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Actress Julianna Marguiles Goes Scorched
Earth on Pronoun Mafia Over Hamas Support

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 12/1/2023 8:08:20 PM

As a man of very little brain — I'm humble enough to admit that I'm not the sharpest screwdriver in the kitchen drawer — there's a lot in this crazy world that leaves me baffled. How does gravity pull us toward the center of the earth without crushing us and still allow us to walk around? Why does everything taste like chicken? If a tree falls in the forest with no one around to hear it, does it still make a sound? However, nothing blows my mind and leaves me flabbergasted like the LGBTQ pronoun mafia's full-blown support of Hamas, an organization steeped deeply in Islamic ideology,


I didn't know she was Jewish. I'm glad that she is saying something. I, too, stand with Israel.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: scottj 12/1/2023 8:52:25 PM (No. 1608690)
Hollywood is going to hell. Bye.
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Strike3 12/1/2023 11:04:34 PM (No. 1608752)
Maybe the LGBTQ crowd doesn't know that islam wants them all dead. I suggest they organize a trip to the Middle East and hold a conference to explain things.
16 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: mifla 12/2/2023 4:45:07 AM (No. 1608806)
Snatch a few of the alphabet types off of the street and parachute them into the Middle East. Like a certain female basketball player, after a few months they will likely have a new found respect for their country.
4 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: petrichor 12/2/2023 7:55:38 AM (No. 1608849)
She has since backed off on her statements. Apparently, her fan base includes too many of those loons.
1 person likes this.

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UPDATE: DOD Blocks US Navy Medical Officer’s
Computer Access After He Exposed Alarming
Surge in Heart Issues Among Pilots Following
COVID-19 Vaccination (VIDEO)
5 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 5:24:24 PM Post Reply
Lieutenant Ted Macie, an active-duty officer in the Navy Medical Service Corps and whistleblower, has been barred from accessing his work computer by the Department of Defense (DOD). This action comes after The Gateway Pundit wrote about Lt. Macie’s exposé on the significant increase in heart-related issues among military pilots post-COVID-19 vaccination. Lt. Macie, who also holds roles as a Navy Health Administrator and Medical Recruiter, brought attention to these concerns through a video, echoing the initial alarms raised by his wife, Mara Macie, a candidate for Florida’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House against RINO John Rutherford.
FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters
are Enemies of the State and Must be Secretly
Tracked, Monitored, Investigated
6 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 5:14:09 PM Post Reply
Will Trump supporters start to disappear leading up to and following the 2024 election? The FBI appears to be laying a narrative that hints of unprecedented government actions on American soil. Have you ever voted for Donald J. Trump? Have you ever posted a comment to any social media platform that was even remotely favorable towards Trump? If so, you may be on an FBI watchlist. According to an October 4 report in Newsweek, “the federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbance around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists
The EU Wants to SEIZE Your Old Car to
Meet Climate Goals
3 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 4:59:57 PM Post Reply
This is draconian. The EU is now finding more ways to take away your freedoms. They want to take away ownership of your old car and scrap it! Yes, you read that correctly. The EU has something called End-of-life vehicles directive, and they are looking to expand this to become so draconian that it reminds of something that would have happened in the Communist Soviet Union. A new set of criteria will be established that will decide whether you will be allowed to keep your car. If your car does not meet the criteria, the EU will seize your car and scrap it.
What Arab Nations Are Reportedly Saying
to Israel in Private Is Quite Interesting
4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 4:01:15 PM Post Reply
It feeds into everything that’s been reported about Israel’s Arab neighbors and why they don’t want Palestinian refugees roaming wild in their country: they bring trouble. The late King Hussein had to declare war on them and successfully drove them out. The problem is the Palestinian Liberation Organization set up shop in Lebanon, where they caused problems for the government while also attacking Israel from the southern part of the country. Israel had to invade in 1982 and remained in Southern Lebanon until 2000. Egypt has closed its border with the Gaza Strip in Rafah due to terrorism concerns.
Las Vegas Teen Converts to Islam, Plots
‘Lone Wolf Operations Against Enemies
of Allah’
1 reply
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 3:46:42 PM Post Reply
Islam is enjoying a vogue among young woke leftists that it has never enjoyed among any group in the Western world before, but recent news out of Las Vegas should remind us, and the Muhammad-crazed new converts, that there is a downside. Las Vegas’ KLAS reported Friday that “Las Vegas police and the FBI thwarted a potential terror plot involving a 16-year-old.” Hey, bravo, FBI! Mighty good of you folks to tear yourselves away from hunting for Jan. 6 “insurrectionists” and “white supremacist terrorists” to investigate an actual terror threat! Sure, you guys are having great fun immersing yourselves in fantasy and heavily politicized propaganda,
Gov. Hochul Humiliates Herself With Bizarre
Claim About George Santos’s Seat
1 reply
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 3:25:40 PM Post Reply
After Rep. George Santos was officially expelled from the House of Representatives, many wondered what would happen next to his now-vacant seat. The process is actually relatively straightforward. The governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, has ten days to schedule a special election for the seat, and according to reports, that special election is expected to take place in February. Well, that was apparently news to Hochul, who responded to Santos’s expulsion on Friday by posting on X/Twitter, “I am prepared to undertake the solemn responsibility of filling the vacancy in New York’s 3rd District. The people of Long Island deserve nothing less.” There was no mention of a special election,
California Imposing Restrictions on Carrying
Guns Despite SCOTUS Ruling
6 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 3:19:11 PM Post Reply
In New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the Supreme Court upheld the Second Amendment right to carry guns for self-defense outside of the home. But California is looking to circumvent that right by imposing dubious restrictions on where citizens can carry guns. Other states have tried this route and each has been struck down by various courts. But that didn't stop Governor Gavin Newsom and Democrats in the state legislature from trying. S.B. 2, signed into law by Newsom in September and effective January 1, 2024, recognizes the right of individuals to carry firearms for self-protection. But it limits the discretion of licensing authorities to a ludicrous degree.
ENOUGH! Business Manager Tracks Thief
and Sends Police To His Home
4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 3:09:29 PM Post Reply
I love stories like this. With report after report of businesses being abused by thieves just walking in and helping themselves, it’s great to hear about someone doing something about it. Michael Sullivan, is the operations manager at Roger’s Garden Nursery, located in Newport Beach, California. Over a series of weeks, the nursery was burglarized several times. Included in the thief’s haul were plants, trees, a decorative fountain, pots, and even some pumpkins, including expensive items and, in some cases, heavy items. Some of the pots are valued at $300 and the fountain weighed in excess of 150 lbs. Even though the nursery was equipped with security cameras,
You Newsom Thing Like This Was Coming:
'Hannity & DeSantis Are Cheater Pantses!'
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/2/2023 3:35:33 AM Post Reply
Holy smokes – Gov Gavin Newsom’s excuse if he flamed out in last night’s debate was built right into the packaging he insisted on. So how’d last night verbal rumble go for the oleaginous, smooth talking, Randall Flagg-lite from the Golden Boy state? What I saw of his performance was neither pretty nor impressive, and a quick trip around the innerwebs this morning – including our own Karen’s terrific wrap-up here – seems to confirm my initial take. Twitter was replete with DeSantis high-fives and highlights, and some of this morning’s headlines have been fun, too. USA Today thought DeSantis had the edge… Freedom wins: In red vs. blue state debate,
Actress Julianna Marguiles Goes Scorched
Earth on Pronoun Mafia Over Hamas Support
4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/1/2023 8:08:20 PM Post Reply
As a man of very little brain — I'm humble enough to admit that I'm not the sharpest screwdriver in the kitchen drawer — there's a lot in this crazy world that leaves me baffled. How does gravity pull us toward the center of the earth without crushing us and still allow us to walk around? Why does everything taste like chicken? If a tree falls in the forest with no one around to hear it, does it still make a sound? However, nothing blows my mind and leaves me flabbergasted like the LGBTQ pronoun mafia's full-blown support of Hamas, an organization steeped deeply in Islamic ideology,
DeSantis DOMINATES in Red State-Blue State
Debate With Newsom
10 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/1/2023 2:43:19 AM Post Reply
I was not among those who said a debate between the governors of Florida and California—Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom, respectively—was a bad idea. I'd actually like to see more debates—more good debates, that is, not the bread-and-circus shows we've seen on network and cable television in recent years. If it were up to me, we'd switch to a Lincoln-Douglas debate format. Back then, there weren't TV executives rigging the debates to ensure maximum eyeballs, profits, and mud-slinging. They're designed to make money, not reveal what the candidates would do if they were elected. This brings us to tonight's Red State/Blue State debate in Alpharetta, Ga,
Hamas Leadership Just Pulled the Rug Out
From Under the 'Ceasefire Now' Clowns
8 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 11/30/2023 2:24:27 PM Post Reply
In a blow to the "ceasefire now" crowd, including clownishly antisemitic politicians like Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Hamas leadership has let it be known that they don't want a ceasefire. The first indication of that came on Thursday when Hamas carried out a terrorist attack in Jerusalem, leaving three dead and dozens injured. If that wasn't clear enough, though, Hamas' leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar let it be known on the same day that the October 7th attacks were just a rehearsal. [Tweet] Who could have possibly foreseen this? Well, your favorite political commentator did provide this warning a month ago. Hamas, which is the governing authority in Gaza,
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
George Santos EXPELLED from Congress:
The Long Island Liar loses his job after
Republicans join Democrats to boot him
out of Capitol Hill
40 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 1:32:55 PM Post Reply
Republican fabulist George Santos has been expelled from Congress in an extraordinary vote after his long history of lying was exposed and he was hit with multiple criminal charges. The Long Island congressman, who stole donor funds to spend on OnlyFans and Botox, fled Capitol Hill as he became just the sixth House member in history to be kicked out. (Snip) Santos stormed off the House floor minutes before the vote sealing his fate concluded. He warned reporters immediately after that the House 'set a new dangerous precedent for themselves' adding, 'to hell with this place.'
Five Guys customer slams chain for charging
her FORTY TWO dollars for two burgers,
two shakes and one portion of fries: Biden
administration is 'spooked' over price complaints
27 replies
Posted by Imright 12/2/2023 12:07:27 AM Post Reply
A Five Guys customer's video complaining about the extremely high prices of the items at the fast-food chain has resurfaced on multiple social media platforms. Michelle Newell posted the clip to TikTok explaining that she and her husband had paid $42 for two cheeseburgers, a side of fries and two milkshakes. The visibly upset patron told viewers that the couple had visited a Five Guys location on a Saturday afternoon for lunch. Newell shared her anger last year - but a check by Friday evening confirmed it remains just as expensive to buy the same meal.
Pope Francis to COP28: Climate Has ‘Run
Amok,’ Planet ‘Overheating’
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 12/2/2023 10:35:33 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis sent a message Saturday to the COP28 United Nations climate summit decrying the “unbridled exploitation” of the environment by first world nations. (snip) In his address, the pope blamed capitalist greed for the failure to act more decisively to prevent climate change. (snip) Along with capitalist greed, the culprits behind climate change also include nationalists who refuse to get with the globalist program, Francis suggested. “What is the way out of this? It is the one that you are pursuing in these days: the way of togetherness, multilateralism,” he stated.
Protester self-immolates outside Israeli
consulate in Atlanta
26 replies
Posted by snakeoil 12/2/2023 9:40:58 AM Post Reply
Dec 1 (Reuters) - A protester with a Palestinian flag self-immolated on Friday outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, authorities said. The person, whom officials did not identify, is in critical condition, Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said at a news conference. A security guard who attempted to intervene was also injured. "We believe this building remains safe, and we do not see any threat here," the chief said. "We believe that was an act of extreme political protest."
WATCH: Gavin Newsom repeatedly says he
was insulted, offended by Ron DeSantis
26 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/2/2023 9:18:06 AM Post Reply
Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom repeatedly said he was insulted and offended by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ actions and policies during Thursday's landmark debate on "Hannity," including one tense moment when DeSantis mentioned Vice President Kamala Harris. The Fox News debate between Newsom and DeSantis, a 2024 presidential candidate, quickly got heated when the two attacked each other’s records on hot topics like crime, tax policy and the COVID-19 pandemic response. "That's insulting," Newsom declared after DeSantis claimed Los Angeles had "collapsed" due to crime.
Does Anybody Know What Books Biden Reads?
Or If He Reads?
25 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 12/2/2023 7:18:13 AM Post Reply
Time was when the elite media class obsessed over how many and what books presidents read. But since President Joe Biden took office, they’ve completely lost interest. Do they know something we don’t? Before Biden, the press loved to ask presidents about their favorite books. What’s on their nightstand? What are they reading on vacation? It has always been treated as a sign of intelligence. A measure of sophistication. The Daily Beast once compared presidential reading habits to how historians ranked them as presidents. “The results are not surprising
George Santos Expelled from House, Teeing
Up Special Election in Toss-Up District
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/1/2023 11:46:32 AM Post Reply
Representative George Santos became the sixth congressman in U.S. history to be expelled from the House of Representatives after many of his GOP colleagues joined a united Democratic caucus on Friday in booting him from the lower chamber. The final whip count was 311 in favor and 114 against, with two members voting “present.” The indicted congressman’s ouster from the lower chamber will usher in an ultra-competitive special election in his Long Island and Queens district that the Cook Political Report has already rated a “tossup.” Once Democratic governor Kathy Hochul sets a date for a special election — likely early next year — local party officials
We’re going extinct because guys like
porn and pot more than they like women
24 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 12/1/2023 12:51:29 PM Post Reply
Americans are reproducing at a rate that is too low to replace themselves. At this rate, Americans will go extinct. It’s like the situation in Italy where Catholics have become so adept at violating the Church’s prohibitions on birth control that they’ll be gone soon. I figure the only way to save Italy for the Italians is for the Church to permit – nay, mandate – birth control. If there’s one thing Catholics have learned over 2,000 years, it’s that their highest spiritual calling is to disobey their infallible-ish Pope. Only if the shepherd requires birth control will his flock
Appeals court finds Trump can be held
civilly liable for Jan. 6 riot
24 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 12:25:46 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump can be held civilly liable for the actions of the mob that rioted at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a federal appeals court ruled Friday. The unanimous decision by the federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., is likely to be appealed and stems from a lawsuit filed against Trump in 2021 by two U.S. Capitol Police officers and several Democratic lawmakers who alleged he instigated violence by telling his supporters that the election was stolen.This is a developing story and will be updated.
MSNBC’s Reid: ‘Trump Is a Thug’
Leading a Violent Cult
24 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 6:51:35 AM Post Reply
MSNBC anchor Joy Reid said Thursday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that the reinstated gag order in the New York business fraud case was needed because President Donald Trump is a “thug” leading a violent cult. Reid said, “Donald Trump is a thug. I mean, that is just clear. He’s been a thug from the time he ran for office, getting his crowds to attack protesters inside of the actual, you know, events. He’s now unleashed these attacks on people who aren’t even connected to the case, just married at someone he’s mad at.”She continued, “His initial Truth Social post that prompted the gag order resulted in hundreds of threatening and harassing
John Kerry Scolds World on Climate: ‘Not
Everybody Is Doing What They Promised’
23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/2/2023 8:42:01 AM Post Reply
Former Senator John Kerry, climate envoy for the Biden administration, scolded the world for not making enough sacrifices to fight climate change at the COP28 climate conference in Dubai on Wednesday. “There’s too much business as usual still. We have got to bring people to the table who are not yet there. And we will make progress in that,” Kerry said. “Not everybody is doing what they promised to do. And needless to say, that’s a problem and we need to have accountability at this COP, for that lack of follow-through by some,” he lectured. Kerry said the world –
American workers - are YOU happy to pay
$1,800 EACH to wipe the student debt of
the privileged elite who'll earn $52,000
a year? Because BRAD POLUMBO reveals that's
your bill for desperate Joe's naked bribe
for votes
23 replies
Posted by Imright 12/1/2023 12:54:58 AM Post Reply
'Congratulations! I erased your student loans. Now will you vote for me?' That's what President Biden should have said in an email to more than 800,000 student loan borrowers – because his latest scheme to 'forgive' some of their $1.78 trillion in outstanding debts is nothing more than a bribe. 'Your student loan has been forgiven because of actions my Administration took to make sure you receive the relief you earned and deserve,' read the White House message sent to in-boxes on Tuesday.
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