used EV sold for an average of $52,821 in 2022, it went for less than $35,000 in 2023,
Why The Sudden Media Interest In The Biden
Border Crisis?
23 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/3/2024 6:25:20 AM Post Reply
After spending three years largely ignoring the border, the mainstream press is suddenly all over it, with headlines blaring about a “surge,” “crisis” and “call for action.” Why now? Last week CNN reported that a “December migrant surge” at the southern border was the “largest in more than two decades.” Several other news outlets used similar language. The New York Times warned that “surging” Mexico border crossings “push U.S. resources to the brink.” In another story, CNN even described the situation as a “crisis.” Weirdly, the press is even exaggerating the current “surge.” Consider that CNN story, which says:
Americans Overwhelmingly ‘Frustrated,’
‘Angry’ With Federal Government: I&I/TIPP Poll
14 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/2/2024 7:59:00 AM Post Reply
As nearly all parts of the political spectrum agree, average Americans are extremely unhappy these days. The latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows that a hefty majority sees the federal government’s recent performance as the cause of their disgruntlement. With news stories regularly highlighting widespread anger among voters, we asked the following question for our December national online poll, taken from Nov. 29-Dec. 1 by 1,464 adult registered voters: “Which of the following best describes how you feel about the federal government?” Respondents were then given four possible responses: “satisfied,” “frustrated,” “angry,” and “not sure.”
A Health Care Checkup On Justin Trudeau’s Canada 9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/29/2023 9:44:44 AM Post Reply
For decades, Americans have been told that the only humane, decent health care system is one run by the government. The oft-uttered complaint is that it’s a shame that the richest country in the world doesn’t have universal medical care. The reality is that the universal systems in other wealthy nations are cruel, cold bureaucracies. If there are any doubts that this is true, look northward, to Canada, where waiting lists for treatment are leaving “patients frozen in line,” Pacific Research Institute President and Chief Executive Officer Sally Pipes recently wrote in Forbes. “When everyone within a country is trapped in a public health insurance system,”
California’s Minimum-Wage Hike Hasn’t
Even Happened But It’s Already Killing Jobs
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/28/2023 9:08:52 AM Post Reply
The Golden State’s leftist Democrat-dominated legislature loves to grandstand as a champion of the downtrodden and the working poor, even if the policies they enact end up hurting those people the most. That’s certainly the case with the state’s minimum wage hike, which is set to hit in 2024. The state will raise its overall mandated minimum-wage rate from $16 an hour to $16.50 an hour overall, starting in 2024. But some industries will get an even bigger wage shock: fast-food minimum wages go up to $20 an hour starting in April. Meanwhile, workers in the health care industry will
Leftists Scratch Their Heads As More Abandon
Their Ranks
10 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/27/2023 8:48:30 AM Post Reply
The only thing more uplifting than watching several prominent liberals drift rightward is the cluelessness of those on the left as to why it’s happening. This drift is obvious enough, since it includes journalists once heralded by the left such as Matt Taibbi (who won a Young America’s Foundation award) and Glenn Greenwald, and Democratic politicians, including Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (whose speech at a Daily Caller award ceremony drew many loud cheers from the conservative audience), and Sen. John Fetterman (who recently declared that “I am not a progressive”). Celebrities such as
More Bad News For Biden: Just 34% Of Americans
Say They’re Better Off Than Four Years
Ago: I&I/TIPP Poll
23 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/26/2023 9:06:31 AM Post Reply
Despite a multi-year campaign by the White House and its allies to convince the public that the economy is booming, the vast majority of Americans say they’re worse off today than they were four years ago. And despite claims that partisanship is driving the public’s sour mood, negative views about the economy and President Joe Biden’s performance are almost universal. That’s according to the latest I&I/TIPP poll of likely voters, which finds that 58% say they aren’t better off than they were four years ago – before the COVID-19 pandemic – while only 34% say they are. Meanwhile, a mere 23% of
Dear Santa: Why Is Christmas So $@#*%
Expensive This Year?
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/22/2023 8:59:25 AM Post Reply
Jill Biden’s creepy video, featuring a troupe of tap dancers showing off the garish Christmas decorations in the White House, prompted one journalist to comment that they are “really going for the Hunger Games as this year’s Christmas theme.” While they’re prancing around in the capital, out in the districts everyone else is struggling to pay the sky-high cost of this festive season. Are you traveling to be with friends and family? Airfares are 18% higher than they were Christmas 2020. And if you try to cut costs by driving, gasoline prices are 45% higher. Buying food for your guests will cost 20% more
A Letter To My Harvard Classmates 6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/21/2023 7:33:57 AM Post Reply
The following is a letter, edited for relevance to a broader audience, sent to Section D, Harvard Business School (HBS), Class of 1972. The first year at HBS is spent entirely with one’s section. Its purpose was to explain my resignation as section secretary after the Harvard Board affirmed support of Claudine Gay as its president, and antisemitic intimidation remains unpunished. To my section mates: On the Dec.4 congressional hearing the university president, its meaning, and its fallout: There is no question it was political theater. But that does not invalidate its usefulness. The state of higher education is now front-and-center and that is very much needed. Too many colleges
Are You Better Off Than You Were Four
Christmases Ago?
6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/21/2023 7:18:53 AM Post Reply
Jill Biden’s creepy video, featuring a troupe of tap dancers showing off the garish Christmas decorations in the White House, prompted one journalist to comment that they are “really going for the Hunger Games as this year’s Christmas theme.” While they’re prancing around in the capital, out in the districts everyone else is struggling to pay the sky-high cost of this festive season. Haven’t bought a Christmas tree yet? It will cost you about 10% more than last year, which is on top of the 10% increase the year before, and 10% the year before that. The American Christmas Tree Association found that 78% of consumers are concerned about inflation this year.
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/13/2024 4:27:00 PM Post Reply
United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, is expected to leave the Biden administration in order to join the president's 2024 reelection campaign, according to an announcement Saturday. Kerry believes that Biden's reelection is the "single biggest" difference that can be made in terms of progress when it comes to climate change, a source told Axios. He will be working with White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients to make the transition in the coming months, according to reports. As of now it is unclear who Kerry's successor will be. Kerry played a major role helping to broker the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and the UAE Consensus. He praised
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:47:23 AM Post Reply
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Nikki Haley Parroted Leftist Talking Point
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:43:40 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential primary candidate Nikki Haley once seemingly parroted a talking point used by Democrats that suggests climate change is partially to blame for mass immigration to the United States and other countries. In January 2017, Haley went before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be confirmed as ambassador to the United Nations (UN) in then-President Donald Trump’s administration. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), in a written question, asked Haley about so-called “climate refugees,” as Democrats claim that mass immigration to the U.S. and other countries is partially due to global warming’s destroying crops, conditions, and communities in certain regions of the world. Merkley wrote:
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Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 6:52:28 AM Post Reply
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Pritzker urges Abbott to stop busing migrants
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Posted by Mizz Fixxit 1/13/2024 6:21:14 PM Post Reply
llinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker is urging Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to stop sending migrants to Chicago due to incoming winter storms, an appeal that drew pushback from the Lone Star State. "While action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves," Pritzker said in a letter, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. "Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state."
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Posted by mc squared 1/13/2024 10:38:29 AM Post Reply
London has suspended several electric buses after a seemingly spontaneous fire broke out in a double-decker bus, sparking calls for a re-examination of every electric bus used in the capital’s fleet. On Thursday, an electric bus caught on fire on Wimbledon Hill Road in London. While no injuries were reported and investigations into the cause of the fire are still ongoing, the office of London Mayor Sadiq Khan — a chief proponent of the green agenda in Britain — announced the suspension of the same model of electric busses from the route.
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19 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 1/13/2024 1:21:26 PM Post Reply
No-show bus rides, fatigue, and illnesses are making it hard for some migrants housed in Floyd Bennett Field tents to send their children to school, parents told The Post. During school hours this week, The Post observed at least 15 children skipping class outside the city’s controversial mega-tent shelter in southeast Brooklyn, where roughly 1,900 migrants are housed. Despite the city forking over $625,000 this year for buses to take students from the isolated national park to a subway stop, parents blamed missing shuttles for their kids losing out on class time.
WATCH: Jill Biden Explain All the Things
SHE Had to Do to Right the Country
18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/13/2024 1:22:34 AM Post Reply
If you thought that Joe Biden is a prolific pusher of malarkey, it seems that his wife, Jill, wants to challenge him for the crown. She would have to go a ways, but she's making a big effort with a comment that she made to the audience on the "Morning Joe" show. We already reported on her interview with Mika Brezinski which was just a horrible effort to sell Joe Biden for his re-election. But that isn't going over very well. It just makes it more apparent how desperate Biden's situation is in terms of the polls when she has to make such an effort.
Americans divided on how SCOTUS should
handle Trump ballot access: Poll
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/13/2024 12:20:48 AM Post Reply
Americans are divided on how the U.S. Supreme Court should handle former President Donald Trump’s ballot access, but a majority in a new ABC News/Ipsos poll say they would support the court either barring Trump from presidential ballots nationally or letting states take that step individually. The national poll finds a close division on state-level rulings barring Trump from the ballot in Colorado and Maine, 49-46%, support-oppose. On next steps, 56% are willing to see him disqualified in all or some states, including 30% who say the high court should bar him in all states and 26% who say it should let each state decide.
Fetterman Sides With Republicans Again 16 replies
Posted by DW626 1/13/2024 3:04:59 PM Post Reply
In a rare move, Democrat Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) is receiving praise from Republicans after criticizing his own party’s stance on several issues. Fetterman has slammed the Democratic Party’s progressive “Squad” who refuse to condemn the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. He questioned why the United States hasn’t yet destroyed Hamas, adding that every terrorist killed is "one more step" toward peace. The Democrat has stood by his pro-Israel stance, angering members of his party who believe more should be done to help Gaza despite Hamas raping and heinously killing innocent Israelis.
Biden's Scary Confusion Is Concerning,
as He Comments on Iran and Houthis, Whispers
to Girl, Gets Heckled
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 8:52:52 AM Post Reply
It seemed like someone decided on Friday that it would be a better idea to send Joe Biden around to local stores in the Allentown, Pennsylvania, area, rather than having him go off on a confused speech. I don't think that was a smart idea. The more situations that put him in contact with people, the more likelihood you have of him having a problem because of his confusion. But, truly, either way they're going to have a problem because it's Joe. It started off badly. (X) As Joe left the first store, he found out exactly what Pennsylvania voters think of him when someone shouted out, "You're a loser."
Dem Party ID Reaches Record Low Ahead
Of 2024: POLL
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/13/2024 4:48:36 PM Post Reply
A record low percentage of Americans identified as Democrats in 2023 ahead of a contentious presidential election year, according to a Friday poll. Only 27% of Americans self-identify as Democrats, reaching the smallest figure for the party in Gallup’s recorded history, according to the survey. Republicans received the same amount of support, though it didn’t represent the GOP’s lowest figure, and 43% of Americans identified as independents.
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