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Report: Michelle Obama’s Secret Plan
to Replace Joe Biden for President Emerges

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Posted By: Imright, 1/23/2024 2:44:13 PM

The Gateway Pundit’s Kristinn Taylor shared an explosive story last week that Barack and Michelle Obama are angling to replace decrepit, unpopular Joe Biden with the younger and more popular Michelle as the Democrats’ presidential nominee. Michelle has reportedly already surveyed major Democrat donors about her potential candidacy and in 2022 allegedly told a gathering of CEOs in New York City she was running. Now, the New York Post’s Cindy Adams reveals that a secret plan has emerged to throw Old Joe under the bus. She claims it comes from “credible sources few have access to and

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Reply 1 - Posted by: itsonlyme 1/23/2024 2:54:05 PM (No. 1642723)
Caryn Elaine Johnson, er Whoopi. Now could be your chance to be VP.
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 1/23/2024 2:54:34 PM (No. 1642724)
I hate to burst Cullen's bubble, but Michelle is not popular, with anyone - anywhere. Plus she has way too much baggage. Michelle's intelligence level is no higher than Harris's. But let them waste time and money on this idea. I'll be fine not voting for her.
50 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: voxpopuli 1/23/2024 2:58:18 PM (No. 1642726)
"..more popular Michelle.." in news rooms..
33 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Luandir 1/23/2024 3:07:55 PM (No. 1642731)
#2, the media bias for Michelle would cover her intelligence deficit even more than it does Biden's. Plus Michelle, being a WoC, is the only person who could bump Kommie-la-la without a backlash. She would be nothing more than a conduit for Barack's Marxist ideology. Truly a nightmare scenario.
56 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: stablemoney 1/23/2024 3:13:21 PM (No. 1642733)
The Democrat Party selects their candidate. The primary is nothing but a rubber stamp.
26 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: crashnburn 1/23/2024 3:17:22 PM (No. 1642735)
What’s not to like about the Mooch? (S)He has the full package, if you know what I mean.
25 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Son of Grady 1/23/2024 3:23:10 PM (No. 1642738)
Back in September I saw A few stories of Michelle vacationing on Spielbergs yatch in Portofino with tom hanks. I believed then that they were crafting a Hollywood type production to weasel her into the 24 election. And unfortunately popularity has nothing to do with her, the deep state stole it in 2020 they'll do it 2024.
24 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: question_complexity 1/23/2024 3:24:27 PM (No. 1642739)
If Michelle (and by proxy Barack) becomes president, you can bet your sweet bippy that a million Hamas-supporting Palestinians from Gaza will be sprinkled across the US to continue the "fundamental transformation".
30 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 1/23/2024 3:30:11 PM (No. 1642745)
We'll see.... When and if this scenario doesn't happen, I want the writer held responsible and called into account for it.
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: OhioNick 1/23/2024 3:35:13 PM (No. 1642747)
Barack Obama would love to slap on a dress and become the First Lady.
22 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: bpl40 1/23/2024 3:39:26 PM (No. 1642749)
Only person in DC dumber than Harris and lazier than her husband.
26 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: LesUNo 1/23/2024 3:52:40 PM (No. 1642756)
Are we allowed to notice that black females in public office are wreaking havoc on this country.
50 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: formerNYer 1/23/2024 3:58:10 PM (No. 1642761)
Moooch is as popular as Hillary.
23 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Noj15 1/23/2024 4:01:33 PM (No. 1642766)
Pretty Shetty if you ask me.
9 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 1/23/2024 4:15:24 PM (No. 1642773)
What's up, Moochie. Barak is measuring up again? You hear me, Barak?
10 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: chumley 1/23/2024 4:19:16 PM (No. 1642779)
When the communists have no chance of winning, they always put up their biggest loser so as to not waste an otherwise viable candidate. Sadly, sometimes the loser wins anyway, as in Biden. Maybe she could be Secretary of Trans.
12 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Newtsche 1/23/2024 4:30:47 PM (No. 1642786)
If she ran and lost, any Obama legacy would be flushed. Not sure those egos would be willing to risk that. She wouldn't run unless every piece of vote corruption was already in place. Such is probably the case. Cold comfort, a Mooch win would set the country's demise on a lightspeed pace. They'll inherit nothing. Salt the fields.
16 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 1/23/2024 4:48:52 PM (No. 1642793)
This morning, Roger Simon, (no slouch in political awareness) writes on good authority Michelle will announce toward the end of Feb. (I’m going w Roger). (One last bit: Roger suggests we cease referring to Michelle as “Mike.” Again, I’m going w Roger.)
2 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: J. Arthur Brown 1/23/2024 5:03:51 PM (No. 1642800)
So Barack Obama will return to the White House for a third term behind the very nominal facade of his wife? Has anyone consulted Joe about this, let alone the murderer's row of scorned women (Jill, Kamala and Hillary) this maneuver would summon?
9 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: paral04 1/23/2024 5:05:28 PM (No. 1642803)
Her husband did enough damage but it seems his efforts were not enough so she is trying to get in to finish the job.
11 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Strike3 1/23/2024 5:21:22 PM (No. 1642812)
Secret or not, we have known for a while that Barack is pushing her hard, one hand on each butt cheek. He has spent eleven years attempting to drag this country down and still needs more time.
10 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 1/23/2024 6:07:30 PM (No. 1642829)
Don't talk about it! It's a secret! Shhhhhh!!!! Btw, how did GWP find out about it if it was supposed to be a secret?
4 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 1/23/2024 6:11:59 PM (No. 1642831)
Yea! Hey he’s a lawyer…wait a minute! Big Mike has no license? Crook much?
4 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Socio 1/23/2024 6:16:04 PM (No. 1642832)
The only reason Biden is POTUS is because he was the only candidate that could give the Lefts pre-planned mass election fraud any semblance of plausibility. Michelle is the only one that can give the level of fraud that will be required this time around any semblance of plausibility. Not to mention her ego is far to big to enter the race without a iron clad guaranteed fix.
4 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: mc squared 1/23/2024 6:29:50 PM (No. 1642841)
I thought the Democrats wanted a woman.
8 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Starboard_side 1/23/2024 7:29:09 PM (No. 1642869)
They now see how easy it can be without putting in much time or effort, so it's more credible than would have thought before Biden. They will try to defeat Trump BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. He would know too much and how to use the levers of power to uncover things they don't want known.
2 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: anniebc 1/23/2024 7:34:07 PM (No. 1642876)
The white females in office are just as bad, poster #12, but I agree with your post. Heck, a lot of white and black males are making a mess too. Even Asians are getting in on the havoc. There's enough havoc-wreaking to go around.
2 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: volksford 1/23/2024 9:38:19 PM (No. 1642958)
Stop ! Do you realize that nearly fifty percent of this country would vote for this broad ? Sleep with that thought tonight.
3 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: pixelero 1/24/2024 12:11:49 AM (No. 1643012)
My reaction to these, “progressive,” Lucianne posts I s so frequently, “EFF these people,” I’ve become the perfect avatar for the emotional reaction these collectivist woke Lefties evidently most desire: loathing. Not only do these cockamamie ideas reveal a baren imagination but reveal a real tin ear and myopic eye; as if these classics were NOT of their own time and culture and can so readily be remolded into something they never were. More ersatz “ability,” and “experience,” in a fulsome media-created myth of competence. Disbarred, unemployable, and a valid Democrat presidential candidate.
0 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: pixelero 1/24/2024 12:19:28 AM (No. 1643015)
My post to this story got corrupted. All that was meant for this thread was: “More ersatz ‘ability,’ and ‘experience,’ in a fulsome media-created myth of competence. Disbarred, unemployable, and a valid Democrat presidential candidate.”
2 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: danu 1/24/2024 12:38:49 AM (No. 1643024)
the proposed campaign slogan: let them eat bugs.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 2:22:12 PM Post Reply
The New York Times put Charles Murray on the cover of its Sunday Magazine, calling him "The Most Dangerous Conservative." That was after he co-wrote the book, "The Bell Curve," which argued that different ethnic groups have, on average, different IQs. As Murray puts it in my video this week, "Blacks on average have a lower IQ than whites. However, whites are not at the top. East Asians, on average, have a higher IQ than whites. Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs." Other researchers agree.
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Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 2:11:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 1:56:59 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump has added former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany to the list of Republicans he has branded a 'RINO' after she advised him to 'look under the hood' and adopt a 'general election tone'. McEnany offered the unvarnished, and apparently unwelcome, advice during live commentary on Fox News on a night when Trump spent much of his New Hampshire victory speech torching rival Nikki Haley, calling her an 'imposter' and grumbling, 'I don't get too angry, I get even.' 'I don't need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox,' Trump vented online shortly before midnight on Tuesday, using an acronym for 'Republican In Name Only'.
Another Boeing Plane Sees Critical Failure
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17 replies
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 12:35:35 PM Post Reply
A Delta Airlines Boeing 757 jet taxiing on the runway with 184 passengers on board at Atlanta’s international airport was forced to abort takeoff when a nose wheel fell off and parted ways with the stricken flight. The wheel “came off and rolled down the hill” as the flight was waiting to begin its journey, according to a report from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).The plane is 32 years old. Delta confirmed the incident on the plane scheduled to fly from Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to Bogota, Colombia. “Delta Flight 982 ATL/BOG was taxiing for departure when a nose gear tire came loose from the landing gear,”
Trump says Melania will be 'active' in
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2 replies
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 9:17:43 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump says wife Melania will be 'active' in his campaign and revealed how tall 17-year-old son Barron is. The former president, 77, said he relies on his first lady for advice and praised on her compassion in a Fox News interview as voters arrived at the polls for the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday morning. 'She wants to make America great again, too,' he said of Melania. 'I rely on her for advice and all the others. I think she will be very active in the sense of being active.' Trump also admitted he had concerns for his family, who have been targeted with 'unfair' attacks
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22 replies
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 9:07:01 AM Post Reply
CNN and MSNBC doubled down on their decision not to air Donald Trump's primary victory speeches in full, again cutting away from his New Hampshire rally to offer fact checks to viewers. As Trump boasted on Tuesday night that he had won the Granite State for a third time in a row, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow interjected with a laugh, 'So, there we go, this is part of the issue here.' She then corrected Trump's false assertion that he won the state in the 2020 general election, and only in the GOP primary, at the same moment CNN's Jake Tapper followed suit.
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Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 8:47:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 8:35:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 8:32:24 AM Post Reply
While not explicitly saying she should drop out, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel urged former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley to drop out of the Republican presidential race Tuesday night, saying she sees ‘no math and path’ for Haley to win the GOP nomination over President Donald Trump and that she should “reflect” on her candidacy. McDaniel made her remarks in an interview on Fox News, saying the message from voters is the party needs to “unite around our eventual nominee which is gonna be Donald Trump.”
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/24/2024 12:46:11 AM Post Reply
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Michelle Obama may already be working
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Posted by Mercedes44 1/24/2024 12:49:50 AM Post Reply
Could be Mrs. O in the Oval? Obama’s wife is scratching to maybe be our next president. Her husband’s helping. Pay attention. In this sicko political environment, semi-VIPs itch to get you to write what they want. Then, for their own political purpose, tell you they “doubt” what you wrote. These professional doubters have their political motives. However, some info now comes from — I’m told — “credible sources few have access to and usually not meant for the noses of the media.” Whatever that means, what’s told is: Hillary and husband? Toxic. Nikki? The old guard will pee on her.
Seventy Percent of Nikki Haley Voters
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Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 12:04:34 AM Post Reply
Nikki Haley relied heavily on the support of Independents and Democrats in the New Hampshire primary yet still lost by wide margins. Of Haley voters in the Granite State, CNN said, “about 7 in 10 said they were registered as undeclared prior to Tuesday.” CNN relied on an exit poll to make its shocking statement. New Hampshire’s loose requirements allow for voters to cross over, while future Republican caucuses and primaries will consist overwhelmingly of registered Republicans. Trump crushed Haley in the New Hampshire primary by double digits with results still outstanding. The Associated Press called the New Hampshire results within three minutes.
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/24/2024 12:50:08 AM Post Reply
The Los Angeles Times has been around since 1881 and has survived enormous ups and downs over the past 142 years. But one thing remained constant: the LA Times could be depended on for trustworthy and timely reporting of the news. Growing up in the San Fernando Valley, the 260-plus square mile suburbs of Los Angeles, my parents were loyal Times subscribers. The paper has enjoyed over a century of respect and popularity with its consumers and even detractors; until now. Impending doom seems to have struck the Times, with new reports of "brutal" layoffs and exodus of
Trump slams his former White House press
secretary Kayleigh McEnany as a 'RINO'
after she criticized his New Hampshire
victory speech and suggested he adopt
a more 'general election tone'
22 replies
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 1:56:59 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump has added former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany to the list of Republicans he has branded a 'RINO' after she advised him to 'look under the hood' and adopt a 'general election tone'. McEnany offered the unvarnished, and apparently unwelcome, advice during live commentary on Fox News on a night when Trump spent much of his New Hampshire victory speech torching rival Nikki Haley, calling her an 'imposter' and grumbling, 'I don't get too angry, I get even.' 'I don't need any advice from RINO Kayleigh McEnany on Fox,' Trump vented online shortly before midnight on Tuesday, using an acronym for 'Republican In Name Only'.
CNN and MSNBC are slammed for muting Trump's
mic to chime in with fact checkers - as
Jake Tapper speaks over the former president
to condemn his 'anti-immigrant rhetoric'
22 replies
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 9:07:01 AM Post Reply
CNN and MSNBC doubled down on their decision not to air Donald Trump's primary victory speeches in full, again cutting away from his New Hampshire rally to offer fact checks to viewers. As Trump boasted on Tuesday night that he had won the Granite State for a third time in a row, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow interjected with a laugh, 'So, there we go, this is part of the issue here.' She then corrected Trump's false assertion that he won the state in the 2020 general election, and only in the GOP primary, at the same moment CNN's Jake Tapper followed suit.
And Now for Something Completely Unexpected
and Original: VP Suggestions!
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 3:04:24 PM Post Reply
Well, that didn't take long. Donald Trump will be our nominee. My choice was Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) for a myriad of reasons that I've already stated. But the Republican base has spoken, and the man who already got my vote twice will get it a third time. Eyes on the prize. The goal here is the White House, not another circular firing squad. The next big question is who Trump will choose to be his vice presidential candidate. He has dropped hints that he already has one chosen, but his advisors are being more vague about it.
Toyota Chair: Don't Force People to Buy EVs 18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/24/2024 3:12:53 PM Post Reply
“Customers — not regulations or politics — should make that decision" to buy an electric vehicle, according to the latest report on Toyota chairman Akio Toyoda. Despite generous government subsidies for the manufacture and purchase of electric vehicles, Toyota has concentrated its research and development on other alternative power trains, like hybrids and hydrogen fuel cells. “I have continued to say what I see as reality… if regulations are created based on ideals,” Toyoda said in a similar statement last year. "It is regular users who are the ones who suffer,” like the billion Earthlings who live without electricity, as Toyoda said this week. Despite his opposition to EV mandates,
The Most Dangerous Conservative 18 replies
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 2:22:12 PM Post Reply
The New York Times put Charles Murray on the cover of its Sunday Magazine, calling him "The Most Dangerous Conservative." That was after he co-wrote the book, "The Bell Curve," which argued that different ethnic groups have, on average, different IQs. As Murray puts it in my video this week, "Blacks on average have a lower IQ than whites. However, whites are not at the top. East Asians, on average, have a higher IQ than whites. Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs." Other researchers agree.
Kari Lake Demands Resignation Of "Corrupt"
GOP Chair Caught Trying To Bribe Her
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/24/2024 10:22:25 AM Post Reply
Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake called on the state's GOP chair Jeff DeWit to resign after a recording emerged of him trying to bribe Lake to stay out of politics for two years. In the recording, first reported by the Daily Mail, DeWit, 51, can be heard asking lake to name her price not to run. (snip) Following the report, Lake called on DeWit to resign. "He’s gotta resign. We can’t have somebody who is corrupt and compromised running the Republican Party," she told an NBC reporter during Trump's New Hampshire primary victory party.
Another Boeing Plane Sees Critical Failure
as 757’s Nose Wheel Falls Off Before Takeoff
17 replies
Posted by Imright 1/24/2024 12:35:35 PM Post Reply
A Delta Airlines Boeing 757 jet taxiing on the runway with 184 passengers on board at Atlanta’s international airport was forced to abort takeoff when a nose wheel fell off and parted ways with the stricken flight. The wheel “came off and rolled down the hill” as the flight was waiting to begin its journey, according to a report from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).The plane is 32 years old. Delta confirmed the incident on the plane scheduled to fly from Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to Bogota, Colombia. “Delta Flight 982 ATL/BOG was taxiing for departure when a nose gear tire came loose from the landing gear,”
Ambulances, yes ambulances, are switching
to ‘eco-friendly’ fleets
17 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/24/2024 7:06:58 AM Post Reply
There must be some part of me that is incredibly naive, because I didn’t have “eco-friendly” and “green” ambulances on my bingo card—although from what I know about the imbecilic left and their senseless ideas, I really should have seen this coming. Check this out, from an exclusive report out at Daily Mail on Saturday: New ‘green’ ambulances unusable by paramedics who are too tall or have big feet, NHS trusts reveal after staff voice concerns for drivers’ safety. (Snip) Here’s a link to battery-powered ambulances in New York City; here’s a link to more of the same from Paterson, New Jersey; here is just one of many European
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